Starkville Dispatch Eedition 11-4-19

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Monday | November 4, 2019

Polls open Monday profile

Tuesday for
state, county Hairston helps young men
general step up to better future
election races Area funeral director
leads mentorship
Nearly 800 absentee
votes cast in Oktibbeha program for teens
By Slim Smith

Oktibbeha County voters who enny Hairston routinely finds
go to the polls Tuesday will decide himself meeting people in the
on a full ballot of state and county most difficult circumstances
races, everything from constable to of their lives. Hairston, 51, is man-
governor. ager of Century Hairston Funeral
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. un- Homes in Columbus and Starkville,
til 7 p.m., with voters making their a third-generation family business.
choices in seven contested state- “I’m sitting with families and
wide races, one seat in the House of helping them cope with the loss of
Representatives and seven contest- a loved one,” Hairston said. “That’s
ed county races. Statewide races always difficult, but over the years,
include governor, lieutenant gov- it’s helped me communicate bet-
ernor, secretary of state, attorney ter.”
general and treasurer. Four of the Aside from his years at Rust Col-
five seats on the board of supervi- lege, where he was a record-break-
sors are being contested as well. ing track athlete, Hairston has
Deputy Circuit Clerk Sheryl spent his life in the mortuary busi-
Elmore said 797 people had voted ness. All of those years of meeting
by absentee ballot as of the end with grief-stricken families have
of Saturday’s in-person absentee developed in him a highly refined
voting. Mail-in absentee ballots sense of empathy.
postmarked by 5 p.m. today should And it is away from his work
push that number well beyond the that Hairston has found a way
800 mark, Elmore said. to make a difference in his com-
There are 20 polling places that munity through his position as
will be open in Oktibbeha County. chapter president of Omega Psi Phi
Voters who do not know their poll- fraternity, which has 750 chapters
ing place can call the circuit clerk’s and thousands of members both
office at 323-1356. in colleges and, like Hairston, as
“What young men know best
about Omega Psi Phi is stepping,”
Hairston said. “They all want to
learn to step.”

A record 5,000-plus Stepping is a choreographed

dance popular among black frater-
Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff
Benny Hairston, who manages the family-owned Century Hairston funeral
nities and sororities, and Omega
passengers fly out Psi Phi has a national reputation as
one of the art form’s best.
homes in Columbus and Starkville, said mentoring young people through
his role as local chapter of Omega Psi Phi is his way of giving back to the

of GTRA in October But it’s a different kind of step

that Hairston and his chapter way, the fraternity brothers stress ful people. They’re just looking at
the moment, never seeing farther
brothers are focusing on when they goal-setting and meet with the kids
Hainsey credits adding meet with kids. one-on-one to deal with any prob- than the present. That’s what we
“As a chapter, we started lems that emerge during the often try to do: Get them to broaden their
fourth Delta flight, mentoring young men through a confusing teen years. outlook.”
debate team about six years ago,” “On a daily basis, as I’m driving The skills Hairston uses in his
continued strong said Hairston, who believes debate around, I’m looking at where kids work help him connect with the
helps young men develop and are,” Hairston said. “I had to see young men, who typically range in
business climate polish the soft skills they’ll need to young men walking the streets, not age from 13 to 18.
See Hairston, 6A
in region achieve a successful life. Along the realizing they can become success-


More than 5,000

passengers flew out

Restructured engineering, streets

of Golden Triangle
Regional Airport in
October, setting a

department aims to bolster leadership

new record for the
Columbus airport.
The number ex-
ceeded the October Hainsey
2018 total by 25 percent, according
to a GTR A press release issued
Aldermen to consider proposal that could the board of al-
according to Tuesday’s board
meeting agenda.
last week. The flights were more help fill long-term job vacancies The pro-
posed restruc-
After three long-serving
foremen retired in the span
than 90 percent full.
GTR A Executive Director Mike By Tess Vrbin Kemp presented the pro- ture would of a few years, the city has
Hainsey credited the new record posal to the aldermen at their eliminate two been unable to find people
to Delta Air Lines’ addition of a Friday work session and said foreman posi- with enough construction
fourth flight out of GTR A in June, Starkville aldermen on it would also help the depart- tions and a civ- and management experience
Tuesday will consider a pro- Kemp
as well as a more aggressive mar- ment fill several vacant po- il engineering to fill those jobs under the
keting strategy to reach customers posed restructuring of the sitions, some of which have intern position and create the department’s existing pay
outside the Golden Triangle. engineering and streets de- been open for a few years. positions of engineering tech- structure, Kemp said. One
“We have expanded our mar- partment that city engineer “We’ve been holding off nician and street department equipment operator was pro-
keting to areas such as Tupelo and Edward Kemp said will make on filling these until we had operations manager. These moted to foreman, he said,
Oxford, and as far away as Tusca- it “more efficient and more the opportunity to present changes and the addition of but the other two jobs are still
loosa, Alabama,” Hainsey said in responsive” to community this and for you guys to have a seasonal staff position will vacant, as are two equipment
See GTRa, 3A needs. some input on it,” Kemp told save the city $200 per year, See ALDERMEN, 3A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 What city is home to the only base- Thursday meetings
ball team whose ballpark’s sausages Nov. 5:
■ A Thanks Gath-
outsell its hot dogs? Starkville Board
ering: This annual
2 What sports car inspired its own of Aldermen
theme park in Abu Dhabi with a roller community prayer
meeting, 5:30
coaster reaching 149 mph in five service at 6 p.m.
at the Downtown p.m., City Hall
3 What iconic 1994 Claire Danes TV YMCA, 602 Second Nov. 12: Planning
Caleb Allen and Zoning
series was surprisingly canceled after Ave. N., Columbus,
K -3, Columbus Christian Commission
one season? features guest

63 Low 40
4 What is the last name of the doctor Wyatt Emmerich, meeting, 5:30
High who popularized using inkblots for editor of The p.m., City Hall
Partly sunny
psychological analysis? Nov. 12: SOCSD
Northside Sun. All
5 Whose skull does Hamlet hold and Board of Trustees
Full forecast on talk to in Shakespeare’s play—Hora- are welcome at this
page 3A. tio’s, Macbeth’s or Yorick’s? event sponsored by regular meeting, 6
Answers, 6B the Christian Com- Walker Mattox recently graduated from the p.m., 401 Greens-
munity in Prayer University of North Alabama with a degree in boro St.
Committee. For mathematics. She returned to her hometown of Nov. 15:
Inside more information, Starkville to work at the Starkville KOA and tu- Starkville Board
Classifieds 5B Dear Abby 4B email christiancom- tor before leaving the states in January. Mattox of Aldermen work
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A munityinprayer@ will be heading to Malaysia to teach English on session, 1:15
Crossword 6B Opinions 4A a Fulbright Scholarship in 2020. p.m., City Hall


2A Monday, November 4, 2019 The Dispatch •

White nationalists seen filming at lynching victim memorial

Incident was captured Saturday by new security cameras Till was 14 when he
was kidnapped, beaten
marker was placed in
2008. Someone tossed it in
The commission is try-
ing to raise money for a
at Emmett Till memorial site in Mississippi and killed in 1955 after
he allegedly whistled at a
the river. The second and permanent memorial site
third signs were shot at and received some dona-
By KIM CHANDLER the commission shows the group was carrying a white woman. An all-white and left riddled with bullet tions after the video was
The Associated Press people, including a per- white flag with a large jury in Mississippi acquit- holes. discovered.
son carrying the flag of cross, a symbol associat- ted two white men of mur- The new 500-pound “We hope this hate
People carrying a der charges. The memori-
a neo-Confederate group ed with the League of the steel sign has a glass bul- speech leads to positive
white nationalist flag were al is at the site where Till’s
flag, filming at the site. South. letproof front, Weems said. action,” Weems said.
caught on security camer- body was pulled from the
They are seeing running The Southern Poverty
as trying to film in front of Tallahatchie River.
a new memorial to lynch- away after a security alarm Law Center has described
The camera system and
ing victim Emmett Till. sounds. the League of the South
alarms are part of an up-
Patrick Weems, execu- In the video, a man as a neo-Confederate hate
dated security system that
tive director of the Emmett can be heard saying they group. accompanies a new bul-
Till Memorial Commis- are at the memorial “that “They basically showed let-proof memorial to Till
sion, told The Associated represents the civil rights a group of people com- that was dedicated Oct. 19.
Press that the incident was movement for blacks.” ing out and filming what The bulletproof sign and
captured Saturday by new “What we want to know looked to be some kind of security measures come
security cameras at the is, where are all the white propaganda video at the after the first three mark-
memorial site in Missis- people?” he continued historic marker,” Weems ers were vandalized.
sippi. Security video from before the clip ends. The said. The first historical

Whistleblower willing to answer GOP questions, lawyer says

Proposal comes as President Donald It would allow Republi-
cans to ask questions of the
ing, under oath & penalty
of perjury.” Only queries
Trump stepped up attacks on the whistleblower without hav-
ing to go through the com-
seeking the person’s iden-
tity won’t be answered, he
whistleblower as lacking credibility mittee’s chairman, Rep.
Adam Schiff, D-Calif.
Nunes’ office did not
By HOPE YEN Republicans, the person’s “Being a whistleblower have immediate comment.
The Associated Press lawyer says. is not a partisan job nor is The surprise proposal
The offer made over impeachment an objective. comes as Trump stepped
WASHINGTON — The the weekend to Rep. Devin That is not our role,” Mark up attacks on the whis-
whistleblower who raised Nunes, the top Republican Zaid, the whistleblower’s at- tleblower as lacking credi-
alarms about President on the intelligence com- torney, tweeted Sunday. bility, tweeting Sunday that
Donald Trump’s dealings mittee, was aimed in part “We will ensure timely the person “must come for-
with Ukraine and touched at fending off escalating answers,” he said. ward.”
off the Democratic-led im- attacks by Trump and his Zaid said the whis-
peachment inquiry is will- GOP allies who are de- tleblower would answer
ing to answer written ques- manding the whistleblow- questions directly from Re-
tions submitted by House er’s identity be revealed. publican members “in writ-

McDonald’s CEO pushed out after relationship with employee

The Associated Press said Sunday. In an email to employ-
The fast food giant said ees, Easterbrook acknowl-
NEW YORK — Mc- former president and CEO edged he had a relation-
Donald’s chief executive Steve Easterbrook demon- ship with an employee and
officer has been pushed strated poor judgment, said it was a mistake.
out of the company after and that McDonald’s for- “Given the values of the
violating company policy bids managers from hav- company, I agree with the
by engaging in a consen- ing romantic relationships board that it is time for me
sual relationship with an with direct or indirect sub- to move on,” Easterbrook
employee, the corporation ordinates. said in the email.
The Dispatch • Monday, November 4, 2019 3A

Under the capitol dome

Analysis: Mississippi getting big turnover in state offices

At least five of the eight statewide offices
will have new occupants after Nov. 5 election Pence campaigning for GOP governor nominee in Mississippi
The Associated Press ney General Jim Hood and two lesser-known
By EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS low-budget campaigns, inde- candidates Tuesday. The winner will succeed Re-
The Associated Press pendent David Singletary and BILOXI — Vice President Mike Pence is trav- publican Gov. Phil Bryant, who is limited by law
the Constitution Party’s Bob eling to Mississippi the day before the state’s to two terms.
JACKSON — No matter who Hickingbottom. election to campaign for the Republican nominee President Donald Trump campaigned for
wins this year’s elections, Mis- State law also limits the lieu- for governor. Reeves on Friday at a rally in Tupelo.
sissippi will have its biggest tenant governor to two terms, Pence and second-term Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves Mississippi is having its most competitive
turnover of state government
so Reeves would be moving out are set to appear at a rally Monday at the Missis- governor’s race since 2003, when the state’s last
officials in a long time.
of that job even if he weren’t sippi Gulf Coast Coliseum in Biloxi. Democratic governor was unseated by a Repub-
At least five of the eight
running for governor. The lieu- Reeves faces fourth-term Democratic Attor- lican.
statewide offices will have new
tenant governor’s race is be-
occupants. Those are governor,
tween three-term Secretary of
lieutenant governor, attorney Fitch’s decision to seek an- ert Amos, who does private job sissippi Veterans Affairs Board.
general, secretary of state and State Delbert Hosemann, who’s
other office after two terms training. The Mississippi House and
treasurer. a Republican, and one-term leaves an opening for treasurer. Republican Andy Gipson Senate will also have new peo-
That is a contrast to 2015, state Rep. Jay Hughes, who’s a That race is between Republi- was appointed agriculture ple as second in command when
when all eight statewide offi- Democrat. can David McRae, who manag- commissioner by Bryant in the the new term begins in January.
cials — the three above, plus The race for secretary of es his family’s investment com- spring of 2018, after the gover-
state is between Republican House Speaker Pro Tempo-
auditor, agriculture commis- pany, and Democrat Addie Lee nor moved Republican Cindy re Greg Snowden of Meridian
sioner and insurance commis- state Sen. Michael Watson and Green, who is a former alder- Hyde-Smith from commission-
Democratic former Hattiesburg was defeated in the Republican
sioner — were re-elected. woman in Bolton. McRae un- er to U.S. senator. Gipson is primary in August, and Senate
State law limits the governor Mayor Johnny DuPree. successfully challenged Fitch an attorney and former state
Hood is wrapping up his President Pro Tempore Gray
and lieutenant governor to two in the 2015 Republican primary. representative. He’s challenged
fourth term as attorney gener- Tollison, a Republican from Ox-
terms each, and Republican Green has unsuccessfully run Tuesday by Democrat Rickey
Gov. Phil Bryant is moving on al. Those running to succeed ford, did not seek another term
twice for public service com- Cole, a farmer and ex-chairman
after a long career in state gov- him as the state’s top legal missioner and once for agricul- of the state Democratic Party. in the Senate. New pro tems
ernment. officer are Republican Lynn ture commissioner. The only statewide official will be elected in each chamber,
Republican Lt. Gov. Tate Fitch, who’s finishing her sec- Two current statewide of- guaranteed a new term is Au- with votes from the 122 House
Reeves and Democratic At- ond term as state treasurer, ficials are facing opposition ditor Shad White, a Republican members and 52 senators.
torney General Jim Hood are and Democrat Jennifer Riley Tuesday. who is unopposed. White was The new lieutenant governor
competing to succeed Bryant Collins, a military veteran and Republican Mike Chaney is appointed to the job by Bryant will preside over the Senate. Re-
in the Governor’s Mansion. In former executive director of the seeking his fourth term as in- in July 2018, when Republican publican Philip Gunn appears
Tuesday’s election, they face American Civil Liberties Union surance commissioner and is Stacey Pickering stepped down to be on track for a third term
two candidates who have run of Mississippi. challenged by Democrat Rob- and became director of the Mis- as speaker of the House.

