Group No.06 Project

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Submitted by

PARTH PANKHANIYA(160410101030)
DEV PATEL(160410101038)
VATSAL PATEL (160410101045)
DHRUV SHIHORA(160410101058)

In fulfillment for the award of the degree


Information Technology

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology, VASAD.

Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad
November, 2019


Date: ___/___/20__

This is to certify that the Project Work entitled “/PROJECT TITLE” has been carried out
by PARTH PANKHANIYA (160410101030), DEV PATEL (160410101038), VATSAL
PATEL (160410101045), DHRUV SHIHORA(160410101058), under my guidance in
fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology (7th
Semester) of Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad during the academic year

Internal Guide Head of the Department

CAPT. Umang jani DR. Pratik shah
Professor Aeronautical Dept.,
Aeronautical dept., SVIT,VASAD

Mr. Jignesh vala

Aeronautical dept.


We hereby certify that we are the sole authors of this UDP project report and that neither
any part of this UDP project report nor the whole of the UDP project report has been
submitted for a degree by other student(s) to any other University or Institution. We certify
that, to the best of our knowledge, the current UDP project report does not infringe upon
anyone’s copyright nor violate any proprietary rights and that any ideas, techniques,
quotations or any other material from the work of other people included in our UDP project
report, published or otherwise, are fully acknowledged in accordance with the standard
referencing practices. Furthermore, to the extent that we have included copyright
(Amendment) ACT 2012. We certify that we have obtained a written permission from the
copyright owner(s) to included such material(s) in the current UDP project report and have
included copies of such copyright clearances our appendix.

We have checked the write up of the present UDP project report using Anti-plagiarism
database and it is in the allowed limit. In case of any complaints pertaining to plagiarism,
we certify that we shall be solely responsible for the same and we understand that as per
norms, University can revoke BE Degree conferred upon the student(s) submitting UDP
project report, in case it is found to be plagiarized.


Enrolment no. Name Signature


160410101038 DEV PATEL

160410101045 VATSAL PATEL

160410101058 DHRUV SHIHORA

Place : vasad DATE :

Name of guide : SIGNATURE OF GUIDE
1.CAPT. Umang jani ------------------------------
2. PROF. Jignesh vala -------------------------------


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our project guide Prof. CAPT. UMANG
JANI and Prof. JIGNESH VALA for their guidance and support for this endeavour. They
have been tremendous source of encouragement and immense support throughout our
Course. This Project would not have been in its present form without their continuous
guidance and inspiration.

Regarding omission if any, we express our sincere apology & undertake all responsibilities.

Enrolment no. Name Signature


160410101038 DEV PATEL

160410101045 VATSAL PATEL

160410101058 DHRUV SHIHORA




We hereby declare that the work, which is being presented in the Project Report, entitled
“V/STOL FLYING WING AIRCRAFT” in partial fulfilment of our project and
VASAD is a record of our own investigations carried under the Guidance of CAPT.
Umang Jani and Prof. Jignesh Vala.

We have not submitted the matter presented in this report anywhere for the award of any
other Degree.

PARTH PANKHANIYA (160410101030)

DEV PATEL (160410101038)

VATSAL PATEL (160410101045)

DHRUV SHIHORA (160410101058)



Counter signed by:



Professor Aeronautical Dept.,
Aeronautical Dept., SVIT, VASAD.

