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This version counts 28 pages in A5 format with no pictures but

spacious (and hopefully clear) formatting. The document

> a ​Setting Seed​ that tells you what this game is about

> a selection of pre-cooked ​Crunchy Bits​ to help you achieve

what the Seed promises

> a starter ​World Deck​ with a few canon places and people and
things, to be used both as specific official materials and as
guideline examples to create your own canon-like elements

DreamLess is a ​free fan-made supplement for the ​FateLess rules

system. If you like it please consider helping me by
supporting my ​Patreon​, or by telling to everybody and their
mom how you like this game :)
More info and games can be found @ ​

This game by ​Alessandro Piroddi​ is licensed under a

Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Setting Seed 3 Reality Friction ​19 Places ​23
World Pitch 4 Germs of Thought 19 Sea of Mist 23
Issue Creation 4 Relics 19 Babele 23
Sea of Dust 23
2) CHARACTER OPTIONS Travelling In Chaos 20 Novacairo 23
Creating a Jemner 5 Sea of Webs 24
Great Board 6 The State of Things 22 Todai 24
Spìti tou Kenos 7 Tech Ignorance 22 Sea of Shards 24
Sem'ya Razum 8 Crap Items 22 Tensegrity 24
Haus der Spiralen 9 Low Tech Items 22
Tier and Exhau​. 10 People 25
Manif. Mastery 12 Dreamers of the Deep
Unn. Growth 12 25
Gestalt Decons​. 13 The Marys 25
Fetish 14 Titans of the Arena 25
Ordo 15 A Face in the Crowd 25
Novae Carnis 16 Merchants 26
Divi Cruoris 17 Settlers 26
Aeterni Scrib​. 18 Ephemerides 26
Abominations 26

Things 27
White Collar 27
Bloody Eye 27
Lasers 27
Hoover Pads 27
Food Tokens 28
Foundation.Net 28
Muad’dib 28
Scars 28

Crunchy Bit - Setting Seed
Far in the future there was war, there was treachery, and
something desperate was attempted to end it all, but it failed
catastrophically and as a result reality crumbled, turning
into something deranged we now call ​Deliria​.

Humanity survived by barricading itself behind the walls of

sprawling urban complexes called ​Bastions where huge machines
(the ​White Pillars​) constantly emanate a bright radiation
capable of keeping Deliria at bay. Barely.

Life in a Bastion is harsh and only possible thanks to the

efforts of the local ​Jemnost​, a ruling elite that guides and
protects the remaining 90% of the population with an iron
grip. ​Five factions vie for supremacy, grudgingly cooperating
despite their ambitions and rivalries in order to survive.

An exploding overpopulation, the extreme scarcity of many raw

materials and the consuming stress of life in a not-so-gilded
cage constantly spawn dangers: murder, kidnappings,
contraband, gang violence, and so on.
And among the desperate, ​Heretics are born, feeding their
hopes and dreams to Deliria in exchange for power, corrupting
both mind and matter, eventually losing themselves and turning
into ​Abominations​.

You are a Jemnost operative, officially acting on behalf of

your bastion’s ​Council to provide order and security against
threats coming both from within and from outside.
You are also a journeyman, escorting workers, merchants and
travellers between bastions, across the nightmare that is
Deliria. Such endeavour is dangerous and disturbing but also
necessary to gather raw materials and maintain communication
and commerce with the rest of the civilized world.

Crunchy Bit - World Pitch
With the Seed in mind you can now discuss about some finer
details: are you a ​team of Jemnost operatives or a cast of
individual agents? Are you living in the same Bastion? In
which “sea” of Deliria is it located? Is there open ​conflict
with neighbouring bastions, or is the situation (apparently)

Consider skimming through the rest of this document, before or

during the ​World Pitch, to have a better idea of how the
DreamLess​ world is shaped.

Crunchy Bit - Issue Creation

Follow the standard procedures described in the FateLess
rulebook. For a more canonical experience you want to focus on
at least one of these unique themes:

- Soul Police. Is it ok to police a person’s dreams and

beliefs in the name of safety against Deliria?

- Social Unrest. Surviving is not living, can the poor

masses improve their station without clashing with
criminals and Jemnost?

