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Guide to use of Editing and Formating Symbols

( Topic Creation)

Fullscreen- Enlarges panel

Bold- Boldens highlighted text e.g Bold

Italics- Italicises highlighted text e.g Italics

Underline- Underlines highlighted text e.g Underline

Strikethrough- Strikes through highlighted text e.g Strikethrough

Subscript- Allows input of subscript e.g H2O

Superscript- Allows input of superscript e.g OH-

Font Family- Changing of font e.g. Georgia

Font Size- Changing of font size e.g. Size 7

Colours- Changing of font colour e.g Blue

Inline Style- Selection of Inline styles

Paragraph Style- Selection of Paragraph styles

Paragraph Format- Selection of paragraph format

Align- Allows for different alignments e.g Center

Numbering/Bullets- Input of bullet points and numbering lists

Indent- Changes size of paragraph indent.

Quote- To adjust quotation level

Insert Link- Allows for Links to other pages to be inputted e.g

Insert Picture/Video- Allows for pictures and videos to be uploaded.

Insert File- Allows for Files to be uploaded.

Table- Allows for creation of tables

Emojis- Allows for emojis to be added

Symbols- Allows for insertion of symbols. E.g Ω

Horizontal Line- Insertion of horizontal Line

Select All- To select all

Clear Formatting- To clear formatting

Print- Printing of page

Help- For additional Help

Html- Allows for Html view and editing in html


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