Mr. Jignesh vala

Aeronautical Dept.,


1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 8

1.1 What is V/STOL?................................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Introduction to flying wing aircraft ................................................................................... 9
1.3 Reference aircraft .............................................................................................................. 11
2. LITERATURE REVIEW & FLOWCHART.................................................................... 13
2.1 Literature review ............................................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 Optimal transition manual for a class of V/STOL aircraft ..................................... 13
2.1.2 comprehensive preliminary sizing/resizing method for a fixed wing – VTOL
electric UAV ......................................................................................................................... 14
2.2 Flowchart ............................................................................................................................ 15
3. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Specification: ...................................................................................................................... 17
4. ENGINE SELECTION ....................................................................................................... 18
4.1 Types of engine for R/C model.......................................................................................... 18
4.2 Electric motor system .................................................................................................. 19
4.2.1 In runner Brushless Motors:...................................................................................... 19
4.2.2 Out runner Brushless Motors: ............................................................................ 19
4.3. Advantage of electric motor ............................................................................................. 20
4.4 Propeller ............................................................................................................................. 20
4.4.1 Geometry of airfoil of propeller ................................................................................. 21
................................................................................................................................................... 21
5 3-D DESIGN IN CATIA ...................................................................................................... 22
5.1 Airfoil selection................................................................................................................... 22
5.1.1 Airfoil at root : NASA SC(2) – 0414 .......................................................................... 23
5.1.2. airfoil at tip : NASA SC(2) – 0410 ............................................................................ 23
5.2 Model................................................................................................................................... 23
6 CANVAS ............................................................................................................................... 25
6.1 Product development canvas....................................................................................... 26
6.2 Ideation canvas ............................................................................................................. 26
6.3 Empathy canvas ................................................................................................................. 27
6.4 AEIOU canvas .................................................................................................................... 28
7. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 29
8. PLAGIARISM REPORT ........................................................................................................ 30

9. REFERENCE ........................................................................................................................... 31


1.1 What is V/STOL?

• A vertical and/or short take-off and landing aircraft is an air plane able to take-off
or land vertically or on short runways. Vertical take-off and landing aircraft are a
subset of V/STOL craft that do not require runways at all. Usually, a V/STOL
aircraft needs to be able to hover. Helicopters are not considered under the V/STOL
classification, aircraft that attain lift in forward flight by planning the air, thereby
attaining speed and fuel efficiency that is characteristically greater than the
capability of helicopters.
• V/STOL is technologically advanced to allow fast jets to be operated from clearings
in forests, from very short runways, and from small aircraft carriers that would
until that time only have been able to carry helicopters.

 Are there different types of VTOL?

• Yes, generally there are two different types of VTOL expertise: rotorcraft and
• Rotorcraft are those that use lift generated by rotor blades spinning around a
central mast, so helicopters, quadcopters and gyrocopters.
• Powered-lift vehicles are those that take off and land vertically but achieve in a
different way from rotorcraft when in flight. They have more conventional fixed
wing plane design. Example convertiplanes such as the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey,
which takes off and lands straight up but uses static wing lift in normal flight.
• Vectored thrust planes, such as the Harrier Jump Het series also used powered-lift
by operating the thrust from the engine or motor to control the flight of the aircraft.

What are the advantages of V/STOL?

 V/STOL technology means aircraft can theoretically take off and land almost
anywhere, making them far more flexible. They're also able to perform various
manoeuvres not possible with a conventional plane; a significant advantage for
aircraft in combat situations.
 This types of aircraft can perform vertica take-off and landing as well as very short
distance require for take-off and landing. It will reduced the length of the runway.
 The main advantage of V/STOL aircraft is closer basing to the enemy, which
reduces response time and tanker support requirements. In the case of the Falklands
War, it also permitted high-performance fighter air cover and ground attack without
a large aircraft carrier equipped with aircraft catapult.

1.2 Introduction to flying wing aircraft

A flying wing is a tailess fixed wing aircraft that has no definite fuselage. The crew,
payload, fuel, and equipment are typically housed inside the main wing structure, although
a flying wing may have various small protuberances such as pods, nacelles, blisters, booms,
or vertical stabilizer.
Similar aircraft designs that are not, strictly speaking, flying wings, are sometimes referred
to as such. These types include blended wing body aircraft, and microlights (such as
the Aériane Swift), which typically carry the pilot (and engine when fitted) below the wing.


Tailless aircraft have been experimented with since the earliest attempts to fly. From
1910 J. W. Dunne's swept-wing biplane and monoplane designs displayed inherent
The flying wing configuration was studied extensively from the 1920s, often in conjunction
with other tailless designs.


