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As said in the video, they believed that aliens traversed the earth in ancient times.

Erich von
Daniken formulated a theory that extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering
landed on the Earth thousands of years ago, allocating their craft with early civilizations and perpetually
changing human history. Some hypothesize that ancient aliens are responsible for ancient technological
wonders, and that they helped to shape human civilization. Furthermore, the belief that ancient gods
were in fact aliens, misinterpreted as gods by the ancient people.

I believe that this theory might be true since there is just too much evidence. Just like what
Michio Kaku said, there are a hundreds of billions of planets in the universe and it is impossible to think
we are the only life living in it. Evidence used to support the ancient alien theory can be found all over
the world in ancient geoglyphs, art, sculptures, architecture and text. Example of this is an ancient
hieroglyphs depicting gods and birds coming out of the sky and giving the locals tools and information.
What if it is actually were UFOs coming out of the sky and these gods were aliens giving them survival
techniques or blueprints for gigantic structures? Just like the pyramid in Giza, Stonehenge in Salisbury,
and Easter Island’s fleet of large stone figures. It is doubtful how was this massive structure assembled
by ancient humans with no tractors or welding. But all this evidence are not enough to validate Erich von
Daniken’s theory. All we can do is theorize and speculate about ancient outsiders coming down to earth
and forever changing the course of human history

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