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Supportive Care: Integration of Patient-Centered Kidney

Care to Manage Symptoms and Geriatric Syndromes

Sara N. Davison* and Sarbjit Vanita Jassal†

Dialysis care is often associated with poor outcomes including low quality of life (QOL). To improve patient-
reported outcomes, incorporation of the patient’s needs and perspective into the medical care they receive is
*Division of
essential. This article provides a framework to help clinicians integrate symptom assessment and other measures
Nephrology and
such as QOL and frailty scores into a clinical approach to the contemporary supportive care of patients with Immunology,
advanced CKD. This approach involves (1) defining our understanding of kidney supportive care, patient-centered Department of
dialysis, and palliative dialysis; (2) understanding and recognizing common symptoms associated with advanced Medicine, University
CKD; (3) discussing the concepts of physical function, frailty, and QOL and their role in CKD; and (4) of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada; and
identifying the structural and process barriers that may arise when patient-centered dialysis is being introduced †
Division of
into clinical practice. Nephrology,
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1882–1891, 2016. doi: 10.2215/CJN.01050116 Department of
Medicine, University
Health Network,
Background on those dying with cancer. Palliative care now extends University of Toronto,
Modern medicine has expanded well beyond the to services aimed at improving the QOL of all patients Toronto, Ontario,
management of acute illness. As a consequence of the with life-limiting illnesses, throughout their illness,
years of research and medical progress, the physician’s through the prevention and relief of suffering. It can
role is largely to manage the health of patients with mul- be provided together with therapies intended to pro- Dr. Sara N. Davison,
tiple chronic diseases that progress over time. Almost long life, such as dialysis. However, it is still a com- 11-112R Clinical
invariably, patients with chronic diseases have also ac- monly held view by both health care providers and Sciences Building,
quired responsibility. They are expected to modify their patients that palliative care and terminal care are Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, T6G 2G3.
lifestyle and, for patients receiving dialysis, to commit synonymous (4–6). In keeping with recent Kidney Dis- Email: sara.davison@
to a therapy that is highly invasive and often associated ease Improving Global Outcomes recommendations to
with physical, psychosocial, and spiritual symptoms (1). address this misunderstanding, the term “kidney sup-
In some cases, current kidney care is inconsistent with portive care” is replacing the term “kidney palliative
patients’ preferences and values (2). Consequently, dial- care” (7). The concepts, however, remain consistent
ysis is often associated with poor outcomes including with the World Health Organization definition of
low quality of life (QOL). To improve patient-reported palliative care (8).
outcomes, incorporation of the patient’s needs and per- Kidney supportive care, therefore, involves services
spective into the medical care that is provided is essen- aimed at improving the QOL for patients with CKD.
tial (3). In essence, this shift is a re-emergence of the This includes aligning treatment with a patient’s goals
need to practice both the art and the science of medicine. through culturally sensitive shared decision-making
The purpose of this article is to provide a framework and advance care planning (discussed further in this
that may help clinicians integrate symptom assessment Moving Points feature) (9) and basic symptom man-
and other measures such as QOL and frailty scores into a agement. Other core elements of kidney supportive
clinical approach to contemporary kidney care. This will care include prognostication (10); psychologic, spiri-
involve (1) defining our understanding of kidney sup- tual, social, and family support (7); and conservative
portive care, patient-centered dialysis, and palliative di- (nondialysis) kidney management (11). Recent patient
alysis; (2) understanding and recognizing common engagement has highlighted kidney supportive care
symptoms associated with advanced CKD; (3) discus- as a top priority for those with CKD (12).
sing the concepts of physical function, frailty, and QOL, Patient-centered care can be defined as care that is
and their roles in CKD; and (4) identifying the process adapted to facilitate integration of the patient’s life-
barriers that may arise when patient-centered dialysis style and community into the treatment plan. To be
care is being introduced into clinical practice. able to integrate both the patient’s and the clinician’s
perspective, a model of culturally sensitive shared
Defining Our Understanding of Kidney Supportive decision-making is encouraged (9,13). This model is
Care, Patient-Centered Dialysis, and Palliative based on conversations between a patient (including
Dialysis their family and social community) and their clinician,
The role of palliative care has expanded such that it that allow the prioritization of those components of
is no longer limited to terminal care focused primarily medical care important to the patient over others

