Experiencing MIS Summary

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Chapter 5: Database Processing

Database: A self-describing collection of integrated records

- Storing information or data in one centralized place.

 Single theme - Store in a spreadsheet (Excel)

o Ex. Student Grades
 Multiple themes - Use a Relational Database

Purpose of Database:
1. Store Data
2. To keep track of info  To be able to extract info from the database

Elements of a Database:
- Byte: Character of a database (a, b, c, 2, 7)
- Combing bytes make up a Column (Field)
- A collection of Columns make up Rows (Records)
- A collection of Rows make up a Table
- Every Table has a Theme  Describes the Table (Student Name, ID)
- Each table has a Primary Key and Foreign Keys
o When the PK and the FK are found in different tables  RELATIONAL
- Cardinality: The relationship between tables
Metadata: Data that describes data  Makes databases
much more useful as it can tell us exactly what a database
contains  Used to locate data within the Database

Why an Organization Needs a Database:

1. To run operations
2. To control performance
3. To make decisions
4. To predict behavior

 To eliminate errors when inserting, deleting, and modifying data.

Database Management System (DBMS): Software program used to create, process,

and administer a database.
 Almost no organization develops its own  License products from vendors
such as oracle, Microsoft (MySQL server)
Used to create tables/relationships/other structures in the database

Steps of Database Development:

1. Creating the Database & its Structures

To create a new table: The user can simply just fill the new tables metadata into the
To modify an existing table (Adding a new column): The developer opens the
metadata form of that table and adds a new row of metadata.

2. Processing the Database

DBMS provides applications for 4 processing operations: to read, insert, modify, or
delete data.
 When user enters new or changed data, a computer program behind the form
calls the DBMS to make the necessary database changes.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is an international standard language for

processing a database.

3. Administering the Database

 Set up a security system: username, passwords, permissions, and limits for

processing database.
 Backing up database data
 Adding structures to improve performance
 Removing data that are no longer wanted/needed

Responsibilities Involve:
1. Development  Validate data model
2. Operation  Improve performance
3. Backup & Recovery  Monitor backup procedures, conduct training
4. Adaptation  Ability to change to new requirements

Database Application: A collection of forms, reports, queries, and application

 Serves as an intermediary between the user & the database data
 They reformat database table data to make them more informative + more
easily adapted.

Forms- view data, insert new, update existing, and delete existing data.
Reports- structured presentation of data using sorting, grouping, filtering, etc..
Queries- search based upon data values provided by the user.
Application Programs- provides security data consistency, and special-purpose
processing (ex. handle out-of-stock situations)

Traditional Database:
 Traditional Database: Thick applications that need to be installed on the
users’ computer + written in object-oriented language ex. Visual Basic
 Today: Transitioned to thin-client applications
Browser-Based Database Applications:
 Databases in thin-client applications are almost always shared among many
 Run in a browser (shared b/w users and the server) Do not need to be
preinstalled on the users’ computer
Most traditional applications run within a corporate network that is protected from
threats common on the Internet.
 Browser-based applications are normally open to the public over the
Internet and are therefore more vulnerable.
 Like traditional database application programs, they need to provide data
consistency + handle special conditions well.

Multiuser Processing
Most traditional + thin-client applications involve multiple users processing the
same database  This is common but can lead to the Lost-Update Problem
 Can be prevented through Locking Stops another user/process from
opening a record being used by another user/process

Chapter 8: Social Media Information Systems

Social Media: The use of IT to support the sharing of

content among networks of users
 Enables people to form communities by
grouping them based on common interests

Social Media Information System: An IS that supports the sharing of content

among network of users.
 Social Media Providers (Ex. FB)
 Users (ex. you, me, organizations)
 Communities: Collection of users with common interests
o Viral Hook: Use it to make you want to join communities

5 SMIS Components:
How SMIS Advances Org. Strategies:
(Strategy determines value chains, which determine business processes, which
determine IS)

SM has a dynamic nature (always changing)  Its flow cannot be designed or


SM in Value-Chain Activities:

Sales and Marketing Activity

 Focus: Outward to prospects.
 Dynamic Process: Social CRM or Peer-to-peer sales.
 Risks: Loss of Credibility and PR

Customer Service
 Focus: Outward prospects to customers.
 Dynamic Process: Peer-to-peer support
 Risks: Loss of Control

Inbound logistics:
 Focus: Upstream supply-chain providers
 Dynamic process: Problem solving
 Risk: Privacy

Outbound Logistics:
Focus: Downstream supply-chain suppliers
Dynamic process: Problem solving.
Risk: Privacy

Manufacturing Operations
Focus: Outward for user design, inward to operations and manufacturing.
Dynamic Process: User-guided design, industry relationships, and operational
Risks: Efficiency/ effectiveness

 Crowdsourcing: Employing users to participate in product design/re-design

o "There's no better group of advisers than our customers"
 SM has been widely used in business-to-customer relationships  To better
market products to end users
 Using SM to become industry leaders  promoting brand awareness + generates
new Business-to-Business (B2B) leads to retailers

Human Resources
• Employee Communications: Using internal-personnel sites
Ex: MySite and MyProfile in SharePoint
• Finding employee prospects, recruiting candidates, candidate evaluation
• Place for employees to post their expertise
• Risks: Forming erroneous conclusions about employees

How do SMIS increase Social Capital?

