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Chemistry Revision Sheet

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Each Question carries 1 Mark
1. Nitric oxide becomes brown when released in air, why?

2. Write chemical equation involved in preparation of H3PO3.

3. Why is red phosphorus less reactive than white phosphorus?

4. Complete the chemical equation: Cu2+(aq) + NH3(aq) 

5. Nitrogen does not form pentahalides. Why?

6. How can ammonia reacts with a solution of Cu2+?

7. Arrange the following in order of the increasing basic strength : PH3, NH3, BiH3, SbH3, AsH3

8. Complete the equation : P4 + NaOH + H2O 

9. Explain Haber‟s process conditions.

10. Draw molecular structure of N2O5.

11. Complete the following equation : Cu  HNO3 (dilute) 

12. Draw structure of H3PO2.

13. Complete the equation : PCl5 + H2O (excess) 

14. Why does NO2 dimerise?

15. Complete the following reaction : NH3 + NaOCl 

16. Nitrogen shows weaker tendency for catenation than phosphorus. Why?

Each Question carries 2 Marks

17. The acidic strength decreases in the order HCl > H2S > PH3. Why?

18. What is laughing gas? How is it prepared?

19. How would you account for the following :

(i) Sulphur hexafluoride is less reactive than sulphur tetrafluoride.

(ii) Of the noble gases only xenon forms known chemical compounds.

20. Answer the following questions :

(i) Which neutral molecule would be isoelectronic with ClO-?

(ii) Of Bi(V) and Sb(V), which may be a stronger oxidising agent and why?

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Chemistry Revision Sheet
21. Write the structures of the following compounds :

(i) H3PO2 (ii) H2SO5

22. How would you account for the following?

(i) Hydrogen fluoride is much less volatile than hydrogen chloride.

(ii) Interhalogen compounds are strong oxidising agents.

23. Write the balanced chemical equations for obtaining XeO3 and XeOF4 from XeF6.

24. Complete the following equations :

(a) PCl3 + H2O 

 (b) NaN3 

25. Name the two most important allotropes of sulphur which one of the two is stable at room temperature?
What happens when the stable form is heated above 369 K?

26. Draw the structures of :

(i) Hypochlorous acid. (ii) Chlorous acid.

27. Assign a reason for each of the following :

(i) Ammonia is a stronger base than phosphine.

(ii) Sulphur in vapour state exhibits a paramagnetic behaviour.

28. Complete the following chemical reaction equation :

(i) I2  HNO3 (Conc.) 

 (ii) HgCl2  PH3 

29. Explain the following observations :

(i) The molecules NH3 and NF3 have dipole moments which are of opposite direction.

(ii) All the bonds in PCl5 molecule are not equivalent.

Each Question carries 3 Marks

30. (a) Draw the structural formulae of the following molecules :

(i) P4O10 (s) (ii) XeO3(s)

(b) Draw the structural formulae of SF4(g).

31. Give reasons for the following :

(i) Addition of Cl2 to KI solution gives it a brown colour, but excess of Cl2 turns it colourless.

(ii) Phosphinic acid behaves as a monoprotic acid.

(iii) White phosphorus is much more reactive than red phosphorus.

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Chemistry Revision Sheet
32. (a) What prompted Bartlett to the discovery of noble gas compounds?

(b) State two importance of noble gases.

33. Write chemical equations for the following processes :

(i) Chlorine reacts with a hot concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide.

(ii) Orthophosphorus acid is heated.

(iii) PtF6 and Xe are mixed together.

34. Complete the following chemical equations :

(i) Ca 3P2 (s)  H2O(l ) 

(ii) Cu2+(aq) + NH3(aq) 

(iii) F2(g) + H2O(l) 

35. Arrange the following in order of the property mentioned :

(i) PH3, NH3, SbH3, AsH3 (increasing basic strength)

(ii) KCl, MgCl2, CaCl2, BaCl2 (increasing ionic character)
(iii) HClO4, HClO, HClO2 (increasing oxidising ability)
36. Describe the following about halogen family (Group 17 elements) :

(i) Relative oxidising power.

(ii) Relative strength of their hydrides.

(iii) Oxyacids and their related oxidising ability.