- Betrayal. Jemnost factions are only apparently at peace;

who can you trust in a world of lies, deception and

- Original Sin. What truly happened in the past? What

caused the current horror? Who’s to blame?

- Forbidden Knowledge. Can Deliria be understood? Can it

be exploited? Can it be the key to a better future?

Crunchy Bit - Creating a Jemner
Members of the Jemnost elite represent less than 10% of the
overall population, and you are one of them!

Start by selecting your ​Faction aspect, then follow the normal

character creation procedures by defining a ​High Concept and a
Trouble, then the usual base Aspects, the Skills, a Goal and
finally the Connections.

Factions Shortlist​:
- Great Board - common people with great training
- Spìti tou Kenos - acrobatic philosopher/warriors
- Sem’ya Razum - tribal mind readers
- Ordo - scientists and technocrats
- Haus der Spiralen - survivors touched by Deliria

What follows are just the most essential elements needed to

play a member from the Jemnost; you are encouraged to come up
with new ideas and details, shaping both your character and
the world around her as you play.


The whole training of a Kenon character is represented by a

single Aspect. You can expand on this by creating new
Maybe a “​Panzer Kunst” technique allowing a Kenon to hurt
armored targets with her bare hands.
Maybe a “​Void Suit” garment that absorbs the heat and
sounds produced by her body, helping with stealth

Aspect - Great Board
You might not have special powers, hyper conditioning or
access to esotic technology, but you have an uncommonly high
level of training and more comrades than all the other
Factions put together.

Choose a ​role and a ​color to represent your field of

expertise. You also have access to a small retinue of ​Pawns
(novices) and to non-Ordo items that can be ​Low Tech but not
of ​Crap Quality, or vice versa; this stuff is rare!

White Towers are policemen, investigators and forensic

specialists (but lab-work is performed by Ordo ​Cenobites).
Black Towers are soldiers and tacticians, trained to use
military grade equipment and strategies.

White Knights are expert bastion dwellers, knowing all the

places, the people, the street-level what’s what and who’s
Black Knights are explorers and pilots trained to navigate and
survive harsh environments, even (somewhat) Deliria.

White Bishops are diplomats and communication experts, trained

in how to handle people, adapt their behaviour to fit most
situations, and how to lie effectively.
Black Bishops are spies trained to manipulate rather than
persuade, to infiltrate places and access info, to hide, sneak
and deceive.

Kings and ​Queens are known to be high ranking officials that

work directly with the bastion’s Council, but the nuances of
their color are kept secret to the general public.

Aspect - Spìti tou Kenos
Many children are sent to the ​House of the Void in hopes that
they will become jemners and elevate their family status. You
are one of the very few survivors, you are a ​Kenon​.

The Spìti military-like structure works on ​vathos (depth/rank)

where you might be a simple ​Ena (a unit), a distinguished ​Deka
(head of a ten souls team), a respected ​Hekato (leader of a
hundred souls division), or even a powerful ​Xilia (military
supreme chief) or a wise ​Miria​ (high philosopher-politician).
You are skilled in the three fundamental ​arts of the Void​:

Keno Soma : an acrobatic fighting style allowing action and

reaction on pure instinct and pre-calculated positioning, with
almost no thought process involved so that your melee attacks
are ​unreadable through telepathy​. Such ​automatic combat makes
you snake-fast and able of facing ​many enemies with no effort​.

Keno Lepse : a special kind of attention enabling you to

notice and remember what surrounds you and picture it as a
pattern. This is the base for an advanced form of field
ballistics that allows you to dodge bullets and perform ranged

Keno Theles : a mind training meant to hide ​superficial

thoughts behind innocuous fake ones. This also helps in
controlling emotions and achieving clarity of mind. Poker-face
and lie-detector don’t even begin to describe your abilities.

