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Efforts to Reduce Racial Stigma and Discrimination

against Papuan People in Indonesia.

Lecturer: Nurliana Cipta Apsari, S.Sos., MSW.




Praise be to Allah SWT for giving me convenience so that I can finish this paper on time.
Without His help, of course, I would not be able to finish this paper well. Prayers and greetings
may be abundant to our beloved Prophet Muhammad, whom we will pray for in the hereafter.

The author thank God Almighty for the abundance of His healthy favors, both in the form of
physical health and reason, so that the author is able to complete the making of a paper as the
final project of the Indonesian TPB course entitled "Efforts to Reduce Racial Stigma and
Discrimination in the Papuan People in Indonesia".

The author certainly realizes that this paper is far from perfect and there are still many mistakes
and flaws in it. For this reason, the author expects criticism and suggestions from readers for
this paper, so that this paper can later become a better paper.

The author also thanks all parties, especially the English language teacher who have guided in
writing this paper.

Thus, hopefully this paper can be useful and can give lots of abundance for those who read this
article. thanks

Jatinangor, 14 October 2019


TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................................... i


PREFACE ..................................................................................1

1.1 Problematic Background ......................................................2

2.1 Factors That Cause Discrimination Against Papuans in
2.2 Efforts to Reduce Racial Stigma and Discrimination against the
Papuan People in Indonesia........................................................5
2.3 Current Social Condition and Government Realisation.......6

3.1 Conclusion ...........................................................................7

3.2 Suggestion ...........................................................................7

REFERENCE .....................................................................................................8


Since ancient time, the Indonesian people have been known as a plural society. This is
reflected in the motto "Unity in Diversity" which means different but still one. Existing
plurality consists of diversity of ethnic groups, cultures, religions, races, and languages.

The customs, arts, kinship, language, and physical form of the ethnic groups in
Indonesia are indeed different, but in addition to the different tribes they also have similarities
including law, land ownership, fellowship, and social life based on kinship .

Ethnic groups are people who are bound by the awareness and identity of cultural unity.
People belonging to a certain ethnic group must have awareness and self-identity towards the
culture of the ethnic group, for example in the use of local languages and love the arts and

Attitude to Respect the Diversity of Nations Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is our nation's motto
that expresses the unity and unity that comes from diversity. Although we are made up of
various tribes with diverse regional cultures, we are still one Indonesian nation, having the
same language and homeland, namely Indonesian language and Indonesian homeland.
Likewise, the red and white national flag as a symbol of national identity and we unite under
the philosophy and foundation of the Pancasila state.
1.1 Problematic Background

Discrimination often begins with prejudice. With prejudice, we make it look as though
there is a difference between us and other people. This distinction is common because we are
social beings who naturally want to get together with people who have something in common
with us.

Prejudice is often based on ignorance, ignorance of groups outside the group or fear of
differences, and a tendency to always be with groups that have similarities.

Prejudice is further compounded by a bad label (stigma / stereotype). This bad stamp is
often based on various facts that lead to similar patterns, so we often generalize someone on
the basis of his group.

This bad stamp is learned by someone on the social construction he gets from the
community, neighbors, family, parents, school, media, and so on. Discrimination occurs when
a bad stamp and the prejudices given to others have turned into action.


2.1 Factors That Cause Discrimination Against Papuans in Indonesia

Prejudice and discrimination cannot be separated. Prejudice still includes an attitude of

belief, and predisposition to action, so discrimination is a real action. Acts of discrimination
are usually carried out by those who have a very strong prejudice attitude due to certain
pressures, for example cultural pressure, customs, and law. Discrimination occurs because of
a tendency within humans to discriminate or classify themselves. Discrimination can be done
through policies to reduce, destroy, conquer, move, protect legally, create cultural pluralism,
and assimilate other groups. (Armiwulan, 2015) The occurrence of discrimination in society is
motivated by history, by socio-cultural and situational developments, personality factors and
differences in the beliefs, beliefs and religions of an individual or group in society.

There are 2 types of discrimination, namely direct discrimination and indirect discrimination:

Direct Discrimination
Direct discrimination occurs when a law, regulation or policy clearly mentions certain
characteristics, such as gender, race, etc., and prevents equal opportunities.

Indirect Discrimination
Indirect discrimination occurs when neutral regulations become discriminatory when
applied in the field.

The act of discrimination is in the form of treating others unfairly just because they come
from certain social groups. The following are some of the causes of discrimination, namely:

a. Psychology Defend Mechanism (projection).

Someone will have a tendency to transfer the characteristics of things that are not liked
about themselves to others. This then causes a bad seal to other people, even though the
appearance of some things he doesn't like to other people arises from the will of the person.

Some people who are disappointed will put their disappointment on the 'scapegoat'. So
things like this give rise to a form of discrimination because there is a bad seal on other people
being made scapegoats.

b. Experience insecurity and low self-esteem

For those who feel threatened and inferior, one effective way to calm down is to try to
demean other people or groups. So they no longer need to feel that they are lowly and
threatened, because they channel it to other people.

c. History.

