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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 60, No.6, 1997, Pages 694-697

Copyright ©, Internalional Association 01 Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians

Research Note

Shell Egg Sanitation: UV Radiation and Egg Rotation to

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Effectively Reduce Populations of Aerobes, Yeasts, and Molds

F.-L. KUO, S. C. RICKE, and J. B. CAREY*

Department of Poultry Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, USA

(MS# 96-146: Received 12 June 1996/Accepted 21 October 1996)

ABSTRACT gamma radiation, has germicidal properties and destroys

bacteria by degradation of the cell walls, Exposure to UV
The intensity of UV radiation (254 nm) and egg rotation were radiation can induce abnormal ion flow, depolarize mem-
Journal of Food Protection 1997.60:694-697.

examined for their effect on aerobic microorganisms, yeast, and branes, increase membrane permeability, induce DNA,
mold on egg shell surfaces. Aerobic microorganisms, yeast, and
RNA, and protein alterations, and inhibit oxidative phosphor-
mold populations were significantly reduced by UV treatments at
ylation (18, 23), UV radiation also causes the formation of
1,720 flW/cm2• Eggs rotated at I revolution per min under 1,720
flW/cm2 of UV light had significantly reduced populations of
thymine dimers on DNA strands, which is lethal to bacteria.
aerobic microorganisms. Higher intensity (4,350 flW /cm2) with egg In addition, the use of UV radiation within an enclosed
rotation also significantly decreased aerobic microorganism popu- environment appears to be a user- and environmentally safe
lations. Eggs treated with rotation and 15 min of 4,350 flW!cm2 of alternative (20).
UV radiation had significantly lower populations of aerobic Previous studies have shown that UV was effective in
microorganisms than eggs without rotation. Eggs rotated and sterilization of contact lenses (12), in reducing the bacterial
exposed to 15 min of 4,350 flW /cm2 of UV were compared to eggs loads of circulating air during incubation and hatching (2,
dipped in 200 ppm chlorine-treated water solution for 1 min, 20), in destroying bacteria on the surfaces of fish (13), meat
exposed to 3 X formaldehyde fumigation for 20 min, sprayed with (14), and poultry without deleterious effects on color, flavor,
commercial sanitizer (Bioguard®) for 3 min, and eggs receiving no
or general appearance (22,24), and in reducing the bacterial
treatment. Eggs treated with UV radiation had significantly higher
loads contaminating eggshell surfaces (3, 9, 10, 15). How-
populations of aerobic microorganisms than eggs from other
treatments but significantly lower bacterial populations than the ever, little has been done to examine appropriate UV dosage
control group. Mold and yeast populations of UV-treated eggs were (time and intensity of exposure combination) and to maxi-
significantly lower than the untreated eggs. The results of this study mize exposure of the entire egg surface. The need for
indicate that UV radiation can significantly reduce aerobic microor- methods which can decrease the microbial loads to accept-
ganisms, yeast and molds on egg shell surfaces. able levels and are economical for commercial application
has become apparent. An effective UV sanitation method
Key words: UV radiation, shell eggs, aerobic microorganisms, which is economical for industrial application would be
molds, sanitation beneficial. The objectives of this study were to examine the
appropriate time and intensity of UV exposure that have the
most effective bactericidal activity, to determine the effects
Physical and chemical methods such as heat treatment,
of egg rotation during UV exposure, and to compare UV
gamma irradiation, and ethylene oxide treatment have been
sanitation efficacy with that of other sanitizers.
shown to be effective disinfectants for a variety of materials
but may present problems when applied to egg processing.
Heat treatment can result in the loss of flavor compounds MATERIALS AND METHODS
(16), ethylene oxide treatment presents toxic residue prob-
lems (7), and the use of gamma irradiation has not received UV duration study
wide public acceptance due to perceived safety concerns. Visibly clean, unwashed eggs were used for all aerobic, mold,
UV radiation has been widely used in treating water and and yeast enumeration studies. Eggs were exposed to UV radiation
other liquids (21). Bachman (1) reported that UV light, like at 1,720 flW!cm2 for 0, 15, and 30 min. These treatments were
selected from results of preliminary research (15). After UV
treatments, eggs were aseptically transferred to sterile plastic bags
(I egg per bag) and rinsed with 30 ml of autoclaved buffered
* Author for correspondence: Tel: 409-845-4318; Fax: 409-845-1921: phosphate diluent (0.31 mM KH2P04, 0.22 mM NaOH, pH 7.2)
E-mail: (BPD) rinse solution. After 30 s of gentle hand massage, 1 ml of the