Spend ​1 Clarity​ or ​1 Fate​ to perform one:

- recall in extreme detail one memory from your past
- know if a person is lying through pure observation
- know if your perceptions are real or induced
- ​attempt​ to resist a deep scan

Aspect - Sem'ya Razum
You are a Razer, born with the gift of telepathy, marked with
a tattoo on your forehead that glows when you use your powers.
You were introduced into the Sem’ya as soon as your ability
manifested and now your family is a small ​Clan​, a group of
like-minded and compatible people which in turn are part of a
wider tribe. You might be a solo operative ​Svet (light), a
supervising ​Zanosh (shard), a clan leading ​Zerkal (mirror) or
even one of the tribe guides, a local ​Glaza (eye). Your
training encompasses three disciplines:

Glaz Voevat : teaches you to fast-read the superficial

thoughts of ​one opponent in ​melee range to predict and
counteract his every move, while also training your body to
keep up with such info. One on one you are fundamentally

Glaz Razuma : allows you to constantly hear/see the

superficial chattering of other minds, discerning their
presence and position. By focusing on ​one mind you can deep
scan it. Conversely you can spread your focus to link a few
known and willing minds, allowing multi-directional

Glaz Mechtaja : focuses your mind inwardly to resist mental

intrusion. Or you can project your mind outward to tamper with
the nervous system of ​one target, sending crude but intense
physical sensations (pain, pleasure, hot, cold, etc) or even
exerting a limited control over basic motor functions.

Spend 1 Clarity or 1 Fate to get one:

- use ​Voevat against ​a few​ targets
- perform a deep scan on one target
- keep a mental network even if you fall unconscious
- nerve-control a few actions of one target

Aspect - Haus der Spiralen
You are a ​Schlaflös​. Somehow Deliria touched your mind but
left it sane and untainted. And yet you have changed: ​your
sleep has gone away and a ​beast now dwells in your soul. This
is why the Haus stepped in offering help, guidance and a
chance of being part of its community. The Haus is a very
loose and informal organization made up of local groups called
Spiralen​; within them a distinguished person is a ​Spule
(coil), an elected leader is a ​Herz (heart) while someone with
high level diplomatic and cross-Bastion tasks is an ​Ader

People ​fear and loath ​you, as they consider you an unstable

half-monster that is only tolerated because of its usefulness.

Being a Schlaflös you have a few special rules about how your
unique power works, and how your chronic insomnia affects you.
What follows are all features and details included in the
basic ​Haus der Spiralen​ aspect.

In addition to that there are three optional Bits you can

acquire by spending one ​Significant Milestone, in place of the
usual +1 Skill point:
- Manifestation Mastery
- Unnatural Growth
- Gestalt Deconstruction

You also have access to the ​Fetish aspect.

Crunchy Bit - Tier and Exhaustion
You have an unnatural beast (​Tier​) sleeping within you; at
character creation define a theme (​Herkunft​) in one or two
words (insects, shadows, tiger, red ice, etc).

On a whim you can shape-change into your ​Tier physical form.

You look human except for as many ​Herkunft-inspired ​small
cosmetic​ body alterations as you want.

At the start of every scene where your PC is present and her

Trier is awake you get 1 ​Exhaustion​ point (​explained later​).

You can, at any time, add one or more ​radical body alterations
that offer practical functionality: huge muscles give
strength, wings allow flight, scales offer protection, claws
can rip things apart, etc. Each one generates 1 Exhaustion
when it manifests. They must also comply with your ​Herkunft.

You ​can’t project anything (breath fire, shoot needles, extend

appendages beyond melee range) or display non-physical powers
(mind reading, hypnotic gaze, energy fields, etc).

When you try to put the ​Tier back to sleep roll one die: if
you score ​more than your Exhaustion/3 (round down) you
succeed, otherwise you ​Crash​. Also, you are unable to sleep
naturally and if unconsciousness is forced on you in any way,
you ​Crash​.
You can spend 1 Fate to resist crashing, but every subsequent
time the cost will increase cumulatively by +1.

When you Crash, the Tier is let loose unleashing savage

primeval fury on everything in sight. Its shape is ​less human
than usual, and can have any number of ​radical alterations. It
can also ​twist reality​ just like an Abomination would.

The Tier is an NPC guided by three core impulses:
- to feast upon the one person your PC cares about most
- to indulge in its (your) darkest desires
- to establish itself as the absolute predator of the area

After any of these is accomplished in the fiction the Tier

subsides and your Exhaustion drops to zero. Until that happens
you can only frame scenes as the Tier.

Forcing the Tier into submission or unconsciousness also stops

this madness and resets Exhaustion; but the Tier will try to
defend itself as viciously and cunningly as it can.

After a crash, consider what happened and inflict one

Consequence on your PC to represent how she was hurt,
physically or emotionally or otherwise.


