TUTORIALS-Personal Growth Laboratory Unit 1. PGL

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TUTORIALS- Personal Growth Laboratory


Explain the concept/ Write short note on:

1. Personality
2. Psychoanalysis
3. Trait approach.
4. Behavioral perspectives
5. Humanistic approach
6. Role clarity
7. Role boundary
8. Self –awareness
9. Self- esteem
10. Big 5 model of personality theory
11. Carl Jung’s personality types and MBTI
12. PF16
13. FIRO B
14. Johari Window
15. Sensitivity analysis

Answer the following:

1. List the 4 approaches to personality and explain humanistic approach/any 1 approach in details
2. Explain the different ways to deal with role conflict
3. Describe any 5 indicators each of high and low self esteem
4. What are the different applications of assessment centers?

Unit 2: Self Enhancement

Explain the concept:

1. Appearance
2. Self-management
3. 1st impression
4. Self-image/Inner image

Answer the following:

1. List 3 A’s of appearance and explain each one in details

2. Mention and explain any 4 steps to cultivate positive inner image
3. Describe how self –image is connected to achievement of goals
Unit 3: Body language

Explain the concept:

1. Proxemics
2. Haptics
3. Chronemics
4. Chromatics
5. Olfactics
6. Silence
7. Appearance
8. Kinesics
9. Oculesics
10. Body language
11. Paralinguistic

Answer the following:

1. List any 5 dimensions of body language and explain any 2 in details

2. “Actions speak louder than words” Justify the statement

Unit 4. Stress management

Explain the concept:

1. Stress
2. Stress management

Answer the following

1. Explain the stress response- tend and befriend theory & fight or flight response
2. What are different types of stress? Explain any 2
3. “Stress management is a myth” Justify the statement
4. List and explain any 5 organizational issues which are the outcome of stress

Unit 5: Enneagram

Explain the concept

1. Enneagram

Answer the following

1. List the 9 personality types as per enneagram and explain any 1 in details
2. Explain – three laws of behavior, three centers of intelligence, three life forces, three survival
behaviors, 4A’s which are elements of personal, professional and spiritual growth
Unit 6: Conflict management & Negotiation

Explain the concept

1. Conflict
2. Negotiation
3. Conflict management techniques
4. Conflict simulation techniques

Answer the following:

1. Explain the transitions in conflict thought from traditional view to human relations view to
interactionist view
2. Explain the conflict process in details
3. Differentiate between functional and dysfunctional conflict
4. Differentiate between integrative & distributive negotiation
5. List the 5 Dimensions of Conflict-Handling Intentions and explain any 1 in details
6. List & explain any 2 issues involved in negotiation?

Unit 7. Creativity

Explain the concept:

1. Creativity
2. Innovation
3. Invention

Answer the following:

1. Describe the six thinking hats concept of Edward De Bono and explain the evaluation sequence
in details.

Unit 8. TA

Explain the concept:

1. Transactional analysis
2. Parent Ego
3. Adult Ego
4. Child Ego
5. Complementary transactions
6. Crossed transactions
7. Ulterior transactions

Answer the following:

1. Explain the use of Transactional analysis in personal and professional life
2. Explain the 4 life positions by Thomas Harris in details and also the concept of OKness according
to Theodore Novey
3. Explain the concept of strokes in Transactional analysis

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