Continued from Page 1A
operator jobs and two position thanks to the two jobs, city human resourc- ficiently in the age of tech- as soon as an assignment ment, he said.
maintenance worker jobs. empty foreman jobs, and es personnel officer Na- nology, Kemp said. is finished, Starkville “Through those
“Part of the reason we replacing them with the varrete Ashford said, and Employees will have an Utilities general manag- trends, (we can) identify
have chosen not to fill operations manager job he does not anticipate any internal platform and mo- er Terry Kemp told The that there may be anoth-
those (lower-level jobs) is will bring the superinten- problems finding perma- bile devices to keep track Dispatch. The system will er problem or something
because we really didn’t dent position back to what nent employees for both of the time and location collect data and help iden- we need to address from a
have a whole lot of front- it used to be, Kemp said. under the proposed new of each work order, and tify trends in what the city bigger operational issue,”
line supervisors that Better leadership will structure. it will notify customers needs from the depart- he said.
could help manage them,” also allow the department Mayor Lynn Spruill
he said. “What we’ve to send fewer people into said she supports the
been left with is a void of the field to handle work proposed restructure
leadership in the top, and orders, he said. because Kemp has put a
our crew sizes have got- The engineering tech- great deal of thought into
ten outsized because we nician will be responsible it.
haven’t had the supervi- for “routine and complex “I’m willing to step
sory experience there.” sub-professional engi- back and let him do what
The department needs neering-related work” he believes is correct for
a plan for when its senior on projects ranging from his department, and the
leadership retires in order road construction to proof will be in the ef-
to avoid repeating history, storm drainage, accord- fectiveness of his plan,”
Kemp said, and it should ing to the agenda. The Spruill said after Friday’s
foster the professional position will replace the work session.
growth of its maintenance civil engineering intern The engineering de-
workers as potential fu- position. partment also aims to
ture department leaders. “Interns are great, but increase its efficiency by
The operations man- they’re very variable in implementing a mobile
ager will supervise all of scheduling and availabil- work order system, al-
the engineering depart- ity as well as the amount ready in place in the util-
ment’s maintenance and of competency and knowl- ities department, starting
repair work citywide. edge,” Kemp said. Jan. 1. The current sys-
Engineering and streets The department has tem does not track how
superintendent Larry been using seasonal em- long it takes to complete
Black’s job has evolved ployees to temporarily fill a work order, and people
from strictly an oversight the equipment operator expect their requests to
role to a field management and maintenance worker be fulfilled quickly and ef-


The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tue.
Continued from Page 1A Major 7:09a 7:33p
Minor 2:40p 3:18p
the release. “It is work- according to previous re- for travelers throughout Major 7:09a 7:56a
ing. We are constantly porting by The Dispatch. the world,” he said. “With
Minor 12:33a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
getting comments about At the time, Hainsey major industries and two

The Dispatch
the convenience and ease credited the Golden Tri- large universities, we are
of travel from people who angle’s business climate, in a perfect position to
are using the airport for a sentiment he echoed
provide a safe, convenient
the first time.” in last week’s announce- The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Answers to common questions:
Last year, GTR A set a ment. travel experience.” Published daily except Saturday.
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
record for passengers for “Our objective is to Currently, GTR A has Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
four roundtrip flights to POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
the second straight year, ensure access to and The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
with 48,717 passengers from the Golden Trian- and from Atlanta daily Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip:
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
boarding planes in 2018, gle and West Alabama through Delta Air Lines.
4A Monday, November 4, 2019
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Just me and Willie
“On the road again. Goin’ places
that I’ve never been. Seein’ things
that I may never see again. And
I just can’t wait to be on the road
Willie Nelson, “On the Road
Again,” release date 2005.

Lately I’ve spent a lot of time

driving back and forth along
Highway 82 and Highway 45
between Columbus, Starkville
and West Point. From West Point, Shannon Bardwell
traveling south toward Highway
82, on the crest of a hill I could see a fair distance to the
next rise. Along that stretch I counted 12 large trucks —
18 wheelers. It seemed like a lot of trucks for one short
stretch. After that I started noticing trucks on the high-
There are a lot of trucks out there, which is a good sign
for the economy. There are new trucking service centers
also. I suspected it was possible the trucking industry was
increasing just from eye-balling the trucks. Naturally I
searched the internet for a few trucking facts.
Seventy-one percent of the freight moved in the U.S.
is transported by trucks. Ten and a half billion tons of
freight is moved by 3.4 million truck drivers annually.
State of the nation

Impeachment for thee but not for me

Trucking became significant in the 1930s. By the 1950s
and 1960s, with the growth of the interstate highway
system, trucking increased significantly. Prior to these
changes, freight was transported by horse and carriage
and later railroads, occasionally by water from river ports Here’s a parlor not offer a quid pro rallying cry, “Everyone lies
that sprang up along the Mississippi and the coast. trick: How many quo to the president about sex”?
Today trucks are equipped with satellite technology, people can you name of Ukraine for any of And contra Sensenbrenner,
making trucking more efficient and better for the envi- who were in favor of this information.” Clinton did more than lie to the
ronment. There’s fewer empty loads and waiting time. impeaching William Sen. Lindsey American people, he committed
Schedules can be rerouted and changed within seconds. J. Clinton and also Graham was a House perjury. Though his lie was “only
No more drivers looking for a pay telephone. Truckers favor impeaching member in 1999 who about sex,” he did so in a sworn
can virtually conduct all business transactions and never Donald J. Trump? became a household deposition — and that has to be a
leave the cab. If trucking sounds like fun, East Mississippi Or flip it: How many name during the red line. Wouldn’t our culture be
Community College offers a five-week Commercial Truck opposed Clinton’s Clinton impeach- healthier if Democrats had not
Driving training course. impeachment at the ment. At the time he chosen tribalism over principle?
There’s another kind of truck I’ve seen plenty of on the time and now also said: “Impeachment Republicans today are flirting
highways. Looks like fall is the season for logging trucks. oppose Trump’s? Mona Charen is not about punish- with creating their own awful
A couple of weeks ago I was hit from behind and propelled Of the 14 House ment. Impeachment precedent: That it’s a normal
forward toward a logging truck with a full load. Merci- impeachment managers in the is about cleansing the office. part of foreign policy for a pres-
fully, I was able to stop about 5 feet from the logs. The Clinton case, most have retired Impeachment is about restor- ident to bully another nation to
driver of the logging truck pulled over under an overpass from Congress and one has died. ing honor and integrity to the create a false narrative smearing
and waited. I honestly believe he stopped to make sure I None has endorsed the current office.” a political opponent. The accu-
was OK. Then he drove away. I was told later that if I had effort to impeach President Today, of course, Graham sation is not just that Trump was
hit him, he wouldn’t have known, my car being small and Trump. has introduced a resolution playing hardball with a foreign
light and his being heavy with the load. Former Rep. Bill McCol- condemning the impeachment leader, but that he was attempt-
After that, I started noticing logging trucks. This year lum cautions against a rush to inquiry on the risible grounds ing to subvert the 2020 election.
must be a bumper crop. One day I saw three logging judgment. “People ought to wait that it denies “due process” to Like Democrats in 1999, Re-
trucks at one time, two in the right lane, one in the left. before they make judgment on the president. publicans are now arguing that
Logging’s big business in Mississippi, as well as trucking. whether or not there’s even an In 1999, Rep. Nancy Pelosi “everybody does it.”
Between 1904 and 1915 Mississippi was third in impeachable offense out here to said: “What President Clinton Clinton urged that his private
lumber production in the U.S. Timber covers about 65 be considered until all the facts did was wrong. It is grounds for behavior not affect our judgment
percent of Mississippi land. The industry is second only are on the table.” So far, McCol- embarrassment, not for im- of his conduct of the office of
to poultry. Fall is a great time to notice Mississippi trees. lum says, he sees a “really weak peachment.” The same was true the presidency — even if that
They’re abundant and colorful. Maybe not as vibrant as a case.” of Steny Hoyer, Peter DeFazio, conduct led him into witness
New England tree but still beautiful in a quiet, restful sort James Sensenbrenner re- John Lewis and many more of tampering and perjury. Trump is
of way. mains a House member. In 1999, the 71 lawmakers who were in arguing that the full panoply of
Soon there will be Christmas trees. Real Christmas he was particularly agitated over Congress in 1999 and remain executive powers can be used for
trees are coming back into fashion. The average cut Clinton’s legal/constitutional there. his personal political benefit —
Christmas tree sells for $42. One acre of land can yield claims: “We are here today I supported the impeachment because he does not recognize
1,800 Christmas trees. because President William of Bill Clinton. Was I blinkered any value higher than his own
Email reaches Shannon Bardwell of Columbus at msdel- Jefferson Clinton decided to put by excessive partisanship, as welfare. That’s why he persists himself above the law — not former Rep. Bob Inglis now says in saying that the call with Pres-
once, not twice, but repeatedly.” he was? Possibly. I certainly de- ident Volodymyr Zelensky was
He was also outraged about spised the lying, and I opposed “perfect” and that he did nothing
Clinton’s lies: He “could have many of Clinton’s policies. But I wrong.
told the truth to the American believed then that certain lines In the end, by acknowledging
people. Instead, he shook his could not be crossed without his lie, Clinton at least permitted
finger at each and every Ameri- creating a dangerous prece- the Democrats who supported
can and said, ‘I want you to listen dent. In the era before #MeToo, him to condemn his behavior as
to me,’ and proceeded to tell a many progressives took sex- wrong. Trump is not doing the
straight-faced lie to the Ameri- ual misbehavior lightly. Some same for his Republican defend-
can people.” conservatives, myself included, ers. He’s forcing them to insist,
Today, Sensenbrenner oppos- were appalled that Clinton took with him, that black is white. It’s
es impeachment. “From what advantage of a young intern and Orwellian.
we know now,” he said, “Trump betrayed his wife and daughter. Mona Charen is a Senior
did nothing wrong. And he did How much damage was done to Fellow at the Ethics and Public
nothing wrong because he did the culture by the Democrats’ Policy Center.

Letters to the editor

Voice of the people
Predicts a Trump win done nothing but cause trouble more positive than predicted; down to 1.9 percent... The in which the economy grew at
Donald John Trump, the for President Trump and for us Stock market near all-time economy is in deep trouble.” greater than 3 percent, and,
greatest President since and it’s pretty clear that that is high (but to the benefit of a Isn’t there a saying, “You can’t overall, was as robust annually
George Washington, will be their plan for the coming year minority of families). have it both ways.” as the Trump economy — but
reelected in Nov. of 2020. as well. Everything they have Both of these are continuing Here’s another bit of eco- without the tax cut and without
“It’s the economy stupid” to offer is bad for us and for ev- Obama-era trends — improved nomic news. In December, the current downward trend.
was a winning slogan for Bill ery other country in the world. by Trump — but that may be 2017, the Republican congress All this when Trump said
Clinton way back when and it’s From what I can see now they coming to a close, anyway, and passed Trump’s tax cut, prom- back in 2017, with economic
going to work again next year have nothing to run on other neither, by themselves, change ising that the huge and largely growth at 3.3 percent, that he
but for President Trump and than “tax us to death and then what I described below in my corporate cuts would stimulate didn’t see why the economy
the Republicans this time. Plus tax us even after death.” original letter. the economy. They kind of did couldn’t “accelerate to 4, 5,
the House of Representatives So in the election next State of the economy, 2019: — until they didn’t anymore. and maybe even 6 percent.”
and Senate will be back in con- November, the most important n 2nd quarter growth rate: The economy grew at slightly Not a good record for someone
trol of Republicans for the full election in our history, there 2.0 percent over 3 percent for the last 2 who claims to be a genius at
second term while maintaining will be millions more people n 3rd quarter growth rate: quarters of 2017 and second business.
the greatest economy in our voting for President Trump 1.9 percent quarter of 2018 but have been Paul Mack
country since 1776 and keeping than in 2016. Then after It’s not the numbers that below that — and mostly well Columbus
our country great. everyone has voted for Pres- are so important — they are below that — since. This is
The Democratic party is ident Trump they will go on essentially the same. No, it’s especially true of the last 2 A letter to the editor is an
just going to slowly ride off into down the ballot voting only for that President Trump said the quarters when they have been excellent way to participate in
the sunset after their biggest Republicans who are running same day via Twitter: “Greatest at 2 percent or slightly below. your community. We request the
defeat ever in the election next for Congress. Economy in American Histo- This recent decline is in spite tone of your letters be construc-
Nov. Mainly because of their Raymond Gross ry”. of the large increase of federal tive and respectful and the
failure to work with President Columbus This directly contradicts spending which, by itself , is length be limited to 450 words.
Trump. They haven’t done any- what Trump said of the Obama responsible for 25 percent of We welcome all letters emailed
thing constructive and haven’t economy which grew at the the low 1.9 percent growth and to or
even debated issues that could Economic growth same rate during the first quar- which has increased steadi- mailed to The Dispatch, Attn:
help our country. Ever since observations ter of 2012, obviously during ly overall since Trump took Letters to the Editor, PO Box
they were given the majority in Since I first wrote this letter: the Obama administration: office. The Obama economy, by 511, Columbus, MS 39703-
our house last year they have Friday job report much “Q1 GDP has just been revised contrast, featured 10 quarters 0511.
The Dispatch • Monday, November 4, 2019 5A

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH daughters, Angela private family graveside
OBITUARY POLICY Satromberg of Lake service will follow. Vis-
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
City, Florida, and Susan itation will follow the
service times, are provided Barrett of Athens; services at the church.
free of charge. Extended sister, Sandra Norris Cockrell Funeral Home
obituaries with a photograph, of Winfield, Alabama; of Macon is in charge of
detailed biographical informa- brother, Steve Atkin- arrangements.
tion and other details families son of Winfield; five He is survived by
may wish to include, are avail-
grandchildren; and one his parents, Laura and
able for a fee. Obituaries must
be submitted through funeral great-grandchild. Christian Good.
homes unless the deceased’s Pallbearers will be
body has been donated to Trevor Cantrell, Matt Roger Johnson
science. If the deceased’s Ellis, Micheal Barrett, MACON — Roger
body was donated to science, Chris Sawyer, Steve Lee Johnson, 79, died Juanita Hooks
the family must provide official
Atkinson and Richard Oct. 30, 2019, in De- Visitation:
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form pro- Williams. mopolis, Alabama. Monday, Nov. 4 • 10-11 AM
Welch Funeral Home
vided by The Commercial Dis- Services were at Starkville, MS
patch. Free notices must be Mike Landrum 3 p.m. Saturday at Services:
Monday, Nov. 4 • 11 AM
submitted to the newspaper COLUMBUS — Brooksville Mennonite Welch Funeral Home Chapel
no later than 3 p.m. the day Church. Burial followed
Michael Joel “Mike” Starkville, MS
prior for publication Tuesday
at the church cemetery. Graveside Committal
through Friday; no later than 4 Landrum, 61, died Nov. Monday, Nov. 4 • 2 PM
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday 1, 2019, at Baptist Me- Visitation was from Memorial Gardens of Columbus
edition; and no later than 7:30 morial Hospital-Golden 10 a.m.-noon prior to 2nd Ave. North Location
a.m. for the Monday edition. Triangle. services at the church.
Incomplete notices must be re- Graveside services Cockrell Funeral Home William Bartowick
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. of Macon was in charge Visitation:
for the Monday through Friday
will be at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 5 • 10-11 AM
Wednesday at Vaughn of arrangements. Annunciation Catholic Church
editions. Paid notices must be
Cemetery, with the Mr. Johnson was Mass of Resurrection
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Tuesday, Nov. 5 • 11 AM
the next day Monday through Rev. Kevin Jenkins of- born Dec. 19, 1939, Annunciation Catholic Church
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 ficiating. Visitation will near Summerdale, to Burial With
Ruth Wenger Johnson U.S. Air Force Honors
p.m. for Sunday and Monday be from 10-11 a.m. prior Jefferson, PA
publication. For more informa-
to services at Memorial and the late Orval John- College St. Location
tion, call 662-328-2471. son. He was formerly
Gunter Peel Funeral
Home. Memorial Gunt- employed in the farm-
Mary Curtis ing, landing leveling, Mike Landrum
er Peel Funeral Home Visitation:
COLUMBUS — and Crematory, Second grain elevator and Wednesday, Nov. 6 • 10-11 AM
Mary P. Curtis, 81, died Avenue North location, truck driving fields. 2nd Ave. North Location
In addition to his Graveside Services:
Nov. 3, 2019, at North is in charge of arrange- Wednesday, Nov. 6 • 11:30 AM
Mississippi Medical ments. father, he was preceded Vaughn Cemetery
Center in Tupelo. in death by his son,
Arrangements are Rodrick; brother, Arlo Frankie Traywick
incomplete and will be
Edward Furnari Johnson; and sister, Visitation:
COLUMBUS — Ed- Wednesday, Nov. 6 • 11-1 PM
announced by Memori- Mavis Koehn. College St. Location
ward Furnari, 81, died In addition to his
al Gunter Peel Funeral Services:
Nov. 3, 2019, at North mother, he is survived Wednesday, Nov. 6 • 1 PM
Home and Crematory,
Mississippi Medical by Marilyn Johnson of
College St. Chapel
College Street location. Burial
Center in Tupelo. Brooksville; brothers, Egger Cemetery
Arrangements are Ed of Demopolis and
Patricia Sawyer incomplete and will be Frank of Uniontown; Mary Curtis
ATHENS — Patricia announced by Memori- Incomplete
Ann Sawyer, 71, died sisters, Annie and John-
al Gunter Peel Funeral nie Johnson, both of
2nd Ave. North Location
Nov. 1, 2019, at her Home and Crematory,
residence. Atwood, Illinois, Janet Edward Furnari
College Street location. Zismann of Macon, and
Services will be at 1 Incomplete
p.m. Tuesday at Cleve- Christine Goering of College St. Location

land-Moffett Funeral Barry Unruh Moundridge, Kansas.

