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Review of Functions

Mathematics 53

Institute of Mathematics (UP Diliman)

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For today

1 Functions

2 Basic Types of Functions

3 Constructing a Table of Signs

4 Operations on Functions

5 Piecewise-defined Functions

6 Functions as Mathematical Models

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Let X and Y be nonempty sets. A function f from X to Y , denoted f : X → Y , is
a rule that assigns to each element of X a unique element of Y .

X : domain of f , denoted dom f

Y : codomain of f
The set of all elements of Y that are assigned to some element of X is the
range of f , denoted ran f .

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Real-valued functions of a single variable

Real-valued functions of a single variable:

Codomain: R
Math 53 deals with functions whose domain and range are subsets of R.
If the domain is not explicitly specified:
Domain: dom f = { x ∈ R
| f ( x ) is a real number}

1 f ( x ) = x2 dom f = R
dom f = R \ {−1}
x2 − 2x − 3
2 f (x) =

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Basic types of functions

Polynomial Functions - functions of the form

f ( x ) = a n x n + a n −1 x n −1 + · · · + a 1 x + a 0

where n ∈ W, an , an−1, ..., a0 are real numbers, with an 6= 0.

leading coefficient: an
degree of f : n
dom f = R polynomial functions
Graphs of polynomial functions: Unit 3

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Some Examples of Polynomial Functions

1. Constant Functions - functions of the form f ( x ) = c, where c is a real number

dom f = R; ran f = {c}
graph: horizontal line intersecting the y-axis at y = c

2. Linear Functions - functions of the form

f ( x ) = mx + b

with m 6= 0
dom f = R; ran f = R
graph: m is slope; y-intercept is b
If m > 0: line slants to the right
If m < 0: line slants to the left

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Some Examples of Polynomial Functions

3. Quadratic Functions - functions of the form

f ( x ) = ax2 + bx + c

with a 6= 0
dom f = R  
b 4ac−b2
graph: parabola with vertex at − 2a , 4a
− b2 , + ∞
If a > 0: parabola opens upward, ran f = 4ac4a
If a < 0: parabola opens downward, ran f = −∞, 4ac4a−b
Extreme function values of a quadratic function:
a > 0: f has a minimum function value
a < 0: f has a maximum function value
The extreme function value of f occurs at x = − 2a and the extreme function
b 4ac−b2
value of f is f − 2a = 4a

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Basic types of functions

Rational Functions - functions of the form

p( x )
f (x) = ,
q( x )

where p and q are polynomial functions, and q is not the constant zero function.

Domain: { x ∈ R | q ( x ) 6 = 0}
Graphs of general rational functions: Unit 3

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Graphs of Functions

x2 − 2x − 3
The graph of f ( x ) = :

x2 − 2x − 3 ( x − 3)( x + 1)
f (x) = = 1
x+1 ( x + 1)
= x − 3 if x 6= −1 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4

Domain: \ {−1}

Range: \ {−4} −3

Zero: x = 3 −4
Positive: (3, +∞) −5
Negative: (−∞, −1) ∪ (−1, 3)

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Basic types of functions

Functions involving rational exponents or radicals - functions of the form

x = x /n
n 1
f (x) =

n is odd: dom f = R
n is even: dom f = [0, ∞)

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Basic types of functions


Square root function: f ( x ) = x

y= x =⇒ y2 = x, y ≥ 0

2 2

1 1

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
−1 −1
−2 −2

The graph of x = y2 The graph of y = x

The graph of f ( x ) = x is the upper branch of the parabola x = y2

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Other Functions involving Radicals


Sketch the graph of g( x ) = − 2 − x.

y = − 2−x
y = 2 − x, y ≤ 0
x = 2 − y2 , y ≤ 0

The graph of g is the lower branch of the parabola x = 2 − y2 .

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Other Functions involving Radicals


Sketch the graph of g( x ) = − 2 − x.

−2 −1 0 1 2



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Other Functions involving Radicals


Graph h( x ) = 4 − x2 .