rinse solution was used to recover the viable microorganisms. TABLE I. Effects of UV radiation on the aerobic and mold and
Aerobic microorganisms were counted by plating the rinse and yeast populations from the eggshell surface
serially diluted rinse solution on plate count agar (PCA) and
log CPU/shell egg
incubating the plates at 37°C for 24 h before counting viable
UV treatment time (min)
colonies. Tetracycline (40 Ilg/ml) was added to the PCA (17) to
(1,720 flW/cm2 eggshell) APC (SEM = 0.2) Mold (SEM = 0.1)
inhibit bacteria, allowing mold and yeast CFU to be counted. The
plates for mold and yeast were placed at 20°C in the dark for 5 days o 4.7Aa 3.3A
before counting CFU. Estimation of the total microorganisms 15 2.7B 1.6B
recovered from the eggshell was calculated as log (30 X CFU/ml 30 2.6B <1.5B
of BPD) to obtain log CFU per shell egg. The "0" colony count
should be < 1.5 (log CFU/shell egg) based on this calculation. a Means within columns not followed by the same letter differ
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However, 0.75 or 1.5 (log CFU/shell egg) was used to represent the significantly (P < 0.01).
"0" CFU when analyzing the data. A total of 30 eggs was used,
which included 5 eggs per treatment and two replications.
cantly reduced by UV exposure. Bacterial loads were
reduced by 2 log cycles after exposure to 15 min of 1,720
Egg rotation study I1W/cm2 of UV radiation. However, no significant differ-
In the first study, 2 eggs were placed on an egg roller (l
ences were observed between eggs exposed to 30 min of UV
revolution per min) and exposed to 1,720 11W /cm2 of UV radiation
light and eggs exposed to 15 min of Uv. Similar results were
for 0, 10, 20 and 30 min. The method for recovery of viable
colonies was described above. With 2 eggs per treatment and five
obtained in a previous study in our laboratory (15) where a
replications, a total of 40 eggs were used. In the second study, a 2-10g-unit reduction of the aerobic microorganism popula-
greater intensity (4,350 IlW/cm2) of UV radiation combined with tions was achieved after 15 min of exposure to 620 I1W/cm2
egg rotation was used. Eggs were placed on the egg roller with the of UV radiation. Given the 2-10g-unit reduction observed in
these studies, a higher UV dosage than 1,720 I1W/cm2 may
Journal of Food Protection 1997.60:694-697.

