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Telling lies is a common action that people, once in a time, have done and it is nearly

impossible to tell truth all the time. Without mentioned the moral disciplines, saying
something not true should have some benefits for people in some cases. This essay
will discuss some of the most particular reasons why people tell a lie, especially in
working environment.
First, staff may lie to their managers for they want to avoid punishment and keep
their position in the company. When staff perform below expectation and show a
poor achievement, they can be punished by cutting down the salary or even worse
being fired. Not expecting such disastrous results, they may try to give a fake the
reports in order to keep themselves safe. Although doing this will not ensure a good
result later, staff must foreseen the worse situation and keep their living first.
Next, there are some cases when people face extreme competition and someone
may cheat to win. Having competitors in a company is common but sometimes it
may exist an unkind person who is willing to steel others’ achievements and make
them their own. This kind of person poses a poor manner and is often considered as
a liar. This action of cheating should be regarded as bad lies because it affects
directly on other people and leaves negative consequences on them.
The last reason is that people try not to hurt the others’ feeling by telling them
something slightly different from the actual truth. For example, a doctor may tell a
patient that he/she is getting a lot better although it is not really true for their real
illness situation, for the doctor want to encourage and leave them with positive
feelings inside to have strength to recover. This is considered as white lies as they
make no bad but with good intention.
In conclusion, the reasons of telling lies vary as they want to protect themselves,
take advantage by cheating or just lie for thinking of the others’ emotion. Lie should
not be considered as totally harmful because there comes many people who are
careful for the others by white lies.

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