Spectrum TRD3 Tests Unit6 Speaking

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Unit 6 test: Speaking

Your teacher will choose two activities. B Say if you like the sound of that dish. If you do,
order it. If not, ask about other dishes.
About you A Take the customer’s order, or recommend
another dish.
1 Talk about the environment and inventions.
• What do you think are the main dangers to the Photo description
environment today?
• Why do you think it is important to protect the 4 Look at the two photos and describe them.
• How can you help protect the environment in
your everyday life?
• What animals do you think are endangered?
• How can people and organisations work to
protect them?
• In your opinion, what are the three most
important inventions in the world? Why are they
so important?
Photo A
Role play • Where is it?
• What is it?
2 Look at the dialogue. Talk about food with your • What caused it?
partner. Use your own words to complete the • How will it affect the environment?
dialogue. Then practise it with your partner.
A: _____________________ is a favourite of mine.
B: How is it cooked?
A: It’s cooked ___________________________ .
B: What’s it made from?
A: It’s made from ________________________ .
B: What does it come with?
A: It comes with _________________________ .
B: That sounds ______________ .
Photo B
3 EXTENSION You are in a restaurant. One of you • What is happening?
is the waiter and the other is a customer. • Where is it?
Recommend and ask questions about some of • Why are they doing it?
the dishes. Use the ideas, questions and • How will their actions affect the environment?
prompts to help you.
Note: talk about dishes you know well. 5 EXTENSION Talk about the two photos.
How is it cooked? I can’t resist … • Which do you think is worse?
I don’t like the smell / look / sound / taste of that! • How do you think you can stop photo A
… is a favourite of mine. from happening?
It’s cooked on the grill / in the oven / in a pan. • How do you think you can stop photo B?
That smells / looks / sounds / tastes … • What do you think people need to do to protect
What would you recommend? the environment?
A Greet B and ask if he / she has decided what to • Do people in your community help to protect the
order. environment? How? / Why not?
B Ask for a recommendation.
A Suggest a dish.
B Ask what it is made of.
A Describe the dish.


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