STS Paper 2

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2018-10237 STS 1

Reflection Paper

Carl Sagan’s essay made me really think. It changed the way I see and think of
everything around me. Although I already know that there are still a lot of things to discover,
a lot of questions still unanswered, I always thought that science could eventually, answer them.
I believed that one day, we will no longer be kept in the dark. And so, Sagan’s article was like
a slap to my face. Though it was kind of funny how lowkey he insulted the capacity of the
human brain to understand. I actually felt offended even though he has a point so I’ll just laugh
because it’s true.
It is interesting how people, especially in the past, think that they understood all facets
of the world, its creation, laws and life but their understanding, for instance philosophies, can
easily be altered when presented new ideas and evidences. People keep digging and digging
until they’re satisfied with what they’ve got. It is quite common among people to try to find
answers. As the author emphasized in his article, “understanding is like an ecstasy”. It feels
good to know something thus, human beings are strongly devoted and motivated to answer
every question and mystery there is in the universe. However, as Sagan made me realize, it is
very unlikely, isn’t it? Man just couldn’t. Sometimes, we need to accept that there are things
that are meant to be found and understood and some things undoubtedly are not.
In the modern world, scientists are trying to find a planet in the universe that can sustain
life. But obviously, it would have to take plenty of years since the universe is so vast, we are
not even sure if we are the only living beings in it. What if aliens are true? And unlike us, they
can understand a great deal more and their knowledge are more than what we are allowed to
take? What if, let’s say, we have found a new planet, since we have been slowly killing earth.
Will we live long? The circle of life is dependent on too many factors. And as what Sagan
stated repeatedly, humans’ capacity of understanding is very limited. How can we be sure about
our safety, assuming extreme changes occured? How can we trust people of the same brain as
ours? Maybe we have to face the truth that we are also dying along with the earth. It’s our fault
anyway. At this rate, I don’t even think we will last long enough to find that planet or see the
rest of the universe.
Clearly, it is highly improbable that humans will understand every corners of the
universe if man still cannot make out as to how and why sodium and chlorine atoms of a grain
of salt hold themselves together. The things is, we were not given the senses and abilities to
perceive everything around us. We don’t have hypersensitive skin or hearing nor were we given
microscopic eyesight. Isn’t that a clear sign that maybe we really were not meant to discover
everything? Maybe, we were only given things we are allowed to comprehend and so we must
learn to stop where we can no longer push our limitations. I believe in the saying “there are
things better left unsaid” because the more you push, the more you hurt yourself. I think the
phrase is very much applicable to science. But if some people would still go through it, I’ll be
just in the sidelines. I would still cheer for them and hope for the best. Man will never stop
wondering anyway, until technologies are developed and the last tree in the amazon is burned.
Science, Technology and Society is clearly needed by the world of today since it
highlights how entangled the modern science is to the modern culture, values and institutions.
It addresses a broad range of conflicts in different aspects, may it be environmental, industrial,
technological, social or political. The way of teaching science shifted to the context of human
experience. Science is no longer just “natural science” but everything including traditional
concepts and processes embedded in the social sciences.
The main goal of STS is “to present contextual understanding of current science and
technology and provide students with the intellectual foundations for responsible citizenship”.
Its idea is that science and technology should not be separated from the ideals of the society.
Traditional concepts and processes must also be important and relevant to the lives of the
students. Studies show that STS plays a crucial role in the campaign for citizenship actions
with regards to STS issues.
Science before were taught differently in every branch, now STS is trying to change it.
But to achieve the success of this movement, a great factor, which is the teacher beliefs
concerning the STS implementation, must be given significant attention. Teachers must be
fully equipped in the understanding of the background of STS and why is there a need for this
shift in science education. It is very important to make sure that negative beliefs will not be
made since it can possibly overthrow its goals emphasizing STS.

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