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Teaching Science to Learners With Special Needs

J. Randy McGinnis

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Theory Into Practice, 52:1, 43-50, DOI: 10.1080/07351690.2013.743776

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Theory Into Practice, 52:43–50, 2013
Copyright © The College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University
ISSN: 0040-5841 print/1543-0421 online
DOI: 10.1080/07351690.2013.743776

J. Randy McGinnis

Teaching Science to Learners

With Special Needs

A fundamental social justice issue worldwide is insights culled from a review of the literature to
how to meet the needs of all learners, especially achieve this goal for curriculum, instruction, and
those with special needs who historically have assessment are presented for science teachers
faced discrimination, exclusion, and oppression at all grade levels, and also for school admin-
due to special needs (physical, cognitive, or be- istrators and policy makers. A call for more
havioral dimensions). This article focuses on the research is made, with an emphasis placed on
key questions that researchers interested in im- how teachers of science can best conduct and
proving science education for students with spe- use practitioner research in this topic area.
cial needs have examined empirically and lessons
learned in regard to making science more ac-
cessible and relevant to them through evidence-
based adapted instruction. The most promising
A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN of science teachers
at all grade levels and contexts is deciding
what instructional practices empirical research
J. Randy McGinnis is a professor at the University of suggests as effective and/or promising in support-
Maryland, College Park. ing the learning needs and expected achievement
I acknowledge the contributions (the demographic for students across a diverse spectrum of capa-
information for the students with special needs in the bilities and challenges. This article focuses on
United States of America, information on universal learners with special needs in science who dif-
design for learners, and some additional relevant liter- fer substantially in their performances (physical,
ature) made by Dr. Susan De La Paz, Department of
cognitive, or behavioral dimensions) from typical
Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education,
learner performances and who need additional
University of Maryland.
Correspondence should be addressed to J. Randy services and supports.
McGinnis, Science Teaching Center, Department of A major emphasis on meeting the instructional
Teaching, Learning, Policy, and Leadership, Room requirements of students with special needs is
2226 Benjamin, University of Maryland, College Park, necessary if science teachers are to achieve the
College Park, MD 20742. E-mail: field’s longstanding goal of “Science for all

Diversity and Equity in Science Education

Americans” (Rutherford & Ahlgren, 1990, p. x). population of almost 50 million) are identified
Professional organizations such as the National as having some type of disability, and that this
Research Council (1996), the American Associ- number has remained fairly stable since at least
ation for the Advancement of Science (1993), 2002. Of this group, most students are identified
and the National Science Teachers Association as having a learning disability (5.2%, or 2,573,000
(2004) have called for science literacy for all, students). Other high incidence or commonly
regardless of any categorization of learners’ abil- occurring disabilities include speech or language
ities (McGinnis, 2000). In addition, in the United impairment (3.0%, or 1,456,000 students),
States there is an established body of legislation mental retardation (1%, or 500,000 students),
and case law that protects the rights of learners and emotional disturbance (0.9%, or 442,000
with disabilities (Friend & Bursuck, 1999; Smith, students). Less common so-called low incidence
Polloway, Patton, & Dowdy, 1998), as well as disabilities include, but are not limited to,
ethical and moral obligations for educators to developmental delay (0.7%, or 358,000 students),
fulfill (McGinnis, 2003), which adds impetus for autism (0.6%, or 296,000 students), hearing
teachers to achieve this worthy goal. impairment (0.2%, or 79,000 students), and
This article focuses on the fundamental ques- orthopedic impairment (0.1%, or 67,000 students).
tions that researchers interested in improving
science education for students with special needs
have examined empirically and what has been Education Policy Considerations
learned in regard to making science more ac-
cessible and relevant to students with special The educational rights of students with spe-
needs through evidence-based adapted instruc- cial needs in the United States are defined and
tion. The most promising insights culled from protected by legislation that has evolved over
a review of the literature to achieve this goal time. The enactment in 1975 of The Educa-
for curriculum, instruction, and assessment are tion for All Handicapped Children Act (passed
presented for science teachers at all grade levels, by the US Congress as PL94-142) started a
and also for school administrators and policy new educational policy expectation that students
makers. As a way to ensure that the science with special needs would be included in the
teacher evaluates the recommendations as feasi- least restrictive environment (typically, the reg-
ble, use of support provided by the school and ular classroom). Supplementary materials and
by the school districts to achieve this goal (such aids would be employed to meet their learning
as specialists in special education and curricula needs. The most current legislation is Public Law
resources) is highly encouraged. Also, it must be 108-446 Individuals with Disabilities Education
underscored that although the recommendations Improvement Act of 2004, which supports and
for instructional modifications will benefit most extends PL94-142 policy to the posteducation
students with disabilities, due to the underlying or employment time period (Individuals with
reality that degrees of variations in disabilities Disabilities Education Improvement Act, 2004).
exist, additional individual modifications may be In addition, the assessment of students with
required for particular students. disabilities has gained much attention due to
its prominence in the 2001 No Child Left Be-
hind legislation, in which disaggregated assess-
Demographics of U.S. Students With ment data by subject matter for different student
Special Needs groups, including those with disabilities, are used
to define school performance levels (No Child
Data from the US Department of Education Left Behind Act, 2001). Reauthorization of this
(National Center for Educational Statistics, 2009) legislation is under negotiation, with the hope
indicate that 13.4% of all prekindergarten through that changes will be beneficial for students with
12th-grade students (out of a total US student special needs, particularly concerning the equity