1882 Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Nephrology Vol 11 October, 2016
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1882–1891, October, 2016 Patient-Centered Assessments and CKD, Davison et al. 1883

deemed less important (14–16). For many patients receiving targets through the prevention and relief of symptoms and
dialysis, this requires the integration of quality kidney sup- suffering (Figure 1). Palliative dialysis is a form of patient-
portive care to manage symptoms and optimize QOL. The centered dialysis in that it continues to align care with
need for kidney supportive care and shared decision- patient preferences. Interventions are largely to control im-
making is increasingly being recognized and much work is mediate symptoms and distress, while still, where possible,
being done to help integrate both patient and clinical prior- promoting wellbeing and social functioning. Particular at-
ities into the field of kidney medicine (7,12,17). tention is paid to providing emotional and family support
In practice, patient-centered care requires thoughtful, and to helping patients and their families come to terms with
tailored kidney care that will often require balancing issues the progressive nature of their disease. Palliative dialysis is
of survival and long-term health outcomes with maximiz- often, incorrectly, perceived as being equivalent to less di-
ing QOL, symptom control, and physical function (Figure alysis or a precursor to withdrawal of dialysis. Although
1). This can become impractical if clinicians are con- adaptation of dialysis timings or eventual withdrawal from
strained by treatment targets or a need to adhere to current dialysis may be a component, this alone will rarely amelio-
disease-orientated guidelines. In contrast to traditional rate symptoms or suffering for patients.
care, physicians practicing patient-centered care may A number of interventions can improve the patient’s
need to balance the management of symptoms (e.g., dizzi- perception of wellbeing near the end of life. These have
ness and fatigue) with optimal control of BP, anemia, and been previously outlined and may include a reduction in
phosphate levels, with less emphasis being placed on maxi- pill burden, or relaxation of dietary restrictions (18). Less
mizing long-term health outcomes, such as survival. As dis- dialysis rarely provides benefits, and may result in in-
ease progresses, patients’ goals of care tend to shift to focus creased symptoms and postdialysis fatigue, especially if
almost exclusively on QOL rather than survival, with a greater ultrafiltration is required to manage troublesome
strong emphasis on emotional, social, and family support shortness of breath. Dosing and timing of dialysis are var-
(2). As the patient and family accept death as a natural con- iables that affect the patient with physical or social limita-
sequence, the focus becomes more consistent with palliative tions. Examples include being located in an isolated or
dialysis where symptom control and advance care planning particularly noisy section of the dialysis unit; the stress
become of paramount importance, trumping issues related to associated with rushing to get ready for an early morning
disease-orientated clinical performance measures and longer- dialysis session; or the change in routine associated with
term health outcomes and survival. eating their midday meal earlier and their evening meal
Palliative dialysis is an approach to dialysis that prior- later when attending afternoon dialysis. Engaging patients
itizes QOL over survival and current quality assurance and families in discussions often leads to identification of

Figure 1. | Conceptualizing patient-centered dialysis and palliative dialysis. QOL, quality of life.
1884 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

