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Carbon 1966,Vol. 4, pp. 255-262. Pergamon Press Ltd.

Printed in Great Britain



Brown Coal Research Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering,

University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

(Received 22 November 1965)

Abstract-The adsorption of oxygen on degassed brown coal char has been investigated gravimetrically
in the temperature range 25”-200°C and at pressures up to 1 atm. The adsorption occurs by two
separate processes, one reversible and the other irreversible. Methods have been devised to investigate
these processes independently. The reversible adsorption was found to be physical adsorption, while the
irreversible process is a chemisorption conforming to the Elovich equation. A mechanism for this latter
process has been suggested, involving rate control by a surface migration phenomenon.

WHILE investigating the application of brown coal The apparatus used was the modified McBain-
char as a metallurgical fuel, it was found that pro- Bakr sorption balance described previously. The
longed exposure of the char to the atmosphere samples used in this work were from a Yallourn
affected its combustion properties. BREEN and brown coal I-type briquette carbonized at 1000°C
EVANS(~) attributed this effect to the adsorption of and ground in air to pass a 72 mesh B.S. sieve. The
atmospheric oxygen and water vapour on to the adsorption processes were studied at oxygen
char. In the light of their work a more detailed in- pressures up to one atmosphere and temperatures
vestigation was conducted into the adsorption of from 25” to 200°C. The lower temperature limit
oxygen on brown coal char both to obtain basic was arbitrarily fixed by ambient conditions, while
information on the nature of this adsorption the upper temperature was limited by the possi-
phenomenon and to provide technical data on the bility of simultaneous desorption of oxides of
extent and rates of the processes involved. carbon which occurs with chars at temperatures
Preliminary results reported by the author(‘) above 250”-300”C.~1*3~ In a preliminary experi-
established that the adsorption of oxygen on de- ment, no desorption of these species was detected
gassed brown coal at temperatures below 200°C during the adsorption of oxygen on brown coal char
occurs by two separate concurrent processes, one a at 200°C so that it is valid to trace the adsorption
rapid reversible equilibrium process and the other gravimetrically below this temperature.
a slow irreversible process. The reversibly ad-
sorbed oxygen was defined as the oxygen adsorbed 2.1 Reversible adsorption
on the degassed sample which could be reversibly The reversible adsorption was studied by main-
desorbed by evacuation at the same temperature. taining the amount of irreversibly adsorbed oxygen
Conversely, the irreversibly adsorbed oxygen was constant. This was achieved by conducting experi-
defined as oxygen which could not be desorbed by ments on a sample which had been degassed under
isothermal evacuation. vacuum at 1000°C for 10 hr and then exposed to
In the present work the phenomena of reversible oxygen for several days at 25°C and 760 mm/Hg
and irreversible adsorption of oxygen on brown pressure, by which time the increase in weight of
coal char have been investigated in more detail, the sample due to the continuous irreversible
particularly with regard to temperature and adsorption was negligible over a period of hours.@)
pressure dependence, in order to characterize the Thus any change in the total amount adsorbed
processes involved. over a short time was due to the variation in