Each Question carries 5 Marks

37. (i) Explain the Ostwald‟s process to manufacture nitric acid.

(ii) Write the balanced reaction when nitric acid react with:

(a) I2 (b) C (c) S8 (d) P4

(iii) Give any two uses.

38. How is ammonia manufactured industrially? Draw flow chart for the manufacture of ammonia. Give any
two uses.
39. (i) How is sulphur dioxide prepared in :
(a) laboratory (b) industrially?
(ii) What happens when sulphur dioxide is passed through water and reacts with sodium hydroxide? Write
balanced equation.
(iii) Write its any two uses.

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Chemistry Revision Sheet
40. (a) You have the following substances :
NH3, O, Pt and H2O. Write equations for the preparation of N2O from these substances.
(b) Considering the fact that N makes-up about 79% of the atmosphere, why don‟t animals use the most
abundant N2 instead of O2 for biological reactions.
41. Assign reasons for the following :
(i) When a moist blue litmus paper is dipped in a solution of HCl, it first turns red and then later gets
decolourised. Explain.
(ii) Iodine is liberated when KI is added to the solution of Cu 2+ ions but Cl2 is not liberated when KCl is
added to a solution of Cu2+ ions. Why?
(iii) Name a compound of fluorine which shows +1 oxidation state. How is this compound prepared? Is
this a disproportionation reaction?
42. A few students of class XII were playing in the playground under the supervision of their coach. All of a
sudden Priyank fell down. The coach immediately rushed towards Priyank and examined the wound. He
opened up his sporting kit and pulled out a small plastic pack. He squeezed hard the pack and placed it on
the injured portion of his skin. Priyank got some conform and relief. Later coach took Priyank to hospital
for further treatment.
Read the above passage and answer the following questions :
(a) What values were expressed by coach towards Priyank?
(b) Name the chemical contained in the plastic pack. What is this pack called and how does it work?
(c) Name two other uses of the chemical contained in the small plastic pack.
43. To extract metals, the sulphide ores are first roasted in a reverberatory furnace in excess of air when metal
oxide is formed and sulphur dioxide is released. Sulphur dioxide is a major air pollutant. It produces acid
rain which damages crops, iron structures and buildings/ historical monuments made-up of marble.
Now, answer the following questions :
(a) Name three important sulphide ores.
(b) What is acid rain? How does it damage crops, iron structures and buildings made- up of iron?
(c) As a student of chemistry, what steps do you propose to control air pollution.
44. Mineral acids such as HNO3, HCl and H2SO4 are widely used in industry and in the laboratory. In fact,
applications of H2SO4 in industry are so vast that it is actually called King of Chemicals. But unfortunately,
in the recent past, many instances of acid attack by eve teasers and frustrated lovers on the faces of young
girls have been reported in newspapers and shown on TV. This is a serious social evil and must be totally
eliminated from the society.
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Chemistry Revision Sheet
45. Read the above passage and answer the following questions :

(a) Comment on the statement-should production / manufacture of acids be banned?

Give three valid reasons to justify.

(b) As a student of chemistry, what steps would you suggest to combat this social menace?

(c) Recently „Honourable Supreme Court of India‟ has suggested some measures to check such incidents
of acid attack. Comment.

46. Pooja, a domestic servant of Mrs. Kajol complained of severe pain in the chest while cleaning the utensils.
Mrs. Kajol immediately took her to the nearby hospital where she was diagnosed to be suffering from
Angina Pectoris (angina pain). The doctor prescribed her the medicine commercially called sorbitrate. Mrs.
Kajol also supported her financially to buy the medicine. After reading the above passage, answer the
following questions :
(a) What values are displayed by Mrs. Kajol?
(b) What is the cause of the disease Angina Pectoris?
(c) What is sorbitrate made-up of and how is it prepared?
(d) How does sorbitrate work?
(e) Give one more use of the chemical present in sorbitrate.
47. Why are pentahalides more covalent than trihalides?