the issues and symptoms that lead to a request to reduce 2). CBT and exercise may also help treat chronic pain and
dialysis. Although often perceived by staff as minor issues, fatigue. Low dose gabapentin may provide relief from neu-
even small changes to the dialysis schedule, timing, or ropathic pain, RLS, uremic pruritus, and sleep disturbances,
location may be helpful and improve wellbeing and dial- whereas antidepressants may improve sleep, appetite,
ysis tolerance. A number of symptoms including sleep dis- fatigue, and pain.
orders, respiratory distress, and postdialysis fatigue may
be mitigated by more frequent, but shorter, dialysis ses- Fatigue
sions and this option may be more acceptable to some Fatigue is one of the most widely reported and distress-
patients. In the three real-life scenarios described in Table ing symptoms for patients receiving dialysis. Its prevalence
1, in-depth discussions with and psychosocial assessments ranges from 45% to 97% in patients receiving hemodialysis
of the patients helped determine the nature of their dis- (HD), and from 30% to 70% in patients receiving peritoneal
comfort, the aim of treatment, how treatment benefits were dialysis (30). Although fatigue is challenging to manage,
to be measured, and conversely, what constituted undue the massive effect it has on patients’ lives warrants clini-
burden and suffering. In each case, conventional clinical cians to identify and attempt to manage the symptom (31).
standards of care and dialysis regimens had to be changed Fatigue can be described as a complex of physical sleepi-
to allow prioritization of the patient’s needs. ness, lack of energy, and weakness. It involves psycho-
logic, cognitive, and emotional domains and is closely
correlated with depressive symptoms (30). Medical issues
Understanding and Recognizing Common Symptoms associated with CKD that may contribute to fatigue in-
Associated with Advanced CKD clude anemia, inadequate dialysis, postdialysis fatigue,
A diverse number of individual symptoms can be asso- and the increased effort associated with making frequent
ciated with CKD. Many occur in complex clusters with an trips to the dialysis unit for treatment. Other symptoms
exponentially negative effect on overall QOL (19,20). such as poor sleep and anorexia may also contribute
Others present collectively in the form of syndromal pat- and, in our experience, treatment is most likely to succeed
terns such as depression, frailty, and/or functional decline if both medical and allied health interventions are used
and falls (described in the next section). Moreover, several together. Involvement of an occupational therapist for ed-
of these symptom clusters can be difficult to treat in iso- ucation around energy conservation strategies is advis-
lation, and treatment planning requires careful and often able. A few assessment tools specific to fatigue may be
repeated evaluation for optimal success. helpful in distinguishing physical fatigue from that asso-
Nephrology care teams under-recognize the prevalence, ciated with depressive symptoms (30,31), and can help di-
severity, and negative effects of symptoms in their patients rect the clinician as to whether psychotherapy and/or
(21). Patients under-report symptoms, partly because their medication may be appropriate (32,33). Recent evidence
symptoms are often from comorbid conditions and not the from the cancer literature suggests that in specific cases
kidney disease itself, and partly because health care pro- methylphenidate may help reduce fatigue (34). There is,
fessionals tend to focus on biochemic markers and kidney to date, no evidence whether the benefit extends to those
management. Without routine symptom screening, this maintained on dialysis, and there is particular concern that
situation is unlikely to change. However, screening will it may worsen the overall wellbeing as methylphenidate
not improve patient outcomes unless care providers re- may adversely reduce appetite, increase malnutrition, and
spond appropriately to these assessments. lead to further frailty. A recent Cochrane review evaluated
The aim of treatment is to ameliorate symptoms, as it is the palliative management of fatigue, although most inter-
not always necessary or possible to completely resolve ventions have yet to be researched in patients with kidney
them. It is important to acknowledge this and negotiate failure (35). Although in-depth management strategies are
with the patient an acceptable level of symptom control. beyond the scope of this article, initial considerations for
This is well accepted in chronic pain management and patients with CKD are outlined in Table 2.
is equally relevant to other symptoms (22). A clinically
meaningful improvement for both pain and physical func- Sleep Disorders and RLS
tion has been defined as a 30% improvement in scores (22). Sleep disorders are extremely common in patients re-
Given the synergistic and interrelated nature of symptoms ceiving dialysis, with a mean prevalence of 60.1% in 41
experienced in advanced CKD, an approach to care that studies that evaluated 7391 patients (7). Studies consis-
addresses overall symptom burden is likely to improve tently report that sleep disorders are associated with fa-
QOL even if each individual symptom has not completely tigue, depression, and poor QOL. RLS can contribute to
resolved. For example, a moderate reduction in pain may poor sleep and impaired QOL and affects up to 25% of
be sufficient to improve sleep, improve mood, and in- patients receiving dialysis when the international RLS di-
crease the ability to cope with health challenges, resulting agnostic criteria are applied (36). Some considerations and
in a substantial improvement in function and QOL. Con- management strategies are outlined in Table 2.
sideration should also be given to nonpharmacologic and
pharmacologic management strategies that are potentially Pruritus
effective for managing multiple symptoms concurrently. One of the most bothersome symptoms for patients
For example, exercise (23), cognitive behavioral therapy receiving dialysis is pruritus. In a study of 19,226 patients
(CBT) (24,25), and more frequent dialysis (26,27) have receiving dialysis across 11 countries, the mean prevalence
been shown to be beneficial for sleep disorders, restless of pruritus was 40.6% (7). The nature and characteristics of
legs syndrome (RLS) (28,29), and depression (23) (Table pruritus vary widely, as do the causes and treatment
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1882–1891, October, 2016 Patient-Centered Assessments and CKD, Davison et al. 1885

Table 1. Three cases of supportive care interventions improving patient reported outcomes

