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MathWorks Certified MATLAB Associate

MATLAB Fundamentals or equivalent experience using MATLAB

Topic Skill

 Identify the core components of the MATLAB desktop

environment and explain their purpose
Working with the  Interactively import data into the MATLAB environment
MATLAB User Interface  Examine data variables using the Variable Editor
 Create and customize data plots using plot tools
 Save and load MATLAB variables to and from disk interactively

 Issue MATLAB commands in the Command Window

 Create new variables, and apply arithmetic operations and
functions to existing variables
 Create text variables and arrays of text
 Create two-dimensional plots of vector data
 Obtain help on MATLAB commands and navigate the
Variables and Commands
documentation browser
 Label plots and adjust plot elements such as line style and color
 Use the Command History and the MATLAB Editor to write, save,
and execute script files
 Use code sections to partition large scripts into smaller parts
 Run a script file from the Command Window

 Create vector variables, and apply functions and array

operations to vectors
 Access and manipulate the data stored in vectors
Analysis and Visualization  Make multiple plots on the same axes and within separate
with Vectors windows
 Write comments in code files to provide user help and increase
program readability
 Publish script files to a variety of file formats

 Create matrix variables

 Access and manipulate the data stored in matrices using row-
Analysis and Visualization column indexing
with Matrices  Create larger array variables by combining smaller elements and
using matrix-creation functions
 Perform matrix and array (element-wise) operations
 Compute basic descriptive statistics for a matrix of data
 Distinguish between the behavior of mathematical and
statistical functions in MATLAB
 Plot columns of a matrix as independent variables
 Visualize matrix data in two and three dimensions

 Create variables to represent dates and time durations

 Perform arithmetic operations on dates and durations
Dates and Times  Extract components of dates and durations as numeric variables
 Modify the format used to display and plot dates and durations

 Import data into a MATLAB table

Tables of Data
 Access and manipulate the data stored in a table

 Perform logical operations on variables and create logical

Conditional Data
 Access and manipulate the data stored in variables using logical
Selection indexing
 Perform logical operations on dates and durations

 Import data from commonly used file formats programmatically

 Convert between numeric and character data types
 Plot a function by generating data points for a given range
 Create textual displays and plot annotations using dynamically
Analyzing Data from Files calculated values
 Customize plot elements such as line width and axis tick labels
 Remove or replace incorrect or missing values in a data set
 Combine multiple MATLAB function calls to perform specific
data-analysis tasks, such as polynomial interpolation

 Create script files that obtain user input and display output
Flow Control  Use loops and logical branching in code files for automation and
decision making

 Create and call a function file

 Set the MATLAB path to ensure a code file is visible
 Determine which file or variable is being accessed when a
Writing Functions
MATLAB command is issued
 Use diagnostic tools to find and correct problems in code files
 Store, access, and manipulate data in a structure
MATLAB Fundamentals for Automotive
Undergraduate-level mathematics and experience with basic computer operations
Day 1 of 3
Objective: Become familiar with the main features of the MATLAB
integrated design environment and its user interfaces. Get an overview
of course themes.
Working with the
 Reading data from files
 Saving and loading variables
 Plotting data
 Customizing plots
 Exporting graphics for use in other applications

Objective: Enter MATLAB commands, with an emphasis on creating

variables, accessing and manipulating data in variables, and creating
basic visualizations. Collect MATLAB commands into scripts for ease
of reproduction and experimentation.
Variables and
 Entering commands
 Creating numeric and character variables
 Making and annotating plots
 Getting help
 Creating and running live scripts

Objective: Perform mathematical and statistical calculations with

vectors. Use MATLAB syntax to perform calculations on whole data
sets with a single command. Organize scripts into logical sections for
Analysis and development, maintenance, and publishing.
Visualization with
Vectors  Performing calculations with vectors
 Accessing and modifying values in vectors
 Formatting and sharing live scripts

Day 2 of 3
Objective: Use matrices as mathematical objects or as collections of
Analysis and
(vector) data. Understand the appropriate use of MATLAB syntax to
Visualization with
distinguish between these applications.
Day 2 of 3
 Creating and manipulating matrices
 Performing calculations with matrices
 Calculating statistics with matrix data
 Visualizing matrix data

Objective: Import data as a MATLAB table. Work with data stored

as a table.

