Control System Ece QB Eeeeeee

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Jaisakthi Educational Trust Chennai ─ 602 103


Third Year — Five Semester

Basic elements in control systems – Open and closed loop systems – Electrical analogy of
mechanical and thermal systems – Transfer function – Synchros – AC and DC servomotors – Block
diagram reduction techniques – Signal flow graphs.

Time response – Time domain specifications – Types of test input – I and II order system response –
Error coefficients – Generalized error series – Steady state error – Root locus construction- Effects of
P, PI, PID modes of feedback control –Time response analysis.

ts e
Frequency response – Bode plot – Polar plot – Determination of closed loop response from open loop

response - Correlation between frequency domain and time domain specifications- Effect of Lag, lead
and lag-lead compensation on frequency response- Analysis.

Characteristics equation – Routh Hurwitz criterion – Nyquist stability criterion- Performance criteria –


o l
Lag, lead and lag-lead networks – Lag/Lead compensator design using bode plots.

Concept of state variables – State models for linear and time invariant Systems – Solution of state

Effect of state feedback.

t r
and output equation in controllable canonical form – Concepts of controllability and observability –

o n
Ability to understand and apply basic science, circuit theory, theory control theory
Signal processing and apply them to electrical engineering problems.

1. M. Gopal, „Control Systems, Principles and Design‟, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,

- C
2. S.K.Bhattacharya, Control System Engineering, 3rd Edition, Pearson, 2013.
3. Dhanesh. N. Manik, Control System, Cengage Learning, 2012.

0 1
1. Arthur, G.O.Mutambara, Design and Analysis of Control; Systems, CRC Press, 2009.
2. Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop, “ Modern Control Systems”, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2012.

6 5
3. Benjamin C. Kuo, Automatic Control systems, 7th Edition, PHI, 2010.
4. K. Ogata, „Modern Control Engineering‟, 5th edition, PHI, 2012.

5. S.N.Sivanandam, S.N.Deepa, Control System Engineering using Mat Lab, 2nd Edition, Vikas

Publishing, 2012.
6. S.Palani, Anoop. K.Jairath, Automatic Control Systems including Mat Lab, Vijay Nicole/ Mcgraw
Hill Education, 2013.
Semester –V
Course Name: Control System Engineering (IC-6501) Year of Study: 2016–2017 (R-2013)

On Completion of the course students will be able to

CO215.1 An Ability to understand the methods of representation of systems and to analyze their
transfer function models. (PO1, PO2 and PO4)
CO215.2 An ability to identify and inculcate adequate knowledge in the time response of the
systems and steady state error analysis and also to understand about P,PI,PID controllers.
( PO1,PO2, PO4 and PO5)
CO215.3 Ability to impart and analyze the basic knowledge in obtaining the open loop and
closed–loop frequency responses of the systems using Bode plot, Polar plot, Nichol‟s
chart and compensators..(PO1,PO2,PO4 and PO5 )
CO215.4 Able to analyze the concepts of stability of control system and methods of stability
analysis using Routh Hurwitz method, Root Locus Techniques and Nyquist plots. (PO1,
PO2, PO4 and PO5)
CO215.5 Ability to analyze the system by using state space Analysis and to understand the

e m
controllability and observability of system. (PO1,PO2 and PO5)

Unit wise 2 Marks Questions
S y
o l
Basic elements in control systems – Open and closed loop systems – Electrical analogy of mechanical and thermal
systems – Transfer function – Synchros – AC and DC servomotors – Block diagram reduction techniques –
Signal flow graphs.

t r
Name any two dynamic models used to represent control systems. ( April/May2013) (Remember)

o n
Distributed parameter and lumped parameter models, Time varying and time invariant models,
Stochastic and deterministic models, Nonlinear and linear models.

2. What is control system? (Remember)

- C
A system consists of a number of components connected together to perform a specific function. In

a system when the output quantity is controlled by varying the input quantity then the system is
called control system.

5 0
3. What are the two major types of control system? (April/May2003) (Remember)

The two major types of control system are open loop and closed loop.

4. Define open loop control system. (Nov/Dec 2011) ( April / May 2011 ) (Nov/Dec 2010) (Remember)

The control system in which the output quantity has no effect upon the input quantity are called
open loop control system. This means that the output is not feedback to the input for correction.

5. Define closed loop control system. (Nov/Dec 2011) ( April / May 2011 ) (Remember)
The control system in which the output has an effect upon the input quantity so as to maintain the
desired output values are called closed loop control system.

6. What are the components of feedback control system? (Remember)

The components of feedback control system are plant, feedback path elements, error detector and
7. Define transfer function. ( Nov/ Dec 2006 ) (Remember)
The T.F of a system is defined as the ratio of the laplace transform of output to laplace transform of
input with zero initial conditions.

8. What are the basic elements used for modeling mechanical translational system. (Remember)
Mass, spring and dashpot

9. What are the basic elements used for modeling mechanical rotational system? (Remember)
Moment of inertia J, f dashpot with rotational frictional coefficient B and torsional spring with
stiffness K.

10. Name two types of electrical analogous for mechanical system. (Remember)

e m
The two types of analogies for the mechanical system are Force voltage and Force current

11. What is block diagram? (Nov/Dec 2011) ( Nov/ Dec 2003 ) (Remember)

l S
A block diagram of a system is a pictorial representation of the functions performed by each
component of the system and shows the flow of signals. The basic elements of block diagram are
block, branch point and summing point.

r o
12. What is the basis for framing the rules of block diagram reduction technique? (Remember)

The rules for block diagram reduction technique are framed such that any modification made on the

o n
diagram does not alter the input output relation.

13. What is a signal flow graph? (Nov/Dec 2009) (Remember)

- C
A signal flow graph is a diagram that represents a set of simultaneous algebraic equations. By taking
L.T the time domain differential equations governing a control system can be transferred to a set of

algebraic equations in s-domain.

5 0
14. What is transmittance? (Remember)
The transmittance is the gain acquired by the signal when it travels from one node to another node in

signal flow graph.

15. What is sink and source? (Remember)
Source is the input node in the signal flow graph and it has only outgoing branches. Sink is a output
node in the signal flow graph and it has only incoming branches.

16. Define nontouching loop. (Remember)

The loops are said to be non touching if they do not have common nodes.
17. Write Masons Gain formula. ( April / May 2008),(November / December 2008 ),(May /June 2013)

Masons Gain formula states that the overall gain of the system is T =

K 1
K K

K - No.of forward paths in the signal flow graph.

Pk-Forward path gain of kth forward path
∆ = 1-[sum of individual loop gains ]+[sum of gain products of all possible combinations of two non
touching loops]-[ sum of gain products of all possible combinations of three non touching loops]+…
∆k - ∆ for that part of the graph which is not touching kth forward path.

18. Write the analogous electrical elements in force voltage analogy for the elements of
mechanical translational system. (Remember)
Force-voltage e
Velocity v-current i

e m
Displacement x-charge q
Frictional coeff B-Resistance R
Mass M-Inductance L
Stiffness K-Inverse of capacitance I/C

S y
mechanical translational system. (Remember)

o l
19. Write the analogous electrical elements in force current analogy for the elements of

Force-current i
Velocity v-voltage v
t r
Displacement x-flux ф
Frictional coeff B-conductance I/R
Mass M-capacitance C
o n
Stiffness K-Inverse of inductance I/L

20. Write the force balance equation of ideal mass element. (Remember)

F=M d2x/dt2

6 5
21. Writ e the force balance equation of ideal dashpot element. (Remember)

F=B dx/dt

22. Writ e the force balance equation of ideal spring element(Remember)

23. Distinguish between open loop and closed loop system. ( April / May 2008 )(April/May2010)

Open loop Closed loop

1. Inaccurate Accurate

2. Simple and economical

Complex and costlier

3. The changes in output due to

external disturbance are not The changes in output due to external
corrected disturbance are corrected automatically

e m
4. They are generally stable
Great efforts are needed to design a stable

24. What is servomechanism? (Remember)

S y
o l
The servomechanism is a feedback control system, in which the output is mechanical position (or

time derivatives of position velocity and acceleration,)


o n
25. Why negative feedback is invariably preferred in closed loop system? . (May / June 2014 )

- C
The negative feedback results in better stability in steady state and rejects any disturbance signals.

25. Name three functional components used in control system. ( April / May 2003 ) (Remember)

0 1
The components of feedback control system are plant , feedback path elements,
error detector and controller.

6 5
26. Define Synchro. ( April / May 2003, May / June 2006, 2008 ) (Remember)
It is used to convert an angular motion to an electrical signal or vice versa

27. State the applications of Synchros. (April / May 2003, May / June 2007, November / December 2007) 1.
i. It is used in positional control system as error detector.
ii. It is used in control system to transmit angular motions from one place to another.

28. What are the advantages of signal flow graphs ( S F G ) with reference to the block diagram?
( May / June 2009 ) (Remember)
i.It has standard procedure to find the transfer function
ii. It is not tedious
29. Define thermal resistance. ( November / December 2007 ) (Remember)
Thermal resistance = change in temperature ,°c /change in heat flow rate, kcal/sec

30. Why is negative feedback invariably preferred in closed loop system? (Remember)
The negative feedback results in better stability in steady state and rejects any disturbance

31. What are the basic components of block diagram. (Nov/Dec 2011)(Nov/Dec 2003) (Remember)
The basic elements of block diagram are block, branch point and
summing point.