Patient-Centered Assessments Interventions and Outcomes

Case 1: Failure to thrive on dialysis

Medical assessment: patient in nursing care unit; Shared decision-making: education and review of
chronically volume overloaded, hypotensive, with dialysis options including the option for dialysis
respiratory crackles. Marked hyperphosphatemia. withdrawal.
Persistent intradialytic weight gains of .7% body wt. Patient opted for increased frequency of dialysis
Active truncal and extremity calciphylaxis wounds sessions (35/wk) and relaxation of dietary
and severe pain. Survival estimate of 4–6 mo. restrictions.
Patient goals of care and psychosocial assessment: Pain Traveled 35/wk by private ambulance for dialysis
adequately controlled on opioids. Frustration and sessions for 19 wk duration. Markedly improved
poor wellbeing due to not being able to eat freely at QOL during this time. Attended book club. Took on
social events like book club. leadership role in social club.
Repeated discussions and shared decision making on a
frequent basis. At wk 20 the patient determined QOL
was now deteriorating due to high frequency of
transfers. Reduced dialysis back to 33/wk.
Resumed fluid restrictions. Remained stable for 5 wk
then opted to discontinue dialysis. Died within 5 d.
Case 2: Patient request to withdraw from dialysis
Medical assessment: stable dialysis, target laboratory Patient expressed desire to withdraw from dialysis. He
tests met. Dialysis via fistula with good flow rates. reported his QOL was dependent on which nurses
Optimally managed on cardioprotective needled his fistula, with the majority being poor or
medications. unpleasant experiences. On the basis of this he had
Patient goals of care and psychosocial assessment: reflected and opted to withdraw from therapy.
requested planned dialysis withdrawal. Shared decision making led to the suggestion he have a
tunneled line insertion and dialyze via a catheter.
Repeated discussion: greatly improved QOL. Patient
continues on dialysis.
Case 3: Dementia and frailty
Medical assessment: 86-yr-old lady with dementia Shared decision-making: family apprised of poor
requiring full personal care. Unable to ambulate or prognosis, and increased risks with exit site infection.
transfer, awake, speech unclear, not orientated in Family decided patient would continue with dialysis
time, place, or person. Initiated onto home peritoneal at present with no peritoneal dialysis catheter
dialysis several years previously. Now with removal despite infection risk, but would treat with
Pseudomonas exit site infection. Not distressed, intraperitoneal antibiotics if needed. Advance care
abdomen soft. Deemed high risk for catheter removal plan to limit transfer to hospital for care for
and reinsertion. Prognosis guarded. intravenous therapies, but not to include other
Patient goals of care and psychosocial assessment: legal intensive or invasive procedures if patient
substitute decision-making lay with the eldest of deteriorates. Peritoneal dialysis adapted to prioritize
three sisters, however all sisters were actively fluid balance over other parameters.
involved in providing day-to-day care. The patient Ongoing, shared decision-making.
was always the “head” of the family and highly Patient increasingly bedbound. Continues to eat well,
respected. In earlier discussions the patient had and laugh as before. Exit site stable. Community
previously expressed wishes to continue dialysis as nursing and social work services and telehealth
long as she appeared able to enjoy family events. She introduced to support family with care, further
eats well, laughs constantly (often inappropriately), decision-making, and preparation for death.
and there is no overt distress.

QOL, quality of life.

strategies (Table 2), and the reader is referred to recent effect on gastrointestinal motility (39). Comorbidities such
reviews on the topic for more detail (37). Dialysis associ- as diabetes mellitus exacerbate these symptoms. In addi-
ated pruritus has been repeatedly associated with de- tion, many of the drugs commonly used to treat patients
creased QOL and other symptoms such as poor sleep and with CKD such as phosphate binders, vitamin D ana-
depression (38). logues, erythropoietin-stimulating agents, and supplemen-
tal iron, have prominent gastrointestinal side effects.
Gastrointestinal Symptoms Similarly, so do agents used to treat other symptoms
Gastrointestinal symptoms such as anorexia, nausea, such as opioids and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea are also very common antidepressants. Anorexia in particular has been associated
in patients receiving dialysis although less is known about with malnutrition, poor QOL, depression, greater hospital-
these symptoms. Uremia is a powerful trigger of the che- ization rates, and an increase in mortality (40–42). The as-
moreceptor zone causing nausea but also has an adverse sociated weight loss may contribute to fatigue and loss of
1886 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Table 2. Considerations for symptom management in patients with advanced CKD