Brigit is a Schlaflös and her herkunft is “black ice”. When

the Tier is awake her body is covered by some sort of dark
crystal, translucent, full of jagged edges, and cold.

When manifesting her Tier she might sport paper-thin wings

that look like finely engraved obsidian. Or her crystal
skin might harden into a jagged armor. Or she might grow
long icy talons. Or all of that together, and more.

Crunchy Bit - Manifestation Mastery
Gain 1 Exhaustion : for one scene you can manifest a single
cosmetic or radical alteration without awakening the Tier.


Brigit is falling from a building! She gets 1 Exhaustion

allowing her character to manifest obsidian wings; a few
moments later her wings dissipate in a gust of black snow.

Crunchy Bit - Unnatural Growth

Gain 1 Exhaustion : for one scene you can considerably augment
your Tier’s physical mass in order to either become bigger or
to be able to project / protrude parts of you at ​short range;
either way you can now affect ​small groups​ of targets.


Brigit has her wings grow huge and sprouting additional

pairs in order to bring up in the air some of her allies.

She might also use such huge and razor-sharp wings to slash
opponents all around her. Or maybe she can throw deadly
crystal feathers at short range.

Crunchy Bit - Gestalt Deconstruction
Spend 1 Clarity or 1 Fate and fully awaken the Tier : for one
scene you are able to ​warp reality in a fashion appropriate to
your ​Herkunft. This only affects ​scenery and inanimate
free-standing ​objects within your immediate surroundings.
Doing such thing counts as ​Creating an Advantage and, if you
do, you also produce ​Friction​. All alterations to reality
vanish at the end of the scene.


Brigit is in a very bad situation so, after struggling a

bit with her conscience, she lets out a scream... and the
nightmare begins.
Her body turns into a winged form made of obsidian and
black ice (the Tier awakens) then the sky darkens, and a
cold wind chills her enemies to the bone while spikes of
frost erupt from the ground and a soft black snow starts to

Aspect - Fetish
For some reason sensorial deprivation and physical constraints
relax your exhausted mind. A ​fetish is any item used for this
purpose: chains and shackles, latex suits, ball gags,
padlocked blindfolds, etc. The funny thing is that in recent
years such look has become fashionable, although fake
(see-through blindfolds, toy manacles, etc).

When you ​start a scene being actively constrained by any such

item evaluate your condition:
- you are ​completely​ deprived of one or more senses
- you are ​completely​ unable to perform a type of action
(speak, walk, use hands, etc)

For each true condition you get to add one more die roll to
your final score when rolling to put the Tier back to sleep.

E x a m p l e
Brigit is wearing a shibari bondage (a complex ropework)
that ​ties her arms behind her back to her neck, strangling
her if she attempt to move her arms.

If she happens to roll to keep her Tier at bay, she will

roll two dice and use the best score.

This faction is a technocratic caste of academics and
scientists which all abide to one shared set of laws and
social hierarchy but are also split into three independent and
very diverse sub-groups called ​Legions​. Most members are
Cenobites​, students and novices not yet allowed to join a
specific Legio. A ​Legionarius is a veteran agent/scientist
initiated into the ranks of a Legio. Above that are the
Praetorii​, leading a whole chapter of Legionarii both in field
action and lab research. A few of them will rise to be
Senatorii​, with a seat in the directive council of the whole
At character creation you have to select an aspect
representing to which Legion you belong:
- Legio Novae Carnis
- Legio Divi Cruoris
- Legio Aeterni Scribere

Aspect - Novae Carnis
You are an ​Incarna​. You know how to build and maintain
machines and electronics and how to crudely (but effectively)
rig them into a living body. Unfortunately, materials and
parts are hard to come by and you only have limited access to
“the great machines”...

Crunchy Bit - Magnae Machinae

At character creation you can spend either your Item ​or Free
aspect to represent ​one special piece of Ordo equipment. Maybe
one of your limbs has implanted ​Artificii​. Maybe you pilot a
Gigas​ armor. Maybe you wield an ​Aestus​ microwave gun...

Answer to these questions and note down the results as

descriptors attached to the Aspect:
- the item has ​one​ ​powerful​ ​feature, what is it?
- the item is ​cumbersome​, how does it look?
- the item is ​noisy​, how does it sound?
- the item has one big ​flaw​, what is it?

