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Due: 14:00 on Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Please complete the following exercises within a clear and concise report of specified length.

1. Provide short report on the pipe flow laboratory experiment. The objectives of the
pipe flow experiment were as follows:

a. Measure the pressure drop of water passing through a hydraulically smooth

circular pipe and show how these measurements relate to flow conditions
b. Verify the pipe friction equation
c. Investigate the effect of laminar and turbulent flow regimes based on flowrate

Include in your two-page report your data table and graph relating head and velocity,
and also answer the assigned questions.

Max length two pages

2. Provide short report on the two weir experiments. The objectives of the experiment
were as follows:

a. Measure the discharge (Q) over two different weirs and use the head of water
above the crest of each weir (H) to determine the relationship between H and Q
using your measurements.
b. Practice using the discharge equations for both weirs as they might be used for
open channel flow monitoring.
c. Determine the discharge coefficients for both weirs.

Using the data collected in the lab and Excel spreadsheets provided to you on Blackboard,
estimate the discharge coefficient values for the vee notch versus rectangular weirs.
Provide all graphs, tables and coefficient determinations (Task 4 in worksheet) in a neat
and organised form. Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of two types of
weirs for open channel flow measurements in your report. In the discussion, indicate one
real scenario (each) where each type of weir might be best used for flow measurement.
Max length three pages

 This assignment must be five pages or less and use an

11-point font or greater.
 No appendices are allowed.
 Submissions > five pages will be deemed late.

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