Symptom Initial Considerations for Management

Fatigue Assess for modifiable contributing factors: vitamin D deficiency, metabolic acidosis,
tertiary hyperparathyroidism, hypothyroid, anemia, mood disorders (depression,
anxiety), sleep disorder, malnutrition, polypharmacy.
Postdialysis fatigue: consider modifications to the dialysis prescription such as increased
Consider low-intensity resistance and aerobic exercise where appropriate.
Ensure the appropriate supports are in place to assist with activities of daily living and
that nursing care is available where appropriate.
Sleep disorders Assess for modifiable contributing factors and symptoms such as RLS, pruritus, pain,
dyspnea, mood disorders (depression and anxiety), obstructive sleep apnea,
Consider nonpharmacologic management first: exercise if appropriate; cognitive and
psychologic approaches (e.g., relaxation therapy, CBT); promote good sleep hygiene
(avoid napping during the day, avoid stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol and nicotine
in the evening).
Consider pharmacologic therapy if nonpharmacologic interventions are unsuccessful
and poor sleep is adversely affecting QOL: e.g., low dose gabapentin starting at 50–
100 mg postdialysis (potentially also beneficial for RLS, neuropathic pain, and
pruritus); melatonin; zaleplon 5–10 mg nightly; or doxepin 10 mg nightly.
RLS Assess for modifiable contributing factors such as anemia and iron deficiency; medications
such as dopamine antagonists, antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs); calcium channel
blockers, opioids.
Consider nonpharmacologic management first: e.g., intradialytic aerobic exercise.
Consider pharmacologic therapy if nonpharmacologic interventions are unsuccessful
and RLS is adversely affecting QOL: e.g., low dose gabapentin starting at 50–100 mg
postdialysis (potentially also beneficial for sleep, neuropathic pain, and pruritus);
second-line options include nonergot derived dopamine agonists such as ropinirole at a
starting dose of 0.25 mg/d and a maximum recommended dose of 3 mg/d.
Pruritus Assess for modifiable contributing factors: anemia, iron deficiency, hypercalcemia,
hyperphosphatemia, xerosis, allergies, drug sensitivities, contact dermatitis.
Promote good skin care: avoid soap, but if used, use gentle soap; keep skin cool by
wearing light and cool clothing; avoid excessive bathing or bathing in hot water and
use emulsifying lotions in the bath; avoid scratching – keep fingernails short and
encourage massage rather than scratching, wear gloves at night; maintain a humid
home environment, especially in the winter.
Topical emollients (moisturizers) are first-line treatment. They should have high water
content and be free from fragrance and additives.
Agents that help cool skin such as a fan, especially at night, or the use of topical camphor/
menthol in the moisturizing base.
Consider other topical therapies: gamma-linolenic acid 2.2% cream applied twice daily;
capsaicin 0.025% or 0.03% ointment applied 2–4 times daily (may cause initial burning).
Consider pharmacologic therapy if the above is unsuccessful and pruritus is adversely
affecting QOL: e.g., low dose gabapentin starting at 50–100 mg postdialysis (potentially
also beneficial for sleep, RLS, and neuropathic pain); second-line treatment – consider
the TCA doxepin 10 mg nightly.
Other therapies to consider with less evidence include UVB phototherapy 33/wk and
Nausea and vomiting Manage associated reversible symptoms such as constipation.
Consider nonpharmacologic management: good oral hygiene; smaller, more frequent
meals; minimize aromas; avoid foods that are greasy, spicy, or excessively sweet; relax
in an upright position after eating to facilitate digestion; apply a cool, damp cloth to
forehead or nape of neck; loose fitting clothing; complementary therapies such as
relaxation, imagery, acupressure, or acupuncture.
Consider pharmacologic therapy if the above is unsuccessful and nausea and vomiting
are adversely affecting QOL: metoclopramide 2.5 mg PO/SC q4h PRN; ondansetron
4 mg PO 33/d; haloperidol 0.5 mg PO/SC q4h PRN; olanzapine 2.5 mg PO q4h PRN.
Depressive symptoms Manage associated reversible symptoms such as pain, poor sleep, pruritus.
Assess and optimize social supports.
Consider nonpharmacologic treatments: more frequent dialysis; CBT; exercise programs.
Consider pharmacologic therapy with antidepressants if the above is unsuccessful and
depressive symptoms are adversely affecting QOL.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1882–1891, October, 2016 Patient-Centered Assessments and CKD, Davison et al. 1887

Table 2. (Continued)

