Philo Long Test 1

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BASECO, Port Area, Manila

NAME: ________________________________________ DATE: ________________

SECTION: _______________ TEACHER: MS. N.V. BESIN

DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct letter that best fits the questions. Write the letter on the right side of each number.

_____1. The word ‘Philosophy comes from the two Greek words, ‘philo’ and ‘sophia.’ ‘Philo’ means love, what does ‘sophia’ means?
A. c B. Intelligence C. Knowledge D. Wisdom
_____2. Who is the teacher and mentor of Plato and famous for the wisdom, “Know Thyself?”
A. Anaximander B. Aristotle C. Socrates D. Thales
_____3. What is to ask questions, to reflect, and to formulate and evaluate arguments? Anybody can do this as long as he/she raises
valid or intelligent questions, reflects meditatively, and argues in a logical manner.

A. Critical Thinking B. Doing Philosophy C. Philosophizing D. Wisdom Sharing

_____4. What activity requires a person to be willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions to learn more about one’s life and
A. Creating B. Analyzing C. Reflecting D. Thinking
_____5. What kind of thinking considers the large-scale patterns in system and sees the “big picture?”

A. Inquiry B. Holistic Thinking C. Partial Thinking D. Primary Reflection

_____6. According to Gabriel Marcel, philosophical reflection is first and foremost the act of giving time to think about the meaning and
purpose of life. What kind of reflection that calculates, analyzes, or recounts past events and cannot be a genuine thinking
because it failed to make sense of the whole, of the mystery of life? It is also considered as selfish thinking because it is
instrumental thinking.

A. Inquiry B. Holistic Thinking C. Primary Reflection D. Secondary Reflection

_____7. What is thinking in a philosophical manner and a process of engaging oneself in matters of utility and methodologies to clear
out any practical problem or abstract idea?

A. Critical Thinking B. Doing Philosophy C. Philosophizing D. Wisdom Sharing

_____8. What is the careful, reflective, rational and systematic approach to questions of very general interest? It is also a life-long
process of self-assessment that further consists of defining, analysing and devising solutions, arriving at reasonable and
informed conclusions.
A. Critical Thinking B. Doing Philosophy C. Philosophizing D. Wisdom Sharing
_____10. The following are attributes of a critical thinker EXCEPT:
A. Looks for evidence B. Examines the problem C. Egocentric D. Adjusts opinion
_____11. What is an argument that contains a mistake in reasoning?

A. Fallacy B. Reflection C. False Thinking D. Accusations

_____12. What is the general term commonly used to refer to the entire human race?
A. Man B. Human C. Human being D. Person
_____13. What concept refers to a human being granted recognition of certain rights, protection, responsibilities, and dignity above all.
It is the totality of an individual, possessing awareness, self-determination, and the capacity to interact with others and with
A. Man B. Human C. Human being D. Person
____14. What term is used to distinguish man from other animals?
A. Man B. Human C. Human being D. Person
_____15. What refers to man as a species?
A. Man B. Human C. Human being D. Person
_____16. What refers to the characteristics (like thinking, feeling and acting) that distinguish humans from all other creatures? These
traits are considered to form the essence of humanity, and without them, an individual may not be considered a human person.
A. Man B. Humanity C. Human nature D. Personhood
_____17. What concept refers to the state of being a person?
A. Man B. Humanity C. Personality D. Personhood
_____18. What is the ability to surpass limits? It is one important trait that distinguishes the human person from other beings in
existence and overcoming oneself or being in control even if the body reminds us of certain tendencies.
A. Transmission B. Transcendence C. Transportation D. Transient
____19. What lies at the heart of any inquiry and a fact that has been verified?
A. Truth B. Knowledge C. Opinion D. Proposition
____20. What is a simple data that comes from the outside that pass to our senses? It must be truthful to gain validity and acceptance.
A. Truth B. Knowledge C. Opinion D. Proposition

