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Alright, now I’ll answer to all of your baseless and groundless comments one by one

You said, I don’t have idea what you do, so listen boy,

I don’t give a shit to what you do

You said you’re official consultant of army, that’s not your stature boy

The reason is that our army doesn’t hire any consultants (Especially boys of your caliber) and if you were
really an official consultant of army, you should’ve appreciated my post rather than criticizing on it.

You’re simply bluffing and lying. Sorry, truth hurts

You said that you don’t comment on me

So my answer is LIKEWISE. You started commenting, not me. I had to respond to your nonsense

You said you draw lines and keep people away from line;

Okay, draw lines in notebooks or on your home walls, I simply don’t care. You keep people away or let
them close, I’ll certainly keep you away

And I’m not the one crossing line, it’s only you

I don’t live in Dubai, and only this example is sufficient to prove that all your conversation is nothing but

I know my limits but you don’t. I advise you to keep yourself in your pajamas or underwear. Otherwise
you can be hurt, like you’re being hurt right now.

I’m already well-off with the grace of my creator. I don’t sell anything for personal gains; Instead, I’m
working hard for the poor people and for my country. But you’ll never understand it because you’ve
abandoned this country. The country which provided you everything you’re today. What a selfish and
self-centered person.

And I don’t have time to judge you, okay?

I’m already doing a lot for my country. However I don’t deem it necessary to tell you any details.

I’ve a lot of respect for people who deserve it; Unfortunately you’re not amongst them

And you need to grow up, because all your analysis is nothing but a crap.

You’ve wasted enough of my valuable time.

Therefore don’t send any more messages. I don’t have time for such rubbish. Good Bye

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