How much you invest in people around you.
• Capital: Investment of resources for future profit
• Types of business capital
Physical: Produce goods/services (factories, machines,
manufacturing equipment)
Human: Knowledge + skills investments
Social: Relations with expectation of marketplace returns

Value of Social Capital: Number and strength of relationships, resources controlled

Adds value in four ways:
1. Information
2. Influence
3. Social credentials
4. Personal reinforcement  Professional image or status

How Social Networking adds value to Businesses:

Allows progress in organizations
– Maintain presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, other SN sites
– Encourage customers + interested parties to leave comments
– Risk: Excessively critical feedback
Increases the number of relationships
Strengthens relationships
Links them to those with more resources
- Social Capital = Number of Relationships × Relationship Strength
× Entity Resources
- Multiplicative nature of social capital creates huge network of
relationships with people who have few resources
o May be less valuable than smaller network of relationships
with people who have substantial resources

Earning Revenue through SM

• Hyper-social organization
Uses social media to transform interactions with customers,
employees, and partners into mutually satisfying relationships with
them and their communities
• You Are the Product
“If you’re not paying, you’re the product.”
Renting your eyeballs to an advertiser
• Advertising
• Pay-per-click
• Use increases value: As more people use a site, the more value it has, and
the more people will visit
• Freemium Revenue Model
Offers users a basic service for free, and charges a premium for
upgrades or advanced features
• Sale of apps, virtual goods, affiliate commissions, donations

Chapter 9: Business Intelligence System

Business Intelligence Systems: IS that process operational, social, and

purchased data to analyze past performance and make predictions.
• BI: The relationships, trends, and patterns identified by BI systems
• Software: BI application  Processes the data to produce BI

How Organizations Use BI:

3 Uses for Business Intelligence:

1) Identifying Changes in Purchasing Patterns
Therefore, the retailers use BI to determine changes in purchasing patterns.
2) Business Intelligence for Entertainment: Determines what they actually
want not what they say they want ex. Listening habits (YouTube)
3) Predictive Policing: Uses BI to anticipate crimes

Primary Activities of BI Process

1) Acquire Data through purchasing, operational DB, social media
2) Analyze Data- Creating BI  After data is collected, the tables must be
combined into one table. 3 Ways:
Reporting: Create info about past data  Sort, filter, sum, avg, etc.
Data-Mining: Classify and Predict  Use of statistical techniques
- Supervised: Regression Analysis
o When you know what you’re looking for
o Conduct a model before analysis
- Unsupervised: Cluster Analysis
o Make hypothesis/model after running the analysis

BigData: Data collections that are characterized by huge volume, velocity (generated
rapidly), and are varied (structured or in free form)
- Can be broken down by MapReduce  Harnesses the power of multiple
computers working in parallel  Where hundreds/thousands of independent
processors search these pieces for something of interest.
- Hadoop: Implements MapReduce
o Includes a query language known as Pig
o Open-source program
o It requires deep technical skills to run and use it. Expert programmers
are expected to use it

3) Publish Data: Process of delivering the BI to knowledge workers

3 Alternatives:
- Server: Platform you receive info on ex. Email, BI Server, Web Server
o BI Server: Takes info from data warehouse + publishes it
o 2 Major Functions:
 Management: Setting permission for specific uses (who
does what, who views what)
 Delivery: Actual delivery of report
- Report Type:
o Static: Cannot be manipulated ex. Sales Analysis (published as PDF
o Dynamic: BI documents that are updates at the time they are
- Publishing Options:
a. Push Publishing: Automatically send BI to the user without their
request, based on an event or schedule.
b. Pull Publishing: The user must request BI results.
c. Subscriptions: Getting reports during the occurrence of an event
(sales discount)
Use of Data Warehouses + Data Marts to Acquire Data

Data Warehouse: A facility for managing an organizations BI data  required by

large organizations
• Obtains, contains, cleans, organize/relate, and catalogs data using an
Operational Database.
Potential Problems
1. Inconsistency: Relates to data collected over a period of time (customer info
may change)
2. Dirty Data: Contains errors (misspelling, duplicate records, outdated)
3. Missing Values: Yet beneficial to an extend (better than having no data)
4. Data not Integrated: Analysis may require a combination of data that needs
to be acquired from different places (ex. ERP system, social network app, etc.)
5. Wrong Granularity (level of detail): Too fine/detailed vs. too coarse/too
little data
a. Better to have the first because it can be condensed/combined
6. Too Much Data
a. Too many Attributes (columns of data)  The curse of
dimensionality  The more attributes, the easier it is to build a
model that fits sample data  But is worthless to the predictor
b. Too many Data Points (rows of data): Solution  Statistical