In addition, the existence of unpleasant treatment in the past can also be one of the causes
of discrimination. There is a tendency to not feel like the only people who get mistreated, so
they channel it to others.

d. Exploitation and Competition

Thanks to the influence of aspects of globalization, society is now becoming more

materialistic and feels alive in competition. Individuals or groups compete among themselves
for wealth, luxury and power. And through this behavior, there is a tendency to discriminate
against others.

e. Socialitation Program

Discrimination is also a feature that occurs from one generation to another through the
stages of socialization. Then form stereotypical views about the role of a nation with others in
society, namely with regard to behavior, ways of life and so on
2.2 Efforts to Reduce Racial Stigma and Discrimination against the Papuan People in

We need to eliminate racial stigma so that we can truly live in pluralism because
generalization is the root of every crime and discrimination against a group. Everyone certainly
does not want to experience discrimination when living in a place, both discrimination against
race or religion. Indonesia actually has several legal instruments to fight racial discrimination.
One of them is Law No. 40 of 2008 concerning the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic
Discrimination. However, the effectiveness of these laws is largely determined by law
enforcement officials. (Islam, 2012)

To minimize the problems caused by the negative influence of diversity, efforts need
to be made as follows:

• Cultivate religious zeal.

• Foster a spirit of nationalism.
• Foster a spirit of pluralism.
• Foster a spirit of humanism.
• Conducting ethnic dialogue.
• Building communication patterns for interaction and configuration of relations between
ethnic groups, mass media and world harmonization.
• Openness, maturity attitude of inclusive global thinking.
• Awareness of togetherness in reducing history
2.3.1 Current Social Condition

Nowadays, the condition of the people in Papua has begun to be controlled. In fact,
the community has calmed down. The Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security
Wiranto said, all relevant parties such as the National Police Chief, the Mayor of Surabaya,
and the Governor of East Java and Papua had provided detailed explanations of the cases as
follows. While the social environment that is occurring around communities from Papua has
begun to be controlled, and cases of racism and racial imbalance have begun to disappear
from the view of society.

As expected by the people of Papua since December 1, 1963 and continued in the
referendem case in 2018. But in fact, there are still several racial cases that have occurred in
several countries of the Republic of Indonesia, especially in industrial areas and changes. As
the last one happened in Surabaya and Malang, which was stated with congratulations from
one of the residents of Papua in that area "The sin of Indonesia in Papua is racism!

And continued on the action that happened recently on a PGRI Wamena high school
student who was called a monkey by one of his teachers in the school environment. The
debate is how Indonesian citizens sing racial and color differences for their fellow

Even though the Republic of Indonesia upholds the meaning of unity in diversity, it is
undeniable that the problem of racism is still developing in some hearts of the Indonesian
people, which is a problem that still cannot accept Papua, which is part of Indonesia and one
of the families of the Republic of Indonesia.

2.3.2 Government Realisation

At present, the government has upheld the human rights program that refers to racial
injustice and skin color of people who come from Papua and its surroundings, especially on
differences in skin color and race type around the Papua region. With the enforcement of
human rights and laws throughout Indonesia, the government expects various changes that
occur in the community, especially metropolitan areas and other special areas around the
territory of the Indonesian state..


3.1 Conclusion

Some Indonesian people still have negative prejudices against Papuans, so an

appropriate solution is needed to reduce these sentiments with several things, among others, to
foster a spirit of nationalism, foster a spirit of pluralism, establish communication patterns for
interaction and configuration of relations between ethnic groups, mass media and world
harmonization, openness, maturity attitude of inclusive global thinking, and others.

The General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) in its resolution on the elimination
of racism, reaffirmed that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, to
contribute constructively to the development and welfare of society. The resolution also
emphasizes that every doctrine of racial superiority is scientifically wrong, can be morally
condemned, socially unjust and dangerous, and must be rejected

At present efforts to fight the practice of discrimination in all its forms have become a
global agenda. The United Nations declared racial violence and discrimination rooted in the
ideology of supremacy and ethnic-nationalist populism. The UN also urges that all countries
play a serious role and endorse policies that will protect vulnerable populations and ensure
racial equality.

3.2 Suggestion

As humans who have noble mind and character, we as Indonesian people should realize
the importance of "Unity in Diversity" which is the watchword of the Indonesian state. Papuans
who have different skin color should not be distinguished. Discrimination not only intimidates
but also spreads hatred and even causes divisions.
What we can do to reduce discrimination is to be open-minded in terms of, thinking, and our
views on everything around us, and must continue to hold fast to unity and integrity. It all starts
with yourself. Add insight and knowledge. Reducing discrimination, namely respecting each
other, respecting each other, loving others, not looking at from any ethnicity.

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