McGinnis Teaching Science to Learners With Special Needs

issue that relates directly to their ability to earn a needs is “What science curriculum is most ap-
high school diploma as determined by successful propriate for students with special needs?” Cur-
performance on high-stakes tests. ricular modifications are often varied according
to content and grade level expectations. They
can be designed for groups of students and for
Instructional Practice Models for individual students. Key findings of empirical
Students With Special Needs in Science studies influenced by this line of thought are
summarized below.
Since passage of PL94-14, learners receiving Booth and Ainscow (1998) suggested that
special education services in the United States one type of curricular modification is allow-
increasingly have been served in the general ed- ing students to participate in setting their own
ucation setting. Although there is no one standard learning and social objectives combined with the
model of collaborative service provided by spe- teachers’ objectives in the same areas. Lynch and
cial educators and regular educators, Bauwens, colleagues (2007) reported on the results of a
as long ago as 1991, described three common quasi-experimental study of the implementation
models: teacher assistance teams, collaborative of a science unit (Chemistry That Applies) for
consultation, and cooperative teaching. Teacher learners with special needs in general educa-
assistance teams consist of teachers, counselors, tion classrooms. The results supported claims
administrators, and parents who provide support that science instruction that included guided in-
to the classroom teachers with the goal of im- quiry, hands-on science, and students working
plementing appropriate opportunities for learners in heterogeneous laboratory groups can be ap-
with special needs. Collaborative consultation is propriate and effective for students with special
an arrangement between the special education needs.
teacher and regular education teacher to share ex- In an article that summarized modifications to
pertise while identifying potential problems faced assist teachers in successfully teaching students
by learners with special needs and to develop so- with mild learning disabilities who were in high
lutions. Cooperative teaching (frequently referred school science courses (biology, Earth science,
to as collaborative or coteaching in the literature) and chemistry), Steele (2007) reported that the
occurs when regular and special educators coor- common characteristics for the students with
dinate their efforts to jointly teach heterogeneous special needs for whom modifications were rec-
students in integrated settings (Bauwens & Hour- ommended were problems in processing skills,
cade, 1997). Of the three basic models, coteach- memory, language, and attention.
ing has consistently been identified by survey Based on these findings, the following rec-
research as the more frequently implemented ommendations are offered to teachers of science
practice (Scruggs, Mastropieri, & Boon, 1998). who teach students with special needs:
Results for coteaching in the science classroom,
however, are mixed with both benefits and unmet
potential (Moin, Magieri, & Zigmond, 2009).  Modify curriculum materials, as needed. For
example, adapt readings and activity sheets
to match the reading/comprehension level
Recommendations for Practice Culled
of the student; use written backup for oral
From the Literature in Curriculum,
directions; shorten the assignment; give direc-
Instruction, and Assessment for
tions in small, distinct steps; read the direc-
Students With Special Needs in Science
tions to the student; and use a school/home
 Coordinate the modifications in curriculum,
The fundamental research question in regard instruction, and assessment of all the student’s
to science curriculum for students with special teachers across the school day.