32. Write down the transfer function of the system whose block diagram is
shown below(April/May 2011) (Nov/Dec 2012) (Apply)

e m
S y
o l
t r
o n C(s)
G1(s) +G2(s) + G3(s)

- C
G4(s) G5(s)

0 1
C/R =

6 5
G1(s) +G2(s) + G3(s) - G4(s) G5(s)

Draw the analogous electrical network for the mechanical system in figure using Force-voltage

C (April/May2010) (Analyze)
e m
S y
o l
t r
Distinguish between the D.C motor and a servo motor. ( May / June 2009 ) (Analyze)

o n
The motors used in automatic control systems or in servomechanism are Called servomotors.
They are used to convert electrical signal into angular motion.

The DC motors are used to convert electrical signal into linear motion.

( November / December 2009 )

1 -
What are the conditions to be satisfied for a linear time – invariant ( L T I ) system to be stable?

5 0
The conditions to be satisfied for a linear time – invariant ( L T I ) system to be stable are
(i) independent of Time (ii) it has to obey principle of supposition and homogeneity

C 6
36. What are the two assumptions to be made while deriving transfer function of electrical systems?

( November / December 2009 ) (Remember)
(i) Sum of applied forces is equal to sum of opposing forces.
(ii) Taking Laplace Transform for output and input variables with zero initial conditions.
37. Name any two dynamic models used to represent control systems. (May / June 2013)
(a) Physical Models
(i) Linear versus Nonlinear Models
(ii) Lumped versus Distributed Parameter Models
(iii) Continuous versus Discrete Models
(iv) Time-Variant versus Time-Invariant Models
(b) Empirical Models
(i) Linear Model Forms are (i) Transfer Function (ii) Zero-Pole-Gain
-(iii) State-Space
(ii) SISO vs. MIMO Models
38. Mention the basic elements of closed loop system (April / May 2016) (Remember)
The basic elements of closed loop system are Command input, reference transducer, error detector,
controller, process to be controlled, and feedback element.
39. Find the transfer function of the network given (April / May 2015) (Apply)

e m
X (s)
G2 ( s )
1  G2 ( s )
y (s)

S y
y( s)
X ( s)
 G1 ( s) 
G2 ( s )
1  G2 ( s )

o l
t r
40. State the basic elements for modeling in translational and Rotational Systems (April / May 2016)

Translational System
1. Mass (M) : F=M d2x/dt2
2. Dashpot (B) : F = B dx/dt
o n
3. Spring co efficient (K) : F = Kx
Rotational System
- C
0 1
1. Moment of Inertia (J) : T=J d2Ɵ/dt2
2. Rotational Dashpot (B) : T= B d Ɵ /dt
3. Rotational Spring co efficient (K) : T = K Ɵ

6 5 Part B ( 16 — marks )
1. Write the equations of motion in s-domain for the system shown in the fig below.

Determine the transfer function of the system. (November / December 2008)
2. Determine the signal flow graph and the transfer function of the cathode follower circuit shown
below : (Analyze) ( November / December 2006, 8 marks )

3. Write the differential equation governing the mechanical system shown in the

e m
Figure and determine the transfer function. (Apply)

ts ( May / June 20 06 )

S y
o l
t r
4. Determine the the transfer function X1(s) / F(s) and X2(s) / F(s) for the system
shown. (APPLY)

o n ( May / June 2009)

- C
0 1
6 5
5. Determine the transfer function Y2(s) / F(s) of the system shown in the

figure below. (APPLY)
6. Determine the transfer function X1(s) / F(s) and X2(s) / F(s) for the system
shown. (APPLY) ( May / June 2009 )

7. Write the differential equations governing the mechanical rotational system shown

e m
in the fig below : (APPLY)
S y
o l
t r
8. Write the differential equations governing the mechanical rotational system shown

o n
in the fig below and determine its transfer function θ(s) / T(s). (APPLY)

- C
0 1
9. Write the differential equations governing the mechanical system shown in the fig

below. Draw the Force - Voltage and Force - current electrical analogous circuits
and verify by writing the mesh and node equations. (APPLY)

10. Write the differential equations governing the mechanical system shown in the
fig below. Draw the Force- Voltage and Force- current electrical analogous circuits
and verify by writing the mesh and node equations. (APPLY)

11. Write the differential equations governing the mechanical system shown in the

fig below. Draw the Force- Voltage and Force- current electrical analogous circuits

and verify by writing the mesh and node equations. (APPLY)

S y
o l
t r
o n
- C
0 1
6 5
12. Reduce the block diagram shown in the fig below and find C(s)/R(s). (APPLY)

I C ( November / December 2015 )

13. Using the Block diagram reduction technique find the closed loop transfer
function of the system shown in the fig below: (APPLY) ( November / December 2009 )

e m
14. Determine the overall transfer function C(s)/ R(s). (APPLY)
S y
o l
t r
o n
- C
0 1
15. For the system represented by block diagram shown in the fig below, evaluate
the closed loop transfer function when the input R is
(i) at Station – I and

(ii) at Station - II. (APPLY)

C 6
16. For the system represented by the block diagram shown in the fig below,
Determine C1 / R1 and C2 / R2. (APPLY)

e m
S y
diagram shown below.

o l
17. Obtain the closed loop transfer function of the system C(s) / R(s) for the block

t r
o n
- C
0 1

6 5
18. Obtain the closed loop transfer function of the system C(s) / R(s) for the block diagram shown

19. Using the Block diagram reduction technique find the closed loop transfer function of the system
shown in the fig below. (APPLY)

e m
20. Convert the given block diagram to Signal flow graph and determine C(s) / R(s). (APPLY)

o l
t r
o n
- C
0 1
21. Convert the given block diagram to Signal flow graph and determine the transfer
function using Mason’s gain formula. (APPLY)

C 6
22. Convert the given block diagram to Signal flow graph and determine the transfer
function using Mason’s gain formula. (APPLY)

e m
23. Find the overall transfer function of the system whose Signal flow graph is shown in the fig.

S y
o l
t r
o n (APPLY)

- C
24. Find the Overall gain of the system whose signal flow graph is shown in the fig below.

0 1
6 5
25. Find the overall gain C(s) / R(s) for the Signal flow graph shown in the fig below.


26. Find the overall gain C(s) / R(s) for the Signal flow graph shown in the fig below.

S y
o l
t r (APPLY)

o n
26. The signal flow graph for the a feedback control system is shown in the fig below.
Determine the closed loop transfer function C(s) / R(s).

- C
0 1
6 5

28. Explain how the sensitivity to parameter variations in a system is reduced using feedback.
(Understand) ( November / December 2006, 8 marks )

29. Develop signal flow graph of the closed loop controlled drive of a D.C. motor and find the
transfer function. ( Create) ( November / December 2006, 10 marks )
30. A thermometer is dipped in a vessel containing liquid at a constant temperature r (t).
The thermometer has an thermal capacitance for storing heat as C and a thermal resistance to
limit heat flow R. If the temperature indicated by the thermometer is C(t). Obtain the transfer
function of the system. Discuss the variation in the thermometer function.
(Understand )( Nov / Dec 2006, 8 marks )
31. Describe the features and characteristics of an armature controlled D.C. servo
motor. (Understand ) ( May / June 2007, 8 marks )
32. Derive the transfer function of a two phase A.C. servo motors. (Nov./Dec. 2007, 5 marks)

33. Derive the transfer function of an armature controlled D.C. motor.

(Analyze ) ( April / May 2008, 8 marks, May / June 2009, 10 marks )

34. Draw the schematic diagram of a two phase A.C. servo motor and derive its
transfer function. (Analyze ) (April / May 2008, 8 marks)

42. A 2 – Φ servo motor has rated voltage applied to its reference windings. The torque

e m
speed characteristic of the motor with 115 V, 50 Hz applied to control winding is
shown in fig below. The moment of inertia of the motor is 1 x 10-5 kg – m2 and
friction is negligible. Find the transfer function connecting the shaft position θ
with control winding voltage VC. (Apply)

( April / May 2008, 8 marks )

o l
t r
Fig : 35
o n
36. Discuss in detail the constructional details of a Synchros. ( May / June 2009, 6 marks )

1 - (Understand)

5 0
37. Draw the block diagram representation of the network shown in fig. below and
determine its transfer function. Verify your results with Mason’s gain formula.