speed of I revolution per min and exposed to 4,350 IlW/cm2 of UV

radiation for 0, 15, and 30 min. The experimental design was the be required in order to increase the bactericidal activity of
same as the study of the effect of UV intensity and a total of 30 eggs UV radiation on aerobic microorganisms contaminating the
were used. In the third study, the experiment was conducted by surfaces of eggshells.
exposing the eggs to 4,350 IlW/cm2 of UV for shorter time periods The mold and yeast populations were significantly
(0,5, 10, and 15 min). The recovery methods and the experimental
reduced by exposure to 1,720 I1Wlcm2 UV radiation (Table
design were as described for the previous study and a total of 40
1). The yeast and mold populations recovered from the
eggs were used. Egg rotation was investigated by treating eggs with
or without rotation and exposing them to 4,350 IlW/cm2 of UV
eggshell surfaces were either "1" or "0" CFU after expo-
radiation for 0,5, 10 and 15 min. With 2 eggs per treatment and five sure to 15 min of UV radiation. These results agree with
replications, a total of 70 eggs were used. previous studies which reported that mold and yeast popula-
tions were either" 1" or "0" CFU after 15 min of exposure
Comparison of UV to other egg sanitizers to 620 I1W/cm2 of UV radiation (15). The results of the
Aerobic microorganism, mold, and yeast populations were current study further demonstrate that UV radiation is very
estimated to compare the combination of egg rotation and UV effective in reducing molds and yeast which contaminate
radiation to other egg sanitizers. The UV treatment of eggs shell egg surfaces and unlike aerobic microorganisms present
consisted of 4,350 IlW/cm2 ofUVradiation and an egg rotation of I on egg shells, greater UV intensities are probably not
revolution per min for 15 min. UV radiation was compared to required for extensive reduction of yeasts and molds on egg
dipping eggs for I min in 200 ppm chlorine-treated (84.4% shells.
chlorine bleach plus distilled, deionized water) water; a 3 X
formaldehyde fumigation (standard I X: 20 g of KMn04 plus 40 ml
Egg rotation
of formalin per 100 cubic feet) for 20 min; a commercial sanitizer
Aerobic microorganism populations were significantly
spray for 3 min (Bioguard®, Hes Spray@, Bio-Lab, Inc., Decatur,
GA, 30031); and no treatment. With 2 eggs per treatment and six reduced by the combination of UV radiation and roller
replications, a total of 60 eggs were used. treatments (Table 2). The eggs were put on an egg roller at a
speed of 1 revolution per min while exposed to 1,720
I1W/cm2 of UV radiation. A 2-10g-cycle reduction of aerobic
Statistical analysis
Statistical calculations were processed by using Statistical microorganisms populations was observed after 10 min of
Analysis System (SAS) software version 6.11 (19). Analyses of exposure to UV radiation and a nearly 3-10g-unit reduction
variance were conducted by the general linear models procedure of was detected after 30 min of UV radiation. The results of this
SAS (19) for mold and yeast counts and aerobic microorganisms study suggest that rotating eggs at 1 revolution per min could
counts. Mean differences were separated by the PDIFF option enhance the bactericidal activity of UV radiation by creating
(pair-wise t tests). a more complete exposure of bacteria on the entire egg shell
surface to UV radiation and thus resulting in further
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION reduction of bacterial populations.
Aerobic microorganism populations were significantly
UV duration reduced by exposure to a greater intensity (4,350 I1W/cm2)
The response of aerobic microorganism populations on of UV radiation (Table 2). A 2.8-10g CFU reduction was
eggs exposed to 1,720 I1W/cm2 of UV radiation is shown in observed after 15 min of exposure to UV radiation and a
Table 1. Aerobic microorganism populations were signifi- more than 3-10g CFU reduction was observed after 30 min of

TABLE 2. The effects of UV radiation with egg rotation at 1 l2l Control

revolution per min on aerobic microorganism populations from 6
eggshell surfaces A
" Roller
0> 5 T
APC (log CFU/shell egg) 0> III No Roller
4,350 J.lW/cm2 4

~en B
UV treatment time
1,720 J.lU/cm2
(SEM = 0.1)
Trial I
(SEM = 0.1)
Trial 2
(SEM = 0.1)
:;) 3 T
0 4.9Aa 4.9A 5.1A ~ 2
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5 - b 3.0B 0>
10 2.8B
15 2.1B 2.0e
20 2ABe o
30 2.1e 1.8B o 5 10 15
a Means within columns not followed by common letter differ UV exposure time (min)
significantly (P < 0.01).
b _, not determined. FIGURE 1. The effects of UV radiation with or without egg
rotation at 1 revolution per min on aerobic microorganism
populations from eggshell surfaces. UVintensity, 4,350 ILW/cm2• A,
exposure to UV radiation. These results suggest that greater
B, C: means, P < 0.01. Control, group without UV treatment;
UV intensity (4,350 J..lW/cm2) may increase the germicidal
Roller, egg rotation at 1 revolution per min; No Roller, no egg
Journal of Food Protection 1997.60:694-697.