Diversity and Equity in Science Education

Instruction ternative grouping practices (Yesseldyke et al.,

The fundamental research question in regard
To the extent that inquiry tasks are devel-
to science instruction for students with special
opmentally appropriate and carefully structured,
needs is “Which instructional techniques in sci-
Mastropieri, Scruggs, and Butcher (1997) re-
ence education are most effective, for whom, and
ported that learning might be more successful
for what purpose(s)?” In an attempt to support
for students with mild disabilities. To the extent,
students with special needs in science, teachers
however, that students are expected to discover
have made accommodations in their practices
new rules and generalizations on their own with
(a change in some aspect of the instructional
little or no special support, learning was likely
delivery that allows students with disabilities to
to be less successful. In a study conducted in an
demonstrate competence in achieving the same
informal science education context outside the
educational goal that is expected of students who
school, Brooke and Solomon (2001) examined
do not have disabilities) and/or modifications
the extent to which students with developmental
(fundamental changes in the nature of the learn-
delays (Down syndrome) learned science. The
ing situation). Key findings of empirical studies
researchers found that the students could manip-
influenced by this line of thought are summarized
ulate materials independently (an interactive ex-
hibit), demonstrated concentration, and engaged
In regard to how general and special educators
in a search for causation to explain observed
may work collaboratively on making accommo-
dations and modifications, Golomb and Ham-
In an influential study, Mastropieri, Scruggs,
meken (1996) underscored the crucial benefits of
and Magnusen (1999) reported the findings of
the student’s individual education program (IEP)
several extended classroom investigations in sci-
as a framework and reference. When teachers
ence education that included students with spe-
believe that the types of accommodations and
cial needs. In all cases, certified teachers im-
modifications are feasible and desirable, they use
plemented the science instruction over extended
accommodations and modifications (Johnson &
time periods to their students with and without
Pugach, 1990; Yesseldyke, Thurlow, Wotruba,
disabilities. Additionally, the science curricula
& Nania, 1990). In inclusive settings where
were adapted as necessary to promote the suc-
accommodations and modifications are instituted,
cessful participation and learning of students
Winter (1997) reported that all children learn,
with disabilities. Activities-based curriculum ma-
feel a sense of belonging, and achieve their
terials were used solely, in combination, or
educational and social goals.
in comparison with textbook-based curriculum
Adjusting the length of assignments and ac-
materials. Findings across all classroom imple-
quiring alternative resources improved academic
mentation indicated that students with special
performances of students at different levels of
needs successfully learned more when taught
reading ability, according to a study reported by
with the adapted activities-based science cur-
Lawrence (1988). Johnson and Pugach (1990)
riculum materials. Additionally, students with
reported that classroom teachers’ most feasi-
special needs overwhelmingly reported enjoy-
ble instructional accommodations for learners
ing the activities-oriented instruction more than
with special needs centered on using positive
textbook instruction. Teachers noted that during
methods and multisensory techniques that were
activities-oriented instruction, students appeared
readily integrated into daily classroom routines.
more motivated to learn and to participate in
The most desirable classroom accommodations
class, and demonstrated more on-task behaviors.
reported by teachers were: identifying alternate
However, teachers also reported that activities-
ways to manage student behavior, implementing
oriented instruction involved considerably more
alternative instructional methodologies, using a
teacher preparation time, behavior management
variety of instructional materials, and using al-
skills, and organizational skills than traditional

McGinnis Teaching Science to Learners With Special Needs

textbook instruction. Zembylas and Insenbarger policies, extended time, and other similar modifi-
(2002) also found evidence in support of an cations must be made for individuals with special
activity-oriented science curriculum but noted needs whose disabilities are legally documented
that the presence of a caring teaching construct (42 USC 12/11, Section 101[9]). Key findings
(respecting students’ talents and strengths) en- of empirical studies influenced by this line of
hanced the effectiveness of the approach. thought are summarized below.
Based on these findings, the following rec- In a study that examined the implementation
ommendations are offered to teachers of science of a science project designed to include junior
who teach students with special needs: high school students with severe emotional dis-
turbances or diagnosed learning challenges into
 Teach science, at least at times, in an activity- the general education science classroom, Caw-
oriented, inquiry approach rather than in a ley, Hayden, Cade, and Baker-Kroczynski (2002)
content-oriented approach. Although scientific found that accommodations for the students by
information is important, placing an emphasis the teachers were guided by their IEPs. Academic
in science instruction on scientific practices performance was measured by a districtwide sci-
better portrays authentic science, which better ence test and final grade. The academic success
prepares students to engage in science, succeed of the students with special needs was compara-
in science, and be competitive for careers ble to the passing rate of the general education
in science. However, monitoring closely the students. That is, 11 of the 16 students in special
quality of the learning experience for students education (69%) passed the district exam, which
with developmental delays is advised due to is equal to the rate at which the general education
the mixed research results. students passed the exam. The behavior of the
 Make instructional accommodations a regu- special education students posed no problem in
lar feature of your practice. For example, the science class, and the behavior of the general
reteach vocabulary; use manipulatives; demon- education students was not affected in a negative
strate concepts; tape lectures for playback; use way by the presence of the special education
small group instruction; permit peer coaching students. The behavior of the general education
during lessons; use a multimodal teaching students was better during science, and in one
approach that includes auditory, visual, and case, a class had 50% fewer discipline referrals
tactile modes; use a parallel curriculum; check than a class not having special education students
often for understanding; have the student re- as members.
peat directions; and plan for activity-oriented How students with special needs (serious emo-
lessons. tional disturbances) learned science in two differ-
ent instruction environments (traditional textbook
approach and a hands-on, thematic approach)
was examined by McCarthy (2005). Overall,
The fundamental question concerning assess- students in the hands-on instructional program
ment of content and performance in science for performed significantly better than the students in
students with special needs is “What assessment the textbook program on two of three measures of
is most appropriate for students with special science achievement, a hands-on assessment and
needs?” A fundamental standard to meet, ac- a short-answer test. The students did not differ
cording to the legal system, is that educational on a multiple choice format test.
facilities must be accessible and usable by all Mastropieri, et al. (2006) investigated as-
students. Practically, this means that acquisition sessment in high-stakes testing with students
or modification of equipment or devices, ap- with special needs. The study compared two
propriate adjustment or modifications of assess- instructional strategies, differentiated hands-on
ments, qualified readers or interpreters, appro- activities and teacher-directed, for students with
priate modification in training materials and/or mild disabilities in inclusive 8th-grade science