Home, with Chuck Mof- COLUMBUS — Bar-
fett officiating. Burial ry L. Unruh, 68, died Frankie Traywick
will follow at Green- Nov. 2, 2019, at Bap- COLUMBUS —
brier Cemetery. Visi- tist Memorial Hospi- Frankie Gene Tray-
tal-Golden Triangle.
tation will be from 11 wick, 69, died Nov. 3,
a.m.-12:45 p.m. prior to Arrangements are 2019, at Baptist Memo-
services at the funeral incomplete and will be rial Hospital-Golden
home. Cleveland-Mof- announced by Cock- Triangle.
fett Funeral Home of rell Funeral Home of Services will be at
Amory is in charge of Macon. 1 p.m. Wednesday at

Have you checked the

arrangements. Memorial Gunter Peel
Mrs. Sawyer was Infant Levi Good College Street Chapel.
born Jan. 10, 1948, to NOXUBEE — Infant Burial will follow at

the late Thomas and Levi Christian Good Egger Cemetery. Visi-
Anna Sizemore Atkin- died Oct. 31, 2019, at tation will be two hours
son. She was a gradu- Baptist Memorial Hos- prior to services at the
ate of Smithville High pital-Golden Triangle. funeral home. Memori-
School. Services will be at 2 al Gunter Peel Funeral
She is survived by p.m. Sunday at Cor- Home, College Street
her husband, Garry nerstone Community location, is in charge of
Sawyer of Athens; Church in Macon. A arrangements.

AP-NORC poll: Interest in

campaign is growing, as is anxiety
Democrats are more likely than from both parties since
Republicans to say they feel anxious Democrats who de-
scribe themselves as
about the 2020 campaign liberal are slightly more
likely than moderates

REal EStatE
The Associated Press 67 percent to 45 percent, and conservatives to say
and frustrated, 64 percent they’re interested, 88 per-
WASHINGTON — A to 49 percent. But the poll cent to 79 percent, but also
year out from the 2020 finds that levels of frus- significantly more likely

general election, there tration and anxiety have to say they’re anxious, 80
already is significant in-
increased among people percent to 60 percent.
terest in the presidential
campaign. But a poll from
The Associated Press-

NORC Center for Public
Affairs Research also
finds a growing share of
Americans feeling anx-

ious and frustrated com-
pared with early in the
Republicans and Dem-
ocrats are about equally

likely to say they have
been paying close atten-
tion, but the poll finds
feelings of anxiety and

frustration more concen-
trated among Democrats.
The poll finds wide-
spread interest in the cam-
paign, including among
82 percent of Democrats
and 74 percent of Repub-
licans. Overall, 73 percent
of Americans say they’re
interested, up slightly
from 66 percent in June.
Democrats are more
likely than Republicans
to say they feel anxious,
6A Monday, November 4, 2019 The Dispatch •

Mississippi School for Mathematics and science
Koenigsberger receives award Koenigsberger has been an certified in AP Calculus BC and
Mississippi School for Mathe- educator for 13 years and has spent AP Calculus AB. She is a National
matics and Science the last seven years teaching high Board Certified Teacher.
educator Carrie school mathematics at MSMS. She She has led workshops and
“Shae” Koenigsberg- currently teaches 11-12th-grade conferences state and nationwide
er was among four calculus, precalculus, and differ- for other teachers and worked with
Mississippi teachers ential equations. She also taught other departments to incorporate
who earned national at Hatley High School and The interdisciplinary lessons. She
recognition as the Advanced Learning Center. recently incorporated 3D printing
recipients of the She earned bachelor’s and in her calculus classroom and then
Presidential Awards Koenigsberger master’s degree in mathematics presented this idea at a state con-
for Excellence in education from Mississippi State ference. For the past five years, she
Mathematics and Sci- University. She is a certified math- has planned an annual mathemat-
ence Teaching for 2017 and 2018. ematics teacher for grades 7-12 and ics tournament for the entire state.

■ The Dispatch’s education page appears each Monday. Submissions must come from school personnel and
include all pertinent information, including names of everyone featured in a photograph, left to right. Submissions
can be emailed to Time-sensitive submissions will have top priority and The Dispatch
will publish the rest as space permits.

Continued from Page 1A
“You have to be able to Today, Strong works
relate to them where they ‘You have to be able to relate to them at Rainey Funeral Home
are,” Hairston said. “With
the kids, I’m trying to where they are. With the kids, I’m in Tuscaloosa and plans
to someday open his own
understand what they are
going through in order
trying to understand what they are funeral home.
“I don’t think I’d ever
to help them become a
better person. When a
going through in order to help them be where I am today if I
hadn’t met Mr. Hairston,”
kid has problem, we’ll
identify the problem and
become a better person.’ said Strong, 24. “He was
Benny Hairston behind me every step.
find one of our brothers
Honestly, I would do any-
who understands the situ- Strong said. “It was a Soon, Strong was work- thing Mr. Hairston asked
ation the kid is in and can meeting at Missionary ing part-time at the funer-
me to do. It’s grown into
talk to him one on one.” Union Baptist Church. al home in Columbus and
As chapter president, more of a father-son
During the meeting, he began to think about a
Hairston’s role in mento- told us about his business career for the first time. relationship between us. I
ring is primarily facilitat- and asked if anyone was After graduation, owe him so much.”
ing those connections. interested. I was the only Strong served in the Air Hairston said that debt
But that’s not always the one who raised my hand. National Guard, then has been paid.
case. After the meeting, we headed to East Mississip- “Just seeing young
Solomon Strong is a talked and he told me pi Community College, men develop and grow
good example. he’d be in touch.” earning his degree in and be successful,”
“I remember when I About two weeks later, mortuary services in Hairston said. “That’s the
first met Mr. Hairston,” Hairston called Strong. 2017. pay off.”

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
Sports Commentary
THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n Monday, Novembver 4, 2019

Howland hopes to ‘win it all’ before hanging it up

Mississippi State athletics

Mississippi State’s Ben Howland will begin his fifth season coaching the Bulldogs Tuesday against Florida International.

By Garrick Hodge few minutes. It wasn’t ex- to reach 500 career victo- as throwing red meat to campaign made Final tiously optimistic about actly the place you’d en- ries. He’s rebuilt a team a fanbase the Bulldogs Four runs. Both of those the Bulldogs making
vision doing an interview that was a Southeastern would desperately like to squads made legitimate back-to-back NCAA tour-
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. with a Power Five basket- Conference cellar dweller grow. More context was runs at a title when no nament appearances.
— In the middle of SEC ball coach. Frankly, the before he was hired and needed. Realistically, can such expectation was be- “I think we’re going to
Media Days in mid-Oc- balcony setting looked led the Bulldogs to their you really win a national stowed on them a month be good this year,” How-
tober, Mississippi State like it was designed by a first NCAA tournament title at Mississippi State? before the season started. land said. “Really, the
men’s basketball coach producer from Alice in appearance in 10 years a A place where the best “So why wouldn’t we bottom line is you want
Ben Howland just wanted Wonderland considering season ago. season in program histo- shoot for the stars?” he to be in the upper half of
some fresh air. the staggering amount of At age 62, Howland ry is a Final Four appear- asks. our league because then
Having already done lavish purple chairs sur- knows he’s not getting ance in the 1995-1996 sea- Now, the fifth-year you have a great shot of
interviews with ESPN rounding a fire pit. any younger. So, I was son? MSU coach stopped short getting into the tourna-
and the SEC Network, he Nevertheless, there curious: what’s left to ac- “Yeah, you can,” How- of guaranteeing a cham- ment. Based on the last
had a 20-minute break be- was a lingering question complish before he hangs land said confidently. “If pionship for a team that two years, if you’re in the
fore he was scheduled to on my mind. up his clipboard, whenev- you get to the Final Four, has only a single senior top seven of this league,
speak in front of a group Howland has already er that may be? you can do it. And they’ve and was picked to finish you’re going to get in.”
of reporters. accomplished much in He didn’t need any been to a Final Four be- seventh in the SEC by the
So, he invited me to his 37-year coaching time to reflect on his an- fore.” league’s coaches.
join him on the third-floor career. He led UCLA swer. He later explained SEC He admits his team, A team built around its
balcony of the Grand Bo- to three straight Final “To win it all,” Howland foes and non-traditional while talented, is incredi- frontcourt
hemian Hotel Mountain Fours from 2006-2008. told The Dispatch. powers such as Auburn bly young and is going to It seems odd to think
Brook in Birmingham, Entering the 2019-2020 That’s a great sound last season and South have grow up incredibly the Bulldogs could lose
Ala. to talk hoops for a season, he needs 21 wins bite that could be viewed Carolina in the 2016-2017 fast. Yet Howland is cau- See Howland, 3B

Mississippi State Football Harvick has Cup title shot after

How a team exercise turned to inspiration in Saturday’s win 3rd straight Texas fall win
The Associated Press road,” Harvick said from
By Ben Portnoy Victory Lane in Texas. FORT WORTH, Tex- “We’ve already been to
as — Kevin Harvick and the simulator, we’ve al-
FAYET TEVILLE, Ark. the Stewart-Haas Racing ready built the car, and
— As Tommy Stevens team had already been now we’ve just got to
departed the visiting me- preparing for NASCAR’s make sure that we do
dia room beneath Donald finale. With another win what we think is right
W. Reynolds Razorback at Texas, they now know and go with our gut and
room, he looked for his they will be racing for a see what happens.”
brother, Aycen. Cup title in two weeks. After starting from the
The youngest of the five Harvick won the fall pole, Harvick led 119 of
Stevens children, Aycen, race at Texas for the third 334 laps and paced a 1-2-
or ‘Tank,’ as he’s known, year in a row Sunday, 3 finish for Stewart-Haas.
had yet to see his older again securing one of He had gotten to Texas
brother play at Mississippi the championship-con- fifth in points, below the
State due to his own Fri- tending spots for the Nov. cutline for a champion-
day night games at Deca- 17 season-ending race ship run.
tur Central in Indianapolis at Homestead-Miami “It’s a scenario that
where he plays quarter- Aaron Cornia/MSU Athletics Speedway. takes a lot of pressure
back and linebacker. Mississippi State football got back on track with a 54-24 win over Arkansas Satur- “Well, we’ve already off next week,” car own-
See msu, 3B day in Fayetteville, Ark. been going down the See nascar, 3B
2B Monday, November 4, 2019 The Dispatch •