 Storing data as a table

Tables of Data
 Operating on tables
 Extracting data from tables
 Modifying tables

Objective: Extract and analyze subsets of data that satisfy given

Conditional Data
 Logical operations and variables
 Finding and counting
 Logical indexing

Objective: Organize table data for analysis. Represent data using

appropriate native MATLAB data types.

 Combining tables of data

Organizing Data
 Table metadata
 Dates and durations
 Discrete categories

Day 3 of 3
Objective: Perform typical data analysis tasks in MATLAB,
including importing data from files, preprocessing data, fitting a
model to data, and creating a customized visualization of the model.

Analyzing Data  Importing from spreadsheets and delimited text files

 Dealing with missing data
 Plotting functions
 Customizing plots

Objective: Create flexible code that can interact with the user, make
decisions, and adapt to different situations.
Automation with  Programming constructs
Programming  User interaction
Constructs  Decision branching
 Loops
Day 3 of 3
Objective: Increase automation by encapsulating modular tasks as
user-defined functions. Understand how MATLAB resolves
references to files and variables. Use MATLAB development tools
to find and correct problems with code.
 Creating functions
Automation with
 Calling functions
 Setting the MATLAB path
 Debugging
 Using breakpoints
 Creating and using structures

Stateflow for Logic Driven System

MATLAB Fundamentals and Simulink for System and Algorithm Modeling.

Day 1 of 2
Objective: Implement decision flows with flow charts.

 Junctions and transitions

 Flow chart behavior
Modeling Flow Charts  Stateflow interface
 Conditions and condition actions
 Chart data
 Common patterns

Objective: Implement state machines with state transition

Modeling State
Day 1 of 2
 State machine behavior
 State and transition actions
 Chart initialization
 Action execution order
 Flow charts within states
 Mealy and Moore charts

Objective: Implement hierarchical diagrams to improve the clarity

of state machine designs.

 Superstates and substates

Hierarchical State
 State data
 History junction
 Transition priority
 Action execution order

Objective: Implement parallel states to model multiprocessing

Parallel State
 Benefits of parallel states
 Chart/state decomposition
 Parallel state behavior

Day 2 of 2
Objective: Use events within a Stateflow diagram to affect
chart execution.

 Using events in state diagrams

Using Events in State
 Broadcasting events
 Behavior of state diagrams that contain events
 Implicit events
 Temporal logic operators

Objective: Create functions in a Stateflow chart out of Simulink

blocks, MATLAB code, and flow charts.

Calling Functions from  Types of functions

Stateflow  Simulink functions
 MATLAB functions
 Graphical functions

Objective: Create flow charts and state transition diagrams in

tabular form.
Truth Tables and State
Transition Tables
 Truth tables
 Conditions, decisions, and actions
Day 2 of 2
 State transition tables
 States, transitions, and actions

Objective: Reuse Stateflow designs, constrain chart semantics,

and interact with structured Simulink data.

 Bus signals
 Data types
Modeling in Stateflow
 Atomic subcharts
 Data mapping
 Chart reuse

Machine Learning with MATLAB

MATLAB Fundamentals

Day 1 of 2
Objective: Bring data into MATLAB and organize it for analysis,
including normalizing data and removing observations with missing
Importing and
 Data types
Organizing Data
 Tables
 Categorical data
 Data preparation

Objective: Use unsupervised learning techniques to group

observations based on a set of explanatory variables and discover
natural patterns in a data set.
Finding Natural
Patterns in Data  Unsupervised learning
 Clustering methods
 Cluster evaluation and interpretation

Objective: Use supervised learning techniques to perform predictive

modeling for classification problems. Evaluate the accuracy of a
predictive model.
 Supervised learning
 Training and validation
 Classification methods
Day 2 of 2
Objective: Reduce the dimensionality of a data set. Improve and
simplify machine learning models.

Improving  Cross validation

Predictive Models  Feature transformation
 Feature selection
 Ensemble learning

Objective: Use supervised learning techniques to perform predictive

modeling for continuous response variables.
Building Regression
 Parametric regression methods
 Nonparametric regression methods
 Evaluation of regression models

Objective: Create and train neural networks for clustering and

predictive modeling. Adjust network architecture to improve
Creating Neural
Networks  Clustering with Self-Organizing Maps
 Classification with feed-forward networks
 Regression with feed-forward networks

Deep Learning with MATLAB

MATLAB Fundamentals
Deep Learning Onramp
Day 1 of 2
Objective: Perform image classification using pretrained networks.
Use transfer learning to train customized classification networks.