C 6 (Analyze ) ( November / December 2008, 16 marks )

Fig : 37
38. (i) A block diagram shown below. (APPLY) (April/may 2011)

Construct the equivalent Signal Flow Graph and obtain C/R using Mason's formula. (8)
(ii) For the block diagram shown below, find the output C due to R and disturbance D. (8)

e m


o l
(i) Consider the mechanical system shown below. Identify the variables and write

t r
the differential equation. (APPLY) (April/may 2011)(Nov/Dec 2011) (6)

o n
- C
(ii) Draw the torque-voltage electrical analogous circuit for the . following mechanical

0 1
system shown . (APPLY) (4)

6 5
(iii) Obtain the transfer function of the following electrical network.
(APPLY) (6)
40.(i) For the signal flow graph shown below, find C(s)/R(s) by using Mason‟s
gain formula.(10) (Nov/Dec2011) (APPLY)

e m

S y
(ii) Find the transfer function C(s)/R(s) of block diagram shown below.(6)

o l
t r
o n
shown in
Figure (April/May2010) C
41.(i) Determine the transfer function for the system having the block diagram as


0 1
6 5
(ii) Determine the transfer function for the network in figure. (Analyze)
42. Determine the transfer function of the transistor hybrid model shown in figure
Signal flow graph.(April/May2010) (Analyze)

43. Find C(s)/R(s) for the signal flow graph shown below (8)

e m
S y

o l
t r
44. (i)Reduce the block diagram to its canonical form and obtain C(s)/R(s). (10)

o n
- C
0 1
6 5
(ii) Give the comparison between block diagram and signal flow graph methods


e m
ly) ts

S y
47. Consider the mechanical system shown in fig, write the differential equations

(Apply) (8) (May/June 2013) l

describing the dynamics of the system and also the electrical analogy for the system.

t r
o n
- C
0 1
48. Determine the transfer function for the given block diagram. (8) (May/June 2013)

6 5
50. Give the step by step procedure of determining transfer function using signal flow
(Understand) (8) (May/June 2013)
51. Find the transfer function of the block diagram shown in fig. using mason‟s gain
formula (8)
(May /June 2013) (Apply)


e m
S y
o l
t r
on (Nov/D
ec 2012)
6 5
(Nov/Dec 2012)

54. Derive the transfer function shown in fig. (Apply)

ts e
S y
/May 2015)

r o
55. Write the torque equation of the rotational system shown below and derive the
June 2014)
o n
for transfer function Ɵ1(s) /T(s) . (Apply) (May/

- C
0 1
6 5
56. Determine the overall transfer function of the system represented by block
diagram (May/ June 2014) (Apply)

57. Derive the transfer function for Armature controlled DC motor (May/ June
58. Find the transfer function of the system shown in fig. by using Block diagram
technique and Signal flow Graph technique. (Apply) (May/ June

e m
S y
o l
obtain the
t r
59. Construct a block diagram for the simple electrical network shown and hence,

o n
signal flow graph and the transfer function. (Analyze) (Nov / Dec

- C
0 1
6 5

Time response – Time domain specifications – Types of test input – I and II order system response –
Error coefficients – Generalized error series – Steady state error – Root locus construction- Effects of
P, PI, PID modes of feedback control –Time response analysis.



e m
May 2013)
ts (April/

Damping ratio=0.05; Natural frequency= 20 rad/sec

2. Give the steady state errors to a various standard inputs for type 2
system.(April/May 2013)
Steady state error=0 for unit step and ramp input
Steady state error=1/Ka for unit parabolic input
t r o
3. What is transient response? (Nov/Dec 2012)
- C
The transient response is the response of the system changes from one state to

0 1
4. What is steady state response? (Nov/Dec 2012)

6 5
The transient response is the response of the system when it approaches infinity.

5. What is order of an system?

The order of a system is order of differential equation governing the system The
order of a system can be obtained from the transfer function of the given system.

6. Define damping ratio.

It is the ratio of actual damping to critical damping.

7. List the time domain specification(November / December 2008 )

The time domain specification are
i. Peak time
ii. Rise time
iii. Delay time
iv. Peak overshoot

8. Define delay time.

The time taken for response to reach 50% of final value for very first time is delay

9. Define Rise time

e m
The time taken for response to raise from 0% to100% for very first time is Rise

S y
10. Define Peak time. ( May / June 2007, November / December 2007 ) (Nov/Dec
2012) (Remember)

o l
The time taken for response to reach the peak value for very first time is
Peak time.

t r
o n
11. Define peak overshoot. (November / December 2010) (Remember)
It is defined as the ratio of the maximum peak value measured from final value to
final value.

12. Define settling time.

- C (Remember)

It is defined as the time taken by the response to reach and stay within a specified
error and the error is usually specified as % of final value.

6 5
13. What is the need for a controller? (Remember)
The controller is provided to modify the error signal for better control action.

14. What is PI controller? (NOV ?DEC 2013)

The PI controller is a device which produces a control signal consisting of

two terms-one proportional to error signal and the other proportional to the
integral of error signal.

13. What is transient and steady state response? (Nov/Dec 2012)

The transient response is the response of the system when the input changes
from one state to another. The response of the system as t ->infinity is called
steady-state response.
14. What are generalized error coefficients?
They are the coefficients of generalized error series. The generalized error
series is given by
e(t) = C0r(t) + C1 r (t) + (C2/2!) r''(t) + (C3/3!) r'''(t) + ............. + (Cn/n!) rn'(t)
The coefficients C0, C1, C2 , ......,Cn are called generalized error coefficients or
dynamic error coefficients

15. Define Step signal.

The step signal is a signal whose value changes from 0 to A and remains
constant at A for t > 0.

e m
S y
16. How the system is classified depending on the value of damping? (April / May

o l
Depending on the value of damping, the system can be classified into the

following four cases

Case 1 : Undamped system, δ = 0

Case 2 : Underdamped system, 0 < δ< 1
Case 3 : Critically damped system, δ= 1
Case 4 : Over damped system, δ> 1.

- C

0 1
17. Mention two advantages of generalized error constants over static error


6 5
i. Generalized error series gives error signal as a function of time.
ii.Using generalized error constants the steady state error can be determined for
any type of input but static error constants are used to determine m state error

when the input is any one of the standard input

18. What is PD controller?


The PD controller is a device which produces a control signal consisting of two

terms-one proportional to error signal and the other proportional to the
derivative of error signal.

19. What is PID controller?


The PID controller is a device which produces a control signal consisting of three
terms-one proportional to error signal, another one proportional to integral of error
signal and the third one proportional to derivative of error signal.

20. What is steady state error? ( November / December 2010 )

The steady state error is the value of error signal e(t), when t tends to infinity . The steady
state error is a measure of system accuracy. These errors arise from the nature of inputs,
type of system and from non-linearity of system components.

21. Define acceleration error constant:

The acceleration error constant Ka  lim S2 G(s)H(s)

e m
s  0
The steady state error in type-2 system for unit parabolic input is given by 1/Ka .

22. What are generalized error coefficients?


S y
They are the coefficients of generalized error series. The generalized error series is given

e(t) = C0r(t) + C1 r (t) + (C2/2!) r''(t) + (C3/3!) r'''(t) + ............. + (Cn/n!) rn'(t)

The coefficients C0, C1, C2 , ......,Cn are called generalized error coefficients or dynamic
error coefficients.

t 1
s  0

o n
The nth coefficient, Cn = lim d 2 F ( s) Where F(s) =
1  G( s) H ( s)

23. Give the relation between generalized and static error coefficients: (Remember)

- C
The following expression shows the relation between generalized and static error

C0 = 1/( 1 + Kp) C1 = 1/( Kv) C2 = 1/( Ka)

5 0
24. What is Proportional controller and what are its advantages? (Remember)

The Proportional controller is a device that produces a control signal which is
proportional to the input error signal.

The advantages in the proportional controller are improvement in steady-state tracking

accuracy, disturbance signal rejection and the relative stability. It also makes a system
less sensitive to parameter variations.

25. What is the drawback in P-controller?


The drawback in P-controller is that it develop a constant steady-state error.

26. What is integral control action? (Remember)

In integral control action, the control signal is proportional to integral of error signal.
27. What is the advantage and disadvantage in integral controller?
The advantage in Integral controller is that it eliminates or reduces the steady-state error.
The disadvantage is that it can make a system unstable.

28. Sketch the response of a second order under damped system: (Analyze)

e m
29. Define Ramp signal: (Remember)
A ramp signal is a signal whose value increases linearly with time from an initial value of
zero at t = 0. It is mathematically represented as
r(t) = A t, t > 0
= 0, t < 0
S y
30. Define parabolic signal: (Remember)
It is a signal in which the instantaneous value

o l varies as

mathematically represented as

t r
square of the time from an initial value of zero at t = 0. It is

r(t) = A t2/2 , t>0

= 0, t<0

o n
31. What is an impulse signal? (Remember)

A signal which is available for very short duration is
called impulse signal. Ideal impluse signal is a unit impulse signal which is defined as a

infinite. It is ted by δ(t)

0 1
signal having zero values at all time except at t = 0. At t = 0 the magnitude becomes

and mathematically expressed as

δ(t) = 0 for t ≠ 0 5
32. What is the order of a system? (Remember)

The order of the system is given by the order of the differential equation governing the
system. It is also given by the maximum power of s in the denominator polynomial of
transfer function. The maximum power of s also gives the number of poles of the system
and so the order of the system is also given by number of poles of the transfer function.

33. Define Damping ratio: (Remember)

The damping ratio is defined as the ratio of the actual damping to critical damping.
34. Give the expression for damping ratio of mechanical and electrical system:
The damping ratio for second order Mechanical Translational system
35. Why derivative controller is not used in control systems? (May /June
2012)(April/May 2011)
The derivative controller produces a control action based on the rate of
change of error signal and it does not produce corrective measures for any constant error.

36. What are the main advantages of generalized error co-efficient? (May / June
i) Steady state is function of time.
ii) Steady state can be determined from any type of input

37. The block diagram shown in the figure represents a hest treating oven.The set
paint is 1000°c.What is steady state temperature? (April / May 2010)
ts (Apply)

S y
o l
t r
o n
- C
0 1
6 5
38. Determine the error coefficients for the system having. ( April / May 2010)
G(s)H(s)= (s+2)

e m
S y
o l
t r
o n
40. Define rise time with reference to time response. (Nov/Dec 2011) (Remember)

The time taken for response to rise from 0% to 100% for the very first time is rise time.


0 1
41. What is the difference between type and order of a system? (April /May 2016)

of the system

6 5
Type number of a system indicates the number of poles at the origin whereas the order

indicates the order of the differential equation governing the dynamics of a system. (or

degree of denominator polynomial of the transfer function.