This item ​works normally in Deliria because it is either

clockwork or part of your living body.
It does not have the ​Crap/LowTech descriptors.
Its use is ​strictly personal because of how it is built and
operated; acquiring similar Ordo items is useless to anyone
except other Incarnas, and even then time, effort and a proper
laboratory are still needed to turn such an item into anything
usable, or spare parts.

To represent this you need a ​Significant Milestone to either

acquire a new ​Magnae Machine item (as a new Aspect) or to
improve the functionality of an old one (adding a new ​feature

Aspect - Divi Cruoris
You are a ​Stilla​. You have a deep knowledge of chemistry and
human biology and know how to apply the first to the second in
order to radically alter it. You sport very visible ​black
veins as a side effect of the mutagenic drugs enhancing your
organism: your body is amped up to the level of an athlete,
and you can push it even further...

Crunchy Bit - Substantias

A Substantia is a specialty drug designed by you to modify
your own unique Stilla biology. Assumed through direct
injection in the bloodstream, you always have ​a few doses
available on your person, unless the fiction or an Opposition
effect establish otherwise.

At character creation select ​one or two formulas you know; you

can develop new ones by spending a ​Significant Milestone if
you have time, resources and a laboratory.

Once you inject a Substantia its effect kicks in after a few

seconds and then lasts for about one hour. Each effect is
represented by a ​temporary Aspect​.

Anyone injecting a Substantia not specifically tailored for

them will benefit of its effects for only a few minutes, and
then suffer a crippling ​Consequence (internal bleeding,
ruptured muscles, sprained joints, broken bones, etc).

A few example Substantias might be:

- ​Robur​ grants super-human strength and fortitude
- ​Fulgor​ grants super-human speed and agility
- ​Noctis​ grants cat-like night vision
- ​Ferox​ grants adrenaline induced immunity to pain and fear

Aspect - Aeterni Scribere
You are a ​Magister​. Your Legion is made of historians and
theorists, and is the only one holding the secret of how
Pillars work. In truth such technology is a relic inherited
from the first desperate days after reality collapsed; you
have no real understanding of Deliria. But constant research
and speculation bore some weird and interesting fruits...

Crunchy Bit - Sigillanda

Certain forms of thought draw and strengthen Deliria. You
discovered other forms of thought that do the opposite. To
work they require ​mental discipline​, an understanding of
quantum physics and the help of ​iconic representations from
the long forgotten past of humanity; only a Magister has
access to all such ingredients and how to use them to produce
a ​Sigil​.

A sigil can ​deny the existence of Deliria, affecting

Abominations, Heretics and also ​Schlaflös​ and Ephemerae.

If you ​purposefully put a sigil in ​contact with something

powered by Deliria, as long as the contact lasts you can
deprive it of substance. In layman terms Sigils can “​parry​” or
“​damage​” anything Deliria-based.

You always have ​a small amount of Sigils available on your

person, unless the fiction or an Opposition effect establish
otherwise. Answer these questions:
- your sigils are ​small​ and ​fragile​ items, what are they?
- your sigils are full of ​symbols​ and ​writings​, how do they

Of course you can also inscribe common surfaces or even small

areas, but the effect only works if you are present and
mentally focussed, and the sigil touches the target.

Crunchy Bit - Reality Friction
In DreamLess the Opposition Clock has a second meter that
advances with ​Friction​ points.
When the friction-arm resets, it causes a SOpp effect that you
have to describe as something ​weird and ​unnatural​. Try to go
for sinister and unnerving rather than blatant and gory.

When you Invoke or Compel an aspect that somehow relates to an

alteration of reality​ you produce one ​Friction point.

When a Scene ​starts in Deliria​ you produce one ​Friction point.

Aspect - Germs of Thought

Deliria is made of thoughts, and thoughts can be like a virus.
When people believe something with enough fervor (religion,
folk tales, ideas, dreams) Deliria has a chance to take root.

Thus innocent people turn into dangerous ​Heretics​, with the

(often unconscious) ability to altering reality in minor ways.
These misguided souls inevitably lose more and more of their
sanity, eventually degenerating into ​Abominations​, horribly
warping both themselves and the surrounding reality.

