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Elective Subject Selection Manual

1) Login Screen:
Student will enter valid username (sap no) -> valid password -> Click on Submit button.

2) Dashboard:
After Successful login student will get the dashboard page.
On Dashboard student will get menu list which is highlighted in below screen.
Dashboard options are:
 Home
 Elective Subject Registration
 Logout
3) View Registration:
1. Click on Elective Subject registrations tab mentioned on dashboard header
2. Click on View Registration, highlighted on below screen

4) Show Elective Subjects:

After clicking on view registration, student will get below screen.
For the subject selection: Click on show elective subject action which is highlighted in
below mentioned screen.
5) Select Elective Subject:
As soon as student will click on show elective subject action then below screen will
get display.

By using above screen student will choose the subject either 4+0 or 3+1.
1. If student will select the 2 subject in one specialization like finance and other
2 subjects in in another specialization and click on confirm button, then
validation message get display regarding subject selection rule. In below
screen highlighted.
2. Student will select the 4 subject in one specialization by clicking on checkbox
and click on confirm button or select the 3 subjects in one specialization and
1 in another specialization by clicking on checkbox and click on confirm
button. Refer below screen:

After the subject selection and click on confirm button then one pop will get display
to confirm your selected subjects.
If student will click on confirm button, then following pop up will get display
highlighted in below screen.
On that displayed pop up after clicking on “Ok” button then page get redirected on
add event page. In that page student gets selected subject list. As appear below

[Note: After clicking on confirm button students cannot be changed the subjects]

On confirm POP UP window: Confirm and Cancel button display. If student click on
cancel button, then page redirected on the last selected screen. Refer following
After clicking on cancel button below screen will get display.

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