A clean flying wing is sometimes presented as theoretically the most aerodynamically

efficient (lowest drag) design configuration for a fixed wing aircraft. It also would offer
high structural efficiency for a given wing depth, leading to light weight and high fuel
Because it lacks conventional stabilizing surfaces and the associated control surfaces, in its
purest form the flying wing suffers from the inherent disadvantages of being unstable and
difficult to control. These compromises are difficult to reconcile, and efforts to do so can
reduce or even negate the expected advantages of the flying wing design, such as reductions
in weight and drag.

Engineering design

A wing that is made deep enough to contain the pilot, engines, fuel, undercarriage and other
necessary equipment will have an increased frontal area, when compared with a
conventional wing and long-thin fuselage. This can actually result in higher drag and thus
lower efficiency than a conventional design. Typically the solution adopted in this case is
to keep the wing reasonably thin, and the aircraft is then fitted with an assortment of
blisters, pods, nacelles, fins, and so forth to accommodate all the needs of a practical
The problem becomes more acute at supersonic speeds, where the drag of a thick wing
rises sharply and it is essential for the wing to be made thin. No supersonic flying wing has
ever been built.

Yaw control

In some flying wing designs, any stabilizing fins and associated control rudders would be
too far forward to have much effect, thus alternative means for yaw control are sometimes
One solution to the control problem is differential drag: the drag near one wing tip is
artificially increased, causing the aircraft to yaw in the direction of that wing. Typical
methods include:
 Split ailerons. The top surface moves up while the lower surface moves down. Splitting
the aileron on one side induces yaw by creating a differential air brake effect.
 Spoilers. A spoiler surface in the upper wing skin is raised, to disrupt the airflow and
increase drag. This effect is generally accompanied by a loss of lift, which must be
compensated for either by the pilot or by complex design features.
 Spoilerons. An upper surface spoiler that also acts to reduce lift (equivalent to
deflecting an aileron upwards), so causing the aircraft to bank in the direction of the
turn—the angle of roll causes the wing lift to act in the direction of turn, reducing the
amount of drag required to turn the aircraft's longitudinal axis.
A consequence of the differential drag method is that if the aircraft maneuvers frequently
then it will frequently create drag. So flying wings are at their best when cruising in still
air: in turbulent air or when changing course, the aircraft may be less efficient than a
conventional design.

Pitch control

 Many early designs failed to provide effective pitch control to compensate for the
missing stabiliser. Some examples were stable but their height could only be
controlled using engine power. Others could pitch up or down sharply and
uncontrollably if they were not carefully handled. These gave tailless designs a
reputation for instability. It was not until the later success of the tailless delta
configuration in the jet age that this reputation was widely accepted to be

 The solution usually adopted is to provide large elevator and/or elevon surfaces on
the wing trailing edge. Unless the wing is highly swept, these must generate large
control forces, as their distance from the aerodynamic center is small and
the moments less. Thus a tailless type may experience higher drag during pitching
manoeuvres than its conventional equivalent. In a highly swept delta wing the
distance between trailing edge and aerodynamic centre is larger so enlarged
surfaces are not required. The Dassault Mirage tailless delta series and its
derivatives were among the most widely used combat jets. However even in the
Mirage, pitch control at the high angles of attack experienced during takeoff and
landing could be problematic and some later derivatives featured
additional canard surfaces.
1.3 Reference aircraft

For the reference of flying wing aircraft we have selected B-2 SPIRIT because of
the B-2 SPIRIT is the best flying wing aircraft around the world.

And for the v/stol configuration we have two option

 Aircraft can vertically take-off according to F-35 configuration.

 Second option is used servo motor.


2.1 Literature review

2.1.1 Optimal transition manual for a class of V/STOL aircraft

• This paper emphases on the problem of computing optimum transition manoeuvres

for a particular class of tail-sitter aircraft able to switch their flight configuration
from hover to level flight and vice versa.

