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Dear, Patricia

Hello my name is Kaycia, I go to RE Mountain Secondary school. I am emailing you in

regards to my grade 12 capstone project. This is a required project that all grade 12s have to
do. We are to choose an area of interest to demonstrate what we have learned throughout
school. I have chosen to follow the service strand in asking “how can we help create a better
future for ourselves and younger generations?” In this project I plan to work with younger kids to
improve their current lives. This will hopefully help in the future by showing kids the skills that
will better their personalities. As well, I hope that I can appear as a positive role model in their
lives, as someone they can look up to and try to be like. This idea came of interest to me
because I really enjoy helping others and I know that our future depends on the future
generations. If we can better the young, we will have a better future.
I see this project being a really good route for me. I have been told throughout my life by
many different people that I am a hard worker and have really good people skills. In my opinion,
these skills came from being involved in the community as a kid. Since a young age I have been
involved in sports and girl guides. Learning how to communicate and work with others comes
quickly through the community. I am a very down to earth person which allows me to be really
good at connecting with others and being able to read their emotions. This skill makes me a
good person to talk to and have as a leader. Due to these skills I have been able to volunteer as
a leader and coach in recent years. I have also been awarded the opportunity to be captain on a
few of my teams. This shows how other people view me and how I show that I have these skills
I have spoken about. My main goal with this capstone project is to be a leader for younger
generations. I would like to guide them to become the best versions of themselves. With
encouragement and positive reinforcement I can help kids enjoy what they are doing. If they
enjoy being part of the community then they will continue to do what it is that they like. I want to
make the community something they like. With involvement these kids will learn great things. In
order to do this in the best way possible I need my mentors to help me be a good role model for
the kids. I would appreciate feedback if there is something I am doing that may negatively affect
my end goal.
If you have any questions please call or text my number 604-833-3265 or email me at you can also follow my journey on my website There I will be posting updates on my project. I will be in contact with
you throughout the project and will need signatures in my implementation log after sessions. At
the end of my project you will be required to be involved in a brief mentor evaluation. This will
take about 15 minutes to complete. If you have any further questions you may also email my
teacher, Ms. Lacroix via email: . Thank you for helping me with this

Kaycia Flaman

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