PART B (16 — marks)
(Analyze) (16)
(May/June 2013)

(Analyze) (16)
(May/June 2013)

e m
S y
o l
t r
o n (Analyze) (Nov

/Dec 2012)

- C
A unity feedback system has an open loop transfer function G(s) = 25/ s(s+8).

0 1
Determine its damping ratio, peak over shoot and
peak output. Now a proportional component
time required to reach the
having a gain of 3.2 is introduced in
the system.

(Understand) 5 Discuss its effects on the values obtained above.


The response of a system subjected to a unit step input is

c (t) = 1 +0.2 e-60 t – 1.2 e-10 t


6. Obtain the expression for the closed loop transfer function. Also determine the
undamped natural frequency and damping ratio of the system.
7. A unity feed back control system has an open loop transfer function G(s) = 10 /
s(s+2).Find the rise time, percentage overshoot, peak time and settling time for a step
input of 12 units. (Analyze)
8. The open loop transfer function of a servo system with unity feedback is G(s) = 10 /
s (0.1s+1). Evaluate the static error constants of the system. Obtain the steady state
error of the system, when subjected to an input given by the polynomial V (t) = a0 +
a1 t+ a2 / 2 * t2. (Apply)

9. A unity feed back system is characterized by the open loop transfer function

e m
G(s) = 1 / s (0.5s+1) (0.2s+1).Determine the steady state errors for until- step, unit

frequency of the dominant root

S y
ramp and unit acceleration input. Also determine the damping ratio and natural


o l
For a second order system whose open loop transfer function G (s) = 4/ s (s+2).
Determine the maximum overshoot, the time to reach the maximum overshoot when

t r
a step displacement of 180 is given to the system. Find the rise time and the settling
time for an error 0f 7%. What is the time constant of the system?

o n

- C
(a) Define delay time, rise time, peak time and settling time (Understand)


0 1
(b) Determine the values of K and a, of the closed loop system shown in
figure, so that the maximum overshoot in unit step response is 25% and the peak

6 5
time is 2 seconds. Assume that J = 1kg-m2.
/ June 2016) (Analyze)

13. I C
(a) Derive the unit step and unit ramp response of first order system and plot the
responses. (Create) (12)
(b) Explain on-off control action. Give an example (Understand) (4)

14. Define the time domain specifications for a second order system. Derive an
expression for time to peak and peak overshoot for a second order under damped
system. (Understand)
15. The loop transfer function of a system G(s) H(s) = 40/s(0.2s+1).obtain its generalized
error constants. Also find its steady state error when the input is r(t) = (3+4t)t.
16. Determine the generalized error coefficient and steady state error for a system whose
open loop transfer function is G(s) =1 / s(s+1)(s+10) and the feed back transfer
function is H (s) = (s+2) with input (Analyze)
(i) r(t) = 6 +t +t
(ii) (ii) r(t) = 4 +6t +t2

e m
17. ts
Obtain the unit impulse response and the unit step response of a unity feed back
system whose open loop transfer function is G(s) = 2s+1 / s

S y

o l
(a) Draw the response characteristic curves of the following controlling actions P, I,
D, PI, PD and PID. Discuss salient features?
t r
(b) Discuss the transient response of a prototype second order system

[Nov / Dec 2006]

- C
(a) Describe the output response of type I and II systems for ramp input

0 1
(b) A unity feed back heat treatment system has

6 5
G(s) = 10000 / (1+s) (1+0.5s) (1+02s) the output set point is 5000 C. What is the
steady state temperature? (Analyze)

[May /June 2007]
(a) Derive an expression for maximum overshoot of a second order system when
subjected to unit step input. (CREATE)
22. (b) Discuss the functioning P,I and D controllers with necessary diagrams and state
how they are used to meet the specifications for a given system. (Understand)
[May /June 2008]
23. (a) Derive an expression for the time response of an under damped second order
system when subjected to unit step input. (CREATE)
(b) For a unit feed back system with G(s) = 10 (1+sK e ) / s(s+2), determine the
value of Ke so that the damping ratio is 0.5 determine the value of settling time,
maximum overshoot and steady state error (for unit ramp input) with and without Ke.
24. A positional control system with velocity feedback is shown in fig. What is the
response of the system for unit step input. (Apply) (16)

e m
25. ts
A positional control system with velocity feedback is shown in fig. What is the

time, peak time, Maximum overshoot and settling time.

S y
response c(t) to the unit step input. Given that ς =0.5.and also calculate rise
(Apply) (16)

(i) The unity feedback system is characterized by an open loop transfer function

G(s) =
t r
. Determine the gain K, so that the system will have a damping

ratio of 0.5.
o n
For this value of K, determine settling time, peak overshoot and
time to peak overshoot for a unit step input.

- C (Apply) (April/May2011)

0 1
(ii) A unity feedback system has the forward transfer function G(s) =
K1(2s + 1)

s(5s + 1)(1 + s)
The input r(t) = (1+6t) is applied to the system. Determine the minimum value

C 6
of K1, if the steady error is to be less than 0.1. (8)

(Analyze) (April/May2011)
21. With suitable block diagrams and equations, explain the following types of
employed in control systems:
(1) Proportional controller (4)
(2) Proportional-plus-integral controller (4)
(3) PID controller (4)
(4) Integral controller (4)

(Understand) (April/May2011)(Nov/Dec2012)

e m
S y
o l

n t
C o
1 -
5 0 (ANALYZE) (April/May2010)

C 6
24.(i)Derive an expression to find steady state error of a closed loop control system (6)
(ii) The closed loop transfer function of a second order system is given by
T(s)= 100/s2+10s+100 .Determine the damping ratio,natural frequency of oscillation
, rise time,settling time and peak Over shoot.(10) (Apply) (Nov/Dec 2011)
25. Consider a unity feed back system with transfer function G=75/(s+1)(s+3)(s+8)
Design a PID controller to satisfy the following specifications
(i) The steady state error for unit ramp input should be less than 0.08
(ii) damping ratio=0.8 and
(iii) natural frequency of oscillation=2.5 rad/sec(s)
State the expression for the transfer function of the PID controller and for the open
loop transfer function of the compensated system. (Apply) (Nov/Dec 2011)

e m
S y
o l
t r
o n
- C

5 0
C 6 (Understand)


30. A unity feedback system is characterized by the open loop transfer function
G(s) = Determine the steady state errors for unit step , unit –
s(0.5s  1)(0.2s  1)
ramp, unit- acceleration unit. Also determine the damping ratio and natural frequency of
the dominant roots. (Analyze) (Nov/ Dec 2013)
31. Determine the unit step response of the control system shown in the following fig.


32. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by
G(s) =
s ( s  2)

e m
The input function is r(t) = 2+3t+t2 . Determine generalized error

coefficient and steady state error.

(Analyze ) ( May / June 2014)

33. A unity feedback system has forward transfer function G(s) =

S y
(1  s ) 2
For the input

r(t) = 1+ 5t , Find the minimum value of K so that the steady state error is less than

0.1 (use final value theorem) (Analyze ) ( April / May 2015)

r o
34. Discuss the effect of PID controller in the forward path of the system.

t (Understand ) ( April / May 2015)

o n
35. For the system shown in Fig. Find the effect of PD controller with Td = 1/ 10 on peak
overshoot and setting time when it is excited by unit step input

- C
0 1
. (Analyze ) ( April / May 2015)

36. The following diagram shows a unity feedback system with derivative control. By
using this derivative control the damping ratio is to be made 0.5. Determine the

value of Td .

Frequency response – Bode plot – Polar plot – Determination of closed loop
response from open loopresponse - Correlation between frequency domain and time
domain specifications- Effect of Lag, leadand lag-lead compensation on frequency
response- Analysis.
PART A (2 — marks)
1. Determine the frequency domain specifications of a second order system when
closed loop transfer function is given by C(s)/R(s)=64/s2+10s+64
(Analyze)(April / May 2010)

e m
Natural Frequency = 8 rad/sec; Resonant frequency=0.4677rad/sec; Resonant

S y
Draw the polar plot of an integral term transfer function.(May/June 2013)

o l
t r

o n (Analyze)(
Write the MATLAB statement to draw the bode plot of the given system.
(Remember) (May/June 2013)

- C
BODE (SYS) draws the Bode plot of the LTI model SYS (given system). The

frequency range and number of points are chosen automatically.

4. What is meant by corner frequency in frequency domain analysis?

6 5
5. IC
Define Bandwidth.
(Remember) (Nov/Dec 2012) ( May / June 2015 )
(Remember) ( May / June 2009 )
The bandwidth is the range of frequencies for which the system gain Is
more than 3 dbB.Thebandwidth is a measure of the ability of a feedback
system to reproduce the input signal, noise rejection characteristics and
rise time.

6. Represent the bandwidth ωb in terms of time domain parameters ωn and ζ.

Bandwidth ( BW )   n 1  2 2  (1  2 2 ) 2  1

(Remember) (Nov / Dec 2008)

7. Define gain margin. (Remember) ( Nov/ Dec 2009 )
The gain margin is defined as the reciprocal of the magnitude of the open
loop transfer function at phase cross over frequency.
Gain margin kg = 1 / | G(jw pc) |.
8. Define phase margin. (Remember) ( Nov/ Dec 2006 )
The phase margin ,g is the amount of phase lag at the gain cross over
Frequency required tobring system to the verge of instability.

e m
9. Write the expression to determine resonant peak.