activity ofUV radiation. However, no significant differences rotation.

were detected between UV exposure times. These results
also suggest that 15 min of 4,350 J..lW/cm2 of UV radiation
accompanied with egg rotation could reduce the total ments. In general, rinsing eggs sanitized by these treatments
number of microorganisms contaminating the eggshell sur- resulted in either "0" or "1" recovered CFU. The aerobic
face to less than 150 (2.1 log CFU/shell egg). This could microorganism populations of eggs treated with UV radia-
result in increasing the egg storage time without contamina- tion were significantly greater than those of eggs sanitized
tion problems. by other treatments. These results indicate that UV radiation
Aerobic microorganisms contaminating eggshell sur- was not as effective as chlorine, Bioguard® and fumigation
faces Were significantly decreased by 4,350 J..lW/cm2 of UV in decreasing microorganisms contaminating eggshell sur-
radiation in combination with egg rotation for shorter faces. However, UV radiation did effectively reduce bacte-
treatment time periods (Table 2). However, the aerobic rial loads to 2.3 log CFU per shell egg. Chlorine treatments
microorganism populations of eggs exposed to 5 or 10 min are useful in preventing spoilage and increasing the shelf life
of UV radiation were significantly greater than those of eggs of food, but potential health hazards have been associated
exposed to 15 min of UV radiation. These results further with the use of these compounds. The chlorination reactions
demonstrate that egg rotation and 15 min of 4,350 J..lW/cm2 are of particular concern in foods because of toxic chloroor-
of UV radiation may be required to effectively sanitize the ganic compounds (25). Formaldehyde fumigation has been
egg shell surfaces. the recommended treatment in hatcheries due to its effective-
The aerobic microorganism populations were signifi-
cantly reduced by 4,350 J..lW/cm2of UV treatments with or TABLE 3. The effects of UV radiation, 200 ppm chlorine-treated
without egg rotation (Figure 1). No significant differences water dip, Bioguard spray, and formaldehyde fumigation treat-
were observed among UV radiation exposure times for eggs ments on aerobic and mold and yeast populations from eggshell
without rotation and the eggs exposed to 5 or 10 min of UV surfaces
radiation in combination with egg rotation. However, eggs log CFU/shell egg
exposed to 15 min of UV radiation combined with egg
rotation had significantly lower aerobic microorganism Treatmentsa APC (SEM = O. I) Mold (SEM = 0.0)

populations than all other combinations. These results were Control 5.0Ab 3.7A
consistent with previous results from this study (Table 2) UVR 2.3B <1.5B
which showed that the total number of recoverable aerobic CL <1.5e <1.5B
microorganisms after 15 min exposure to 4,350 J..lW/cm2 of Bioguard <1.5e <1.5B
UV radiation combined with egg rotation was less than 100 Fumigation <1.5e <1.5B
a Control, group without UV treatment; UVR, eggs treated with
4,350 !JW/cm2 of UV radiation for 15 min; CL, eggs dipped in
Comparison of UV radiation to other egg sanitizers
200 ppm chlorine-treated water for 1 min; Bioguard®, commer-
The aerobic microorganism populations were signifi- cial sanitizer spray on eggs for 3 min; fumigation, Eggs treated
cantly reduced by all treatments (Table 3). No significant with 3 X formaldehyde fumigation for 20 min.
differences in aerobic microorganism populations were b Means within columns not followed by a common letter differ

detected among chlorine, Bioguard® and fumigation treat- significantly (P < 0.01).

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