• Both minimum-time and minimum-energy optimal transition problems are

expressed and solved mathematically in order to compute orientation manoeuvres
to be employed by the onboard flight control system to change the current flight

• In order to guide the numerical computation and to validate its results, in a first
stage approximated solutions are obtained as a combination of a finite number of

motion primitives corresponding to analytical trajectories of approximated dynamic

• The approximated solution is then employed to generate an initial guess for the
numerical computation applied to a more accurate dynamic model.

• The approximated solution is then employed to generate an initial guess for the
numerical computation applied to a more accurate dynamic model. Numerical
trajectories computed for a small scale prototype of tail-sitter aircraft are finally
presented, showing the effectiveness of the proposed methodology to deal with the
complex dynamics governing this kind of systems.

• This work has focused on the problem of designing optimal transition manoeuvres
for a class of tail sitters V/STOL aircraft. Due to the complexity of the system’s
dynamics, only numerical solutions have been considered, by employing a direct
collocation method based upon pseudo-spectral approximation of the state and
inputs of the continuous plant.

2.1.2 comprehensive preliminary sizing/resizing method for a fixed wing – VTOL

electric UAV

• A Fixed Wing (FW) aircraft with Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) is a new
type of aircraft that inherits the hovering, VTOL, and manoeuvring properties of
multicopper and the power-efficient cruising of an FW aircraft.

• This paper presents a comprehensive method for FW-VTOL electric UAV sizing
and resizing. The method uses newly developed integrated analysis that combines
the VTOL propulsion sizing method with modified FW aircraft sizing theories.
Performance requirements are specified as a set of functional relations. Several
new empirical equations are derived using available data.

• The required battery capacity and total mass are determined from mission analysis
that includes both VTOL and FW mission segments. The design is iteratively
resized when the actual components of the propulsion system are selected. A case
study of a 3.5-kg FW-VTOL electric UAV is presented in this research.

• The results of sizing and resizing are compared to parameters of the actual aircraft
manufactured. Prediction of most parameters stays within a 10% error threshold.

• This research presents a novel methodology for sizing of FW-VTOL electric
UAVs. The overall sizing process is composed of two major parts. The initial
sizing converts the design requirements into basic parameters of a future aircraft.
The actual components of the propulsion system and battery are selected based on
the results of initial sizing.

• Aircraft resizing is performed in the next stage. Resizing updates the parameters of
the aircraft using information about selected parts. The core of the initial sizing is
the integrated analysis. FW constraints analysis, electric propulsion sizing, mission
battery calculation, total mass calculation, and geometry analysis methods are
combined into the FW-VTOL electric UAV integrated analysis.

2.2 Flowchart

Litera ture Studies

Title selection


We have selected b-2
spirit as per our title

We have done
conceptual design

We had modified in
conceptual design
according to V/STOL



 Conceptual Design is an early phase of the design process, in which the
broad outlines of function and form of something are articulated. It includes
the design of interactions, experiences, processes and strategies. It involves
an understanding of people's needs - and how o meet them with products,
services, & processes.
 Common artefacts of conceptual design are concept sketches and models.

3.1 Specification:
 Span : 172 feet
 Length : 69 feet
 Height : 17 feet
 Planform area :5118.55 ft2
 Mean aerodynamics chord : 39.47 feet
 X-centroid : 40.21 feet
 Spanwise position of MAC : 29.53 feet
 X-leading edge of MAC : 20.47 feet
 Quarter chord of MAC : 30.34 feet
 Aspect ratio : 5.78
 Average chord : 29.76 feet
 Taper ratio : 0.00
 LE sweep : 34.74 deg



4.1 Types of engine for R/C model

 R/C models are powered in a variety of ways. To get off the ground R/C airplane
needs power whether from an electric motor, a gasoline engine or most frequently,
a glow engine.

 Many R/C planes have names that contain a number. That number designates the
class of engine which is required. Planes that are "40 size" use a .40class engine,
which includes those in the .40 to .53 cubic inch displacement range (for your
convenience, all of Tower Hobbies' product descriptions list the appropriate engine
range in full).
 GLOW ENGINE: A glow engine is a type of small internal combustion engine
typically used in model aircraft, model cars and similar applications. The ignition
is accomplished by a combination of heating from compression, heating from blow
plug and the catalytic effect of the platinum within the glow plug on the methanol
within the fuel.
 ELECTRIC MOTOR: In electric aircraft, the propellers are turned by a motor
powered by a rechargeable battery pack. An electronic speed control(ESC)regulates
the motor’s output for throttle control. The motor, battery and ESC are installed
onboard the model.