Aspect - Relics
Items and places can be tainted by Deliria just like people,
becoming dangerous and malicious. Every relic is...
..sinister : what is obviously wrong about it?
..unique : how has common folk named it?
..unnatural : what is its ​one​ unnatural property?

Crunchy Bit - Travelling Through Chaos
Deliria messed up space and time, among other things. Reality
works normally within the Pillar-irradiated confines of
Bastions, but everywhere else:
- the landscape is an ​a-geographical​ labyrinth
- ​electrical​ devices don’t work
- ​no long range​ communications are possible
- ​flying​ vehicles just disappear and are never seen again once
they move out of a bastion’s immediate view

This mad wilderness is divided in broad macro-areas called

“​seas​”; when you are in the “​open sea​” you are in a generic
non-location, you are ​somewhere within that sea. A specific
place in the sea, with a stable presence and identity, is
called an “​ephemera​”: unique, timeless and weird.

In game terms no journey through Deliria can ever be implied,

you must ​always play it out through a series of “steps” toward
a final destination, be it a place a thing or a person. Write
down your abstract ​path​:
- the starting step is the location you are about to leave
- the ending step is your chosen destination
- the middle steps depend on the following table

From... can reach...

a bastion - the nearest open sea

the open sea - a bastion in the same sea

or - an ephemera in the same sea
an ephemera - a different open sea

Play a scene for ​each step. If the scene ​started in Deliria,

at the end of it roll a die on the table below. Also remember
that a scene starting in Deliria produces Friction.

6 = you advance by one step on your path
5 = you reach a different and unexpected location
4 3 2 = you wander somewhere in the current open sea
1 = you are lost in Deliria, roll SOpp & get ​1

After the roll any PC in the scene can add +1 to the score by
spending one or more points of Clarity or Fate, but this also
causes one ​SOpp​ at the beginning of the next scene.

You can ​skip the whole journey by playing a scene where your
PC, while wandering in Deliria, somehow faces ​alone one of her
deepest fears. When that scene is over create an Aspect to
represent how this experience changed you.

Brigit lives in Babele, within the Sea of Mist, and needs
to reach NovaCairo, within the Sea of Dust. Her path would
be: Babele >> open Sea of Mist >> open Sea of Dust >>

Scene #1 :​ in Babele she reaches the gates and gets

Scene #2 :​ (+1 Friction) in the open Sea of Mist she
describes part of her journey, then rolls a 4.
Scene #3 :​ (+1 Friction) wandering in the open sea of Mist
she describes another part of her journey, then rolls a 5.
Scene #4 :​ (+1 Friction) suddenly darkness falls and the
forest gives way to a ruined cityscape as Brigit stumbles
by accident in the open Sea of Webs, then rolls another 5.
Fed up with this madness Brigit spends 1 Clarity turning
her 5 into a 6.

Scene #5 :​ Brigit is finally out of Deliria and reaches the

outer walls of NovaCairo, but (SOpp) for some reason the
guards seem less than friendly...

Crunchy Bit - The State of Things
There are a few Game Aspects that are ​always present on the
common aspect sheet; write them down first:

Aspect - Tech Ignorance

Knowledge regarding any kind of advanced technology and
science is esoteric and very rare. You may have a very basic
practical understanding of how to operate and maintain a few
specific items, but you have no idea of how to manufacture
them, perform significant repairs, or know how they actually

Aspect - Crap Items

All bastions suffer from a widespread and chronic lack of
everything​. Advanced recycling technologies allow humanity to
survive, but the end products are ragged and unreliable at
best, and always in relatively short supply.

Aspect - Low Tech Items

Electronic items just don’t work in Deliria or in ​areas
tainted by it, and any kind of long range signal simply
disperses. As such the majority of items are low tech enough
(mechanical, clockwork, analogic) that they can work normally
Outside. This means that even high-quality equipment is
cumbersome, loud, heavy, prone to jamming and needs constant
maintenance, etc.


