Int 2

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internal Test 24th February 2012 /Set 2

Subject : Computational Fluid Dynamics Semester : 8th ME

Subject Code : (07ME0825) Date : 24/02/2012
Duration : 1 Hour Max Marks : 30

Answer any one question from each Unit


1 .(a) What are the functions of a Pre Processor in a CFD code ? (05)

(b) Compare the Analytical, Experimental and Computational approaches used for analysis of
Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer problems (10)

2 (a) Explain clearly the difference between a Structured and an Unstructured Grid. State the relative
merits of the two types of grids for solving flow in a complex geometry (05)

(b) Write down the pair of differential equations solved in generating a two-dimensional grid
with provision of different grid controls using differential method of grid generation (10)


3. (a) Show that the velocity field given below :

h 2  dp    y 

u( y)     1  4   v( y )  w( y )  0.
8  dx    h  
satisfies the equation of motion for the 2D steady flow of a viscous incompressible
fluid with constant viscosity and constant pressure gradient (10)


4 (a) Show that the velocity field given below :
k(x 2  y 2 ) 2kxy
u ( x, y )  and v( x, y ) 
(x 2  y 2 )2 (x2  y 2 )2
satisfies the continuity equation for the 2D flow of an incompressible fluid motion
Also deduce the expression for Vorticity for this 2D flow as function of x and y. (10)

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