____21. What are statements about the world or reality which may or may not carry truth?
A. Truth B. Knowledge C. Opinion D. Proposition
____22. What is a venue of reasoned discussion from two opposing sides on a well-defined context, where parties deliver their
arguments in an organized fashion with the primary purpose of convincing and persuading the parliament or the audience to give
merit on the contention of their cause?
A. Debate B. Essay Writing C. Forum D. Seminar-workshop
____23. What is a comparative analysis of the strength and weaknesses of the case of both sides? The aim of the speech is to give a
bias judgment as to why should the people support the team's claim. The speech is first delivered by the opposition side and
followed by the government side who will close the debate.
A. Opening Speech B. Reply Speech C. Congratulatory Speech D. Refute Speech
____24. The following are members of the Government side in Asian Parliamentary Debate, EXCEPT:
A. Opposition Leader B. Prime Minister C. Deputy Prime Minister D. Government Whip
____25. The following are the criteria in assessing the Asian Parliamentary Debate by the Adjudicator Panel, EXCEPT:
A. Method B. Manner C. Material D. Matter
____26. What fallacy was committed when an arguer attempts to evoke feelings of pity or compassion, where such feelings, however
understandable, are not relevant to the truth of the arguer’s conclusion?
A. Non-Sequitur B. Appeal to Pity C. Appeal to Authority D. Appeal to Popularity
____27. What fallacy was committed when an arguer appeals to a person’s desire to be popular, accepted, or valued, rather than to
logically relevant reasons or evidence?
A. Non-Sequitur B. Appeal to Pity C. Appeal to Authority D. Bandwagon
____28. What fallacy was committed when an arguer rejects a person’s argument or claim by attacking the person’s character rather
than examining the worth of the argument or claim itself?
A. Attacking the Person B. Appeal to Pity C. Appeal to Authority D. Bandwagon
____29. What fallacy was committed when an arguer tries to side track his audience by raising an irrelevant issue, and then claims that
the original issue has been effectively settled by the irrelevant diversion?
A. Straw Man B. Begging the Question C. Red Herring D. Equivocation
____30. What fallacy was committed when an arguer misrepresents another person’s position to make it easier to attack?
A. Straw Man B. Begging the Question C. Red Herring D. Equivocation
____31. What fallacy was committed when citing a witness or authority that is untrustworthy?
A. Loaded Question B. False Authority C. False Dichotomy D. False Cause
____32. What fallacy was committed when drawing a general conclusion from a sample that is biased or too small?
A. Hasty Generalization B. False Authority C. Circular Reasoning D. False Cause
____33. What fallacy was committed when claiming, without sufficient evidence, that one thing is the cause of something else?
A. Hasty Generalization B. False Authority C. Circular Reasoning D. False Cause
____34. What fallacy was committed when claiming, without sufficient evidence that a seemingly harmless action, if taken, will lead to a
disastrous outcome?
A. Hasty Generalization B. Weak Analogy C. Slippery Slope D. Red Herring
_____35. What fallacy was committed when comparing things that aren’t really comparable?
A. Hasty Generalization B. Weak Analogy C. Slippery Slope D. Red Herring


DIRECTIONS. Match Column A with the correct answer in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the right side of each number.

Branches of Philosophy

Column A Column B
_____1. What is reality like? A. Aesthetics
_____2.How is knowledge acquired? B. Epistemology
_____3.How should art and beauty be judged C. Ethics
_____4. What is reasonable? D. Logic
_____5. What is right and wrong? E. Metaphysics

Philosophers and their Works

Column A Column B
_____1. Niccolo Machaivelli A. Das Kapital
_____2. Confucius B. Nicomachean Ethics
_____3. Aristotle C. Summa Theologica
_____4. Karl Marx D. The Analects
_____5. St. Thomas Aquinas E. The Prince

Philosophers and their Ideas

Column A Column B
_____1. Jean-Jacques Rousseau A. Communism
_____2. John Stuart Mill B. The Social Contract
_____3. Friedrich Nietzsche C. Nihilism
_____4. Karl Marx D. Tabula Rasa
_____5. John Locke E. Utilitarianism

“Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better.”
- Maya Angelou

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