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San Bartolome, Novaliches, Quezon City

Information Technology Department


The need to keep track of document has become significantly important today particularly
in government offices. However, little is being discussed about this in literature. In most cases,
documents are transferred physically from one desk to another within a department or between
departments. Document Tracking System offers clear visibility of the document movement
throughout the document processing channel. Sometimes there is need for a document to go
through several personnel before it can be rendered acceptable. There are however drawbacks in
transferring these documents from one desk to another such as getting these documents missing or
forgetting to document the transfer. There is thus need for a system that can provide solutions that
will address such problems while saving time and energy of administrative workers.

Document Tracking System is made as a flexible solution for nearly any organization that
needs to track documents and materials assigned to a person or location. A Document Tracking
System is a system used to track documents. It also includes distribution and archiving of
documents. The system would respond immediately to queries regarding the status of the
submitted document and more importantly to prompt those in charge to perform their tasks in the
least possible period of time.

The purpose of the system is to provide a better working system for Commission on Audit
Commonwealth. The study aims to develop a Document Tracking System that featured a system
that is designed to handle the document tracking process, from acquiring data, gathering
information needed to the approval and distribution of the document. Documents are routed
through different departments.
Background of the Project

COA (Commission on Audit) is an independent constitutional commission established by

the Constitution of the Philippines. They examine, audit and settle all accounts of the funds and
properties of the Philippine government.

In Commission on Audit Commonwealth, they use Document Tracking System for

tracking documents. When an employee creates a document, there is an assigned document
number. That number is used in order to track where or who holds the documents. They will input
the subject, the name of the person or what kind of document it is, with the document number to
their system, it saves to their database, and transfer it to Microsoft Excel. It will go through first
the main receiving after that they will assign it to an office before distributing it.

In their department, they encounter documents mix up because when a user sends a
document, the subject differs to the document number. So, the document is different on what they
send. Their document list is mixed. They are having a hard time finding what specific document
they need. Sometimes glitches occur.

The group comes up a solution of developing a new Document Tracking System. It adds
new features like filter and sorting option to easily find the documents they need, and it
automatically creates an Excel that holds all the document numbers to export for additional copies.
The group will fix the error that hindered them on working properly like the document mix up
error. When it comes to security, the group will add a security level for accessibility depends on
the user. Interface will also change and will add categories for different kinds of documents system.
Mission Statement
A trustworthy, respected and independent audit institution that is an enabling partner of
government in ensuring a better life for every Filipino.

Vision Statement

To ensure accountability for public resources, promote transparency, and help improve
government operations, in partnership with stakeholders, for the benefit of the Filipino people.

Organizational Chart

Macro and Micro

General Objectives

The general objectives of this study are to develop a Document Tracking System for
Commission on Audit Commonwealth that will manage and track documents that provides
efficient, reliable, fast and accurate system.

Specific Objectives:

1. To develop a Document Tracking System that tracks and manages documents.

2. To develop a Document Tracking System that has categories, filter and export.

3. To develop a Document Tracking System that produce reports and generates an excel
file that holds all the document numbers.

4. To develop a Document Tracking System that requires logging-in an account that has
security level to secure information and documents.

5. To develop a Document Tracking System that has minimal buttons and clear fonts, size
and color. All of the functions will be easier to see to make it user friendly.

6. To develop a Document Tracking System that is consistent to avoid document mix up

by grouping them in a specific type of documents and can edit the subjects if they mis-

Scope and Delimitation


 In order to access the system, it will require you to log in. Accessibility depends on the
user because it has different levels of security.

 Admin users can access all the features of the system.

 When logging in, your name and photo will be displayed.

 After that there will be an option to view, input, and archives button.

 Each of them, you will see all the categories whether it is opinion records, or admin cases,
 There will be a filter system or button that will filter out which types of documents they

 Search button is included in input, view, and archives.

 You can sort all of the documents by clicking the sorting button at the top of the document
list. Whether it is ascending or descending. It also depends on what will you sort, if it is
the type, name of the document, date of input, or date of created.

 The system can be used offline because it has a backup capability so if there is an internet
outage, you can still input, and manage documents.
 Another feature is exporting it to Excel. The system will automatically create an Excel file
that holds all the document numbers for copies.

 Probability of user error.
 The system cannot edit documents.
 This system is not for mobile.

Significant of Study
This study will benefit to the following:

Students. This study will provide information that can help the student to understand and be
knowledgeable about doing this study.

End Users. This study will be very beneficial to the End Users because it will make their work
easier and faster.

The Researcher. This study will benefit the researchers to be a better analyst and help improve
their skill, strategy, and knowledge in engaging research.

Future Researchers. This study may serve as their future reference or guidance to gather
information. It may serve them as a building block to have a bigger study.
Definition of Terms:
Technical Definition

Document processing channel – The medium or process for storing document numbers on a
Document Tracking System.
Archive - Transfer data to a less frequently used storage medium such as magnetic tape, typically
external to the computer system and having a greater storage capacity.
Document - An original or official paper relied on as the basis, proof, or support of something
Filter - Process or assess items in order to reject those that are unwanted.
Sorting - Arrange systematically in groups; separate according to type, class, etc.
Glitches - A sudden, usually temporary malfunction or irregularity of equipment.

Operational Definition

Filter and Sorting – In this study, filter and sorting is implemented to the system to make users
find a specific type of documents.
Excel – Excel is used to export reports or summary of all the documents.
Glitches – Freezing and lagging of their existing system.
Document – Documents like admin cases, opinion records, etc. are stored in the system as a
document number.

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