Transfer Learning for  Pretrained networks

Image Classification  Image datastores
 Transfer learning
 Network evaluation

Interpreting Network Objective: Gain insight into how a network is operating by

Behavior visualizing image data as it passes through the network. Apply this
Day 1 of 2
technique to different kinds of images.

 Activations
 Feature extraction for machine learning

Objective: Build convolutional networks from scratch. Understand

how information is passed between network layers and how
different types of layers work.
Creating Networks
 Training from scratch
 Neural networks
 Convolution layers and filters

Objective: Understand how training algorithms work. Set training

options to monitor and control training.

Training a Network  Network training

 Training progress plots
 Validation

Day 2 of 2
Objective: Choose and implement modifications to training algorithm
options, network architecture, or training data to improve network
Improving Network
Performance  Training options
 Directed acyclic graphs
 Augmented datastores

Objective: Create convolutional networks that can predict continuous

numeric responses.
Performing Image
Regression  Transfer learning for regression
 Evaluation metrics for regression networks

Objective: Train networks to locate and label specific objects within

Detecting Objects in
 Object detection

Objective: Build and train networks to perform classification on

ordered sequences of data, such as time series or sensor data.
Sequence Data  Long short-term memory networks
 Sequence classification
 Sequence preprocessing
Day 2 of 2
 Categorical sequences

Objective: Use recurrent networks to create sequences of predictions.

 Sequence to sequence classification
Sequences of Output
 Sequence forecasting

Optimization Techniques in MATLAB

MATLAB Fundamentals . Knowledge of linear algebra and multivariate calculus is helpful.

This program has been approved by GARP and qualifies for 7 GARP CPD credit hours. If
you are a Certified FRM or ERP, please record this activity in your credit tracker at

Day 1 of 1
Objective: Understand the basic structure and process of solving
optimization problems effectively. Use interactive tools to define
and solve optimization problems.
Running an
 Identifying the problem components
 Running an optimization using Optimization Tool
 Applying the optimization process
 Using optimization functions

Objective: Implement an objective function as a function file. Use

function handles to specify objective functions and extra data.
Specifying the
 Using an objective function file
Objective Function
 Specifying objective functions with function handles
 Passing extra data to objective functions

Objective: Add different kinds of constraints to an optimization

Specifying Constraints problem in MATLAB.
 Identifying different types of constraints
 Defining bounds
 Defining linear constraints
 Defining nonlinear constraints

Objective: Select an appropriate solver and algorithm by

considering the type of optimization problem to be solved.

Choosing a Solver  Classifying the objective

 Choosing a solver
 Choosing the algorithm

Objective: Interpret the output from the solver and diagnose the
progress of an optimization. Increase accuracy and efficiency of an
optimization by changing settings.
Evaluating Results and
Improving  Examining the optimization
Performance  Interpreting the result
 Setting convergence options
 Providing derivative information

Objective: Use Global Optimization Toolbox functionality to

solve problems where classical algorithms fail or work
Using Global
Optimization Methods
 Finding the global minimum
 Using genetic algorithms to solve discrete problems

Computer Vision with MATLAB

MATLAB Fundamentals or equivalent experience using MATLAB. Image Processing with
MATLAB and basic knowledge of image processing and computer vision concepts.
Day 1 of 2
Objective: Import videos into MATLAB, as well as annotate and
visualize them. The focus is on using System Objects™ for
Importing, performing iterative computations on video frames.
Visualizing, and
Annotating Videos  Importing and displaying video files
 Highlighting objects by drawing markers and shapes like
Day 1 of 2
 Combining and overlaying two images
 Performing iterative computations on video frames

Objective: Use corner and blob detectors to detect local features in

images. Extract and match features from two images. Use matched
features to automatically align and stitch images.
Detecting, Extracting,
and Matching Image  Detecting and extracting features in an image
Features  Matching features between two input feature sets
 Estimating geometric transformation between images
 Aligning and stitching images

Objective: Train a detector for flexible object detection. Detect

moving objects by using a foreground detector.