Resonant Peak M p 
(Remember) ts
( April / May 2008 )

2 1   2

What are the advantages of Bode plot? (Remember)

S y ( Nov/ Dec 2009 )
The main advantages are:

o l
i) Multiplication of magnitude can be in to addition.
ii) A simple method for sketching an approximate log curve is available.

t r
iii) It is based on asymptotic approximation. Such approximation is sufficient
if rough information on the frequency response characteristic is needed.

angle curve of 1+jw is available.

o n
iv) The phase angle curves can be easily drawn if a template for the phase

8. Sketch the POLAR plot of G(s) = 1 / (1+st) (May / June 2012) (Analyze)

- C
0 1

6 5
State the uses of Nichols chart? (Remember) (April / May 2015) ( May / June

i) It is used to find the closed loop frequency response from open loop
frequency response.
ii) Frequency domain specifications can be determined from Nichols chart.
iii) The gain of the system can be adjusted to satisfy the given specification.
12. What is Nichols chart? (Remember) ( May / June 2006 ) (Nov/Dec 2012)
The chart consisting if M & N loci in the log magnitude versus phase
diagram is called Nicholschart.

13. List the advantages of Nichols chart. (Remember) ( Nov / Dec 2010)
i) It is used to find the closed loop frequency response from open loop
frequency response.
ii) Frequency domain specifications can be determined from Nichols chart.
iii) The gain of the system can be adjusted to satisfy the given specification.
14. State the need of compensators in control system design. (Remember)

(Remember) ( April / May 2008, November / December 2008 )

e m
15. What are the different types of compensating network?
(i) Series compensation (ii) Shunt or Feedback compensation. ts
(Nov / Dec 2009)

16. What is the effect of lag network

S y (Remember)
? (Remember) ( May / June 2009 )

Bandwidth of the system.

o l
It improves settling Time, steady state response and Rise time. It also decreases


t r
What are the specification used in frequency domain analysis. [Nov / DEC

2010) (April/May 2011) (Remember)
Resonant Peak , Resonant Frequency, Bandwidth , Phase Margin , Gain Margin.


C o
Name the parameters which constitute frequency domain specification.

1 - (Remember) [Nov / DEC 2011)

Resonant Peak , Resonant Frequency, Bandwidth , Phase Margin , Gain Margin.


5 0
What are the characteristics of phase lead network?
(Remember)(April/May 2015)

C 6
PART B ( 16 ― Marks )
(Analyze)(May/June 2013)


(Understand) (May/June 2013)

e m

S y

o l
(Analyze) (Nov/Dec 2012)

t r
o n (Analyze) (Nov/Dec 2012)


- C
Deduce that the locus of constant magnification and phase of closed loop
are circles. Find their radius and centre. (Apply)
[Nov / DEC 2005]

0 1
Determine the generalized error co-efficient and steady state error for a system whose
open loop transfer function is G (s) = 1 / s(s+1)(s+10) and the feed back transfer

function is H(s) = (s+2) with input

(i) r (t) = 6 +t +t2 (ii) r(t) = 4 +6t+2t3 (Analyze) [MAY/ JUNE 2006]

Obtain the unit impulse response and the unit step response of a unity feedback
system whose open loop transfer function is G(s) = 2s+1/ s2
JUNE 2006]
(Create) [MAY/

8. (i) Find the bandwidth of a system whose transfer function is 1 / (s+1)

(ii) Construct the Bode Plots for a unit feedback system whose open loop transfer
function is given by G(s) = 10 / s(1+s) (1+0.02s) From the Bode Plot Determine:
(a) Gain and Phase crossover frequencies
(b) Gain and Phase Margin and (c) Stability of the closed loop system.
(Analyze) [Nov / DEC 2006]
9. (i) Draw the Bode plot for the system having G(s)
= 10 / s(1+0.01s)(1+0.1s), H(s) =1 Determine (a) The gain crossover frequency and
corresponding phase margin (b) the Phase crossover frequency and gain margin.
(ii) What do you mean by constant M circles? (Analyze)

[Nov / DEC 2006]

phase cross over frequencies. G(S) = 10 / S(1+0.4S) (1+0.1S) (Analyze) ts

Plot the Bode diagram for the following transfer function and obtain the gain and
11. The open loop transfer function of a unity

back system
G(S) = 1/ S(1+S) (1+2S). Sketch the Polar plot and determine the Gain margin and

Phase margin.

o l (Analyze)

Sketch the Bode plot and hence find Gain cross over frequency, Phase cross over

t r
frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin. G(S) = 0.75(1+0.2S)/ S(1+0.5S) (1+0.1S).
(16) (Analyze)


o n
Sketch the Bode plot and hence find Gain cross over frequency, Phase cross over
frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin. G(S) = 10(S+3)/ S(S+2) (S2+4S+100)


- C (Analyze)

Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function .and find Gain cross over

0 1
frequency, Phase cross over frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin G(S) =
10(S+2)(S+4)/ S (S2 -3S+10) (Analyze) (16)

6 5
Construct the polar plot for the function GH(S) =2(S+1)/ S2. Find Gain cross over
frequency, Phase cross over frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin. (16)(Create)

Plot the Bode diagram for the following transfer function and obtain the gain and
phase cross over frequencies G(S) =KS2 / (1+0.2S) (1+0.02S).Determine the value of
K for a gain cross over frequency of 20 rad/sec. (Analyze) (16)
17. Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function .and find Gain cross over
frequency, Phase cross over frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin.
G(S) = 400/ S (S+2)(S+10) (Analyze) (16)
18. A unity feed back system has open loop transfer function G(S) = 20/ S
(S+2)(S+5).Using Nichol‟s chart. Determine the closed loop frequency response and
estimate all the frequency domain specifications. (Analyze) (16)
19. Sketch the Bode plot and hence find Gain cross over frequency, Phase cross over
frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin. G(S) = 10(1+0.1S)/ S(1+0.01S) (1+S).
(16) (Analyze)
20. Draw the Nyquist plot for the system whose open loop transfer function is G(S) H(S)
=K/S (S+2) (S+10).Determine the range of K for which closed loop system is stable.
(16) (Analyze)
21. (i) For a system with G(s), H(s) = 400 / s(s+2)(s+10). Draw the polar plot.
(ii) Prove that the locus of M is a circle (Analyze) [MAY/JUNE 2007]
22. The forward path transfer function of a certain unity negative feed back

e mcontrol

system is given as , G(s) = K / s(s+2) (s+30) The system has to satisfy the following
specifications, Phase Margin > 350, Gain Margin > 15 dB steady state error for unit
ramp input < 0.04 rad Design a suitable series lead compensator.
[April / May 2004] (create)
S y


o l
Discuss in detail about lead and lag networks. (Understand) [NOV / DEC 2004]
A unity feedback system has an open loop transfer function G(s) = 4 / s(2s+1). It is

suitable lag network for the system.

t r
desired to obtain a phase margin of 400 without sacrificing Kv of the system. Design a
[APR / MAY 2005]

2005] (Understand)
o n
Discuss the design procedure of a lead network with one example.[APR / MAY

26. (i)
- C
Discuss the design procedure of a lead network using bode plot. (Understand)
The open loop transfer function of the uncompensated system is, G(s) = 5 / s

0 1
(s+2) Design a lead compensator for the system so that the static velocity error
constant Kv is 20 sec-1, the phase margin is least 550 and the gain margin is at

6 5
least 12dB. (create) [NOV /DEC 2005]
The open loop transfer function of a control system is G(s) = K / s (s+2). It is desired

that a phase margin of 450 and velocity error constant Kv =20 be attained. Use bode
diagram for the design of the required phase compensating lag network.
[MAY / JUNE 2006] (create)
28. What is compensator? Explain lag and lead compensator. [MAY / JUNE 2006]

29. (i)Sketch the polar plot for the transfer function G(s)=10(s+2)/s(s+1)(s+3)(8)
(ii)Sketch the polar plot for the transfer function
G(s)=100(1+0.1s)/(1+0.01s)(1+s)(8). (Analyze) (Nov/Dec2011)
30. (i) Discuss various types of compensation techniques. (Understand)
(ii) Explain what is compensation and why is it required in control system.
(Understand) [NOV / DEC 2006]
31. Sketch the polar plot for the system whose open loop transfer function is
G(s) H (s) =K(1+0.4s) (s+1) / (1+8s) (s-1) Determine the range of K for
which the system is stable. (Analyze) [MAY / JUNE 2006]
32. A unity feed back control system has an open loop transfer function

e m
G(s) = K / s(s+4)(s2+8s+32);K> 0 Sketch the root locus of the system. Hence
find the value of K so that the system has a damping factor of 0.707.