Symptom Initial Considerations for Management

Pain Assess for modifiable contributing symptoms such as sleep and mood disorders
(depression and anxiety).
Consider nonpharmacologic management: exercise if appropriate; cognitive and
psychologic approaches (e.g., relaxation therapy, CBT).
If considering analgesics, establish whether pain is neuropathic or nociceptive in nature to
direct analgesic approach.
Adopt a step-wise approach to analgesics such as that outlined in the World Health
Organization Analgesic Ladder.
Analgesic selection, initial dosing, and titration must be individualized according to the
patient’s health, previous exposure to analgesics, attainment of therapeutic goals, and
predicted harms.
Consider a trial of chronic opioid therapy if pain is moderate to severe, is having an
adverse effect on function or QOL, and therapeutic benefits are likely to outweigh
potential harm.
Before initiating chronic opioid therapy, assess risks of substance abuse, misuse, or

RLS, restless legs syndrome; CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy; QOL, quality of life; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; SNRI,
serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; TCA, tricyclic antidepressant; UVB = ultraviolet B; PO = by mouth; SC = subcutaneous;
q4h = every 4 hours; PRN = when necessary.

muscle strength and initiate a cycle resulting in frailty. Al- of sertraline versus CBT for prevalent HD patients with
though the negative effects of most gastrointestinal symp- depression, will likely help guide our clinical approach to
toms in CKD have not been assessed systematically, there these complex patients (52). In the United States, the as-
is increasing recognition of their detrimental effects on sessment and follow-up of depression has become a re-
QOL. Dietary assessments and interventions are essential, porting measure mandated by the Centers for Medicare &
targeted at promoting appetite and energy and maintaining Medicaid Services in the ESRD Quality Incentive Program
body weight rather than dietary restrictions. (QIP) (53).

Depressive Symptoms Pain

Depressive symptoms (as assessed by interviews or It is well documented that over 58% of patients with
questionnaires) and clinical depression (as assessed by CKD experience pain (19). Chronic pain is associated
standard psychiatric criteria) are common in patients re- strongly with lower QOL, psychosocial distress, sleep dis-
ceiving dialysis. A recent systematic review of observational orders, and depression. Despite the high prevalence, pain
studies assessed the worldwide prevalence of depression remains poorly treated. Large international observational
in patients receiving dialysis. On the basis of interview studies have shown that analgesic use is low in these pa-
assessment, the prevalence of depression was 22.8% (95% tients. Basic principles of chronic pain management in
confidence interval, 18.8 to 27.6) (43). On the basis of self CKD are outlined in Table 2 and the reader is referred
or clinician rating scales, the prevalence of depressive to a recent review on the topic for further details and ther-
symptoms was 39.3% (95% confidence interval, 36.8 to apeutic approaches (19). As with depression, the assess-
42.0). This is compared with the lifetime risk of depression ment and follow-up of pain has become a reporting
in the general population of approximately 7% (44). The measure mandated by the ESRD QIP (53).
presence of depressive symptoms affects QOL, hospitali-
zation, and mortality rates, and has been associated with
dialysis withdrawal (45–49). Depressive symptoms are Recognizing and Advocating for Patient-Centered
also associated with many of the other symptoms experi- Care in Those Presenting with Geriatric Syndromes
enced by patients with CKD, such as pain, poor sleep, Geriatric syndromes is the term used to describe a group
pruritus, nausea, and vomiting. Nonpharmacologic treat- of common health conditions in older people that do not fit
ments such as more frequent HD (26,27), CBT (24,25), and into discrete disease categories. This includes changes in
exercise (23) have been successful in treating depressive cognitive function, falls, incontinence, and frailty. Almost
symptoms in patients on HD (Table 2). Although data re- invariably, the presence of one or more geriatric syndromes
main limited and inconclusive, some patients receiving will negatively affect the patient’s life as well as that of
dialysis may benefit from antidepressants (50). A practical their family and social circle. Recognition of these syn-
approach to the treatment of depression in patients with dromes should trigger frequent discussions around goals
CKD has recently been outlined (51). Ongoing studies of care and advance care planning.
such as the A Trial of Sertraline vs. Cognitive Behavioral In the clinical realm, frailty is a complex syndrome
Therapy for End Stage Renal Disease Patients with De- associated with increased vulnerability resulting from
pression (ASCEND) trial, a randomized, controlled trial a combination of problems in different domains of daily
1888 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

