English For Academic and Professional Purposes (ENGLISH 12) : The Peninsula School, Inc

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The Peninsula School, Inc.

PBR Housing Compound, Alangan, Limay, Bataan

Collas, Jensen Myles M. & Cruz, Lyn Chazien C. September 20, 2019, 2019
STEM – 12 Ms. Roselyn Imperial



1. Smartphone
Smartphone is an intellectual device for communication, work and education. It
has different software that allow it to perform its job and enables it to connect on
different social networking sites. Smartphone has been used in our society nowadays
making the lives of the people easier and lighter. It also plays a big role on the economic
and social growth of our country since it is used to store, analyse, and process
information. Smartphone is just a product of our technological advancement and
development that contributes variety of benefits towards our future. Moreover, the use
of this product is implemented on different schools for a quality and better education.
Furthermore, smartphone does not just revolve around its positive effects. Like any other
product, addiction towards the use of this opens the risk of having health and mental
issues thus the proper and responsible use of smartphone must be observed.
Furthermore, people certainly lack the capacity to socialize and communicate towards
their surrounding since smartphones are blocking them to be socially and physically
present in the environment.

2. Exercise
Exercise is a physical activity the benefits the mental, psychological, and physical
health of an individual. Furthermore, exercise has been unknown and not recognized
before as an act of physical activity and is not given enough and proper attention, thus
the risk of having health and mental issues are highly dominant. Because of today’s
technological advancement, exercise was discovered and used to cure variety of diseases
and mental problems. Exercise carries a lot of benefits not just to the improvement of the
physical aspects of an individual but also it reduces the risk of having respiratory and
cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, it limits the production of cortisol that causes stress
and anxiety towards an individual. On the other hand, this physical activity is not just
limited with certain walking and running, it has been improved and developed, allowing
the discovery of different physical activities that can be use and performed in our daily
lives. Nowadays, exercise is used to cure mental diseases such as stress and anxiety. One
of the great example of this is yoga that helps in eliminating hormones that causes stress
and it helps in neutralizing the mood of a certain individual. Exercise is an activity that
must be practiced and implemented for a health and disease free living. It is a simple way
of curing diseases but contributes a great effect towards our health. Most individuals
nowadays have made exercising as their passion, making them physically and mentally fit
while most people tend to put down exercise aside risking them to several diseases such
as obesity.

Reference List:
Cando, J.M.(2016). Physical Education for Senior High School. Malabon City, PH: Mutya
Publishing House Inc.
Cleere, M.(2010). Benefits of Regular Exercise. Retrieved from
https://www.sharecare.com/health/benefits-regular-exercise/exercise important-
maintaining-healthy-body on 7/28/19.
Gialogo, R., & Gialogo, A.(2016). Fit for Life. Quezon City, PH: Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
Reeves, B.(2018). Physical Fitness Level of First Year Exercise Science Students. Journal of
Exercise and Nutrition, 1(5), pp.181-188.
Ruangthai, R., & Phoemsapthawee, J.(2019). Combined Exercise Training Improves Health.
Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 17(2), pp. 67- 76.
Whitbourne, S.K.(2012). From neurons to hormones: Why your body needs a workout.
Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/fulfillment-any-
age/201205/19-reasons-exercise on 7/28/19

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