Sea of Mist Babele

This place is ​primeval​. A bastion in the Sea of Mist,
Everywhere appears as a deep, built on ​wood​, ​stone and
dark ​forest engulfed in thick pre-Deliria ​ruins​, with
fog​. Its trees are twisted suspended walkways linking
and crooked, roots sprouting, crooked skyscrapers and
branches looming. The uneven broken towers.
ground is damp and ​mossy​,
dotted by strange flowers Being one of the ​biggest
and plants. bastions in existence, many
Malevolent things lurk in the of its areas are ​overcrowded
undergrowth of these ​brooding and poorly irradiated by
woods: ancient ​beasts​, lost Pillars; some outskirts and
souls, dreadful ​creatures underground levels are badly
that belong to scary campfire twisted by Deliria, ​breeding
tales. Heresy and Abominations.

Sea of Dust Novacairo

This place is ​desolated​. The A bastion in the Sea of Dust,
“​ground” is dust so fine it built on tempered ​dust-glass
is fluid. Walking or swimming and ​raw rock​. The strong
is ​impossible​; rafts and winds and limited size of its
boats propelled by the ever island forced its expansion
present ​winds are the most downward​, underground.
common way of transportation.
A few islands of ​calcareous Small but fierce, the pride
rock emerging above the dust of this bastions lays both in
surface are the only its vicious military strength
inhabitable “​land”. as in its ​unique gardens​, a
Around and below those, display of beauty and luxury
hungry ​leviathans of made possible by the advanced
prehistoric memory hunt the moisture traps developed by
“​waters” of this dry ocean. the local Ordo.

Sea of Webs Todai
This place is ​disturbing​. A bastion in the Sea of Webs,
There are no day or night, a city of ​neon​, a ​beacon
only constant ​blackness​. The shining in the middle of a
whole sea is one big vast, endless dark.
pre-Deliria ​city with no end​, Steam vents that run ​deep
a ruin of brittle concrete underground make electricity
and rusted metal. Here and abundant and, to contrast the
there broken pipes still leak darkness of the open Sea,
water, street lights still everything is illuminated​.
glow faintly, some buildings
still hum with activity. Rumors abound: what lays
Things of flesh and metal under the city? how are the
dwell here. And ​spiders​, and steam engines working? what
cobwebs, and ​silence​. Which role do ​spiders have in all
is the worst thing of all. of this?

Sea of Shards Tensegrity

This place is ​surreal​. A bastion in the Sea of
A pleasant countryside full Shards, an agglomeration of
of villages from a time long hanging buildings, ​suspended
forgotten, but ​floating above roads and ​pensile areas; a
bottomless sky as the land is veritable ​tangle of synthetic
broken into flying islands. cables and tendons.

Here, ​you are the monster; Gliding contraptions are a

your very presence slowly very common sight.
poisons the earth and plants Heavily dependant on ​advanced
and, eventually, all living materials and technology,
things. Thus the ephemeral this bastion is the de facto
inhabitants of this Sea fear capital of the Ordo, making
and hate you, the ​Enemy​, an it a nest of rival Jemnost
unnatural and evil plague. spies​ and conspiracies.


Dreamers of the Deep The Marys

People obsessing over hiding Many non-Jemnost children end
a dark personal secret often up in a criminal street ​gang​.
get corrupted by the ​heretics Within the ​Marys every child
of this ​cult​. has a role:
Hail Marys are daredevils in
They ​dream of underground charge of thieving.
places riddled with ​roots and Bloody Marys are good with
unintelligible ​whispers until knives and kicking ass.
they meet ​Lucious​, beautiful Crazy Marys are creative
and disturbing, which accepts types and planners.
their secrets and plants a Mother Marys take care of
root in their hearts. food, medicine and shelter.
They are now happy. Some say that ​Typhoid Marys
They are now blessed. also exist, and that they are
They are now ​one​. Heretics... or worse...

Titans of the Arena A Face in the Crowd

If you are not Jemnost you Only 1% of the population is
are nothing, a grey cog in part of the Jemnost. Everyone
the machine that perpetuates else is ​normal people, doing
human survival. But not you. normal jobs, running normal
You are a ​Titan​, an ​athlete Life is ​harsh​, but it has a
skilled in one of the many semblance of ​order that
blood sports that flourish in offers a reasonable chance
all bastions. Jemners are ​not for happiness.
allowed to participate, but
in some ​shady circles they Among the crowd, some faces
are pitted against Titans; emerge: brave, cynical,
this is how ​legends​ are born. ferocious, caring, broken,
The Titan’s life rule is one: hungry, determined ... ​human​.
burn brighter, die faster!