functioning, including physical, sensory, psychologic, and outcomes. In the dialysis population, the presence of frailty
social domains. It has multiple causes and contributors, should trigger open discussions reviewing the current goals
and is characterized by diminished strength and endur- of care, prognosis, and more frequent evaluation of symp-
ance, and reduced physiologic function that increases an toms. In addition, patients should be empowered to discuss if
individual’s vulnerability for developing increased depen- they wish to transition to palliative dialysis or withdraw from
dency and/or death (54,55). Operational definitions for dialysis. The communication skills needed to negotiate these
determining frailty vary and a multitude of validated mea- challenging conversations can be learned (65) and new tools
surement scales have been used (56). This contributes to and online resources such as Vital Talk (66) can help care
much of the variability in estimated prevalence. The sole providers facilitate discussions.
use of the physical domain as a surrogate measure for the
global assessment of frailty, such as the Fried et al. classi-
fication based on five physical components – unintentional Identifying Process Barriers That May Arise When
weight loss, decreased strength, decreased exercise toler- Patient-Centered Dialysis Care Is Introduced into
ance, reduced gait speed, and fatigue (57) – may be an Clinical Practice
Current models of care place much emphasis on survival,
inadequate metric for frailty in CKD. Social determinants
hospitalization, and the ability of hospitals and physicians
of frailty, such as those associated with environmental and
to meet certain standards. For the dialysis patient this is
mental wellbeing, are also of importance and may be rec-
often in the form of laboratory targets and attainment of
ognized through more holistic assessments. The Clinical
clinical parameters that are associated with prolonged life-
Frailty Scale is an example of a simple and clinically useful
span, such as predialysis care and fistula or graft creation and
validated tool for assessing global frailty status. It is esti-
use. Although well meaning, this approach overlooks the
mated that around 40% of individuals on dialysis have
patient experience of and preferences for care.
frailty characteristics (58). Although more prevalent in
The provision of patient-centered care will require full
older populations (,20% of those aged $65 years remain
integration of kidney supportive care, including the regular
independent in all activities of daily living), there is an
assessment of symptoms, QOL, and geriatric syndromes
unexpectedly high burden in younger individuals on
such as frailty, into contemporary dialysis care. These assess-
dialysis (59).
ments will guide health care providers as summarized in
Frailty in patients with CKD is an elevated state of risk
Table 3. Many of the valid screening and assessment tools
compared with other people of the same chronologic age. It
are simple and can be incorporated into busy clinical prac-
identifies those at risk for increased morbidity such as falls,
tices. However, responding appropriately to assessments
hospitalization, dependence, or need for long-term care,
will require models of care that encourage enhanced com-
and increased mortality. Patients with CKD with frailty
munication and multidisciplinary assessments. Dialysis
phenotypes have an estimated 2.6-fold higher risk of
guidelines and standards of care must start addressing di-
mortality and 1.4-fold higher number of hospitalizations,
rectly these outcomes and using these patient-centered as-
independent of age, comorbidity, and disability (60).
sessments to both guide and evaluate the quality of care (67).
Frailty is often associated with a decline in physical func-
Aligning policies and payments will be essential. For
tion, including physical activity, exercise capacity, social
example, more flexible dialysis shifts will facilitate the
participation, and self-care abilities. The decline often oc-
tailoring of dialysis runs to the specific needs of individual
curs soon after starting dialysis and is most prominent in
patients. Increased technical and caregiver support are
older individuals (61,62). Patients with early changes in
needed to help overcome barriers, such as caregiver burden,
functional independence may present initially with re-
and facilitate greater uptake of newer home dialysis regi-
duced participation in personal activities such as hobbies,
mens, such as short daily HD and nocturnal HD, which have
but as time progresses these changes affect household activ-
resulted in improvements in sleep, depressive symptoms,
ities such as grocery shopping, laundry, and meal prepara-
cognitive function, recovery time postdialysis, patient satis-
tion, and/or personal care activities such as dressing and
faction, and overall QOL (68–73). Home dialysis modalities
toileting. The overlap with frailty and functional decline ex-
not only permit the dose of dialysis to be tailored more suit-
tends to accidental falls. Falls are almost twofold more com-
ably to the specific needs of the patient, but prevent poten-
mon in the dialysis population, both in those maintained on
tially lengthy transportation to and from dialysis units,
HD and those on peritoneal dialysis (63,64).
allowing patients more time at home with loved ones.
Frailty is a dynamic process, but transition to a worse
state is more common than to a better state, with limited
evidence of effectiveness of interventions such as exercise. Future Directions
In the dialysis population, modifications of the dialysis The metrics by which we assess the integration of kidney
treatments may be beneficial. The requirement to sit for 4 supportive care and the quality of patient-centered care
hours can be almost intolerable for some patients and may will be challenging and have been discussed elsewhere
contribute to functional loss. Shorter, more frequent ses- (53,67,74,75). However, these metrics will almost certainly
sions may be more tolerable. Gentle intradialytic exercise, involve regular assessment and follow-up of symptoms,
with or without the use of analgesics, can help manage symp- geriatric syndromes, and effect of care on QOL. This will
toms such as restless legs and a sore back from inactivity, require the implementation of clinical policy that encour-
while helping to preserve function and improve mood. ages ongoing dialogue between the patient and the care
Frailty is often associated with social isolation, depres- team to ensure that treatments remain aligned with what
sion, and cognitive impairment, and is an easily de- matters most to individual patients and that health care
termined clinical marker of those at high risk of poor providers understand what constitutes undue burden and
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1882–1891, October, 2016 Patient-Centered Assessments and CKD, Davison et al. 1889