BRIEFLY Top prospects find options to bypass college in NBA pursuit

Soccer The Associated Press individual, to be hon- Bazley. He bypassed them to go to college,” Things will change
est. Syracuse last year to Calipari said. “I don’t if the NBA and its play-
Columbus United Soccer Club to host open Precious Achiuwa “There’s no set way train for the draft — he care if they stay one ers go forward with
workout and player evaluation wanted to be part of to do it at this point any- originally planned to year or two years, what- plans to lower its draft
Columbus United Soccer Club will be holding an open workout
Memphis’ No. 1-ranked more.” play in the G League ever it is.” age limit from 19 to 18,
and player evaluation for all interested players at 6 pm on Tuesday, recruiting class and Indeed, and more — and was the 23rd Judging by recent reopening the doors
November 5th at the downtown soccer complex. The session is free.
Please arrive early to sign-in. The session is open to all players born fulfill his family’s hope players are exploring overall pick in the first NBA drafts, playing for high school players
in 2013 and older. Coaches from the U8 Development Program and
other United teams will be on hand. Additional information can be
that he would attend alternatives to college round of the NBA draft college basketball — to go directly to the
found at Questions? Contact college before pursuing basketball. in June. That’s the plan particularly in a Power league. That could hap-
Director of Coaching Tom Velek at
an NBA career. R.J. Hampton, the now for MarJon Beau- Five conference — pen by the 2022 draft, a
Women’s College Soccer He also knew there nation’s No. 5 recruit champ, this year’s 27th- looks like the best way change backed by the
Ole Miss ends Mississippi State’s season in were other options that according to 247sports. ranked recruit who an- to land in the league. Condoleezza Rice-led
didn’t include college. com, passed in May nounced in August he Dating back to 2015, Commission on Col-
SEC Tournament
A tumultuous final two minutes ended in heartbreak for Missis- With the NBA draft on playing for Kansas, would spend next year 70% of first-round picks lege Basketball created
sippi State on Sunday night as the Bulldogs saw their season end with
a 2-1 defeat in the SEC Tournament. age limit still in place, Memphis or NCAA run- training for the 2021 (105 of 150) were from after a federal corrup-
Trailing by one goal with 1:51 to play, MaKayla Waldner cut into
the Rebels’ box and drew a penalty. Niah Johnson stepped up to the
some recruits have ner-up Texas Tech this draft. teams in the Atlantic tion investigation into
spot and fired the ball home for the third time this season. Just 36 bypassed a one-and- season. Instead, he’s “I definitely think Coast, Big 12, Big Ten, the sport.
seconds later, Ole Miss’ Gabby Little scored the game-winner to send
State home. done college season playing in the Austra- those guys are the Pac-12 or Southeastern Until then, Syracuse
“I thought the girls once again showed a huge amount of char- to play professionally lia-based NBL in that exception,” Auburn conferences. That in-
acter and fight tonight in the game,” head coach James Armstrong Hall of Fame coach
said in a news release. “We kept pushing all the way through until the overseas. Others have league’s “Next Stars” forward Anfernee Mc- cluded 54 of 70 lottery
very end. Unfortunately, we just lost a little bit of concentration at a Jim Boeheim and ACC
opted to train for the program to attract elite Lemore said. “They’re picks (77 — the first 14
vital time. I couldn’t ask any more from the girls and their effort today.”
Commissioner John
The Rebels (10-6-3, 3-4-3 SEC) opened the scoring in the 13th draft away from the NBA prospects. obviously awfully phe- selections of the draft
minute when the Bulldogs conceded an own goal. Following a quick Swofford are among
free kick, Ole Miss served a cross into the box that one of the MSU spotlight of campus That NBL route in- nomenal athletes to slotted to non-playoff
defenders attempted to clear with a header. The ball was instead di- those who don’t view
rected on net. rivalry games and the cludes LaMelo Ball — have the ability to do teams.
the alternatives as a
Olivia Hernandez nearly equalized in the 21st minute, but her
NCAA Tournament. who played previously that.” There’s the benefit,
shot glanced off the inside of the post and bounced across the goal threat to the college
mouth without crossing the line. State (8-8-3, 3-4-3 SEC) had the only There’s even the possi- in Lithuania and is the Looking back, Ba- too, of national expo-
shots on goal at halftime, though shots on goal and corners were even
bility of playing in the game.
at the break. third brother from the zley doesn’t regret his sure leading to eventu-
The Bulldogs had their best chance of the night in the 70th min-
NBA’s developmental G As Swofford put it:
family known for the decision. al endorsement oppor-
ute. After her initial cross was blocked, Hernandez sent the ball back
League for a six-figure “College is not for ev-
into the box where it landed at Johnson’s feet. Her shot beat the diving “Big Baller Brand” ap- “Obviously not go- tunities, said Columbia
keeper, but not the post, before rebounding back to her. Johnson’s
contract. erybody.”
follow-up attempt was saved by a Rebel defender on the goal line. parel company — and ing to school, you didn’t University lecturer Joe
Gabby English made seven saves, matching her MSU-career-
It’s unclear whether Terry Armstrong, a have to worry about Favorito, a sports and Boeheim pointed out
high. The Rebels outshot MSU, 13-11.
“We’re already thinking about next year as crazy as that any of those options will four-star recruit who class or anything else,” entertainment market- there are 4,000 guys
sounds,” Armstrong said. “Nobody surrounding this program was
ready for this season to be over. That’s a testament to how much love dramatically change passed on playing for Bazley said before his ing consultant. that want to play col-
they have for one another and how much love everyone has for this
college basketball con- Arizona this season. NBA debut at Utah. “I “There’s certainly lege basketball, so los-
program. We talk to the girls about leaving their jersey in a better place
than they found it, and each and every single one of those girls should sidering most players The G League has its just focused on myself, a growing opportunity ing a handful will not
be proud of the strides that they’ve made to put this program on a
national scale this year.” still end up at the col- own “select” contracts my body and my game.” in the G League or go- be the detriment of the
Senior MaKayla Waldner ends her career with the MSU record
for game-winning goals and ranked second in goals, shots and multi- legiate level, though a for top prospects pay- Not surprisingly, col- ing overseas,” Favori- sport.”
goal games. She’s tied for third in program history in points and tied
handful of potential col- ing $125,000, though a lege coaches believe at to said. “There’s still “So I don’t see that
for fourth in career victories. In her final year, she became the fourth
Bulldog to earn first-team All-SEC honors. lege stars have choose player has yet to opt for least a year in school re- nothing like being on being a problem,” he
The Bulldogs reached the SEC Tournament for the first time
in 15 years while posting their third-highest winning percentage in to skip school with that over college. mains the best option. TV on Fox Sports or said. “I think guys
league games in program history. MSU saw five players score mul-
more likely to follow. Second-year Port- Kentucky coach ESPN or having your could do that. But
tiple goals this year and 16 players recorded a point.
“I think it’s whatev- land Trail Blazers John Calipari prefers story told with some you’ve got to be really,
College Volleyball er you feel comfortable guard Anfernee Si- players be allowed to really vibrant social really good to do that
and get to the NBA,
with or whatever you mons was a first-round jump directly from high media platforms today
MSU drops five-set heartbreaker think is going to help pick who skipped col- school to the NBA, but (at colleges). ... It gives just like you’ve got to be
Mississippi State volleyball came back from down 1-0 and 2-1 to
tie and force LSU to five sets on the road at the Pete Maravich Center you moving forward, lege as a top-10 recruit he pointed to the val- you the chance not just really, really good to go
Sunday. The Tigers outlasted State, however, in the final set, 17-15, to advancing your game to play a post-graduate ue of getting a college to be a great athlete, to college and get to the
win the five-frame thriller 3-2.
“I’m proud of our fight today,” MSU volleyball coach Julie Darty or whatever it is you’re year at IMG Academy education, even if for a but to tell your personal NBA. So I don’t think
said in a news release. “It was a roller coaster of a match and I think
that’s the part we are trying to figure out and smooth out. looking for,” said Achi- in Florida. short time. story like nowhere else. that’s a better way. I
“When we take care of our side and control what we can control,
the result is pretty good. We have to find a way to slow it down and
uwa, a five-star recruit Then there’s the “My thing is: if they And that’s sometimes think the best way to go
settle in, and really make the choice to focus on the serve and pass for 14th-ranked Mem- path of Oklahoma City don’t go pro, we — all of hard to do if you’re do- is college.”
game if we are going to win sets and matches.”
Mississippi State (13-11, 2-10 SEC) split its weekend on the phis. “It depends on the Thunder rookie Darius us — should encourage ing it on your own.”
road with the loss to LSU (11-10, 5-6 SEC) after defeating Auburn
on Friday.
“I’m hoping that a weekend of good volleyball on the road will
carry over this week and we can bring it back to StarkVegas for a big
homestand next weekend,” Darty said.
With 45 assists and 13 digs, senior Alleah Stamatis picked up
her 10th dig of the season. Freshman Callie Minshew tallied 14 kills
and 13 digs for her fourth of the season.
“Alleah did a great job of commanding the floor, and Callie is
becoming an extremely reliable backcourt defender,” Darty said.
On the weekend, Minshew tallied 21 kills and 23 digs with dou-
ble-digit dig performances in both matches.
Vikings’ high-powered offense grounded by improving Chiefs D
After falling 25-9 in the third set, the Bulldogs bounced back
with a 25-22 win in the fourth set to force the fifth frame. MSU led
for the majority of the final set, but LSU struck late to take the lead.
State spoiled two LSU match points, but the Tigers pulled through in The Associated Press pletion, then completed league’s worst most of he’d like to get back,” troit and missing last
extra points, 17-15.
“I’m proud of the response after set three,” Darty said. “We could a pass to Irv Smith Jr. the season. The Chiefs Zimmer said. “I don’t week’s game against
have just rolled over and let them have it, but we made a decision and
I am proud of the effort the girls put forth. That fifth set was a fight.
KANSAS CITY, for a 7-yard loss, before had been especially think we helped him a Washington. But after
It was back and forth and some errors in that set got us a little tight Mo. — The Minnesota another incompletion bad against the run, lot.” testing it during war-
and worried.”
Vikings should have and another punt — but they stuffed Cook Cook had rolled into
Five Bulldogs put up double-digit digs, led by sophomore Paige
mups and giving it a go,
Shaw’s 14. Stamatis, Minshew and freshman Makenzie Jordan each felt good about their this one shanked. most of the afternoon, the game with an NFL-
had 13, and senior libero Kanani Price tallied 12.
chances against the Thielen didn’t even last
On the attack, four MSU student-athletes collected double-digit After another quick- forcing the Vikings to best 823 yards rushing,
kills as Minshew and sophomore Deja Robinson picked up 14 apiece.
Senior Amarrah Cooks and sophomore Gabby Waden had each had Kansas City Chiefs strike drive by the throw the ball more and he’d been a big part through the first quar-
10, and Cooks did so on a .409 hitting percentage. on Sunday, especially Chiefs, Harrison But- than coach Mike Zim- of the Vikings offense ter before spending the
“Amarrah worked super hard early to establish herself, and I
think Deja really came alive towards the end,” Darty said. when Kirk Cousins and ker knocked through mer wanted. out of the backfield. But rest of the game on the
Following a three-match road stretch, the Bulldogs will host a
trio of contests at home in the Newell-Grissom Building. The home- their high-scoring of- another field goal, and Kirk Cousins had Cook was held to only sideline.
stand begins Friday with a 7 p.m. rematch against South Carolina.
Source: From Special Reports
fense got the ball back the Vikings were left to been averaging 315 71 yards rushing — an Stefon Diggs, who
with a 23-20 lead mid- slump out of Arrowhead yards over the past four average of 3.4 per carry was fourth in the league
way through the fourth Stadium with a 26-23 games, throwing eight — and his longest run with 704 yards receiv-
quarter. loss. touchdown passes and was limited to just 12 ing coming into the
CALENDAR Everything unrav-
eled in spectacular
“I don’t feel like the
game is yours,” Cousins
just one interception.
He even set a fran-
“He’s a great running
game, was held to one
catch for 4 yards. His
Today fashion. said, “but it’s certainly chise-record for com- back, the best right now
biggest impact was a
Prep Girls Soccer Cousins threw an a great opportunity to pletion percentage in a going,” Chiefs coach
West Point at Tishomingo County, 5 incompletion, Dalvin make it yours and to go game last week, going Andy Reid said. “Our 12-yard end-around.
p.m. Cook was bottled up do something. That was 23 of 26 for 285 yards guys buckled down. “Preparation is key,”
Women’s College Basketball twice and the Vikings certainly one of the dis- against the Washington They took that chal- Chiefs defensive tackle
Lubbock Christian at Mississippi State, were forced to punt. appointments to not do Redskins. lenge. They worked Chris Jones said. “We
7 p.m. (Exh.) The Chiefs promptly more on those final two He was 19 of 30 for hard this week and they held their rusher for
East Mississippi Community College at marched the other way drives.” 220 yards against the started with that.” under a hundred yards.
Meridian Community College, 5:30 p.m. for a tying 54-yard field The final two drives Chiefs. And while he It didn’t help the Vi- Cook’s been playing
Men’s College Basketball goal with 2:30 to go. by one of the NFL’s five threw three touchdown kings’ cause that they
some of the best ball
Mississippi College at Ole Miss, 6:30 Still with a chance to best offenses? Six plays passes without a pick, got little production
drive for a winning field for minus-7 yards. he also was sacked from their wide receiv- in the NFL. We were
p.m. (Exh.)
goal of their own, the That came against once, hit four more ers. fortunate enough to get
MUW at LSU-Shreveport (Exh.), 6 p.m.
East Mississippi Community College at Vikings instead went a defense that, while times and was relent- Adam Thielen tried the win and execute on
Meridian Community College, 7:30 p.m. backward. Cousins rapidly improving, lessly under pressure. to go after hurting his defense, and we’ve got
Tuesday threw another incom- has been among the “There’s some plays hamstring against De- to execute next week.”
Prep Girls Basketball
Heritage Academy at Hartfield Acade-
my, 6 p.m.
Prep Boys Basketball
Heritage Academy at Hartfield Acade-
my, 7:15 p.m.
Pro Football
Denver 24, Cleveland 19 RUSHING_New England, White 9-38, Burkhead First Quarter 6. (17) Martin Truex Jr, Toyota, 334, 31.
Seattle 40, Tampa Bay 34, OT 4-18, Michel 4-18. Baltimore, Ingram 15-115, L. KC_T.Hill 40 pass from Moore (Butker kick), 8:21. 7. (12) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 334, 38.
Prep Boys Soccer Baltimore 37, New England 20 Jackson 16-61, Edwards 7-27, Hill 3-7. Min_O.Johnson 4 pass from Cousins (Bailey kick), 8. (15) Ryan Blaney, Ford, 334, 31.
Kosciusko at Caledonia, 7:30 p.m.
NFL Glance Open: L.A. Rams, New Orleans, Atlanta, Cincin- PASSING_New England, Brady 30-46-1-285. Bal- 2:50. 9. (4) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, 334, 32.
AMERICAN CONFERENCE nati timore, L.Jackson 17-23-0-163. Second Quarter 10. (2) Erik Jones, Toyota, 334, 36.
Men’s College Basketball W L T Pct PF PA
Monday’s Games
Dallas at N.Y. Giants, 7:15 p.m.
RECEIVING_New England, Edelman 10-89, Sanu
10-81, Watson 4-28, White 2-46, Dorsett 2-13,
KC_FG Butker 24, 4:34. 11. (24) Clint Bowyer, Ford, 334, 35.
12. (13) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 334, 40.
Min_FG Bailey 29, :06.
Florida International at Mississippi New England 8 1 0 .889 270 98
Buffalo 6 2 0 .750 158 131
Thursday, Nov. 7 Burkhead 1-16, Michel 1-12. Baltimore, Boyle Third Quarter 13. (21) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 334, 29.
L.A. Chargers at Oakland, 7:20 p.m. 5-27, M.Brown 3-48, Ingram 2-29, Andrews 2-21, Min_Abdullah 16 pass from Cousins (kick failed), 14. (10) Matt DiBenedetto, Toyota, 334, 23.
State, 7 p.m. Miami
N.Y. Jets
1 7 0 .125 103 256
1 7 0 .125 96 211
Sunday, Nov. 10 H.Hurst 2-15, Snead 2-15, Ricard 1-8. 11:51. 15. (25) Ryan Newman, Ford, 333, 22.
Arizona at Tampa Bay, Noon MISSED FIELD GOALS_None. 16. (16) Daniel Hemric, Chevrolet, 333, 22.
Women’s College Basketball South
Kansas City at Tennessee, Noon
KC_Dam.Williams 91 run (Butker kick), 6:13.
KC_FG Butker 45, :30. 17. (18) William Byron, Chevrolet, 333, 21.
Mississippi Valley State at Ole Miss, Houston 6 3 0 .667 238 191 Buffalo at Cleveland, Noon
Panthers 30, Titans 20 Fourth Quarter 18. (19) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, 333, 19.
Indianapolis 5 3 0 .625 182 177 Baltimore at Cincinnati, Noon Min_Rudolph 3 pass from Cousins (Bailey kick), 19. (20) Chris Buescher, Chevrolet, 333, 18.
6 p.m. Jacksonville 4 5 0 .444 176 189 N.Y. Giants at N.Y. Jets, Noon Tennessee
0 0 7 13—20
0 17 7 6—30 10:59. 20. (31) Paul Menard, Ford, 333, 17.