I I I I -1
400 100 200
Reswre , mmHg

FIG. 2. Effect of sample pretreatment on the reversible

FIG. 1. Isotherms for the reversible adsorption of oxygen
adsorption of oxygen on brown coal char at a pressure of
on brown coal char.
760 mm Hg.
+ Sample degassed under vacuum;
reversible adsorption with temperature or pressure. x Sample degassed in oxygen-free nitrogen;
Adsorption isotherms were therefore constructed 0 Sample pretreated with hydrogen after degassing
by maintaining the temperature constant and under vacuum.
varying the pressure. The isotherms obtained in
this manner for reversibly adsorbed oxygen at 2.2 Irreversible adsorption
temperatures from 25°C to 200°C are represented From the detmitions of reversible and irrever-
in Fig. 1. sible adsorption used in the present work, it
The reversible adsorption process showed no follows that the amount of irreversibly adsorbed
evidence of hysteresis effects in the temperature oxygen at any time (qir) is the difference between
and pressure range investigated, as identical the total amount adsorbed (qtot) and the amount
curves were obtained for adsorption and desorp- reversibly adsorbed (qr) at that time
tion isotherms.
Some measurements were also made on samples i.e. qir = qtot - qr (1)
of differing pretreatment. For example, one sample After the first 5 min of an adsorption run, qr
was degassed under vacuum at 1000°C for 10 hr reaches a constant equilibrium value which can be
and then exposed to hydrogen for 1 hr at 25°C and determined by isothermal evacuation at the com-
1 atm prior to exposure to oxygen. Another sample pletion of the run. Thus the irreversible adsorp-
was degassed in a stream of oxygen-free nitrogen tion at any time after the first 5 mm can be deter-
at 1000°C for 10 hr. In Figure 2 the reversible mined by subtracting the equilibrium value of qr
adsorption of oxygen on these samples at different from the measured value of qtot at that time.
temperatures is compared with the results ob- A typical irreversible adsorption is represented
tained for a standard sample degassed under in Fig. 3 where qir has been calculated by the
vacuum at 1000°C for 10 hr. This figure shows method outlined above. In all such experiments
that the amount of oxygen reversibly adsorbed the rate of the irreversible adsorption (given by the
does not depend on the pretreatment of the sample. slope of the curve) decreases with time. This is a

or 4 =2.3/a [log (t+t,)-log t,J (4)

where a, a and t, are constants (t,= l/au)
If applicable to an adsorption system, the
Elovich equation has three main functions.
Firstly it provides a convenient method of graph-
ing and interpolating the data. Secondly, it per-
mits calculation of instantaneous rates of adsorp-
tion by graphical evaluation of a and substitution
Ttme , minutes in equation (2). Thirdly, it provides a means of
FIG. 3. Oxygen irreversibly adsorbed (qir) on degassed extrapolating the data to determine the initial rate
brown coal char at 25°C and 760 mm Hg. of irreversible adsorption which cannot be meas-
ured directly because of the simultaneous rever-
common phenomenon in adsorption systems, sible adsorption process. In fact, equation (2)
leading to serious problems in analysing the shows that the Elovich constant a is the initial rate
kinetics of the adsorption process by classical of adsorption when qir =O.
methods. TAYLOR and THON(~) suggested that an arbi-
As the irreversible adsorption proceeds, the trary value oft, be selected to give a linear plot of q
number of sites available for adsorption should against log (t+t,J. In the present study this was
decrease in a linear manner, but this is not suffi- not necessary, as a plot of qir against log t was
cient to account for the observed variation in rate. quite linear after the initial period during which
(In the present work the rate decreased exponen- reversible adsorption occurs. The slope of the line
tially with the amount of oxygen irreversibly ad- obtained gave a value for a which was then substi-
sorbed as will be shown later). In fact, at present tuted in equation (3) with values of qir and t at any
there is no accepted theory to explain this pheno- point on the line to evaluate the initial rate a. It
menon of decreasing rates of adsorption. There- should be stressed that the quantity q substituted
fore it is necessary to resort to empirical methods in the Elovich equation was qir and not qtot as the
of correlating qir with 5, in order to calculate instan- latter quantity included oxygen adsorbed by a
taneous rates of adsorption which can be used in a different process (reversible adsorption).
kinetic analysis. In approaching this problem, the In order to obtain reproducible results, a fresh
author tried several equations, for example, the sample of char was used for each of the adsorption
parabolic diffusion equation, without success. runs conducted, because successive adsorption-
However, it was found that a plot of qir against log degassing cycles on the same sample caused signi-
t was linear for all the adsorption runs conducted ficant deactivation. For example, successive values
in this work. TAYLOR and THON(~) have shown calculated for the initial rate of adsorption a on the
mathematically that this relationship is evidence of same sample under identical conditions were 7.7,
an adsorption process which conforms to the 4.9 and 3.4 mg/g per min. This effect is due to
Elovich equation. irreversible surface changes during the degassing
2.3 Application of the Elovich equation step, possibly caused by the destruction of adsorp-
The Elovich equation is an empirical relation- tion sites or loss of mineral matter* which could
ship which has found wide application in kinetic act as a catalyst for the adsorption.
studies of sorption processes, particularly in the In the present work, the irreversible adsorption
field of chemisorption. The equation can be ex- process was investigated by evaluating the
pressed as Elovich constants a and a for adsorption runs con-
ducted at different temperatures and pressures.
dq --I 2.4 Temperature dependence of irreversible adsorption
dt=ae The irreversible adsorption of oxygen at 760 mm
Hg on a degassed sample of brown coal char was
or in the integrated form
*Char from Yallourn brown coal initially has an ash
q =2.3/a log (au f + 1) (3) content of 3-4 per cent.