Object Detection  Marking objects of interest in training images

 Training and using the cascaded object detector
 Using foreground detection to detect objects

Objective: Estimate direction and strength of motion in a video


Motion Estimation  Understanding motion perception in images

 Estimating motion using block matcher
 Estimating motion using optical flow methods

Day 2 of 2
Objective: Track single and multiple objects and estimate their
trajectory. Handle occlusion by predicting object position.

 Tracking objects using histogram of pixel values

 Tracking points using a point tracker
 Predicting object position using the Kalman filter
 Tracking multiple objects

Objective: Remove lens distortion from images. Measure size of

planar objects.

 Estimating intrinsic, extrinsic, and lens distortion parameters

Camera Calibration of a camera
 Visualizing the calibration error
 Removing lens distortion
 Measuring planar objects in real-world units

Point Clouds Objective: Work with data points stored as point clouds. Import,
Day 2 of 2
visualize, and process point clouds.

 Importing and visualizing point clouds

 Removing outliers from point clouds
 Registering multiple point clouds
 Fitting a geometric shape into a point cloud

Objective: Create a 3D reconstruction of a scene using stereo

cameras or a series of images taken by a moving camera.

3D Reconstruction  Reconstructing a scene using two or multiple images

 Reconstructing a scene using calibrated stereo cameras
 Extracting depth information from stereo images

Automated Driving with MATLAB

MATLAB Fundamentals or equivalent experience using MATLAB. Image Processing with
MATLAB, Computer Vision with MATLAB and basic knowledge of image processing and
computer vision concepts. Deep Learning with MATLAB is recommended.
Day 1 of 1
Objective: Label ground truth data in a video or sequence of
images interactively. Automate the labeling with detection and
tracking algorithms.
Labeling of Ground
 Overview of Ground Truth Labeler
Truth Data
 Label ROIs (Regions of Interest) and scenes
 Automate labeling
 View/export ground truth results

Objective: Visualize camera frames, radar and lidar detections.

Use appropriate coordinate systems to transform image coordinates
to vehicle coordinates and vice versa.

Visualizing Sensor  Create bird’s eye plot

Data  Plot sensor coverage areas
 Visualize detections and lanes
 Convert from vehicle to image coordinates
 Annotate video with detections and lane boundaries
Day 1 of 1
Objective: Segment and model parabolic lane boundaries. Use
pretrained object detectors to detect vehicles.

 Perform bird’s eye view transform

Detecting Lanes and
 Detect lane features
 Compute lane model
 Validate lane detection with ground truth
 Detect vehicles with pretrained object detectors

Objective: Create a multi-object tracker to fuse information from

multiple sensors such as camera, radar etc.

 Track multiple objects

Fusing Sensor
 Preprocess detections
 Kalman filters
 Manage multiple tracks
 Track with multi-object tracker

Objective: Create driving scenarios and synthetic radar/camera

sensor detections interactively to test automated driving perception
Generating Driving
 Overview of Driving Scenario Designer
Scenarios and
 Create scenarios with roads, actors and sensors
Modeling Sensors
 Simulate and visualize scenario
 Generate detections and export scenarios
 Test algorithms with scenarios

Simulink for Automotive System Design

MATLAB Fundamentals for Automotive Applications
Day 1 of 2
Objective: Create a simple Simulink model, simulate it, and
Creating and Simulating a analyze the results.
 Introduction to the Simulink interface
Day 1 of 2
 Potentiometer system
 System inputs and outputs
 Simulation and analysis

Objective: Model and simulate basic programming constructs

in Simulink.

 Comparisons and decision statements

Modeling Programming
 Vector signals
 PWM conversion system
 Zero crossings
 MATLAB Function block

Objective: Model and simulate discrete systems in Simulink.

 Discrete signals and states

Modeling Discrete Systems  PI controller system
 Discrete transfer functions and state-space systems
 Multirate discrete systems

Objective: Model and simulate continuous systems in


Modeling Continuous  Continuous states

Systems  Throttle system
 Continuous transfer functions and state-space systems
 Physical boundaries

Day 2 of 2
Objective: Select a solver that is appropriate for a given
Simulink model.

 Solver behavior
Solver Selection
 System dynamics
 Discontinuities
 Algebraic loops

Objective: Use subsystems to combine smaller systems

into larger systems.

Developing Model Hierarchy  Subsystems

 Bus signals
 Masks

Modeling Conditionally
Objective: Create subsystems that are executed based on
Executed Algorithms
Day 2 of 2
a control signal input.