Wednesday Tennessee 4 5 0 .444 168 165 Atlanta at New Orleans, Noon KC_FG Butker 54, 2:30. 21. (29) John H. Nemechek, Ford, 333, 0.
North Detroit at Chicago, Noon Second Quarter 22. (30) Parker Kligerman, Toyota, 332, 0.
Car_FG Slye 35, 13:28. KC_FG Butker 44, :00.
W L T Pct PF PA Miami at Indianapolis, 3:05 p.m. A_73,615. 23. (28) Ryan Preece, Chevrolet, 331, 17.
Men’s College Tennis Baltimore 6 2 0 .750 251 176 Carolina at Green Bay, 3:25 p.m. Car_McCaffrey 7 pass from Allen (Slye kick), 8:07. 24. (22) Bubba Wallace, Chevrolet, 331, 13.
Pittsburgh 4 4 0 .500 176 169 L.A. Rams at Pittsburgh, 3:25 p.m. Car_Samuel 12 pass from Allen (Slye kick), :58. 25. (27) Michael McDowell, Ford, 329, 12.
Mississippi State at Oracle ITA National Cleveland 2 6 0 .250 152 205 Minnesota at Dallas, 7:20 p.m. Third Quarter
First downs
Min KC
17 17 26. (34) JJ Yeley, Chevrolet, 329, 0.
Cincinnati 0 8 0 .000 124 210 Ten_Henry 8 run (Succop kick), 10:11.
Fall Championships, All Day West
Open: Washington, Jacksonville, New England,
Car_McCaffrey 1 run (Slye kick), 5:16. Total Net Yards 308 377 27. (32) Landon Cassill, Chevrolet, 328, 0.
Denver, Philadelphia, Houston Rushes-yards 27-96 18-147 28. (3) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 328, 9.
Thursday W L T Pct PF PA
Kansas City 6 3 0 .667 252 204
Oakland 4 4 0 .500 182 216
Monday, Nov. 11
Seattle at San Francisco, 7:15 p.m.
Fourth Quarter
Ten_Henry 23 pass from Tannehill (Succop kick), Passing 212
Punt Returns 5-29
29. (38) Joe Nemechek, Chevrolet, 327, 0.
30. (39) Josh Bilicki, Chevrolet, 323, 0.
Prep Girls Soccer L.A. Chargers 4 5 0 .444 183 168 Car_McCaffrey 58 run (kick blocked), 10:23. Kickoff Returns 0-0 4-101 31. (35) Ross Chastain, Chevrolet, 319, 0.
32. (14) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, 312, 5.
Caledonia at Columbus, 5:30 p.m. Denver 3 6 0 .333 149 170
Ravens 37, Patriots 20 Ten_Tannehill 10 run (pass failed), 2:49. Interceptions Ret. 0-0
Comp-Att-Int 19-38-0
25-35-0 33. (37) Quin Houff, Chevrolet, garage, 202, 4.
New England 0 13 7 0—20 A_72,540. 34. (23) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, garage, 199,
Louisville vs. Mississippi School for
Baltimore 10 7 7 13—37 Sacked-Yards Lost 1-8
Punts 8-44.1 5-50.2
First Quarter Ten Car
Mathematics and Science, 5:30 p.m. Dallas 4 3 0 .571 190 124
Philadelphia 5 4 0 .556 224 213 Bal_L.Jackson 3 run (Tucker kick), 8:13. First downs 24 22 Fumbles-Lost 1-0 3-1 35. (26) David Ragan, Ford, accident, 189, 2.
Penalties-Yards 3-25 4-25 36. (36) Garrett Smithley, Ford, accident, 188, 0.
Prep Boys Soccer N.Y. Giants 2 6 0 .250 158 218 Bal_FG Tucker 39, 2:29.
Second Quarter
Total Net Yards 431
Rushes-yards 21-121
33-156 Time of Possession 28:12 31:48 37. (40) Timmy Hill, Toyota, engine, 156, 0.
Washington 1 8 0 .111 108 219 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS 38. (33) Corey Lajoie, Ford, accident, 67, 1.
Caledonia at Columbus, 7 p.m. South Bal_Edwards 12 run (Tucker kick), 14:06. Passing 310 214
RUSHING_Minnesota, Cook 21-71, Diggs 1-12, 39. (8) Brad Keselowski, Ford, accident, 52, 1.
W L T Pct PF PA NE_Sanu 4 pass from Brady (Folk kick), 12:02. Punt Returns 1-11 2-11
Louisville vs. Mississippi School for New Orleans 7 1 0 .875 195 156 NE_FG Folk 22, 3:41. Kickoff Returns 3-69 3-52 Mattison 3-6, Cousins 1-5, Abdullah 1-2. Kansas 40. (9) Ricky Stenhouse Jr, Ford, accident, 52, 1.
Carolina 5 3 0 .625 209 204 NE_FG Folk 19, :08. Interceptions Ret. 1-(minu 2-20 City, Dam.Williams 12-125, McCoy 3-9, Hardman
Mathematics and Science, 7 p.m. Tampa Bay 2 6 0 .250 230 252 Third Quarter Comp-Att-Int 27-39-2 17-32-1 1-7, T.Hill 1-5, Dar.Williams 1-1. Race Statistics
Atlanta 1 7 0 .125 165 250 PASSING_Minnesota, Cousins 19-38-0-220. Average Speed of Race Winner: 133.762 mph.
Bal_Humphrey 70 fumble return (Tucker kick), Sacked-Yards Lost 4-21 3-18 Time of Race: 3 hours, 44 minutes, 44 seconds.
on the air
North 12:21. Punts 3-46.3 4-38.8 Kansas City, Moore 25-35-0-275.
W L T Pct PF PA RECEIVING_Minnesota, Cook 4-45, I.Smith Margin of Victory: 1.594 seconds.
NE_White 1 run (Folk kick), 8:03. Fumbles-Lost 1-1 0-0 Caution Flags: 11 for 56 laps.
Green Bay 7 2 0 .778 226 189 Fourth Quarter Penalties-Yards 11-99 6-77 4-33, Treadwell 3-58, Rudolph 3-23, Ham 2-37,
Minnesota 6 3 0 .667 234 158 Abdullah 1-16, O.Johnson 1-4, Diggs 1-4. Kansas Lead Changes: 26 among 11 drivers.
Detroit 3 4 1 .438 204 217 Bal_Boyle 5 pass from L.Jackson (kick failed), Time of Possession 26:43 33:17 Lap Leaders: K.Harvick 0; E.Jones 1; K.Harvick
City, Watkins 7-63, Kelce 7-62, T.Hill 6-140, Dam.
Today Chicago 3 5 0 .375 142 144
Bal_L.Jackson 1 run (Tucker kick), 3:12.
RUSHING_Tennessee, Henry 13-63, Tannehill Williams 2-3, Robinson 1-5, Bell 1-2, McCoy 1-0.
2-12; E.Jones 13-14; K.Harvick 15-45; E.Jones
46-48; C.Bowyer 49-84; K.Harvick 85-87;
NBA BASKETBALL W L T Pct PF PA A_71,157. 4-38, Lewis 4-20. Carolina, McCaffrey 24-146, A.Bowman 88-98; J.Johnson 99-138; A.Almirola
San Francisco 8 0 0 1.000 235 102 Samuel 1-10, Bonnafon 3-6, C.Jones 1-5, Allen
6:30 p.m. — New Orleans at Brooklyn, 139-143; D.Suarez 144-145; E.Jones 146-147;
9:30 p.m. — Portland at Golden State,
L.A. Rams
7 2 0 .778 248 230
5 3 0 .625 214 174
3 5 1 .389 195 251

First downs
NE Bal
Total Net Yards 342
3-(minus 4), Wright 1-(minus 7).
PASSING_Tennessee, Tannehill 27-39-2-331.
Carolina, Allen 17-32-1-232.
Auto Racing W.Byron 148-151; K.Harvick 152; Ku.Busch 153;
Ky.Busch 154-164; A.Almirola 165-173; E.Jones
Thursday’s Games Rushes-yards 17-74 41-210 RECEIVING_Tennessee, Lewis 5-33, A.Brown NASCAR Monster Energy 174; W.Byron 175-178; D.Suarez 179-201; A.Al-
mirola 202-240; J.Logano 241-245; A.Almirola
NBA San Francisco 28, Arizona 25 Passing 268 162 4-81, Humphries 4-65, C.Davis 4-48, Henry
NFL FOOTBALL Sunday’s Games Punt Returns 0-0 2-7 3-36, J.Smith 3-18, Sharpe 2-31, Raymond 2-19. Cup AAA Texas 500 246-254; K.Harvick 255-306; Ky.Busch 307-313;
Sunday at Texas Motor Speedway K.Harvick 314-334
Houston 26, Jacksonville 3 Kickoff Returns 2-53 3-38 Carolina, Moore 7-101, Samuel 3-64, Olsen 3-40,
7:15 p.m. — Dallas at NY Giants, ESPN Buffalo 24, Washington 9 Interceptions Ret. 0-0 1-24 McCaffrey 3-20, Bonnafon 1-7. Fort Worth, Texas Leaders Summary (Driver, Times Led, Laps Led):
K.Harvick, 6 times for 119 laps; A.Almirola, 4 times
TENNIS Philadelphia 22, Chicago 14 Comp-Att-Int 30-46-1 17-23-0 MISSED FIELD GOALS_Tennessee, Succop 43, Lap length: 1.50 miles
(Start position in parentheses) for 62 laps; J.Johnson, 1 time for 40 laps; C.Bow-
9 a.m. — USTA: Men’s Pro Circuit, Early Pittsburgh 26, Indianapolis 24 Sacked-Yards Lost 2-17 1-1 Succop 56, Succop 44. Carolina, Slye 49. yer, 1 time for 36 laps; D.Suarez, 2 times for 25
Kansas City 26, Minnesota 23 Punts 5-46.6 2-49.0 1. (1) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 334 laps, 55 points.
Rounds, Knoxville, Tenn., TENNIS Carolina 30, Tennessee 20 Fumbles-Lost 2-1 2-2 2. (6) Aric Almirola, Ford, 334, 45. laps; Ky.Busch, 2 times for 18 laps; A.Bowman, 1
Miami 26, N.Y. Jets 18 Penalties-Yards 7-48 4-34 Chiefs 26, Vikings 23 3. (7) Daniel Suarez, Ford, 334, 37. time for 11 laps; E.Jones, 5 times for 9 laps; W.By-
ron, 2 times for 8 laps; J.Logano, 1 time for 5 laps;
Oakland 31, Detroit 24 Time of Possession 22:59 37:01 Minnesota 7 3 6 7—23 4. (11) Joey Logano, Ford, 334, 39.
Kansas City 7 3 10 6—26 5. (5) Alex Bowman, Chevrolet, 334, 43. Ku.Busch, 1 time for 1 lap.
L.A. Chargers 26, Green Bay 11 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS
The Dispatch • Monday, November 4, 2019 3B

Unbeaten no more, Patriots fall to Jackson and Ravens

The Associated Press quarter. ground. way for a score. Although for an easy 3-yard score. New England added
That made it 30-20, and The Patriots came in Brady answered with a After Brady went two field goals in the final
BALTIMORE — The not even six-time Super with a defense that had al- touchdown of this own to three-and-out on his first 4 minutes of the half, the
New England Patriots’ un- Bowl winner Tom Brady lowed only 7.6 points per make it 24-20, the Patriots series, Baltimore rattled first of them after Ingram
beaten season crashed to could bring New England game and forced 25 turn- would not get closer. off another 11-play drive lost a fumble at the Balti-
an end under the weight of out of the hole. Brady, who overs for a plus-17 differen- And so ended New En- and added a field goal. more 19.
their own mistakes and in- went 30 for 46 for 285 yards, tial. The defending Super gland’s 12-game winning The third time the Ra-
ability to contain Baltimore threw an interception with Bowl champions picked up streak, dating to last sea- vens got the ball, a 53-yard Noteworthy
Ravens quarterback Lamar 12:47 left. two fumbles, but they had son and including the play- run by Ingram set up a 12- New England fell to
Jackson, who ripped apart Jackson then led a me- two turnovers themselves offs. yard touchdown burst by 8-2 vs. Ravens in regular
the NFL’s stingiest defense thodical 9 1/2-minute drive and committed a costly The Ravens opened Gus Edwards to make the season (Brady is 6-2). ...
with his arm and legs in a that ended with his thrust penalty that contributed with a crisp 75-yard drive score a stunning 17-0. Baltimore is 10-2 after
37-20 victory Sunday night. into the end zone from the to Baltimore’s first touch- in which Jackson went 4 for New England punted a bye under coach John
Baltimore (6-2) zipped 1. down. 4 for 41 yards and New En- again, and what followed Harbaugh, who took
to an early 17-0 lead and Jackson, the slick sec- New England was pe- gland extended the march for Baltimore was a deflat- over in 2008. ... Ravens
let the Patriots (8-1) creep ond-year quarterback, nalized seven times for 48 with an uncharacteristic ing miscue let the Patriots are 68-24 at home under
within striking distance be- ran for 61 yards and two yards. mistake. As Baltimore back into it. Cyrus Jones Harbaugh, including 21-4
fore quelling the comeback touchdowns and went 17 Baltimore’s defense lined up for a field goal try, muffed the kick, former in November. ... Patriots
with a 70-yard fumble re- for 23 for 163 yards and a played a role, too. Patrick Shilique Calhoun jumped Raven Justin Bethel recov- rookie WR N’Keal Harry
turn by Marlon Humphrey score. Mark Ingram ran for Onwuasor stripped the into the neutral zone to give ered at the Baltimore 20 was inactive after coming
and a 5-yard touchdown 115 yards, and the NFL’s ball from Julian Edelman the Ravens a first down. and Brady tossed a 4-yard off IR (ankle) and being
pass from Jackson to Nick leading rushing attack in the third quarter and On the next play, Jack- touchdown pass to Mo- added to 53-man roster
Boyle early in the fourth amassed 210 yards on the Humphrey took it the other son skirted around left end hamed Sanu. Saturday.

Continued from Page 1B
Saturday, Tank and the that I never had to do backer Erroll Thompson, Further troubling, jobs as a janitor and bar- weeks 12-of-18 for 172
rest of the Stevens clan growing up.” it’s family that serves as Murphy’s toddler son, tender to put he and his yards passing and added
trekked to Fayetteville to Just one of the numer- their driving forces. For Mason, was diagnosed siblings through school, another 74 yards rushing
watch big brother Tom- ous tales players shared senior nickel back Brian with a rare genetic abnor- he began to choke up a on 15 carries.
my and Mississippi State this past week on the rea- Cole II, it’s a combination mality and is awaiting a touch as he spoke. But perhaps most
take on Arkansas. soning behind their de- of family and religion. bone marrow transplant. “He essentially gave powerful was Murphy’s
For Tommy, injuries sire to play football, Ste- “There’s a lot going on Moorhead shared up a lot of his life and second quarter 32-yard
and inconsistent play led vens’ postgame sermon and it’s crazy that this is Murphy’s tragic tale things he wanted to do interception return for
to his benching at half- served as a peek inside my last year,” Cole said. during Friday night’s to make sure my broth- a touchdown. Jumping
time of the Tennessee the psyche of the MSU “But my ‘why’ will always team meeting. er, sister and I were in in front of a Ben Hicks
game Oct. 12. But after program over the last sev- be the same. It’s fami- “With my situation I a great position,” Moor- pass, he sprinted down
leading the Bulldogs to en days. ly and God. I feel like I feel like (football) helps head said. “He taught me the sideline. Crossing the
a 54-24 victory over the Speaking to the team wouldn’t be playing this me be more focused in when times were adverse goal line, Murphy took a
hometown Razorbacks, last week, coach Joe game, I feel like I wouldn’t everything I do,” Murphy yo bow your back and quick look up to the sky.
Saturday served as a Moorhead posited a sim- still be healthy or things said Saturday. “Makes me bow your neck and keep “I looked up to the sky
shared experience for he ple question to the room: would never have worked more passionate, makes working and I was proud like I know my Mom was
and his family. “What is your ‘Why?’” out the way they did with- me attack life different- to be able to dedicate this watching,” he said. “That
“You start thinking Riding a four-game out God and my family.” ly because I know don’t game to my mom and my was my mom. She guided
about that and you kind of losing streak that had After sifting through have another choice. Ev- dad.” me through that whole
start getting emotional,” promptly put the season the letters, it was soph- erything I do is dedicated Whether it be family, play.”
Stevens said. “I remem- on the brink of disaster, omore safety and West to my mom and my little friends, faith or some it- Whether the win over
ber being 10, 11 years Moorhead hoped the ex- Point alumnus Mar- boy.” eration of all three, Moor- Arkansas proves to be an
old, everyone in the back ercise would bring inspi- cus Murphy’s note that Speaking postgame, head’s message clearly isolated event remains
of the van piling up and ration to his struggling caught Moorhead’s eye. Moorhead addressed resonated. The Bulldogs to be seen. But if Satur-
coming to watch me play squad. For Murphy the past gathered reporters on the romped the Razorbacks day proves anything, it’s
baseball or everyone go- As part of the activi- year has been riddled exercise — going as far to for 460 yards rushing — that Moorhead’s exercise
ing in and huddling up for ty, each player turned in with heartbreak. On Jan. share his own ‘Why.’ Ref- a program record record served its purpose.
the basketball games. My a letter describing their 7, his mother, Demtrick erencing his father’s past against SEC competition “I think it definitely
brother and sister defi- ‘Why.’ Murphy, died unexpect- as a longtime steel mill — while Stevens finished (came at the right time),”
nitely had to do things For Stevens and junior edly at just 40 years old. worker who peddled side his first start in three Stevens said.