161 mm/

1 10 100
lime , minutes.

FIG. 4. Elovich plots for the irreversible adsorption of 01 I I J

oxygen at 760 mm Hg pressure and varying temperatures. 1 10 100
Time, minutes.

traced gravimetrically for 300 min at temperatures FIG. 5. Elovich plots for the irreversible adsorption of
varying from 25” to 200°C. Figure 4, the Elovich oxygen at 65°C and at varyinglpressures.
plots of these adsorptions, shows that a good linear
relationship is obtained in each case, justifying the 2.5 The pressure dependence of the irreversible
use of the Elovich equation to express the results. adsorption
The values of a and a calculated from the lines are A series of adsorption runs was conducted at
reported in Table 1. The values obtained for a are 65°C and various oxygen pressures from 160 to 760
highly dependent on temperature, while the mm/Hg. The results obtained were plotted on an
values of a are apparently independent of tempera- Elovich scale (Fig. 5) and again there was a linear
ture. The significance of these results will be relationship in each case. Values of a and a calcu-
discussed later. lated as before are reported in Table 2. The


Temperature Pressure CJ Temperature Pressure

(“C) (mm Hg) (mglg per min) (mgYgY (“Cl (mm Hg) (mglg ;er min) (mgyg)-l

25 760 1.15 1.07 65 161 11.2 1.65

65 760 7.66 1.09 65 282 12.2 146
110 760 101 1.09 65 454 10.7 1.30
155 760 292 1 .Ol 65 608 12.5 1.21
200 760 1160 1 *Ol 65 760 12.3 1.07