The graph of h is the upper half of the graph of x2 + y2 = 4.

−2 −1 1 2



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Basic types of functions

Trigonometric/Circular Functions

sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant functions

In Math 53, the trigonometric functions are viewed as functions on the set of
real numbers.

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Constructing a table of signs

A table of signs shows when a given mathematical expression is positive, zero or

Two Methods:
1 Interval Method
2 Test Value Method

In both cases, one must determine the numbers where the given mathematical
expression is zero or undefined.

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Constructing a table of signs

2x2 − x3
Determine the intervals where the the graph of f ( x ) = lies above
2x2 − 3x + 1
the x-axis.

We want to determine the intervals for which

2x2 − x3
2x2 − 3x + 1

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Constructing a table of signs
Interval Method: rewrite the expression as a product of factors whose table of
signs are easily determined.

2x2 − x3 x 2 (2 − x )
2x − 3x + 1 (2x − 1)( x − 1)
Zero at: x = 0, 2, Undefined at: x = 21 , 1
(−∞, 0) 0, 21 1
2, 1 (1, 2) (2, +∞)
x2 + + + + +
2x − 1 − − + + +
x−1 − − − + +
2−x + + + + −
x 2 (2 − x )
+ + − + −
(2x − 1)( x − 1)
The graph of f lies above the x-axis in the intervals (−∞, 0) ∪ 0, 12 ∪ (1, 2).

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Constructing a table of signs

Test Value Method: test a value in the specified interval

(−∞, 0) 0, 21 1
2, 1 (1, 2) (2, +∞)
x 2 (2 −
+ + − + −
(2x − 1)( x − 1)

(−1)2 (3)
Sample point in (−∞, 0): x = −1
Sample point in 0, 12 :
We get the same result:
The graph of f lies above the x-axis in the intervals (−∞, 0) ∪ 0, 12 ∪ (1, 2).

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Constructing a table of signs

Find the domain of f ( x ) = .
x2 − 1

Domain: x ∈ R such that x−2 −5x1 ≥ 0

Zero at: x = 0, Undefined at: x = −1, 1

(−∞, −1) (−1, 0) (0, 1) (1, +∞)

+ − + −
x2 − 1

dom f = (∞, −1) ∪ [0, 1)

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Operations on Functions

Definition (Operations on Functions)

Let f and g be functions, c ∈ R.
1 Addition: ( f + g)( x ) = f ( x ) + g( x ); dom( f + g) = dom f ∩ dom g
2 Subtraction: ( f − g)( x ) = f ( x ) − g( x ); dom( f − g) = dom f ∩ dom g
3 dom( f g) = dom f ∩ dom g
Multiplication: ( f g)( x ) = f ( x ) g( x );
f f (x)
4 Division: (x) = ;
  g g (x)
dom = (dom f ∩ dom g) \ { x ∈ dom g | g( x ) = 0}
5 Composition: ( f ◦ g)( x ) = f ( g( x ));
dom( f ◦ g) = { x ∈ dom g | g( x ) ∈ dom f }
6 Scalar Multiplication: c f ( x ) = c ( f ( x )); dom c f = dom f

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Operations on Functions

Express the function F ( x ) = sin2 (3x − 1) as a composition of three functions
listed among the basic types of functions.


f (x) = x2
g( x ) = sin x
h( x ) = 3x − 1

F ( x ) = ( f ◦ g ◦ h) ( x )

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Operations on Functions
Let f ( x ) = x2 and g( x ) = x + h, where h is a nonzero constant. Find
[( f ◦ g) ( x ) − f ( x )].

1 1
[( f ◦ g) ( x ) − f ( x )] = [ f ( g( x )) − f ( x )]
h h
f ( x + h) − f ( x )
( x + h )2 − x 2
( x + 2xh + h2 ) − x2
2xh + h2
= 2x + h
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Piecewise-defined functions

Piecewise-defined functions are functions that are defined by more than one
expression. Such functions can be written in the form

 f 1 ( x ), if x ∈ X1
 f 2 ( x ), if x ∈ X2

f (x) = .. ..