4.2 Electric motor system

 Motor Systems take the guesswork out of matching the right motor with the right
ESC – because the work’s already been done for you. Available for a wide variety
of aircraft, Motor Systems also usually include a propeller and other required

4.2.1 In runner Brushless Motors:

 "In runner" motors are the standard type in which the motor can is stationary
and the shaft spins inside. The motor can is longer and thinner, allowing
higher rpm and making them better for ducted fan planes, racing planes,
and planes with thin noses. Some applications might require pairing the in
runner motor with a gear drive, which adds to the cost and installation

4.2.2 Out runner Brushless Motors:

 As the name implies, "out runners" work the opposite of in runners in this
case, the shaft is fixed and the can spins around it. An immediate benefit of
this style in R/C use is that they can turn larger, more efficient propellers
without needing gearboxes. That makes them a simpler, lighter weight, less
expensive power option suitable for all sizes and styles of aircraft.

4.3. Advantage of electric motor

• There is no need for carrying a gallon of fuel. With an electric plane, you simply
charge the batteries and go fly.
• RC electric airplanes are also quieter, safer, and can be flown in fields, parks, and
other places where glow powered airplanes can’t be flown.

4.4 Propeller
 Propellers come in many different sizes and shapes. Your engine's instructions
will recommend appropriate sizes (as will the Accessories Needed link on for that particular engine).
 Sizes are given in two numbers (6 x 3, 10 x 6, etc.). The first number is the
diameter of the prop in inches. The second number is the pitch, or twist, of the
propeller. The larger the number, the greater the pitch — a prop with a pitch of 4
will move forward 4 inches during one revolution.

 Lengh of propeller : 114.3mm
 Pitch : 88.9mm
 Diameter of hub : 12.7mm
 Thickness of hub : 10mm
 Chord of airfoil : 10mm

4.4.1 Geometry of airfoil of propeller

 Airfoil : NACA (n10-il)-10
 Maximum thickness 11.2 % @ 30% chord
 Maximum camber 4.4% @ 40% chord


5.1 Airfoil selection

5.1.1 Airfoil at root : NASA SC(2) – 0414

5.1.2. airfoil at tip : NASA SC(2) – 0410

5.2 Model

Top view

Isometric view

Front view

Side view


6.1 Product development canvas

6.2 Ideation canvas

6.3 Empathy canvas

6.4 AEIOU canvas


By redesigning the B-2 SPIRIT we learned the new idea

about how to find mean aerodynamic chord of the wing and
centre of gravity of the wing as well as aerodynamic centre of
the wing.
Then after comparing various engines for R.C model we
reach to conclusion that for R.C model servo motor is suitable
because of the following reason:
(1) If we used jet engine than it is more costly than the
servo motor for R.C model.
(2) It is not easy to change configuration of jet engine for
vertical take-off. For that we have to use vanes system
as describe above and it is difficult to construct and
(3) For our design we have to use 2 jet engine, and hence
cost will be more.

So we reached to conclusion that we will used servo motor.



• “UAV Factory – Unmanned Platforms and Subsystems.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-Oct-2016].

• E. Knott, J. Shaeffer, M. Tuley, Radar Cross Section: Its Prediction, Measurement


• Reduction, Artech House, Norwood, Massachusetts, 1985.

• International Air Transport Association, Air passenger market analysis, available

on, December
2016. (Accessed 11 November 2017), All Rights Reserved.

• International Air Transport Association, Air passenger market analysis, available

on, December
2017.(Accessed 20 March 2018), All Rights Reserved.

• Common parametric aircraft configuration schema (CPACS), https://software.dlr.

de/p/cpacs/home/. (Accessed 17 February 2019).


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