initial rate a is apparently independent of pressure dynamically reversible over the range investigated,
but a definite correlation exists between u and the permitting the calculation of isosteric heats of ad-
oxygen pressure though the exact form of this sorption using the Clausius-Clapeyron relation-
dependence cannot be clearly established from the ship for adsorption systems.
limited data available. The appropriate equations are
Recently LANGHOFF and PETERS(‘) using gravi-
metric techniques reported the simultaneous
physical adsorption and chemisorption of oxygen on or in the integrated form
hard coals at low temperatures. ERGUN@)has also
suggested that physically and chemically adsorbed
oxygen can occur on carbon. The present writer(*)
where p is the oxygen pressure, T the absolute
has established the existence of two simultaneous
temperature, Qst the isosteric heat of adsorption,
processes for the adsorption of oxygen on brown
R the universal gas constant, and Q the amount of
coal char, one reversible and the other irreversible.
oxygen adsorbed (reversibly) which is directly pro-
In the following discussion, the results obtained in
portional to the degree of surface coverage. The
the present work are used to establish that
subscripts 1 and 2 refer to points on different iso-
(1) the reversible effect is actually physical ad-
therms having the same value of q under different
conditions of temperature and pressure.
(2) the irreversible effect is a chemisorption The isosteric heats of adsorption calculated from
process, conforming to the empirical Elovich
the data in Fig. 1 using the integrated form of the
equation, and
Clausius-Clapeyron expression were in the range
(3) the rate controlling step in the irreversible 46-52 kcal/mole. The values obtained decreased
adsorption is probably a surface migration slightly but systematically with temperature and
phenomenon. coverage. By comparison with the limits quoted
3.1 The nature of reversible adsorption above, these results establish that the reversible
As the reversible adsorption was an equilibrium process is physical adsorption. This conclusion is
effect which rapidly achieved saturation,(*) the supported by the experimental observation that
change in this equilibrium with temperature and the extent of the reversible process does not
pressure has been investigated in order to charac- depend on the sample pretreatment.
terize the process involved. However, the kinetics There are three types of physical adsorption
of the reversible adsorption could not be studied which could operate in the case of brown coal
in the apparatus available because the adsorption char : monolayer adsorption, multi-layer adsorp-
was too fast, reaching equilibrium within 5 min. tion and capillary condensation in the pores. Since
The critical distinction between physical and multi-layer adsorption and capillary condensation
chemical adsorption is the heat of adsorption, are improbable because the experiments were con-
Physical adsorption is characterized by heats of the ducted well above the critical temperature of
same order as the heat of vaporization. HAYWARD oxygen, it appears that the reversible process is
and TRAPNELL quote figures of 16-S kcal/mole actually monolayer physical adsorption. This
as reasonable limits for the heats of physical deduction is consistent with the shape of the iso-
adsorption of oxygen. In contrast, the heats of therms in Fig. 1.
chemisorption of gases are generally in the range The ultimate proof of monolayer adsorption is to
20-100 kcal/mole. For instance, BULL, HALL and calculate the degree of surface coverage. This
GARNER@)have reported a value of 97 kcal/mole requires an estimate of the surface area; however,
for the heat of chemisorption of oxygen on charcoal. the interpretation of surface area determinations
In the present in~esti~tion of the reversible on carbonaceous materials is still open to ques-
adsorption, there were no hysteresis effects tioncgf and only approximate figures are available
apparent in the isotherms obtained (Fig. 1). Hence for brown coal chars. (1o-12) By using a conserva-
this adsorption can be regarded as thermo- tive figure of 160 m*/g it was found that less than

25.per cent of the surface is covered with reversibly Arrhenius plot (Fig. 6) a meaningless curve with a
adsorbed oxygen at 25°C and 760 mm Hg pressure. distinct minimum (Fig. 7) is obtained, due to the
3.2, The nature of the irreversible adsorption variation in q,. with temperature.
Oxygen irreversibly adsorbed on brown coal
char can only be recovered in a different chemical Temperature, OC.
250 150 50
form, as oxides of carbon.(2) The desorption of c’4.0 f t t
these oxides begins at temperatures of 250”- E
300°C but the oxygen cannot be recovered quanti- ?
tatively below 1000°C. (l) Thus by implication, the E”
oxygen must undergo a chemical change during the 0;
adsorption ‘process, i.e. the irreversible adsorption ‘ii

is a chemisorption process. This is analogous to the

&assical argument of RHEAD and WHEELER.
3.3 The kinetics of the irrewrsible adsorption
The data obtained in the investigation of the
irreversible adsorption can be expressed by the
empirical Elovich equation