33. (i) y
(Analyze) [MAY / JUNE 2006]

Explain what is compensation and why is it required in control system.

o l
(ii) What is the difference between parallel and serial compensation

t r
techniques? Illustrate with block diagram. (Understand) [NOV / DEC 2006]
Design a phase lag compensator so the system G(s) H(s) = 100 / s (s+1) will have


phase margin of 150. (create) [NOV / DEC 2007]


function. (Analyze)
C o
(i) Draw the circuit diagram of lag compensator and obtain its transfer

1 -
(ii) Describe the steps involved in the design of lag compensator.[MAY / JUNE


5 0
(i) Draw the circuit diagram of a lead compensator and obtain its transfer
function. (Analyze)

C 6
(ii) Describe the advantages and limitations of lead compensator. [MAY / JUNE
2007] (Understand)
A unity feed back system has an open loop transfer function
H(s) = K / s(1+s)(1+0.2s) Design a Phase lag compensator to achieve the following
specifications Velocity error constant Kv =5 Phase margin =450. (create)

38. Consider the system shown below:

Design lead compensator of this system to meet the following specification.
Damping ratio = 0.7
Settling Time = 1.4 sec.
Velocity error constant = 2 sec-1
R(s) + G(s) C(s)
K / s(s+1)

(create) [NOV / DEC 2006

39. Explain the MATLAB application for designing phase lead compensation by root
locus method. (Understand)

e m
[MAY/JUNE 2008]

one example. (Understand) ts

Explain the design procedure of phase lag compensation by bode plot method with
[MAY / JUNE 2008]

S y
(i) Draw the Bode plot for the function, G(s) = Ks / (1+0.2s)(1+0.02s).
the value of K for a gain cross over frequency of 20 rad /sec. (Analyze)

o l
(ii) Explain how a closed loop response is obtained from open loop
[MAY/ JUNE 2007]

t r
A unity feed back system has G(s) = 10/s(s+1) Design a lead compensator such that


the closed loop system will satisfy the following specification

Phase margin=50°
C o
Static velocity error constant= 20sec

Gain margin >10 dB

1 -
Draw the bode plots and explain. (Analyze) (Nov/Dec2011)

5 0

C 6
(i) Draw the Bode plot for the function, G(s) = Ks2 / (1+0.2s)(1+0.02s).
the value of K for a gain cross over frequency of 5 rad /sec. (Nov/Dec2010)

41. Given G(s) =ke-0.2s/s(s+2)(s+8), find k for the following two cases
(i) gain margin equal to 6db
(ii) phase margin equal to 45° (Analyze) ( April / May 2011 )

42. The open loop transfer function of a unity feed back control system is
Gf(s)= k/s(s+1)(s+2)
Design a suitable lag-lead compensator so as to meet the following specification
Static velocity error constant kv= 10sec-1
Phase margin=50°
Gain margin >10 dB (Create) ( April / May 2011 )

43. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by
G(s)= 1/s2(1+s)(1+2s) Sketch the polar plot and find Gain margin and Phase
margin. (Analyze)

e m
( Nov/Dec 2010 )

S y
o l
t r
o n (Analyze)

- C
0 1
6 5
Characteristics equation – Routh Hurwitz criterion – Nyquist stability criterion- Performance
criteria –Lag, lead and lag-lead networks – Lag/Lead compensator design using bode plots.

1.) Define BIBO Stability (Nov/Dec2010) (Remember)

A linear relaxed system is said to have BIBO stability if every bounded input results
in a bounded output.

2.) What is impulse response ? (Remember)

The impulse response of a system is the inverse Laplace transform of the system
transfer function.

3.) What is characteristic equation ? (Remember)

The denominator polynomial C(s)/R(s) is the characteristic equation of the system.

e m
4.) How the roots of characteristic equation are related to stability
If the roots of characteristic equation has positive real part then the impulse of the
system is not bounded, Hence the system will be unstable .If the roots has negative

real parts then the impulse response is bounded .Hence the system will be stable.

5.) What is the necessary condition for stability? (Remember)

o l
The necessary condition for stability is that all the coefficients of characteristic
polynomial are positive.

t r
6.) What is the relation between stability and coefficient of characteristic
polynomial? (Remember)

If characteristic polynomial are negative or 0,then some of roots lies on half of s-

plane. Hence the system is unstable. the coefficients of characteristic polynomial are
positive and if no coefficient is 0 the there is a possibility of the system to be stable
provided all the roots lie on left half of s-plane.

- C
7.) What will be the nature of impulse response when the roots of
characteristic equation are lying on imaginary axis? (Remember)

0 1
The nature of impulse is oscillatory.

8.) What will be the nature of impulse response if the roots of characteristic

6 5
equation are lying on right half s-plane? (Remember)
When roots are lying on real axis on the right half of s-plane. The response is
exponentially increasing. When the roots are complex conjugate and lying on the
right half of s-plane ,the response is oscillatory with exponentially ,increasing


9.) What is the necessary and sufficient condition for stability? (Nov/Dec2011)
(Remember) (April / May 2011) (April/May 2013)
The necessary and sufficient condition is that all of the elements in the first column
of the routh array should be positive.

10.) What is routh stability condition?(Nov/Dec 2007) (Remember)

Routh condition states that the necessary and sufficient condition for stability is that
all of the elements in the first column of routh array be positive. If this condition is
not met, the system is unstable and the number of of sign changes in the elements
of the first column of routh array corresponds to number of roots of characteristic
equation in the right half of s-plane.
11.) What is auxiliary polynomial? (Remember)
In the construction of routh array a row of all zero indicates the existence of an even
polynomial as a factor of the given characteristic equation .In an even polynomial the
exponents of s are even integers or 0 only .This even polynomial factor is called
auxiliary polynomial.

12.) What is quadrantal symmetry? (Remember)

The symmetry of roots with respect to both real and imaginary axis is called
quadrantal symmetry.

13.) In routh array what conclusion can you make when there is a row of all
zeros? (Remember)

All zero row indicates that the existence of an even polynomial as a factor of given
characteristic equation.

14.) What is limitedly stable system? (Remember)

For a bounded input signal ,if the output has constant amplitude oscillations the
system may be stable or unstable under some limited constraints .Such a system ists e
called Limitedly stable system.

S y
15.) What is Nyquist stability criterion? (April / May 2010) ( May / June 2006, April / May
2008,November / December 2008, May / June 2009 ) (April/may 2013)

o l
If G(s) H(s) contour in the G(s) H(s) plane corresponding to Nyquist contour in s-

t r
plane encircles the point -1+j0 in the anti clockwise direction as many times as the
number of right half s-planes poles of G(s) H(s).Then the closed loop system is


16.) What is root locus? (May /June2012) (Remember)
The path taken by a root of characteristic equation when open loop gain K is varied
from 0 to infinity is called root locus


17.) What is magnitude direction? (Remember)

The magnitude direction condition states that s=sa will be a point on root locus if for

the value of s ,magnitude of G(s) H(s)is equal to 1.

18.) What is angle direction? (Remember)
The angle direction states that S=Sa will be point on the root locus if for that value

of S the argument or phase of G(s) H(s) if equal to an odd multiple of 180.

19.) How will you find gain K at a point on root locus?(Understand)
K=Product of length of vector from open loop poles to the point Sa

Product of length of vector from open loop zeros to the point Sa

20.) How will you find root locus on real axis?(understand)

Choose a test point on real axis .If the total number of poles and zeros on the real
axis to the right of this test point is odd number then the test point lies on the root

21.) What are asymptotes? How do you find the angle of asymptotes?
Asymptotes are straight lines which are parallel to root locus going to infinity and
meet the root locus at infinity.
Angle of asymptotes = + 180°(2q+1) / n-m

22.) What is centroid ,How it is calculated? (Remember)

The meeting point of asymptotes with real axis is called centroid.
Centroid = sum of poles-sum of zeros / n-m

23.) What is breakaway point and breakin point? ( April / May 2011) (Remember)

At breakaway point the root locus breaks from the real axis to enter into the complex
plane .At breakin point the root locus enters the real axis from complex plane

24.) What is dominant pole? (Remember)

e m
The dominant point is a pair of complex conjugate pole which decides transient
response of the system.In higher order systems the dominant poles are very close to
origin and all other poles of the system are widely separated and so they have less
effect on transient response of the system.

By Routh Hurwitz method.

o l
25.) How do you find the crossing point of root locus in imaginary axis?

t r
26.) What is the effects of addition of open loop poles? (April / May 2010)

o n
The addition of poles at the origin reduces the steady state error to zero and the order of the system is
increased by one and the type number is increased by one.

27.) State any two limitation of Routh stability criterion ( November / December
2011 ) (Nov/Dec 2012) (Remember)

- C
For the system to be stable the necessary condition is there should be no change in firs column numbers

of the array. If the condition is not satisfied the system is unstable and the no. of sign changes of the term
of the first column correspond to the no. of the roots lying in the right of the s-plane.

6 5
28. )Define stability of a system. (Nov/Dec2011) (April / May 2011) (Remember)
It refers to the performance of a control system . In a stable system , the output is
predictable , finite and stable for the given input.