 . if .
f n ( x ), if x ∈ Xn

where X1 , ..., Xn ⊆ R with Xi ∩ Xj = ∅ for all i 6= j.

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The Absolute Value Function

Absolute Value Function - denoted by | x | and defined by

x, x ≥ 0
|x| = x2 =
− x, x < 0

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The Absolute Value Function

The graph of f ( x ) = | x |

−3 −2 −1 1 2 3

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The Absolute Value Function

Write f ( x ) = |2x − 3| + x as a piecewise function.
x if x ≥ 0
Recall that | x | = .
−x if x < 0

 (2x − 3) + x, if 2x − 3 ≥ 0
f ( x ) = |2x − 3| + x =
 −(2x − 3) + x, if 2x − 3 < 0

 3x − 3, if x ≥ 23
 − x + 3, if x < 23

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The Greatest Integer Function

Greatest Integer Function (GIF) [[ x ]]: greatest integer less than or equal to x

1 [[2.4]] = 2 3 [[−2.1]] = −3
2 [[2]] = 2 4 [[−π ]] = −4

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The Greatest Integer Function

As a piecewise function:

.. ..
. .

− 1, −1 ≤ x < 0

0, 0≤x<1

[[ x ]] =

 1, 1≤x<2
2, 2≤x<3

 .. ..

. .

In general,

[[ x ]] = n, for n ≤ x < n + 1 where n ∈ Z

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The Greatest Integer Function
The graph of f ( x ) = [[ x ]]

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4




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The Greatest Integer Function

Write f ( x ) = [[3x ]] as a piecewise function.

f ( x ) = [[3x ]] = n for n ≤ 3x < n + 1

n n+1
3 3

.. ..

. .

0, 0≤x<

 3
1 2
f ( x ) = [[3x ]] = 1, 3 ≤x< 3


2, ≤x<1

 3
 .. ..

. .

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Other Graphing Examples

x2 − 4

if x<2
Sketch the graph of f ( x ) = .
| x − 6| if x≥2
−( x − 6) if x−6 < 0 −( x − 6) if x<6
| x − 6| = =
x−6 if x−6 ≥ 0 x−6 if x≥6

x2 − 4

 if x<2
f (x) = −( x − 6) if 2≤x<6
x−6 if x≥6

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Other Graphing Examples
 2
 x −4 if x<2
The graph of f ( x ) = −x + 6 if 2≤x<6
x−6 if x≥6

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Functions as Mathematical Models

Express a certain situation as a functional relationship between certain quantities.

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Functions as Mathematical Models

A rectangular field has a perimeter of 240 meters. Express the area of the field as
a function of its width.

Let x be the width and y be the length of the field.

The area A of the field:
A = xy
Since the perimeter of the field is 240 meters,

2x + 2y = 240
y = 120 − x

The area of the field expressed as a function of x:

A( x ) = x (120 − x ) = − x2 + 120x

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Functions as Mathematical Models

Find two numbers whose difference is 14 and whose product is minimum.

Let x be the greater number and y be the smaller number.

Since the difference is 14,

x−y = 14
y = x − 14

The product as a function of x is

P( x ) = x ( x − 14) = x2 − 14x

P is a quadratic function with a minimum function value at

x=− =7

The two numbers are 7 and −7, and the minimum product is P(7) = −49.
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1 Find the domain of f ( x ) = .
2x2 + 3x
g( x + h) − g( x ) 1
2 Simplify , if g( x ) = 2 .
h x
3 Write f ( x ) = [[1 − 2x ]] as a piecewise function.
2x2 − x − 1
4 Write f ( x ) = as a piecewise function and sketch its graph.
| x − 1|
[[− x ]] , if − 1 ≤ x ≤ 1
5 Sketch the graph of f ( x ) = 2
x − 4x, otherwise
6 Water is being poured into an inverted right circular conical container. If the
diameter of the base is 10 cm and the height is 20 cm, express the volume of
the water in the container as a function of its depth.

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