Continued from Page 1B
er Tony Stewart said. “It hind us outside of the top 78 points outside the final on the 81st lap and slid time on pit road for re- came in the 2017 spring
does take that edge off. four wins. ... It’s going to four. off the track and through pairs, he got back on the race, about two months
... It’s big for the organi- be fun.” Harvick’s fourth win the infield. The No. 11 Joe track and finished the before his last Cup win at
zation.” Kyle Busch is third in this year was the 49th Gibbs Racing Toyota was race. He finished 22 laps Dover.
Harvick led six times the standings, only two of his career, matching damaged after slamming behind in 32nd place. His only pole this sea-
in the No. 4 Ford, in- points ahead of Logano. Stewart for 14th on NA- hard across the grass and “I made a mistake, got son was at Texas in the
cluding the final 21 laps “We all know one guy SCAR’s career list. Har- over asphalt. loose and crashed. I real- spring race seven months
and 73 of the last 80, and is going to move through vick’s only championship “Just lost control. ly hate that happened,” ago, when he led 60 laps.
finished 1 1/2 seconds on points and we have to in his 19 Cup seasons That’s all there is to it,” Elliott said. He had led only 27 total
ahead of teammate Aric do whatever we have to do came after a win in the Hamlin said. “Did the Elliott was the run- laps in the 26 races since
Almirola. Daniel Suarez, in order to be that guy,” finale at Miami five years best we could, and we’ll ner-up at Kansas last then before Sunday.
the Stewart-Haas driver Busch said. ago. go to Phoenix and try to month but finished 36th Just a few laps after the
still unsigned for next Truex finished sixth “I think every year is win. ... There’s no doubt at Martinsville last week race resumed following
season, was third. at Texas, a week after different. For me, I would in my mind that we can after a mechanical fail- the second stage, while
With Martin Truex Jr. clinching his title chance tell you that I don’t think go there and win. In these ure. There was also his
still in the top three, John-
already locked in for the with a win at Martinsville. we’ve run as well as we circumstances, I like the last-place finish among 38
son got loose and couldn’t
final four at Homestead, Playoff contenders Busch probably wanted to run challenge.” cars at Dover, where his
keep the No. 48 Chevrolet
the final two spots for and Ryan Blaney were week in and week out com- engine gave out after only
eight laps. off the wall. The Hendrick
the title run will be deter- seventh and eighth, with pared to the things that
mined next week at Phoe- Kyle Larson 12th. The we expect,” Harvick said.
Contending with team got him back on the
nix. At least one driver other contenders, Denny “But this particular year trouble Flashback at front track for a brief time, but
the car had too damage
will get in on points. Hamlin and Chase Elliott, has been neat for me to sit Elliott was in the Seven-time Cup cham-
eighth and final playoff to continue. He finished
“It is going to be a good had accidents that put back and watch the evolu- pion Jimmie Johnson has
spot coming into the race, 34th.
battle for sure,” said Lo- them deep in the field. tion of how we progressed gone a career-long 93 rac-
gano, the defending Cup Hamlin’s 28th-place with the race cars, how and stayed there after get- es without winning, but
champion who remained finish, six laps behind the conversations have ting into trouble early. He he led nearly half of the Six to none
in fourth in points after Harvick, dropped him progressed, how my the- will have to win at Phoe- second stage at Texas. There were six cau-
finishing fourth in the No. from second to fifth in the ories and things I think nix to get in the final four. Johnson led 40 laps in tions in the first stage,
22 Team Penske Ford at standings. He is 20 points are right and wrong have On the ninth lap Sun- the second 85-lap seg- but the second 85-lap seg-
Texas. “We are definitely behind Logano, and only changed.” day, Elliott got loose and ment at Texas, where he ment was run without a
racing for that last spot three ahead of both Lar- Hamlin got loose com- slammed hard into the has won a record seven yellow flag. There were 11
just in case someone be- son and Blaney. Elliott is ing out the fourth turn wall. After an extended times. His last win there cautions overall.

Continued from Page 1B
their top two scorers from in his freshman season. Woodard said after aver- ries are correct, this is a is typically more efficient carve a permanent role
a year ago (Quinndary But he knows he needs to aging 5.5 points and 4.1 good year to build a team at shooting guard but into a rotation. Molinar is
Weatherspoon and Lamar become a better 3-point rebounds per night as a around forwards. is more than capable of capable of handling point
Peters) and possibly have shooter after turning in a freshman last year. “We The men’s college bas- handling the point. Last guard duties in small in-
a better season. 28 percent clip beyond the lost a lot of key guys. So ketball 3-point line will season, Carter scored crements himself, some-
Undoubtedly, the loss- arc a year ago and could it’s time to step up and now be at the internation- 10.4 points per game and thing that’s not lost on
es of Weatherspoon and also benefit from another take those roles of the al distance of 22 feet and shot 36 percent from long Howland.
Peters will leave the Bull- collegiate season. guys that left.” 1¾ inches at the Division range. “I like playing with two
dogs thin at guard early “I realized that when I Forwards Abdul Ado, I level, moving back ap- Weatherspoon point guards,” Howland
while Nick Weatherspoon get to the NBA, I want to who averaged 4.7 points proximately 17½ inches shouldn’t miss any SEC said. “I played with two
serves his 10-game sus- be developed and I want per game and 4.5 re- from last year. games, which bodes well point guards a lot in my
pension. to be able to stick there,” bounds per game in 2018- This could encour- for the Bulldogs consid- career as a coach, I think
But those around the Perry said. “All the play- 2019, Prince Oduro and age teams to pack in the ering Howland considers it’s such an advantage. I
team will gush about their ers Coach Howland has KeyShawn Feazell will all paint defensively, giving him their best defensive was just looking at LSU’s
forward depth for hours if coached that have gone be cogs in the rotation. teams with great length guard. guys, both Javonte Smart
you let them. to the NBA have stuck Feazell has garnered and depth a distinct ad- “It really showed last and Skylar Mays are point
All conversations there. I know I can trust the most attention in the vantage. Howland pre- year at the end of the guards. When you’re a
about the Bulldogs start Coach Howland to contin- preseason after dropping dicts long range shooting season when he didn’t really good team, you’re
with Reggie Perry, a pre- ue to develop me and get nearly 30 pounds since percentages will drop by play the last 10 games of playing multiple points.”
season first-team All-SEC me to the next level.” the end of last season, about 2 percent nation- the year,” Howland said. Redshirt freshman
selection. Most of the sets Perry should predom- wide. “Especially in the NCAA D.J. Stewart will also see
allowing him to be more
MSU runs will go through inantly play the four po- “It’s significant,” Tournament. Teams play meaningful minutes. Be-
agile. The first look at
the 6-foot-10 sophomore sition, while Columbus Howland said of the new small ball when you’re tween him and Molinar,
the slimmed-down Fea-
from Thomasville, Geor- native Robert Woodard 3-point line. “I think our trying to match up with Howland thinks it’s likely
zell passed the eye test
gia. That’s not hard to see II will start at the three 3-point percentage last them, and he’s our best MSU gets a player on the
after his 12-point, nine-re-
considering he’s the first and will be expected to year was like 35 percent. perimeter defender, no All-SEC freshman team
bound performance This year it’ll end up be-
consistent inside scoring log about 30 minutes per against Division I South doubt about it.” for the fifth straight sea-
threat MSU has had since night. Woodard will be ing like 33. You watch.” But the guard many son.
Alabama in an exhibition
Gavin Ware in Howland’s counted on to stretch the on Oct. 27. fans may be raving about The Bulldogs open the
first year in Starkville. floor, as Howland called Changing of the guard come December is fresh- regular season at 7 p.m.
Perry explored enter- him one of the team’s bet- In Weatherspoon’s ab- man Iverson Molinar. Tuesday against Flori-
ing the NBA draft after ter 3-point shooters. Adjusting to the new sence, senior point guard Molinar is expected to da International at the
averaging 9.7 points and “(My mindset is) a 3-point line Tyson Carter will handle see plenty of action in the Humphrey Coliseum in
7.2 rebounds per game lot different this year,” If Howland’s theo- point guard duties. Carter first 10 games and could Starkville.
4B Monday, November 4, 2019 The Dispatch •

AP Top 25: Navy gives AAC 4 teams, 3rd-most by conference

The Associated Press nati, No. 19 Memphis and after last week’s historical- mittee started ranking gan, Clemson, Washington Conference call
No. 23 SMU in the Top 25. ly close vote. The first-place teams around this point in CFP: Alabama, Clem- The American also had
Navy moved into The Four ranked teams match- vote distribution stayed the the season, only last year son, Michigan, Texas
Associated Press college four ranked teams on Nov.
es a high for the 7-year-old same. The Tigers received did it have the same four A&M 8, 2015 (Houston, Temple,
football poll at No. 25, giv- American, which was born 1,479 points and 17 first- teams in the top as the AP 2017
ing the American Athletic Navy, Memphis). The Mid-
from the collapse of the Big place votes, Alabama had poll that was released two AP: Alabama, Georgia, shipmen are ranked for the
Conference four ranked East. 1,472 points and 21 first days earlier. And never has Ohio State, Wisconsin
teams, more than all but first time since 2017 and al-
“UCF was the top places, and Ohio State got the first CFP rankings’ first CFP: Georgia, Ala- ready have more than dou-
the Big Ten and the South- vote-getter outside the Top 1,467 points and 17 firsts. four matched the preced- bama, Notre Dame, Clem-
eastern Conference. bled their win total from
25,” AAC Commissioner No. 4 Clemson received ing AP top four. son last season’s disappointing
With nine ranked teams the other seven first-place 2018
Mike Aresco said Sunday. Top fours in order: 3-9 finish.
off this weekend, includ- votes and Penn State re- AP: Alabama, Clemson,
“It think it validates what 2014 Big Ten — 6 (Nos. 3, 5,
ing four of the top five, mained No. 5. Notre Dame, LSU
there was little movement we’ve been trying to do. AP: Mississippi State, 13, 14, 16, 19)
Our goal is depth.” Georgia jumped two Florida State, Alabama, CFP: Alabama, Clem- SEC — 5 (Nos. 1, 2, 6,
throughout the AP Top
Aresco has pushed for spots to No. 6 after beating Auburn son, LSU, Notre Dame 10, 12)
25 presented by Regions
the American to be consid- Florida in the weekend’s CFP: Mississippi State, American — 4 (Nos. 17,
Bank. LSU is No. 1 for a
second consecutive week ered along-side the Power biggest game. The Gators Auburn, Florida State, Mis- Out 19, 23, 25)
Five, branding the AAC a slipped four spots to No. 10. sissippi Appalachian State was Big 12 — 3 (Nos. 9, 11,
and Alabama is No. 2. The
Tigers and Crimson Tide P6 conference. 2015 the only team to fall out of 20)
on Saturday will play the “It shows that the con- Poll points AP: Ohio State, Baylor, the rankings this week. ACC — 2 (Nos. 4, 22)
first regular-season 1-2 ference continues to make The first College Foot- Clemson, LSU The Sun Belt Conference’s Pac-12 — 2 (Nos. 7, 8)
game since the same two progress,” he said. ball Playoff selection com- CFP: Clemson, LSU, lone representative lost for Mountain West — 2
did it in 2011. Ohio State is No. 3 as mittee rankings come out Ohio State, Alabama the first time this season, (Nos. 21, 24)
Navy joins fellow AAC the margin among the top Tuesday night. 2016 falling at home to Georgia Independent — 1 (No.
members No. 17 Cincin- three teams widened a bit Since the selection com- AP: Alabama, Michi- Southern on Thursday. 15)

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I also can’t get classmates or when the teach-
I am 7 1/2 the house ready er isn’t looking. His reaction to
months for the arrival of her bullying gets him in trouble.
pregnant, living the baby. It’s not Unfortunately, they don’t see
with my fiance, his going to be fair to what she’s doing that causes it.
cousin, his cous- my baby if Mom- My son gets put into isolation
in’s girlfriend and my has to clean at school, but seldom does
her little brother, up someone’s she have any consequences
who she has mess before I for the bullying because she’s
custody of. (He feed him. Help, discreet.
will be 18 in a few Abby! — MAID IN I have talked with his
months.) I do all NEVADA teacher, his counselor, special
ZITS the house clean- DEAR MAID: education coordinator, vice
ing and have for You are right that principal and the principal.
the last year and once the baby Their only focus is my son’s
a half. I constantly arrives you won’t behavior/reaction. They don’t
pick up after them be able to keep address the issue of the girl
after work.
Dear Abby up what you have bullying him. I tell him to ignore
The cousin’s been doing. If her, tell his teacher, tell the vice
girlfriend (“Queen Slob”) is the you haven’t expressed to your principal, but my advice has
worst of the bunch. She doesn’t fiance what you have shared changed nothing. I don’t know
clean up after herself at all. with me, it is long overdue. The what to do. Please help me. —
She leaves a trail — drops her two of you should convene a STOP THE BULLYING
purse on the table, doesn’t meeting of everyone who lives DEAR STOP THE BULLYING:
throw away her trash and under that roof and set some If I were in your situation, first,
leaves dirty dishes everywhere. house rules. If the cousin and I’d keep a record of these
I have tried not picking up after his girlfriend won’t cooperate, instances. Then I would try to
GARFIELD Queen Slob and everyone else, they should move. talk to the girl’s parents. If they
but they are either so dumb or As to your baby shower, were uncooperative, I’d then
inconsiderate that they don’t if you have a close friend or address my concerns to the
put two and two together and relative nearby, it might be school board in my communi-
realize it’s not magic and some- more practical to hold it in one ty. And, if nothing changed, I
one is cleaning up after them. of their homes. would contact an attorney who
How do I nicely express that DEAR ABBY: My 10-year-old specializes in cases of discrim-
I’m fed up with being the only son is behaviorally challenged ination.
one who keeps the house clean and receives special education Dear Abby is written by
without coming off like a crazy services at school. He is in the Abigail Van Buren, also known
pregnant lady? I’m running out fourth grade. as Jeanne Phillips, and was
of energy. I have been trying to Since the beginning of the founded by her mother, Pauline
clean for my baby shower, but school year he has been bullied Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
I’m getting nowhere because by a girl in his class. She inten- at or P.O.
every time I clean something, I tionally embarrasses him and Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
CANDORVILLE have to do it again the next day. makes fun of him in front of his 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. Strong feelings usually demand who you’re not unless you dare
4). Though you can’t totally con- attention, while mild ones hum to stretch your self-concept and
trol what and who attracts you, along in anonymity. It’s easy to try different things?
there are deep forces within you move through feelings when you LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The
are unfailingly on your side this know what they are. The simple secret to telling a good story is
year. You continually reach for way is just to ask, “What is this starting at the beginning and
what’s really good for you. New feeling?” stopping at the end. A common
places inspire excellent work. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). mistake is to start the story
Someone sees your talent and The perception of you that way before the true beginning
helps you develop quickly and in should matter most is your own. and end it long after the optimal
a lucrative direction. Libra and Even so, thinking “I’m doing conclusion.
BABY BLUES Virgo adore you. Your lucky num- great” is far less confident an VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
bers are: 9, 45, 3, 28 and 31. inner dialogue than no inner What does it mean to believe
ARIES (March 21-April 19). dialogue at all. True confidence in yourself? Certainly, taking
You don’t really think about needs no validation, including excellent care of yourself is
whether you are attracted or from the self. part of it, as is recognizing your
repelled by a situation. You just CANCER (June 22-July 22). need for novelty and challenge,
are. You can trust this intrinsic Striving to be something you’re especially socially.
and intuitive knowledge. It reso- not is either a silly goal or a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
nates from your core. stroke of genius. How are you It would be easy to judge those
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). going to know who you are and we don’t know, understand or
agree with. Instead of trying to
stop that instinct, get curious
about the person’s motivation
and the need to judge will natu-
rally fall away.
21). The one who takes initia-
tive always has a well-earned
advantage because making the
first move takes extra energy
and vision and it also incurs
more risk. Be first today. It will
be worth it for you.
Dec. 21). Relationships can
balance without being equal
in measure. Much depends on
where the fulcrum is placed,
which is a mysterious, deeply
rooted agreement that both
MALLARD FILLMORE parties make often in complete
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). People with spicy goals
attract and intrigue. However,
when it comes to conversation,
the topic doesn’t need to be all
that exciting in order to make a
fun conversation out of it.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Easygoing relationships are
the most comfortable, but not
always the most memorable or
conducive to personal growth.
As frustrating as difficult people
FAMILY CIRCUS can be, they are usually the
ones who make you better.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You’d like to think that
you’re still deciding how you feel
about a situation, but the fact is
that you don’t get to decide. The
feelings come whether you tell
them to or not. Your first job is
to figure out what they are.