where a and a are constants which can be evaluated L. I I ,

graphically. It should be stressed that for con- 1.5 2.5 3.5

venience the adsorptions were only investigated for l/T(V”I) x IO3
300 min. It is known@) that the adsorption con- FIG. 6. An Arrhenius plot of the initial rates of irrever-
sible adsorption of oxygen on brown coal char at 760 mm
tinues with a decreasing rate for at least several
Hg pressure.
months, but it may not conform to the Elovich
equation for the whole of this period. In fact, a Temperoture. OC.
deviation from Elovich as the sample approaches
saturation can be predicted from assumptions
made in theoretical derivationsti4) of the empirical
equation used. However, in the present investiga-
tion saturated conditions are not reached, and the
data conforms to the Elovich equation throughout
the experimental period.
As mentioned earlier, the Elovich constant a is
actually the initial rate of the irreversible adsorp-
tion when pir =O. As the value of a was indepen-
dent of pressure (Table Z), the initial adsorption is
a zero order reaction. In contrast, a shows a
marked dependence on temperature (Table 1).
When the values of a at different temperatures
were plotted on an Arrhenius scale (Fig. 6), an
activation energy of 1 l-1 + 1.5 kcaljmole was calcu-
lated from the slope. This is the apparent activa-
tion energy for the initial irreversible adsorption of
oxygen on degassed brown coal char. VTPH”‘) x103
FIG. 7. Arrhenius plots comparing the initial rates of
It is worth emphasizing that the initial rates
adsorption calculated from the Elovich equation using
were calculated using qk and not qtot in the (A) the total amount of oxygen adsorbed 13 and (B) the
Elovich equation. If qtot is used, instead of a linear amount irreversibly adsorbed 0.

ipmoerature .‘c+
The value obtained for activation energy of the
initial irreversible adsorption (11-l + 1.5 kcal/mole)
is rather low for a chemical reaction. However,
other workers(‘5-‘7) have also obtained values of
less than 20 kcal/mole for chemisorption reactions
on carbonaceous materials, Activation energies of
this order are generally attributed to rate control
by some mass transport or diffusion phenomenon.
Rate control by diffusion of oxygen through a
surface film of inert gas or through the pores to
adsorption sites is unlikely at the temperatures
investigated. These eiTccts do not influence the
kinetics of combustion of carbon in oxygen at tem-
peratures below 6.50”C,“8-20’ and the low tempera- Z.0 , I

1.5 2.5 3.5

ture chemisorption of oxygen is a much slower
l/T PK-‘1 x lo3
process, and therefore even less likely to be affected. FIG. 8. Arrhenius plots for the rates of irreversible
The most probable explanation of the low adsorption calculated from the Elovich equation at
activation energy is that the rate of chemisorption coverages of 0, 4 and 8 mg/g.
is controlled by the migration of a mobile physi-
cally adsorbed layer across the surface to active It can be shown mathematically that the
sites where chemical interaction occurs. This constant activation energy is a direct result of the
deduction is supported by the observation that the experimental observation that the Elovich constant
initial rate of the irreversible process is indepen- a does not vary with temperature. Normally, chemi-
dent of the oxygen pressure-the reaction being sorptions conforming to the Elovich equation have
zero order. According to WALKER, RUSINKO and activation energies which increase with coverage(4)
AusT&~‘) a zero order gas-solid reaction in which (because c1 decreases with temperature) though
no desorption is occurring indicates rate control by some examples of constant activation energy have
the surface rearrangement of adsorbed species. In been reported.(22’
the present system, there are two possible surface If surface migration of physically adsorbed
rearrangement steps-firstly the surface migration oxygen is the rate controlling step in the irrever-
suggested above, and secondly the conversion of sible adsorption, it can be assumed that the rate of
physically adsorbed oxygen to a chemisorbed adsorption shows a linear dependence on the con-
state. The former step is more likely to be con- centration of physically adsorbed oxygen qr which
trolling the rate because of the low activation varies with temperature (Fig. 2). Rate constants
energy of the irreversible adsorption. independent of this effect can be calcuIated at any
For rate control by surface migration, the activa- temperature by dividing the initial rate n by qr at
tion energy should depend only on the energy that temperature. These modified rate constants
barrier between adjacent adsorption sites, irrespec- give a corrected activation energy of lSj2 kcal/
tive of the amount of oxygen chemisorbed on the mole, which is independent of the concentration
surface. This has been investigated in the present of physically adsorbed oxygen.
work by comparing instantaneous rates of chemi- 4. CONCLUSIONS
sorption at different coverages over the tempera- In the previous work by the author(‘) it was con-
ture range used. These rates were calculated by cluded that the adsorption of oxygen on degassed
substituting the values of a and (y.from Table 1 in brown coal char at low temperatures could be
the Elovich equation (2) using different values of 9. divided into two concurrent processes, one rever-
The rates obtained are plotted on an Arrhenius sible and the other irreversible. In the present
scale in Fig. 8, which shows that the activation work, these two processes were investigated in
energy is independent of the amount of oxygen more detail and the following conclusions were
chemisorbed. drawn.