Merchants Settlers
Movers and shakers of Bastion Pardoned ​criminals sent in
society, they are ​skilled​, Deliria with the suicide task
brave and ​ambitious​. of working to expand a
Part criminals and part Bastion or build a new one.
benefactors, they are ​normal
people relying on just their The few who survive return to
wits and qualities to defy society as free but ​strange
both the horrors of Deliria people: ​heroes that faced
and the security of Bastions Deliria and came back to tell
in order to acquire what the tale, but also ​rejects
people ​needs and move it unable to fit back into
where it can be sold. civilian life and prevented
If Titans are heroes, they from joining the Jemnost.
are ​adventurers​, scoundrels,
pirates, entrepreneurs. Whole, but ​scarred​.

Ephemerides Abominations
The World Outside is a place Beasts with human intellect,
populated by ​shadows​, living driven by deranged and
as if the sick nightmare was malicious intents, with the
the normal reality. Not truly instinctive power to distort
people, they are ​placeholders reality. The final stage of
meant to add solidity and Deliria mind ​infection​.
coherence to the ​unrealities
of Deliria. Gods. Demons. ​Inhuman in
Breathing, thinking, ​feeling​, every possible meaning.
yet unaware of the limits of Empowered and yet ​subjugated
their illusory worlds. Some by their own internal logic
are ​real people whose mind and rules.
was broken by Deliria, some Each unique. Each the spark
are just ​such stuff as dreams at the center of a small
are made of​. universe.

World Deck - Things

White Collar Bloody Eye

When worn this device Put a drop in each eye and
counters Deliria’s influence when you see red no one will
over a person: Schlaflös can be able to stop you!
sleep safely, Heretics have
no powers, Ephemerides slowly Civilian drugs can’t compare
fade, even Abominations can to ​Substantias, and yet they
be subdued. Unfortunately the are cheap enough to offer
cleansing effect ends just fleeting chemical hope for a
minutes after the bulky better life: to be powerful,
contraption is removed. And smart, cool, happy or just to
while continuous use for more drown in a soft nothing.
than a few hours is outright Criminals thrive on this
lethal​, even sporadic use has trade as Jemners have little
nasty side effects on the time for simple police work.
long term.

Lasers Hoover Pads

Advanced tech mixed with The crowded and multi leveled
scarcity of resources made structure of bastions makes
Laser tools and weapons big vehicles impractical.
common among civilians as Personal light transports are
rechargeable batteries are the norm.
cheaper and more more
efficient than combustibles Energy efficient hoover pads
fuel, solid ammo and are used to propel quick and
mechanical spare parts. agile ​air skates as much as
slow but mobile ​cargo lifts​.
But such tools don’t work in
Deliria. That’s why Jemners Barebones ​bikes and ​skimmers
rely on their unique are common, while enclosed
abilities and obsolete multi passenger “cars” are an
looking technology. uncommon mark of wealth.

Food Tokens Foundation.Net
Civilian life is all about Thanks to the Ordo most
survival: recycled food is bastions have a local area
strictly controlled and network, allowing for the
rationed through a system of comforts of the ​internet age​,
tokens. ​FTs are thus the albeit in the confined space
official currency within a of a single bastion.
single bastion.
Each bastion has its own Data has thus become a
unique variant of FTs and commodity, stored in ​old
only accepts it. Exchanging fashioned ways as to be more
foreign FTs for local ones is resilient to the ravages of
strictly regulated and even Deliria, and sold from
discouraged​. Fertile ground bastion to bastion:
for a lucrative and vicious documents, programs, news...
black market.

Muad’dib Scars
This desert mouse has somehow Advanced medical skills are
adapted to hunt the small purview of the Jemnost, and
poisonous ​vermins that plague even then each faction has
bastions within the Sea of its own weird set of specific
Dust, thus becoming a favored knowledge and esoteric rites.
“pet” for those living there.
Civilian doctors make do with
Bastions of different Seas improvised tools, antiquated
seem to have adopted similar techniques and incomplete
solutions that rely on a knowledge. Drugs abound but
variety of semi domesticated are in no way pure or safe.
Nonetheless many Jemnost Showy scars and crude
members worry about their prosthetics are a common view
potentially Delirant​ origin. in any bastion.


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