On a knife edge
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Sewer Service to SDI Galvaniz- located at 1102 Main Street,

ing Line Columbus, MS 39701, until
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI December 5, 2019 at 10:00
TO: All Unknown Heirs at Law
of Harold Eugene Caldwell, de-

Sealed Bids for the construc-

Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
a.m., at which time the Bids re-
ceived will be publicly opened
and read. The Project consists
ceased, and

All Unknown Heirs at Law of

tion of the Sewer Service to
SDI Galvanizing Line will be re-
ceived by the President and
location at Industrial Park
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
of constructing Water Main Re-

Judy Caldwell, deceased, and Members of the Board of the

All Unknown Heirs at Law of

Lowndes County Industrial De-
velopment Authority at the of-
Bids will be received for a
single prime Contract. Bids
To place ads starting at only $12,
John Caldwell, deceased, and fices of Lowndes County Indus-
trial Development Authority loc-
shall be on a lump sum and/or
unit price basis, with additive
call 662-328-2424 or visit
Any Unknown Persons In In- ated at 1102 Main Street, and/or deductive alternate bid
terest in the estate of Harold Columbus, MS 39701, until items as indicated in the Bid
Eugene Caldwell December 5, 2019 at 10:00 Form. THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2019 n 5B
a.m., at which time the Bids re-
You have been made a defend- ceived will be publicly opened The Issuing Office for the Bid-
ant in the Petition for Determin- and read. The Project consists ding Documents is: Calvert-
ation of Heirship, seeking to of constructing Sewer Service Spradling Engineers, Inc.;
Legal Noticesthe heirs-at-law of
determine toLegal
Galvanizing Line. Legal Notices
7085 Highway 45 North Altern- Restaurant / Hotel

LEGALS Employment Rentals

Harold Eugene Caldwell. Other ate, P.O. Drawer 1078; West
Legal you,
than Noticesthe only other inter- Legal will
Bids Notices
be received for a Point, MS 39773. Prospective
ested parties in this action are: single prime Contract. Bids Bidders may examine the Bid-
Sandra Gale Caldwell. shall be on a lump sum and/or ding Documents at the Issuing
Call us: 662-328-2424 You are summoned to appear
unit price basis, with additive
and/or deductive alternate bid
Office on Mondays through Fri-
days during regular business
Call us: 662-328-2424 Ads starting at $25
and represent your interests items as indicated in the Bid hours, and may obtain copies
Legal Notices against said Petition before the Form. of the Bidding Documents from General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: North
Honorable Joseph N. Studdard, the Issuing Office as de-
MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF Chancellor of the 14th Chan- The Issuing Office for the Bid- scribed below. DEPENDABLE CAREGIVER
cery District, at 9:00 A. M. on ding Documents is: Calvert-
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY needed for a senior in 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
January 21, 2020, at the Spradling Engineers, Inc.; Printed copies of the Bidding
Lowndes County Courthouse, in 7085 Highway 45 North Altern- Documents may be obtained Columbus area. MUST $595−$645 monthly.
Mining and Reclamation Divi- Columbus, Mississippi, and in ate, P.O. Drawer 1078; West from the Issuing Office, during HAVE 5+ YEARS EXPERI- Military discount, pet area,
sion case of your failure to appear Point, MS 39773. Prospective the hours indicated above, ENCE. Must have refer- pet friendly, and furnished
P. O. Box 2279 your interest in this matter will Bidders may examine the Bid- upon payment of a non-refund- ences and reliable trans- corporate apts.
Jackson, MS 39225 not be considered. ding Documents at the Issuing able deposit of $100.00_ for portation. Mostly am work, 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL
(601) 961-5527 Office on Mondays through Fri- each set. Checks for Bidding other shifts available. GYM. ON SITE SECURITY.
You are not required to file an days during regular business Documents shall be payable to
answer or other pleading, but hours, and may obtain copies Calvert-Spradling Engineers, Call 630-698-6049. ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
you may do so if you desire. of the Bidding Documents from Inc. Upon request and receipt
the Issuing Office as de- of the document deposit indic- THE COMMERCIAL 24−HOUR CAMERA
Public Notice No. 1703AAA Oc-
tober 21, 2019 Issued under my hand and the scribed below. ated above plus a non-refund- Dispatch is seeking a SURVEILLANCE. Benji &
Application No. A1703AAA seal of said Court, this the able shipping charge, the Issu- mechanically-minded Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
30th day of October, 2019. Printed copies of the Official ing Office will transmit the Bid- individual to work in its
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Bidding Documents and Tech- ding Documents via delivery
LISA YOUNGER MCNEESE, nical Specifications may be ob- service. The shipping charge pressroom. Applicants PEAR ORCHARD
CHANCERY CLERK tained from the Issuing Office, amount will depend on the must be comfortable work- TOWNHOUSES:
The Office of Geology has re-
ceived an Application for a Sur- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- during the hours indicated shipping method selected by ing around heavy ma- 2BR starting @ $620
face Mining Permit pursuant to SIPPI above, upon payment of a non- the prospective Bidder. The chinery, adhering to tight 3BR starting @ $680
Sections 53-7-27 and 53-7-29 (SEAL) refundable deposit of $100.00 date that the Bidding Docu- deadlines and must have W/D incl. Great location.
of the Mississippi Surface Min- By: Tina Fisher for each set. Checks for Bid- ments are transmitted by the an eye for detail & quality. $200 processing fee &
ing and Reclamation Act of ding Documents shall be pay- Issuing Office will be con- Flexible hours are a must. $50 application fee.
PUBLISH: 11/4, 11/11, & able to Calvert-Spradling Engin- sidered the Bidder’s date of re- UP/DOWN EATERY & COF-
1977, as described below: Must pass drug test. Email On−site Management.
11/18/2019 eers, Inc. Upon request and re- ceipt of the Bidding Docu- FEEHOUSE Onsite Security.
ceipt of the document deposit ments. Partial sets of Bidding resume to
APPLICANT: W G Yates and 662−328−9471 or
Sons Construction Company IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF indicated above plus a non-re- Documents will not be avail- or LOCAL BUSINESS HIRING
fundable shipping charge, the able from the Issuing Office. drop resumes off at 516 662−889−7565.
Lowndes County Mine Number SIPPI Issuing Office will transmit the Neither Owner nor Engineer will Main St, POSITIONS
3 Bidding Documents via deliv- be responsible for full or par- Columbus, MS 39701. Studio apartment for rent.
PO Box 456 IN RE KARSON JOSIAH HARRIS, ery service. The shipping tial sets of Bidding Documents, No phone calls please. MUST BE ABLE TO OPEN
Hwy 45 between Columbus
Philadelphia, Mississippi A MINOR BY AND THROUGH charge amount will depend on including Addenda if any, ob- and CAFB. No pets. No
39350 HIS MOTHER AND NEXT the shipping method selected tained from sources other than AND/OR CLOSE smoking. $400 rent and
FRIEND, KENYANA LASHAWN by the prospective Bidder. The the Issuing Office. THE COMMERCIAL DIS- $400 deposit.
LOCATION: Northwest ¼ of STALLINGS PETITIONER date that the Bidding Docu- PATCH seeks a motivated, PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON 662−328−2340
Section 5 and Northeast ¼ of ments are transmitted by the Official bid documents can be contracted carrier for the ONLY FROM 9AM-11AM
Section 6, Township 18 South, versus Issuing Office will be con- downloaded from Central at Brooksville & Macon area.
Range 17 West, Lowndes sidered the Bidder’s date of re- Elec- One call will bring you results.
ceipt of the Bidding Docu- tronic bids can be submitted at
Excellent opportunity to 2215 Hwy. 45 N. - Colum-
County (Lat. N33° 31’ 49.59”, MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF earn money for college. bus 662-328-2424
Long. W88° 20’ 48.09”) HEALTH BUREAU OF VITAL ments. Partial sets of Bidding For
STATISTICS AND BERNARD Documents will not be avail- any questions related to the Must have good transporta-
DESCRIPTION: The Operator ANTONIO HARRIS RESPOND- able from the Issuing Office. electronic bidding process, tion, valid driver's license

Good help isn’t hard to find if you know

proposes to open pit mine 25 ENTS Neither Owner nor Engineer will please call Central Bidding at & insurance. Delivers on
additional acres to a total be responsible for full or par- 225-810-4814. Sunday morning and Mon.-
depth of 50 feet for sand and CAUSE NO. 2019-0148F tial sets of Bidding Documents, Fri. afternoons. Apply at
gravel. This is in addition to the including Addenda if any, ob- A pre-bid conference will be The Commercial Dispatch,
to the previously permitted 180
acres for a total of 205 acres.
Sediment and erosion will be

TO: Bernard Antonio Harris, his

tained from sources other than
the Issuing Office.

Official bid documents can be

held at 1:30 p.m. local time on
November 25, 2019 at Indus-
trial Park Road and Langston
Circle (South). Attendance at
516 Main Street in Colum-
bus. No phone calls
where to look. Start your search here.
controlled by settling ponds, di- last known address: 1307
version berms and drainage 20th Street North, #A, Colum- downloaded from Central Bid- the pre-bid conference is highly
ditches. Reclamation will con- bus, Mississippi 39701 or ding at encouraged but is not mandat-
sist of ponds with 3 to 1 where he might otherwise be Elec- ory. Representatives of Owner
grassed cover slopes. found tronic bids can be submitted at and Engineer will be present to For discuss the Project. Bidders
This public notice is being dis- NOTICE TO DEFENDANT any questions related to the are encouraged to attend and
tributed to interested persons electronic bidding process, participate in the conference.
and agencies to assist in devel- THE COMPLAINT WHICH IS AT- please call Central Bidding at Engineer will transmit to all pro-
oping facts on which a de- TACHED TO THIS SUMMONS IS 225-810-4814. spective Bidders of record such
cision by the Office of Geology IMPORTANT AND YOU MUST Addenda as Engineer con-
can be based. You are reques- TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION TO A pre-bid conference will be siders necessary in response
held at 2:30 p.m. local time on to questions arising at the con-
Looking for goods
ted to communicate the inform- PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS.
ation contained in this notice November 25, 2019 at Airport ference. Oral statements may
to any other parties whom you You are required to mail or Road and Steel Dynamics In- not be relied upon and will not
deem likely to have interest in hand-deliver a copy of a writ- corporated . Attendance at the be binding or legally effective.
the matter. All agencies and
persons shall have until
November 4, 2019, to submit
ten response to the Complaint pre-bid conference is highly en-
ESQ., the attorney for the
couraged but is not mandatory.
Representatives of Owner and
Bid security shall be furnished
in accordance with the Instruc-
or services?
comments, recommendations, Plaintiff whose address is Post Engineer will be present to dis- tions to Bidders.
or evaluations to the Office of Office Box 1352, Columbus, cuss the Project. Bidders are
Geology. Comments by an Mississippi 39703. encouraged to attend and parti- Owner: Lowndes County Indus-
agency shall include an enu- cipate in the conference. Engin- trial Development
meration of permits or li- Your response must be mailed eer will transmit to all prospect- By: Thomas Lee, Sr.
censes required under the or delivered not later than thirty ive Bidders of record such Ad- Title: President
agency's jurisdiction. (30) days after the 24th day of denda as Engineer considers Date: October 30, 2019
October, 2019, which is the necessary in response to ques- Publish: November 4, 2019,
If further information is date of the first publication of tions arising at the conference. November 11, 2019
needed, an agency may be fur- this summons. If your re- Oral statements may not be re-
nished a copy of the notice of sponse is not so mailed or de- lied upon and will not be bind-
intent or permit application. livered, a judgment by default ing or legally effective.

