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improve the environment and class room activity 's for students and get them to be
more physically active in and out side of the class room.
2. motivating students to remain focused and physically engaged for longer durations in
Physical Education.

3. There is an increasing body of knowledge surrounding the role social interaction plays
in physical education (Acquaviva et al., 2013). Literature has highlighted the
importance of social interaction within primary PE in particular (Cremin and Burnett ,
2018), and the negative impact that an ever-growing focus on digital technology may
have on students’ development (Casey , 2011).

Digital technology can provide opportunities for social interaction. For example, using slow
motion video to allow a performer to identify errors in their technique through conversation with
a teacher or peer observer (Fabian and Maclean , 2014). Using technology in this way also
allows for more effective personalised feedback for students, alongside maximising time for
physical activity within lessons. The practical nature of PE reduces opportunities for reflective
tasks due to a lack of tangible evidence of work. Video can therefore be used to record student
work and capture assessment evidence in PE lessons (Lee et al., 2001). Using video allow
students to identify how they have used feedback in order to develop. The feedback enhancing
student understanding and disposition towards the subject. It will be about exploring and
discovering what works, what doesn't and what works best. replay the video to show students
the skills elements they are performing correctly and those elements that require improvement.
Videos can also be used to highlight students who are successful at a particular task, which
can positively reinforce student behaviour. Students use iPads to record and receive immediate
feedback on their skill development and to document their learning. Students also use their
iPads to create videos that highlight activities and information learned in physical education.

These videos are natural ways to create positive exposure for a program. Mr. Carr’s gymnasium
also features a projection system, which adds a visual element to his verbal instruction.
Technology has the potential to facilitate more effective instruction in physical education and to
provide physical educators with key pieces of information that can be used in advocacy efforts.
Educators can efficiently summarize student performance records through tables and graphs
to help key stakeholders understand the impact of a quality physical education program.
Student performance videos can be shown during school board meetings, parent/teacher
conferences, and assemblies to demonstrate the variety of activities offered through physical
Teachers can also conduct video interviews to document students’ impressions of physical
education and learning.
Technological innovations have
improved not only the products and clothing used by athletics (e.g., their bicycles,
tennis racquets, and swimsuits), but there have also been significant developments
in the ways in which athletes study their own (and opponents’) performance, as
well as how they receive feedback from coaches.

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