Diversity and Equity in Science Education

classes. Results showed that collaborative hands- levels, peer tutoring, and embedded strategic
on activities significantly facilitated learning of information.
science content on posttests and on state high-
stakes tests for all students. The students also
indicated that they enjoyed using the activities. Conclusions
The results suggested that students in inclusive
science classes could work with each other in The review of the science education research
critical content area materials, and that their has resulted in multiple recommendations for
content area learning improved at a rate greater teachers of science to meet the needs of their
than that attained through traditional instruction. students with special needs. Another ongoing
Recently, Scruggs, Mastropieri, Berkely, and initiative that strives to achieve the same results
Graetz (2009) conducted a literature review of for students with special needs without adap-
empirical studies of students with diverse learn- tation or specialized design is referred to as
ing needs in content area classes. In science, universal design or universal design for learners
explicit instruction that employed differential (UDL; Trundle, 2008). The goal of UDL is
practice time and levels and cognitive strategies to design upfront and on-the-spot interactions,
(e.g., peer tutoring and embedded strategic infor- environments, products, services, and resources
mation) enhanced students’ learning of content, to be accessible by all learners, to the great-
which increased student performance on high- est extent possible (Hitchcock, Meyer, Rose, &
stakes tests. Jackson, 2002; Kurtts, Matthews, & Smallwood,
It should be noted that the assessment of 2009). A hope held by many is that rigorous
students with special needs in science and other and systematic studies in UDL may be supported
content areas often leads to controversy (McGin- with significant resources as a way to lead to
nis & Stefanich, 2007). Much of the controversy major breakthroughs in meeting the needs of
associated with educational assessment exists students with special needs across the content
because individuals and professional associations areas, including science.
(see the National Center for Educational Out- Finally, even though the recommendations
comes and the Council for Exceptional Children) culled from the literature are promising and pro-
have different views on the validity and reliability vide guidance for effective science education for
of standardized assessments; concerns about how all, the discerning classroom teacher of science
assessment results will impact the students being may recognize that much remains to be studied
tested; concerns about how assessment results to improve science education for students with
will be used to evaluate those giving instruc- special needs in science classrooms, especially
tion or delivering programs; concerns about how regarding equity concerns (for example, what
legislative bodies will use the assessment infor- are the consequences of excluding students with
mation in funding and evaluating schools; and special needs from enriched science education
concerns about the use of assessment results in courses due to ability level conditions?). There-
labeling and categorizing students. fore, a final recommendation is that teachers of
Based on these findings, the following rec- science engage in practitioner research (Mills,
ommendations are offered to teachers of science 2011) in their practices to investigate how to
who teach students with special needs: meet the needs of students with special needs in
their immediate science education contexts. Prac-
 Modify the assessment procedure and grading titioner research places an emphasis on teachers
system, as appropriate within the individual identifying meaningful questions, systematically
science teachers’ classroom responsibilities to collecting data to answer the questions, and
match the student’s IEP. analyzing and interpreting such data as a way to
 When direct instruction is practiced, include promote evidence-based actions. Consequently,
strategies such as differential practice time and teachers prepared to teach science, which is

McGinnis Teaching Science to Learners With Special Needs

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