Find it in the
Any person may inspect the will be entered against you for
permit application as specified the money or other relief de- Bid security shall be furnished
in Section 104 of the Rules manded in the Complaint. in accordance with the Instruc-
tions to Bidders.
All notices must be
and Regulations.
You must also file the original emailed to
of your response with the Clerk Owner: Lowndes County Indus-

In the event comments are not
received by November 4, 2019, of this Court within a reason- trial Development Authority classifieds@
By: Thomas Lee, Sr.
the Office of Geology will con-
sider that the agency has no
able time afterward.
Title: President
comments, recommendations ISSUED under my hand and the Date: October 30, 2019
and/or evaluations that the seal of said Court, this 21st Publish: November 4, 2019,
agency deems necessary and day of October, 2019. November 11, 2019
proper based upon the effect
of the proposed operation on Lisa Younger Neese Lowndes County Industrial De-

Service Directory
matters within the agency's jur- Lowndes County Chancery velopment Authority
isdiction. Clerk P.O. Box 1328
Post Office Box 684 Columbus, MS 39705
PUBLISH: 10/24, 10/28, & Columbus, Mississippi 39703
11/4/2019 Water Main Relocation at In-
(SEAL) BY: Tina Fisher dustrial Park Road
SIPPI PUBLISH: 10/28, 11/4 &
11/11/2019 Sealed Bids for the construc-
Promote your small business starting at only $25
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- tion of the Water Main Reloca-
TATE OF HAROLD EUGENE Lowndes County Industrial De- tion at Industrial Park Road will Carpet & Flooring General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping Painting & Papering
CALDWELL, DECEASED velopment Authority be received by the President
P.O. Box 1328 and Members of the Board of DUMP TRUCK HAULING. Cutting Edge Lawn Service SULLIVAN’S PAINT
CAUSE NO. 2019-166-JNS Columbus, MS 39703 the Lowndes County Industrial
Development Authority at the Slag − $350 Residential & Commercial SERVICE. Special Prices.
offices of Lowndes County In- Clay Gravel − $250 Mowing, Edging, Trimming, Interior and Exterior
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Sewer Service to SDI Galvaniz- Driveway & Trailer Park Blowing, Mulching, Clean Painting. 662−435−6528
ing Line dustrial Development Authority
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI located at 1102 Main Street, Grating. Columbus. Call Ups, Leaf Removal, Bush
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Columbus, MS 39701, until Walter, 662−251−8664. Hogging, Pruning.
TO: All Unknown Heirs at Law December 5, 2019 at 10:00 Weekly/Bi−Weekly. Free
of Harold Eugene Caldwell, de- Sealed Bids for the construc- a.m., at which time the Bids re- Estimates. Licensed &
ceived will be publicly opened
ceased, and tion of the Sewer Service to Licensed & Bonded− Insured. 662−386−9559.
SDI Galvanizing Line will be re- and read. The Project consists
of constructing Water Main Re- carpentry, painting, &
All Unknown Heirs at Law of ceived by the President and HALLOWEEN SPECIAL:
Judy Caldwell, deceased, and Members of the Board of the location at Industrial Park demolition. Landscaping, LET ME HELP MAKE YOUR
Road. $99 WHOLE HOUSE gutters cleaned, bush PROPERTY BEAUTIFUL
Lowndes County Industrial De- DAVID’S CARPET &
All Unknown Heirs at Law of velopment Authority at the of- hogging, clean−up work, FOR THE HOLIDAYS!
John Caldwell, deceased, and fices of Lowndes County Indus- Bids will be received for a UPHOLSTERY pressure washing, moving Commercial Bush−Hogging.
trial Development Authority loc- single prime Contract. Bids CLEANING help & furniture repair. We level parking areas &
Any Unknown Persons In In- ated at 1102 Main Street, shall be on a lump sum and/or 1 Room − $40 662−242−3608. driveways. Free estimates.
terest in the estate of Harold Columbus, MS 39701, until unit price basis, with additive 2 Rooms − $70
and/or deductive alternate bid Quote: per job, not acre.
Eugene Caldwell December 5, 2019 at 10:00 3+ Rooms − $30 EA Lawn Care / Landscaping

Grow your business

items as indicated in the Bid Owner operated. Licensed
a.m., at which time the Bids re- Rugs−Must Be Seen
You have been made a defend- ceived will be publicly opened Form. & Insured. 21 years exp.
Car Upholstery JESSE & BEVERLY’S 662−242−8809.
with the classified
ant in the Petition for Determin- and read. The Project consists Cleaning Available
ation of Heirship, seeking to of constructing Sewer Service The Issuing Office for the Bid- LAWN SERVICE.
determine the heirs-at-law of to SDI Galvanizing Line. ding Documents is: Calvert- 662−722−1758 Mowing, cleanup,

service directory.
Harold Eugene Caldwell. Other Spradling Engineers, Inc.; landscaping, sodding, If you don’t advertise
than you, the only other inter- Bids will be received for a 7085 Highway 45 North Altern- & tree cutting. your business,
ested parties in this action are: single prime Contract. Bids ate, P.O. Drawer 1078; West 662−356−6525 how are they gonna know?
Sandra Gale Caldwell. shall be on a lump sum and/or Point, MS 39773. Prospective

Just a click away!

unit price basis, with additive Bidders may examine the Bid-
You are summoned to appear and/or deductive alternate bid ding Documents at the Issuing
and represent your interests items as indicated in the Bid Office on Mondays through Fri-
against said Petition before the Form. days during regular business
Honorable Joseph N. Studdard, hours, and may obtain copies
Chancellor of the 14th Chan- The Issuing Office for the Bid- of the Bidding Documents from
cery District, at 9:00 A. M. on ding Documents is: Calvert- the Issuing Office as de-
January 21, 2020, at the Spradling Engineers, Inc.; scribed below.
Lowndes County Courthouse, in 7085 Highway 45 North Altern-
Columbus, Mississippi, and in ate, P.O. Drawer 1078; West Printed copies of the Bidding
case of your failure to appear Point, MS 39773. Prospective Documents may be obtained
your interest in this matter will Bidders may examine the Bid- from the Issuing Office, during
not be considered. ding Documents at the Issuing the hours indicated above,

The best place for personalized

Office on Mondays through Fri- upon payment of a non-refund-
You are not required to file an days during regular business able deposit of $100.00_ for
answer or other pleading, but hours, and may obtain copies each set. Checks for Bidding
Documents shall be payable to

advertising in your community.

you may do so if you desire. of the Bidding Documents from
the Issuing Office as de- Calvert-Spradling Engineers,
Issued under my hand and the scribed below. Inc. Upon request and receipt
seal of said Court, this the of the document deposit indic-
30th day of October, 2019. Printed copies of the Official ated above plus a non-refund-
Bidding Documents and Tech- able shipping charge, the Issu-
ing Office will transmit the Bid-
LISA YOUNGER MCNEESE, nical Specifications may be ob-
CHANCERY CLERK tained from the Issuing Office, ding Documents via delivery
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- during the hours indicated service. The shipping charge
amount will depend on the
SIPPI above, upon payment of a non-
(SEAL) refundable deposit of $100.00 shipping method selected by
the prospective Bidder. The

By: Tina Fisher for each set. Checks for Bid-


ding Documents shall be pay- date that the Bidding Docu-
PUBLISH: 11/4, 11/11, & able to Calvert-Spradling Engin- ments are transmitted by the
11/18/2019 eers, Inc. Upon request and re- Issuing Office will be con-
ceipt of the document deposit sidered the Bidder’s date of re-

Featured ads $5 Sponsored ads $3

indicated above plus a non-re- ceipt of the Bidding Docu-
fundable shipping charge, the ments. Partial sets of Bidding
Issuing Office will transmit the Documents will not be avail-
Bidding Documents via deliv- able from the Issuing Office.
ery service. The shipping Premium placement
Neither Owner nor Engineer will
be responsible for full or par-
Preferred placement in search
charge amount will depend on
the shipping method selected on classifieds home page.
tial sets of Bidding Documents,
including Addenda if any, ob-
results and highlighted online.
by the prospective Bidder. The

Highlight $3
tained from sources other than

Graphic $10.50
date that the Bidding Docu-
ments are transmitted by the the Issuing Office.
Issuing Office will be con-
sidered the Bidder’s date of re- Official bid documents can be
ceipt of the Bidding Docu-
ments. Partial sets of Bidding
Highlight your ad
downloaded from Central at Elec- Enhance your ad with
Documents will not be avail- with a dash of color.
tronic bids can be submitted at For an attention getter.
able from the Issuing Office.
Neither Owner nor Engineer will any questions related to the
be responsible for full or par- electronic bidding process,
tial sets of Bidding Documents, please call Central Bidding at
6B Monday, November 4, 2019 The Dispatch •
Apts For Rent: West Apts For Rent: Other Houses For Rent: Caledonia Storage & Garages

Garage Sales
2BR/1BA. Caledonia area.
1 yr lease. $650 rent plus MINI WAREHOUSES
Four convenient self
RENTALS dep. No pets. No smoking.
TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS 662−574−0227 or storage locations in the
Columbus & New Hope
Two free signs Visit
Apartments & Houses 1 BEDROOM areas for household &
commercial storage. Estate Sales for a printable copy of
Houses For Rent: Other
1 Bedrooms
2 BEDROOMS Rent online at these puzzles.
2 Bedroooms LONG & LONG
or call 662−327−4236. Clardy Drive, Columbus,
3 Bedrooms LEASE,

© The Dispatch
REAL ESTATE MS, Selling Contents of
Home, Sat. Nov.9, 8am
DEPOSIT 662−328−0770
−5pm, Nov.10, 1pm−
Furnished & Unfurnished AND
Real Estate
LEASE/PURCHASE: 5pm, Nov.11, 9am−
1, 2, & 3 Baths
4pm, view photos
renovated. Like new,,
Lease, Deposit Benny Shelton,
662-329-2323 Ads starting at $25
brick house with Central
& Credit Check H&A, No Pets. Stewart’s Antiques,
Appraisals and Estate 2411 HWY 45 N 3BR/1BA, clean and Houses For Sale: Southside Sales, Columbus, MS

move−in ready, Central 662−251−1515
COLUMBUS, MS H&A, $600/mo. No
Pets. 107 King Street.
Apts For Rent: Starkville Commercial Property For Rent

MOVE IN MID DEC IF NEED sq. ft. truck terminal, church, shops. $675/
TO. TOWNHOUSE IN POLOS 9,500 sq. ft. shop & 3,200 mo. No Pets, No HUD. Ads starting at $12
APARTMENT, NOW KNOWN sq. ft. office/shop.
AS SOCIAL BLOCK,CAN Buildings can be rented WEST POINT: 1BR/1BA NO CASH REQUIRED on Firewood / Fuel
HAVE ROOMMATE IF together or separately. All spacious apartment. this totally renovated 3BR/
DESIRED. 2 BEDROOM , w/ excellent access & Hwy. Appliances and water 1BA brick home. Builder/ FIREWOOD FOR SALE.
1.5 BATHROOM, $720.00 82 visibility. 662−327− furnished. $375/mo. Trade, Good Credit a Must. Various lengths.
662−684−9408 9559. No Pets, No HUD. Call Long & Long @ 662− 662−295−2274.


328−0770 to ask about
Apts For Rent: Other STARKVILLE: 2BR/1.5 total payments/apx. $525 Furniture
AVAILABLE. 1200 sq. ft. BA, Central H&A, new per month. Broker/Owner

Sudoku is a number- Sunday’s answer
1ST MONTH − Rent Free! $1100/mo. Serious appliances. $550/mo. EXCELLENT CONDITION.
1BR Apt − $350−$385 No Pets. 104 Womack. Houses For Sale: Other READY TO PICK UP!
2BR Apt − $395−$495
inquiries only. 662−328−
1−sofa, 90"L x 34"W,
placing puzzle based on
2BR TwnHome − $625
8655 or 662−574−7879.
3BR/1BA HOUSE w/ 1.5 teal/cream/grey, $325. Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 9 1 4 2 5 3 7 6 8
Lease, Dep & Credit Check. Houses For Rent: North Mobile Homes for Rent ACRES IN ACKERMAN. Lg 1−Lane recliner, cream, ber-placing
given numbers.puzzle
The object 2 7 6 9 8 1 3 5 4

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Coleman Realty
yard. Investors welcome, low back, $75. 1−Leather, based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 5 3 8 4 6 7 9 1 2
2BR MOBILE HOME $400 potential residential & grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
2BR/1BA HOLLY HILLS burgundy wingback recliner,
RD. $900/mo. No pets. mo./$400 dep. In between commercial. $45,000 obo. $75. Glass−top coffee empty spaces 7 9 5 1 4 8 6 2 3
No HUD. 662−549−2302. West Point & Columbus on 205−310−3783. table, 40" x 40", $75. given
so thatnumbers. The
each row, each 6 4 2 7 3 9 5 8 1
Leave message. Hwy. 50. 662−275−0666. 2−Cream, wooden bar− object
column is andtoeach
3x3 the
Lots & Acreage
numbers 1 8 3 5 2 6 4 7 9
contains the1sameto 9 number
stools, bar height, $40ea.
3 OR 4BR/2BA. Fresh 601−918−0855.
the empty spaces so 8 5 1 6 9 4 2 3 7
paint, new carpet, fenced RENT A CAMPER! only once. The difficulty 4 6 7 3 1 2 8 9 5
200 ACRES that each row, each
yard & appl furn. 662−251 TIMBERLAND Two Piece Living Room Set level increases from
−9696. Utilities & cable included, − Monroe County, MS − A loveseat and chaise for column and each 3 2 9 8 7 5 1 4 6
from $145/wk − $535/ Abundance of wildlife sale. Brown and blue. Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 11/02

month. Columbus & County

3BR/2BA CH/A, Hwy 45 N.
School locations. 662−242
$300,000.00 at New!!! Leave a message. the same number only once. The difficulty level
$1,500.00/Acre $300.00 662−242−2884
Caledonia Schools. No
pets. $800/mo. $800 dep. −7653 or 601−940−1397. Call: 615−719−8329 increases from Monday to Sunday.
1 yr lease. Weathers General Merchandise
Rentals, 662−574−0345. Office Spaces For Rent
Open Mon−Fri, 8a−4p. FALL SPECIAL. 1.75 acre Starkville Habitat ReStore
GREAT, CONVENIENT lots. Good/bad credit. 10% ReStore is a thrift store
benefiting Starkville Area
COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. LOCATION! Office space for down, as low as $299/mo. Habitat for Humanity. 206
2 & 3 bedroom w/ lease at 822 2nd Ave. N. Eaton Land.
662−574−3970. 662−570 662−361−7711. South Jackson Street in
2−3 bath townhouses. Starkville. 662−324−7008
$600 to $750. −3970
662−549−9555. LOWNDES CO. 72 ACRES
Ask for Glenn or text. On Sobley Rd. Part in cut WANTED FREON R12.
OFFICE SPACE FOR over. Part in timber. We pay CA$H.
Houses For Rent: New Hope LEASE. 1112 Main St., Excellent hunting tract. R12 R500 R11.
DOWNTOWN 1BR Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft. Plenty $1475/acre. For more info, Convenient.
This large 1 bedroom 2BR/1BA, BRICK home of private parking. 662− call 205−799−9846 or Certified professionals.
Sunday’s Cryptoquote:
apartment has been CH/A, New Hope Schools. 327−9559. 205−695−2248.
recently renovated. It $550/mo. 1 year lease & 312−291−9169
features great natural light, dep. Weathers Rentals,
Sporting Goods
hardwood floors, tall Open: Mon−Fri, 8am−4pm.
Buy, sell, trade, or rent.
ceilings and access to a ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
shared laundry room. OPEN FOR SEASON!
$750 rent and $750 9−5: Tues−Fri &
deposit. Utilities included. 9−12: Sat.
No pets please. Call Peter, Over 50 years experience!
662−574−1561. Repairs, cleaning,
refinishing, scopes
DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA mounted & zeroed,
CH&A, 1 story, W/D, handmade knives.
historic district, 1 block Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
from downtown. of West Point, turn right on
$575/mo. + $575 dep. Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
NO PETS. 662−574−8789. left on Darracott Rd, see
Peaceful & Quiet area. sign, 2.5mi ahead, shop on
left. 662−494−6218.

Ads starting at $12
Autos For Sale

You’ll find the best deals CORVETTE. Low mileage
when you advertise (107k), lots of documen−
and shop here!
Whether you’re buying or selling a home,
tation/receipts since
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dollar repairs completed. put classifieds to work for you. This is a must see!!
$7,500. Clear MS title in
hand. 662−329−1252.
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blk & brown. First shots
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OVER $10K IN DEBT? Be debt free in stock. Mother onsite.
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