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Cabanatuan City
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan


Patience 7:46 am to 8:45 am Tuesday, Wednesday
Honesty 8:46am to 9:45:00am Wednesday, Thursday
Kindness 10:00am to 11:00am Wednesday, Thursday
Politeness 11:00am to12:00am Tuesday, Thursday
Humility 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday
Obedience 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday

Learning Competencies:
 ` EN9RC-IIb-19: Get information from various print media like brochures, pamphlets,
periodicals, and audio-video recording
 EN9OL-IIa-3.7: Employ varied verbal and nonverbal strategies to create impact on the
audience while delivering lines in a Readers Theatre or in a Chamber Theatre.

I. Objectives:
At the end of the 60-minute time frame, the students should be able to:
 Distinguish the author’s purpose.
 Determine the difference between the Mood and Tone in Readers or
Chamber Theatre.
 Apply strategies trough delivering a Readers Theatre or Chamber
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Readers Theatre or Chamber Theatre
Time Frame: 60 minutes
Learning Materials: TV Monitor, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Whiteboard,
Whiteboard marker.
III. Procedures:
A. Preliminary Activities
 The teacher will greet the students and will ask them to arrange the chairs

B. Pre-Instruction
 Review of the Past Lesson
The students will share their understanding regarding the past lesson.

 Motivation
The teacher will ask the students one by one to say “I am Hungry”. In a different
“I am hungry?”(Confuse)
“I am hungry!”(Excited)
“I am hungry!”(Surprised)
After saying I am Hungry. The teacher will ask:
 What have you observe in delivering the sentence “I am Hungry”?
 Do you think that saying “I am hungry in a different ways have a
meaning or purpose?
 What do you think is our topic for today?

C. Lesson Proper
Using power point presentation and video presentation, the teacher and students
will proceed to the class discussion about the following:

 Tone and Mood

 Author’s Purposes

Guide Questions:
1. What is tone in a story? Does it matter?
2. What is mood in a story? Do every story has a mood?
3. In determining the mood and tone in a story important? Why?
4. What is author’s purpose?
5. Do every literary works has a purpose? Why?
D. Application
The teacher will give a script to the groups in the class and they will read it this
activity is called the readers theater. To be guided by rubric.
E. Generalization
 The students will generalize the lesson discussed by the teacher by answering
the following questions:

1. What is the importance of knowing the Tone and Mood in the story?
2. How can you determine the Mood and Tone in the story?
3. Why it is import to know the Author’s Purpose?
4. Is every literary works has a purpose?

IV. Evaluation
The teacher will show different passage and the students will determine the
Mood and Tone of the passage and will guess the Author’s Purpose.


My annoying brother likes to drive me crazy.

There is no other who is that lazy.

He whines to Mom and Dad night and day Until he

eventually gets his way.

What is a sister to do

When he screams 'til he's blue?

There is no way to win,

For he gets under your skin.

He does his best to kill all joy.

Oh, how my brother does annoy!


The TONE of the passage is FRUSTRATED

The author’s DESCRIPTIONS relay the tone.

Purpose: To Entertain.

V. Assignment
Write a short poem about civil war.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Jeffrey B. Dalere Rizza Esteban Leganson

Practice Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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