Shot: When Someone Is So Messed Up or Burnt Out That They Can No Longer Funtion Normally

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when there's no more room for bruising and your balls feel like they are going to explode. either because u
were hit in the balls or because you got your NUTS SMASHED!!!
man-"hey baby I lost my virginity can I have yours?" lady-"Oh my fuck!!!(smashes his nuts with a Chuck
Norris kick!) man(to friends)- omg it hurts so bad she god damn CROWDED my balls(faints)
Shot: When someone is so messed up or burnt out that they can no longer funtion normally.
Definition 2:
When something is old or breaks and no longer functions correctly.
Example 1:
guy #1: Dude, you're SHOT!
guy #2: Yeah I am. I've been smooling all day and finished an ounce.
Example 2:
"Chuck that, it's shot."
Gloomy:Melancólico melancholic, melancholy, gloomy, mournful, broody, glum
triste sad, sorry, unhappy, dismal, sorrowful, gloomy
oscuro dark, obscure, dim, dusky, shadowy, gloomy
pesimista pessimistic, gloomy, sombre, somber, depressed
tenebroso dark, gloomy, tenebrous, murky, murk, mirk
lóbrego gloomy, murky, dark, murk, mirk
negro black
mustio withered, gloomy, limp, depressed
nada prometedor gloomy
sake: bien bienestar
deck: cubiertas
thence: desde allí , de ahí que, por eso

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