Table 3. Keys roles for symptom, QOL, and geriatric syndrome assessments

Role Key Considerations

Early identification of patients with increased Screening in isolation is inadequate – appropriate action must be
physical, psychologic, and social care needs taken.
Screening tools must be simple enough to integrate into busy
clinical practices but complex enough to provide clinical/
treatment direction.
Without assessments, family members and health care
professionals are unable to predict accurately patients’
symptom burden, QOL, or treatment preferences.
Timely interventions The goal is to enhance support, address concerns, promote QOL,
and help preserve physical function.
Prognostication Symptom burden, QOL, cognitive and functional impairments,
frailty, and other geriatric syndromes are likely more reliable
predictors of outcome.
Assessment of comorbidities.
Regular assessments will improve our understanding of illness
trajectories and enhance our ability to prognosticate the
outcomes most relevant for patients, such as the effect of
treatments on QOL, symptoms, and physical function (10).
Shared decision-making and advance These assessments provide an entry point for difficult discussions
care planning about prognosis and goals of care where patients (1) identify
themselves as needing enhanced support through high
symptom scores or poor QOL or physical function scores, and
(2) communicate treatment goals (9).
The aim is the prevention of unnecessary suffering through the
use of treatments that have become excessively burdensome
or not consistent with patients’ wishes.
Facilitation of multidisciplinary assessments The treatment of many symptoms, especially pain and
depression, as well as the reversal of functional decline and
frailty, typically requires multidisciplinary, multipronged
interventions to be effective. This may involve nephrologists,
geriatricians, palliative care specialists, nurses, social workers,
physiotherapists, or physical rehabilitation specialists,
spiritual counsellors, and dieticians to name some.
Metrics for quality patient-centered care These patient-centered outcomes and assessments serve as
determinants of treatment outcome, both treatment benefit and
what constitutes undue burden and suffering (74).

QOL, quality of life.

suffering (76). These metrics will need to permit flexibility and community providers as a component of usual care
in clinical standards of care and dialysis regimens so they (78). Kidney supportive care, therefore, must become a
can be tailored appropriately for each patient. The valida- core clinical competency of CKD management. This will
tion of assessment tools and metrics for patients with ad- require medical schools, nursing schools, and nephrology
vanced CKD and those on dialysis will be an important fellowship programs to integrate discussions around goals
area of research. of care and the management of symptoms and geriatric
Delivery of patient-centered dialysis will require a shift in syndromes into curricula. Professional societies will need
resources. Rigorous and comprehensive prospective eco- to support continuing development for all health care pro-
nomic evaluations of kidney supportive care services are viders. Improved partnerships with specialist supportive
needed to (1) identify high resource use patterns, (2) facilitate (palliative) care colleagues will be required for more complex
resource planning, and (3) aid our understanding of factors patients, particularly as they transition to end-of-life care.
associated with significant health care and patient/caregiver
borne costs, and (4) are anticipated to show cost savings Acknowledgments
while improving patient outcomes. This is discussed in S.N.D. has research funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health
greater detail within this Moving Points feature (77). Research (funding reference nos. 89801, 126151, and 126193), and
Supportive care is central to the provision of patient- Alberta Innovates Health Solutions (funding reference no. 201400400).
centered care for patients with chronic diseases. Therefore,
many countries are placing increased emphasis on the Disclosures
provision of supportive and end-of-life care by “generalist” None.
1890 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

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