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Mid-Term Examination

Traffic Management and Accident Investigation CCDI 102)

2ND Semester CY 2017-2018

NAME: ______________________________________________ROOM NR: _____ PERMIT NR: ______

1. Traffic accident – an accident involving travel transportation on a traffic way.
2. Motor vehicle accident – an accident involving a motor vehicle in transport, but not involving aircraft or water
3. Motor-vehicle traffic accident – any motor-vehicle accident that occurs on a traffic way or that occurs after the
motor vehicle runs off roadway but before events are stabilized.
4. Perception delay – the time from the point of possible perception to actual perception.
5. Point of no escape – the place and time after or beyond which the accident cannot be presented by a particular
traffic unit.
6. Point of possible perception – the place and time of which the hazard could have been perceived by a normal
person. It precedes actual perception and is the beginning of perception delay.
7. Skidmark – a friction mark or a pavement made by a tire that is sliding without rotation. Sliding or wheels may
be due to breaking to collision damage, or rarely to other circumstances.
8. Skip skid – breaking skidmark interrupted at frequent regular intervals; the skidmark made by a bouncing wheel
on which brakes keep the wheel from turning.
9. Gas skid – a braking skidmark which is interrupted by release and reapplication of brakes or which terminates by
release of brakes before collision.
10. Scuffmarks – a friction mark on a pavement made by a tire which is both rotating and slipping; acceleration scuff
yawmarks, flat tire marks.
11. Yawmark – a scuffmark made while a vehicle is yawing the mark made on the road by a rotating tire which is
slipping in a direction parallel to the axle of the wheel.
12. Traffic Management. It is the process of controlling, directing and monitoring traffic flow of motor vehicle to
insure safe and efficient movement of vehicle.
13. Traffic. It is the movement or the passing back and forth of people and vehicle along the traffic ways.
14. Police Traffic Law Enforcement – part of traffic law enforcement performed by the police and other agencies
with police power including deterrent to law violation created by the presence of uniformed police officers and
their special equipments.
15. Traffic unit – an element of traffic; a person using a traffic way for travel or transportation; vehicle, pedal cyclist,
pedestrian, etc.
16. Vehicle – every device in upon or by which any person or property is to may be transported or drawn upon a
highway, excepting devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or trucks
17. Pedestrian – any person a foot, any person not in or upon a motor vehicle or other road vehicles
18. Traffic way – the entire width between property lines or other boundary lines, or every way or place of which
any part is open o the public for purposes of vehicular travel as matter of right or custom. All highways are
traffic ways but traffic ways include also some areas on private property such as shopping center.
19. Traffic Arrest – is a taking a person into custody for the purpose of holding or detaining him to answer a charge
of law violation before a court.
20. Road – the part of a traffic way which includes both the roadway, which is the traveled part, and any shoulder
alongside the roadway. Where there are uncountable curbs, the road and roadways are the same. If there is a
guardrail, the road is considered to extend to the guardrail.
21. Court Traffic Law Enforcement – the part of traffic law enforcement performed by the court by adjudication and
22. TRAFFIC ARREST – Is a taking a person into custody for the purpose of holding or detaining him to answer a
charge of law violation before a court.
23. Traffic patrol – consists of driving or walking here and there in an area or to and from on a road for the purpose
of traffic law enforcement and to provide traffic connected services to the public.
24. Line patrol – moving patrol or stationary observation on a specified road between two points usually on one City
Street or a section of highway
25. Area Patrol – traffic patrol or stationary observation in an area or beat which includes a number of streets, roads
or sections of highways.
1. What are the five phases of Traffic Law Enforcement? (5 pts)
2. What are the three major elements in the traffic enforcement system? (3 pts)
3. When an arrest is made in traffic violation? (3 pts)
4. Enumerate define and discuss the six (6) different types of traffic patrol? (12 pts)
5. Enumerate and discuss the three (3) Classification of Traffic Accident. (6 pts)
6. Enumerate and discuss the four (4) Stages of Accident. (8 pts)
7. Enumerate and discuss the five (5) Pillars of Traffic Management. (10 pts)
8. Enumerate and discuss the three (3) Objectives of Traffic Law Enforcement. (6 pts)
9. Enumerate the different steps in Traffic Accident Investigation? (7 points)


1. Why people violate traffic laws? (15 pts)

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