Data Marts:
• Subset of a data warehouse
• Oriented to a specific department/functional area of a business
o Data warehouse: Enterprise-wide
o Data Marts: Single Department
Chapter 12 – Business Information Development

Systems Development: Process of creating/maintaining IS

1) Establishing System Goals
2) Setting Up the Project
3) Business Knowledge + Management Skill
Risky and Difficult:
 Many projects never finish
 Some finish within budget + schedule, but don’t accomplish goals
 High risk of failure
o Ex. not all firms are well equipped to develop such a complex system
Major Challenges:
1. Determining Requirements (+ changes in requirements)
2. Changing Technology (ex. creating an I-phone app also requires you to
create an Android app)
3. Scheduling + Budgeting problems (how long/how much will it cost)
4. Diseconomies of Scale: More programs/users/people  Expenses rise over
what you can cover

5 Phases of the SDLC

1. Defining the System
a. Goals/Scope (what you want it to do)
b. Asses cost, schedule, technical (current IT), and organizational
(structure) feasibility
c. Form Project Team: Users, business analysts (understand needs),
system analysts (IT experts)
d. Plan Project
2. Analyze the Requirements
a. Conducting User Interviews
b. Evaluating current systems  Identifying new application
c. Build Prototype
3. Component Design
a. Hardware, software specs (to buy it vs. customize it?), designing the
database structure + procedures, and people (create job
4. Implementation
a. System Testing
b. System Conversion:
i. Pilot: Use new IS on limited # of computers
ii. Phases: Slow/Gradual implementation
iii. Parallel: Run both together
iv. Plunge: Shut down old -- Start new system

5. System Maintenance
a. RFC: Record Requests for Change
b. Prioritize RFC
c. Fix the Failures
i. High-priority failures are grouped into a patch, which is sent to
the security to fix it.
ii. Bundles of low-priority problems are grouped into larger
groups called service packs

Problems with SDLC:

- SDLC Waterfall: Very rare that system development operates smoothly
o Sometimes developers need to fix something in the prior step
o Must be done right the first time
- Requirement Documentation (analysis paralysis can take place when too
much time is spent writing documentations of the requirements)
- Scheduling/Budgeting

Chapter 12 Extension:

RFM Analysis: A way of analyzing + ranking customers according to their

purchasing patterns.
It divides customers into 5 groups, top 20% get 1, bottom 20% get 5, Middle 20%
get 3
- Recent orders
- Frequent orders
- Money: Amount spent

Market-basket analysis is a data mining technique for determining sales patterns.

- It shows the products customers tend to buy together. "if customer buys X
then he must buy Y", this is an ex. of cross-selling opportunity.

Base Probability: Probability of buying a product  P(A)

- Transactions that involve A / Total # of Transactions
Support: Probability that 2 items will be bought together  P(A&B)
- # of times they were bought together / Total # of transactions

Confidence: Probability that a customer will buy B, given that he had bought A.
 P(A|B)
- Intersection of B and A / A

Lift: The ratio of confidence to the base probability of buying an item.

- We check to see how much the base probability increases/decreases when
other products are purchased.
o "The lift of fins and a mask", is the confidence of fins given a mask
divided by the probability of fins alone.
o The number after the decimal is multiplied by 100 to determine
increase or decrease. If 1.something, increase. If 0. Something,

Chapter 13 Extension: RS + OLAP

Reporting Systems: Collect Data + Transforms it into useful info

- Author, manage, and deliver reports to users on a timely basis.

1. Collect data from diff. databases
2. RS stores the metadata, which describes the reports, users, groups, and
other activities.
3. Manipulates data into meaningful context though grouping, filtering,
sorting, + making simple calculations on the data.
4. Delivery

Report Types:
- Static/Dynamic
- Query: Report is prepared in response to the data entered by users
- OLAP: A program that allows the users to change the grouping structure of
the report
Report Media: PDF, webserver, websites, mobile applications, etc.
- Alert: When the user requests notifications to be automatically sent
- Web Service: When report is produced in response to a request from
service-consuming application
Report Mode: Push/Pull
Report Authoring: Connecting to data sources, create report structure/format
• Examples: MS Access, Visual Studio

Report Management: Defines who receives what reports, when, what format, and
by what means
- Defines user accounts, user groups

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)  Its like sorting but on a more complex level
- Allows users to change report grouping structure.
- Ability to sum, count, average, and perform arithmetic operations on groups
of data.
- Dynamic

Measure: An item of interest (item to be summed/averaged).

Dimension: A characteristic of measure
Drill Down: Break down the data into more detail (selecting what you want to
see) Dynamic display requires a lot of computer power

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