I C PART B ( 16 — marks )

(Apply) (April/May 2013)

2. Sketch the root locus of the system having G(s)= K(s+3)/s(s+1)(s+2)(s+4) (April/May
2013) (Analyze)

e m

(Nov/Dec 2012)


S y
o l
t r (Analyze) (Nov/Dec 2012)

stability of the closed loop

o n
5. The open loop transfer function of a unity feed back control system is given by
G(s) = K / (s+2) (s+4)(s2 + 6s+25).By applying the Routh criterion, discuss the
system as a function of K. (Analyze)
[Nov / Dec 2003]

- C
6. Consider the characteristic polynomial T(s) = s5 + s4+ 4s3+ 24s2 + 3s + 63 using

how many
[April / May 2004]
the Routh-Hurwit method, determine whether the system is stable. If not stable,

0 are in the right half plane? (Analyze)

[Nov / Dec 2004]
7. Consider the characteristic equation s4 + Ks3 +s2+1 =0 using the Routh method;

6 the range of K for stability. (Analyze)

8. Using Routh’s Stability criterion, discuss the stability of the system whose

characteristic equation is s3 + 10s2+50s+500 = 0.
(Apply) [April / May

9. Construct the Routh’s array and determine the stability of the following systems
represented by the characteristic equations. (CREATE)
(i) s6+2s5 +8s4+12s3+20s2+16s+s=0
(ii) s4+2s3+10s2+20s+5=0 (Analyze) [Nov / Dec 2005]

10. The open loop transfer function of a unity feed back system is given by G(s) = 10
(s+3) / s(s+2) (s2+4s+100).Draw the bode plot and hence find the gain margin
and phase margin. (Analyze) [May /June 2006]
11. Determine the root locus of the system whose open-loop gain is
G(s) H(s) = K / s(s+4)(s2 +4s+20). (Analyze)
12. Using Routh’s stability criterion, ascertain stability for the following
s6 +2s5+8s4+12s3+20s2+16s+16=0. (Analyze) [Nov / Dec 2006]
4 3 2
13. For a system with F(s) = s +22s +10s +s+K=0, obtain the marginal value of K
and the frequency of oscillations at that value of K. (Analyze)
14. Explain how gain margin and Phase margin are obtained using polar plot.
(understand) [May/ June 2007]

15. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by G(s) =K /
(s+2) (s+4) (s2+6s+25) by applying the routh criterion, discuss the stability of

e m
the closed loop system as a function of K. Determine the value of K which will
cause sustained oscillations in the closed loop system.
What are the
corresponding oscillation frequencies? (understand)
16. Sketch the root locus of the system having

G(s) H(s) = K (s+2) / (s+1) (s+3+j2) (s+3-j2) for positive value of K.
y [NOV / DEC 2007]


o l
17. Determine the range of K such that the feed back system with the characteristic
[NOV / DEC 2007]

t r
equation 1 + (K / (s3 +6s2 +11s+6) is stable. (Analyze)
18. Explain how relative stability is assessed by using bode plot. (understand)

o n
By applying Nyquist criterion, state whether the closed loop system having the
following open loop transfer function is stable or not(understand)
19. (i) Using Routh criterion determine the range of values of K for stability for the

- C
following systems. C(s) / R(s) = K / s (2+s+1)(s+4)+K. (Apply)

20. Construct the root locus for a closed loop system with, (Create)
G(s) = K (s+9) / s (s2 +4s+11), H(s) =1. Locate the closed loop poles have a

5 0
damping ratio of 0.5. Determine the corresponding value gain K.
21. Explain how gain margin and phase margin are measured from bode plot of a
[MAY /JUNE 2008]

system and the stability is determined. (understand)
22. (i) Using Routh criterion investigate the stability of a unity feedback control

system whose open loop transfer function is given by
G(s)=e-st/s(s+2) (Create)
(ii) Using Routh’s Stability criterion, discuss the stability of the
control system whose characteristic equation is s 3 2
closed loop
+ 4.5s +3.5s+1.5 = 0.
(April/May2010) (Apply)
23. Draw the root locus for the open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control
system given below and determine
(i) the value of k for G= 0.5
(ii) the value of k for marginal stability
(iii) the value of k at s=-4
G(s)= k/s(s+1)(s+3) (Analyze) (April/May2011)

24. (i)A unity feedback system is characterized by the open loop transfer function
Using Routh criterion determine the range of values of K for system to be stable.
Determine the corresponding value gain K,which will cause sustained oscillation
in the closed loop system.Also determine the frequency of sustained
oscillation(10) (Analyze)

(ii)State the rules for construction of the root locus for a feed back system(6)



Sketch the Nyquist plot for a feedback system with open-loop transfer function.

system is stable. (Analyze)

S y
G(s) H(s) = K(s+3) (s+5) / (s-2)(s-4) find the range values of K for which the

25. (i) a certain unity negative feedback control system has the following open-loop

draw root locus for0 < ω<∞(12)

o l
transfer function G(s)H(s) = k/s(s+2) (s2+2s+5).Find the breakaway point and

system. (Nov/Dec2011) (Analyze)

t r
(ii)List the advantages of Routh’s array method of examining stability of a control

o n
26. Sketch the Nyquist plot for the system whose open-loop transfer function is

- C
G(s) = k/s(s+2) (s+10) .find the range values of K for which the
system is stable.(April/May2011) (Analyze)
closed loop

0 1
27. Sketch the root locus of the system whose open-loop transfer function is

6 5
G(s)=k/s(s+2) (s+4). Determine the corresponding value gain K,so that the
damping ratio of the closed loop system is 0.5. (Nov/Dec2010) (Analyze)

28. Sketch the Nyquist plot for a feedback system with open-loop transfer function.

G(s) H(s) = K(1+s)2 / s3 find the range values of K for which the system is stable
(Analyze) (Nov/Dec2010)

Sketch the Nyquist plot for a feedback system with open-loop transfer function.
G(s) H(s) = K(1+0.4s)(s+1) /(1+8s)(s-1) find the range values of K for which
the system is stable(Analyze)
e m
Solution of state

S y
Concept of state variables – State models for linear and time invariant Systems –

and output equation in controllable canonical form – Concepts of controllability and

observability –

t r o
Effect of state feedback.PART-A

1. Define state variable. (April/May 2013) (Nov/Dec 2012) (Remember)

o n
The state of a dynamical system is a minimal set of variables(known as state
variables) such that the knowledge of these variables at t-t0 together with the
knowledge of the inputs for t > t0 , completely determines the behavior of the
system for t > t0

- C
2. Write the general form of state variable matrix. (Remember)

0 1
The most general state-space representation of a linear system with m inputs, p
outputs and n state variables is written in the following form:

= AX + BU

Y = CX + DU
Where = state vector of order n X 1.

U = input vector of order n X1.

A=System matrix of order n X n.

B=Input matrix of order n X m

C =output matrix of order p X n

D = transmission matrix of order p X m

3. Write the relationship between z-domain and s-domain. (Remember)

All the poles lying in the left half of the S-plane, the system is stable in S-domain.
Corresponding in Z-domain all poles lie within the unit circle.

4.What are the methods available for the stability analysis of sampled data
control system? (Remember)

The following three methods are available for the stability analysis of sampled data
control system

1. Juri’s stability test.

e m
2. Bilinear transformation.

3. Root locus technique. ts

S y
5. What is the necessary condition to be satisfied for design using state
feedback? (Remember)

o l
t r
The state feedback design requires arbitrary pole placements to achieve the desire
performance. The necessary and sufficient condition to be satisfied for arbitrary pole

6. What is controllability? (Remember)
placement is that the system is completely state controllable.

- C
0 1
A system is said to be completely state controllable if it is possible to transfer the
system state from any initial state X(t0) at any other desired state X(t), in specified
finite time by a control vector U(t).

7. What is observability? (Remember)

A system is said to be completely observable if every state X(t) can be completely
identified by measurements of the output Y(t) over a finite time interval.

8. Write the properties of state transition matrix. (April/May2010)


The following are the properties of state transition matrix

1. Φ (0) = eAx0 = I (unit matrix).

2. Φ (t) = eAt = (e-At)-1 = [Φ(-t)]-1.
3. Φ (t1+t2) = eA(t1+t2) = Φ(t1) Φ(t2) = Φ(t2) Φ(t1).

9. Define sampling theorem. (Nov/Dec 2010) (Remember)

Sampling theorem states that a band limited continuous time signal with highest
frequency fm, hertz can be uniquely recovered from its samples provided that the
sampling rate Fs is greater than or equal to 2fm samples per second.

10. What is sampled data control system? (Nov/Dec 2012) (Remember)

e m
When the signal or information at any or some points in a system is in the form of
discrete pulses, then the system is called discrete data system or sampled data

11. What is Nyquist rate? (Remember)

S y
o l
t r
The Sampling frequency equal to twice the highest frequency of the signal is called
as Nyquist rate.


o n
12. What is similarity transformation? (Remember)

- C
transformation 1
The process of transforming a square matrix A to another similar matrix B by a

P-1AP = B is called similarity transformation. The matrix P is called
transformation matrix.

6 5
13. What is meant by diagonalization? (Remember)

The process of converting the system matrix A into a diagonal matrix by a similarity
transformation using the modal matrix M is called diagonalization

14. What is modal matrix? (Remember)

The modal matrix is a matrix used to diagonalize the system matrix. It is also called
diagonalization matrix.

If A = system matrix.
M = Modal matrix

And M-1=inverse of modal matrix.

Then M-1AM will be a diagonalized system matrix.

15. How the modal matrix is determined? (May/June2012)

The modal matrix M can be formed from eigenvectors. Let m 1, m2, m3 …. mn be the
eigenvectors of the nth order system. Now the modal matrix M is obtained by
arranging all the eigenvectors column wise as shown below.

Modal matrix , M = [m1, m2, m3 …. mn].

e m
16. What is the need for controllability test? (Remember)

S y
The controllability test is necessary to find the usefulness of a state variable. If the
state variables are controllable then by controlling (i.e. varying) the state variables
the desired outputs of the system are achieved.

17. What is the need for observability test? (Remember)

o l
t r
o n
The observability test is necessary to find whether the state variables are
measurable or not. If the state variables are measurable then the state of the
system can be determined by practical measurements of the state variables.

18. State the

C for controllability by Gilbert’s method.

0 1
6 5
Case (i) when the eigen values are distinct

Consider the canonical form of state model shown below which is obtained by using

the transformation X=MZ.

= ΛZ + U

Y=Z + DU

Where, Λ = M-1AM; = CM , = M-1B and M = Modal matrix.

In this case the necessary and sufficient condition for complete controllability is that,
the matrix must have no row with all zeros. If any row of the matrix is zero then the
corresponding state variable is uncontrollable.