 Conditionally executed subsystems

 Enabled subsystems
 Triggered subsystems
 Input validation model

Objective: Use model referencing to combine models.

 Subsystems and model referencing

Combining Models into  Model referencing workflow
Diagrams  Model reference simulation modes
 Model workspaces
 Model dependencies

Objective: Use libraries to create and distribute custom


Creating Libraries  Creating and populating libraries

 Managing library links
 Adding a library to the Simulink Library Browser

Signal Preprocessing and Feature

Extraction for Data Analytics with
MATLAB Fundamentals or equivalent experience using MATLAB
Day 1 of 1
Objective: Learn to easily import and visualize multiple signals or
time series data sets to gain insights into the features and trends in
the data.
Explore and Analyze
Signals (Time Series)  Import, visualize, and browse signals to gain insights
in MATLAB  Make measurements on signals
 Compare multiple signals in the time and frequency domain
 Perform interactive spectral analysis
 Extract regions of interest for focused analysis
Day 1 of 1
 Recreate analysis with auto-generated MATLAB scripts

Objective: Learn techniques to clean signal sets with operations

such as resampling, removing outliers, and filling gaps.

 Perform resampling to ensure a common time base across

 Work with non-uniformly sampled data
Preprocess Signals to  Find gaps in data and remove or fill gaps
Improve Data Set  Remove noise and unwanted frequency content
Quality  Perform wavelet denoising
 Use the envelope spectrum to perform fault analysis
 Locate outlier values in data and replace them with
acceptable data
 Locate signal changepoints and use boundaries to
automatically create signal segments

Objective: Apply different techniques in time and frequency

domains to extract features. Become familiar with the spectral
analysis tools in MATLAB and explore ways to bring out features
for multiple signals.

 Locate peaks
Extract Features from
 Locate desired signals from patterns in the time and spectral
 Use spectral analysis to extract features from signals
 Perform classification using supervised learning
 Use the Classification Learner app to interactively train and
evaluate classification algorithms

Signal Processing with MATLAB

MATLAB Fundamentals or equivalent experience using MATLAB, and a good understanding
of signal processing theory, including linear systems, spectral analysis, and filter design
Day 1 of 2
Objective: Generate sampled and synthesized signals from the command
Signals in
line and visualize them. Create noise signals for a given specification.
Perform signal processing operations like resampling, modulation, and

 Creating discrete signals

 Sampling and resampling
 Visualizing signals
 Modeling noise
 Performing resampling, modulation, and correlation
 Generating streaming signals

Objective: Understand different spectral analysis techniques and the use of

windowing and zero padding. Become familiar with the spectral analysis
tools in MATLAB and explore nonparametric (direct) and parametric
(model-based) techniques of spectral analysis.
 Discrete Fourier transform
 Windowing and zero padding
 Power spectral density estimation
 Time-varying spectra
 Using a spectrum analyzer in MATLAB

Objective: Represent linear time-invariant (LTI) systems in MATLAB and

compute and visualize different characterizations of LTI systems.

Linear Time  LTI system representations

Invariant  z-transform
Systems  Frequency and impulse response
 Visualizing filter properties
 Applying filters to finite and streaming signals

Day 2 of 2
Objective: Design filters interactively using the Filter Design and Analysis
app. Design filters from the command line using filter specification objects.

 Filter specifications
 Interactive filter design
Filter Design
 Common filter design functions
 Filter design with filter specification objects
 Reducing filter delay
 Frequency-domain filtering

Objective: Learn to use a powerful all-in-one app for importing and

visualizing multiple signals, performing spectral analysis on them, and
designing and applying filters to the signals. Make simple statistical and
The Signal
cursor measurements on signals.
Analysis App
 Browse signals and make simple measurements
 Perform interactive spectral analysis
 Design and apply filters to signals interactively

Objective: Understand principles of polyphase multirate filter design.

Design multirate interpolating and decimating filters. Design multistage and
narrow-band filters.
 Downsampling and upsampling
 Noble identities and polyphase FIR structures
 Polyphase decimators and interpolators
 Design multistage and interpolated FIR filters

Objective: Design adaptive filters for system identification and noise


Adaptive  Basics of adaptive filtering

Filter Design  Perform system identification
 Perform noise cancellation
 Improve adaptive filter efficiency

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