(1) The reversible adsorption process was due to 3. SHAH M. S.. J. Chem. Sot. 2661 (1929).
monolayer physical adsorption on the char surface, 4. TAYLOR H. A. and THONN., J. Am. Chem. Sot. 74,
4169 (1952).
the extent depending only on the temperature and
5. LANGHOFFJ . and PEXERSW., Erdoel und Kohle 17,900
pressure of the system. The isosteric heat of the
reversible adsorption varied from 4.6 to 5.2 kcal/ 6. ERCUN S., Bull. U.S. Bureau of Mines, No. 598
mole under the conditions investigated. (1962).
(2) The irreversible adsorption process con- 7. HArwARD D. 0. and TRAPNELL B. M. W., Cti-
formed to the empirical Elovich equation and so@tion, p. 198, Butterworths, London (1964).
arose from the chemisorption of oxygen on the 8. BULL H. I., HALL M. H. and GARNER W. E., J.
c&m. sot. 837 (1931).
degassed char surface. This chemisorption was
9. MARSH H., Fuel 44, 253 (1965).
initially zero order with an apparent activation
10. CAMERONA. and STACY W. O., Australian J. Appl.
energy of 11.1+ la.5 kcal/mole. This activation sci. 10, 449 (1959).
energy did not change with coverage. Il. KINI K. A. and STACY W. O., Cmbon 1,17 (1963).
(3) A suggested mechanism for the adsorption on 12. KINI K. A., Fuel 43, 173 (1964).
degassed brown coal char is that an initial rapid 13. RHEAD T. F. E. and WHEELER R. V., J. Chem. Sot.
physical adsorption occurs, followed by the migra- 103,461 (1913).
tion of the physically adsorbed oxygen across the 14. KUBOKAWA Y., Bull. C;hem. Sot. Japan 33, 734
surface to active sites where chemisorption occurs.
15. DEITZ V. R. and MCFARLANE E. F., Proceedings of
This chemisorption is a slow process for which the the Fifth Carbon Conference, Vol. 2, p. 219. Pergamon
rate decreases exponentially with the coverage of Press, Oxford (1962).
the surface with chemisorbed oxygen for at least 16. CONNORP., LEWIS J. B. and THOMASW. J., Proceed-
300 min. The rate controlling step of this chemi- ings of the Fifth Carbon Conference, Vol. 1, p, 120.
sorption appears to be the surface migration of the Pergamon Press, Oxford (1962).
physically adsorbed species, in which case the 17. SEVENSTERP. G., Fuel 40, 18 (1961).
18. BLAKEL@I T. H., Proceedings of the Fourth Carbon
kinetics can be modified by assuming a linear
Conference, p. 95. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1960).
dependence of the rate on qs, giving a corrected
19. EVANS T. and PHAAL C., Proceedings of the Fifth
activation energy of 15 + 2 kcalfmoie. Carbon Confewnce, Vol. 1, p. 147. Pergamon Press,
Oxford (1962).
Acknowledgements-The author thanks the University of
Melbourne for granting a Research Scholarship and 20. LANG F. M., MAGNIERP. and MAY S., Proceedings of
Messrs. D. G. EVANSand G. M. WILLIS for their advice the Fifth Carbon Conference, Vol. I, p. 171. Pergamon
and constructive criticism throughout the project. Press, Oxford (1962).
21. WALL P. L. Jr., RUSINKO F. and AUSTIN L. G.,
REFERENCES Advances in Catalysis. 11, 133 (1959).
1. BREEN J. G. and EVANSD. G., F&42,100 (1963). 22. EMMETT P. H. and BRUNAUERS., J. Am. Chem. Sot.
2. ALLAFIDICED. J., Carbon 3, 215 (1965). 56, 35 (1934).

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