Case(ii) when eigen values have multiplicity

In this case the state modal can be converted to Jordan canonical form shown below

= JZ + U

Y=Z + DU Where, J = M-1AM

In this case the system is completely controllable, if the elements of any row of that
correspond to the last row of each Jordan block are not all zero.

19. State the condition for observability by Gilbert’s method. (Remember)

Consider the transformed canonical or Jordan canonical form of the state modelm
shown below which is obtained by using the transformation, X =MZ

= ΛZ + U ts
Y=Z + DU (Or)

S y
= JZ + U

Y=Z + DU where =CM and M=modal matrix.

o l
t r
The necessary and sufficient condition for complete observability is that none of the
columns of the matrix be zero. If any of the column is of has all zeros then the

20. State the duality

corresponding state variable is not observable.

controllability and observability.


- C
0 1
The concept of controllability and observability are dual concepts and it is proposed
by kalman as principle of duality.The principle of duality states that a system is

6 5
completely state controllable if and only if its dual system is completely state
controllable if and only if its dual system is completely observable or viceversa.

21. What is the need for state observer? (Remember)

In certain systems the state variables may not be available for measurement and
feedback. In such situations we need to estimate the unmeasurable state variables
from the knowledge of input and output. Hence a state observer is employed which
estimates the state variables from the input and output of the system. The estimated
state variable can be used for feedback to design the system by pole placement.
22. How will you find the transformation matrix, Po to transform the state
model to observable phase variable form? (Apply)

 Compute the composite matrix for observability,Q0

 Determine the characteristic equation of the system |λI -A |=0.
 Using the coefficients a1,a2,….an-1 of characteristic equation form a matrix, W.
 Now the transformation matrix, P0 is given by P0=W Q0T.

e m
23. Write the observable phase variable form of state model. (Remember)
S y
The observable phase variable form of state model is given by the following

= A0Z + B0u.

o l
Y =C0Z + Du

t r
Where, A0 = , B0 =
o n
and C0 = [ 0 0 ….. 0 1 ]

24. What is the pole placement by state feedback? (Remember)

0 1
The pole placement by state feedback is a control system design technique, in which

the state variables are used for feedback to achieve the desired closed loop poles.

25. How control system design is carried in state space?(Analyse)

In state space design of control system, any inner parameter or variable of a system
are used for feedback to achieve the desired performance of the system. The
performance of the system is related to the location of closed loop poles. Hence in
state space design the closed loop poles are placed at the desired location by means
of state feedback through an appropriate state feedback gain matrix, K.

26.Name the methods of state space representation for phase variables.

(Remember) (April/May2011)

27.What is alias in sampling process? (Nov/Dec 2011) (Remember)

It is the conversion of a continuous time signal into a discrete time signal obtained
by taking samples of the continous time signal at discrete time instant.
28.What is meant by quantization? (April/May2011)(May/June2012) (Remember)

It converts sampled data in to the finite discrete datas .

29.Mention the needs for state variable. (Nov/Dec 2010) (Remember)

In Transfer function model system optimization is not possible for all the conditions.
It is possible to design control system for optimum values of a given parameter
index by state space analysis.
30. What are the advantages of State Space analysis?(Nov/Dec 2011) (April/May

e m
2013) (Remember)
(i) It greatly simplifies the system representation
(ii) It gives accuracy of the system performance.

S y
o l
(iii) In contrast to transfer function representation, is applicable to MIMO system
and information about the internal behavior of the system is known

t r
PART B ( 16 — marks )

o n
- C
0 1
6 5 (Analyze) (Nov/dec 2012)

e m
S y
(Nov/Dec 2012)

o l (Analyze)


t r
o n
- C

0 1 (Analyze) (16)(April/May 2013)

6 5
I C (Analyze) (16)(April/May 2013)
5. Determine the stability of sampled data control systems described below
characteristics equation.
Z3 + 3Z2 – 2.75Z + 0.75 = 0 (Analyze)

6. Construct the state model of mechanical system shown in fig.

e m
S y
o l
t r (create)

o n
7. obtain the state model of the electrical network shown in fig. by choosing V 1 (t)
and V2 (t) as state variables. (Analyze)

- C
0 1
6 5
8. In the state diagrams of systems shown below fig.1 and fig.2. Assign state
variables and obtain state model of the system. (Analyze)
5. (i) Explain in detail the state space representation for continuous time system.(8)
(ii) Explain in detail the state space representation for discrete time system.(8)

e m
6. (i) using cascade method decompose the transfer function
Y(s)/U(s)=s+3/(s+1)(s+2) obtain the state model (Understand)
S y
(ii) obtain the state space representation for the electrical network shown in figure

o l
t r
o n
- C
(April/May2010) 1 (Apply)

6 5
e m
S y

8. Determine the state controllability and observability of the system described


o l (Nov/Dec2010)

t r
o n (Analyze)

- C
9.Write the state equations for the system shown below in which x1,x2,x3
constitute the state vector.

0 1
6 5
Determine whether the system is completely controllable and observable.(16)

10. A sampled data control system is shown in the figure below.

sampling time 0.5 seconds.(16)

e m
Find the open loop pulse transfer function ,if the controller gain is unity with

(Analyze) (Nov/Dec 2011)

damper system) shown below (8)

S y
11. (i) Find the state variable equation for a mechanical system(spring-mass-

o l
t r
o n
- C
0 1 (Analyze)

6 5
(ii)A LTI system is characterized by the state equation

Where u is a step function .Compute the solution of these equation assuming

Intial condition

e m
Use inverse laplace transform technique(8)

S y (Nov/Dec 2011)

o l (Analyze)

12. The state space representation of a system is given below

t r
o n
- C
0 1
6 5
0btain the transfer function. (16) (April/May 2011)

e m
S y
o l
t r
0 1 (Analyze)

6 5
1. Draw the torque-voltage electrical analogous circuit for the following mechanical system
shown in fig. (Evaluate)

e m

S y
Draw the Force- Voltage and Force- current


o l
electrical analogous circuits for the given mechanical translational systems.

t r
o n
- C
0 1
6 5

3. Convert the given block diagram to Signal flow graph and determine C(s) / R(s). (A)
e m
4. Determine the transfer function for the system having the block diagram as shown in
S y
o l
t r
o n
- C
5. For the signal flow graph shown below, find C(s)/R(s) by using Mason‟s gain formula.

0 1
6 5
1. A system is given by the differential equation d2y/dt2+4dy/dt+8y=8x where y represents
output and x represent input. Determine all time domain specifications for unit step
2. Determine the unit step response of the system shown in fig.

e m
S y (E)
3. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by G(s)=A/S(1+ST).

by what factor the amplifier gain A is multiplied so that the damping ratio is increased
from 0.2 to 0.6 (A)

(i) R(t)=2 (ii) r(t)=2t

tr o
4. Determine the generalized error coefficient and steady state error for a system
whose open loop transfer function is G(s) =10/(s+2) for all excitation
(iii) r(t)=t2/2 (iv) r(t)=1+2t+t2/2(E)

o n
5. Determine the unit step response and unit impulse response of the system

- C
0 1
6 5
1. The open loop transfer function of a unity feed back system is G(S) = 1/ S2(1+S) (1+2S).
Sketch the Bode plot and determine the Gain margin and Phase margin. (A)
2. Obtain the gain margin and phase margin for the following open loop transfer function
using bode plot.(A)
3. Sketch the Bode plot and hence find Gain cross over frequency, Phase cross over
frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin. G(S) = 10/ S(1+0.5S) (1+0.1S).(A)

e m
4. Sketch the Bode plot and hence find Gain cross over frequency, Phase cross over
frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin. G(S) = 0.75(1+0.2S)/ S(1+0.5S) (1+0.1S). (A)

Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function find Gain margin and
Phase margin.
G(S) = k(S+1)/S (1+0.2S) (1+0.5S) (A)

S y
6. Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function find Gain margin and
Phase margin.
G(S) = 8/(S+1) (S+2) (A)
o l
t r
7. A unity feedback system has G(s) = K/s(s+1) Design a lead compensator such that
the closed loop system will satisfy the following specification Static velocity error
constant= 12sec and phase margin = 40º(C)

o n
8. The open loop transfer function of a unity feed back control system is G(s)=

- C
Design a suitable lag-lead compensator so as to meet the following specification

Phase margin=50° 1
Static velocity error constant kv= 10sec-1

Gain margin >10 dB(C)

1. Using Routh criterion determine the range of values of K for stability for the following systems.
C(s) / R(s) = K / s (2+s+1) (s+4) + K. (E)
2. A unity feedback system is characterized by the open loop transfer function
G(s) = k/(s+2) (s3+10s2+49s+100) Using Routh criterion determine the range of values of K for system
to be stable. Determine the corresponding value gain K, which will cause sustained oscillation in the

closed loop system. Also determine the frequency of sustained oscillation. (E)
3. Sketch the root locus of the system whose open-loop transfer function is
G(s) = k(s+2)/s(s+1) (s+4). (A)

ts e
4. Determine the root locus of the system whose open-loop gain is G(s) H(s) = K / s(s+4)(s2 +4s+20).

5. Sketch the Nyquist plot for a feedback system with open-loop transfer function. G(s) H(s) =
find the range values of K for which the system is stable. (A)

o l
t r
o n
- C
0 1
6 5
1. Find the state equation and output equation for the system is given by Y(s)/U(s) =
2. Write the state equations for the system shown below in which x1, x2, x3 constitute the state vector. (C)

e m

S y
o l
t r

o n (E)

- C
0 1
5. Determine the state controllability and observability of the system described by


6 5

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