48. How does ammonia react with solution of Cu2+ ions?

49. What is the covalency of nitrogen in N2O5?

50. Why is the bond angle of PH 4 higher than in PH3?

51. What happens when white phosphorus is heated with NaOH solution in an inert atmosphere of CO2 gas?

52. What is the basicity of H3PO4?

53. What happens when H3PO3 is heated?

54. Why is H2O a liquid and H2S is a gas?

55. Complete the following reactions ;

(i) C2H4 + O2 
 (ii) Al + O2 

56. How is O3 estimated quantitatively?
57. What happens when SO2 is passed through an aqueous solution of Fe(III) salt?

58. Comment on the nature of two S  O bonds formed in SO2 molecule. Are these bonds equal in the molecule?

59. How is the presence of SO2 detected?

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60. Mention three areas in which H2SO4 plays an important role.

61. Why is Ka2 less than Ka1 for H2SO4 in water?

62. Considering the parameters such as bond dissociation enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy and hydration
energy, compare the oxidising power of F2 and Cl2.
63. Give two examples to show anomalous behaviour of fluorine.
64. Sea is the greatest source of halogens. Comment.
65. Give reason for the bleaching action of chlorine.
66. Name two poisonous gases which can be prepared from chlorine gas.
67. Why has it been difficult to study of chemistry of radon?
68. How is ammonia manufactured industrially?
69. How is nitrogen prepared in laboratory? Write chemical equations of the reactions involved.
70. Illustrate how copper metal can give different products on reaction with HNO3.
71. The HNH angle value is higher than HPH, HAsH and HSbH angles. Why?
72. Why does R3P = O exist but R3N = 0 does not (R = alkyl group)?
73. State the difference in the properties and structures of white and red phosphorus.

74. Knowing the electron gain enthalpy values for O  O and O  O2- as -141 and 702 kJ mol-1 respectively,
how can you account for the formation of a large number of oxides having O2- species and not O- ?
75. Describe the contact process for the ' manufacture of sulphuric acid.
76. Explain why fluorine forms only one oxoacid, HOF.
77. Why are halogen coloured?
78. How can you prepare Cl2 from HCl and HC from Cl2? Write reactions only.
79. Write balanced equations for the following :
(i) NaCl is heated with sulphuric acid in the presence of MnO2.
(ii) Chlorine gas is passed into a solution of NaI in water.
80. Arrange the following in the order of property indicated for each set:
(a) F2, Cl2, Br2, I2 -increasing bond dissociation enthalpy.
(b) HF, HCl, HBr, HI- increasing acid strength.
(c) NH3, PH3, ASH3, SbH3, BiH3 - increasing base strength.
81. Give the formula and describe the structure of a noble gas-species which is isostructural with:

(a) ICl4 (b) IBr2 (c) BrO3

82. Why do noble gases have comparatively large atomic size?

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Each Question carries 1 Mark

83. In group 15 elements, there is considerable increase in covalent radius from N to P but small increase from
As to Bi. Give reason.
[Hint : Due to completely filled d- and f-orbital.]
84. The tendency to exhibit - 3 oxidation state, decreases down the group in group 15 elements. Explain.
[Hint : Due to increase in size electronegativity decreases].
85. Maximum covalence of Nitrogen is „4‟ but the heavier elements of Group 15 show covalence greater than
„4‟ Why?
86. Nitrogen exists as a diatomic molecule with a triple bond between the two atoms, whereas the heavier
elements of the group do not. Assign a reason.

[Hint : P p multiple bonds are formed by N due to its small size.]

87. The ionization enthalpies of group 15 elements are higher than that of group 14 and 16 elements in the
corresponding period. Assign the reason.
88. The boiling point of PH3 is lesser than NH3. Why?
89. NO2 dimerises to form N2O4. Why?
[Hint : Due to presence of odd electron on N]
90. Draw the structure of N2O5 molecule.
91. How does ammonia solution react with Ag4- (aq)? Write the balanced chemical equation.
92. Why does NH3 forms hydrogenbond but PH3 does not?
[Hint : Due to strong electronegativity, small size of Nitrogen atom.]
93. Give disproportionation reaction of H3PO3?
94. How does NH3 acts as a complexing agent?
[Hint : Metal hydroxides dissolved in excess of NH4OH, Ammonia acts as Lewis base].
95. Why HF is the weakest acid and HI is strongest acid.
[Hint : Values of dissociation constant.
Ka : (HF) = 7  10-4 (HI) = 7  1011
Intermolecular H-bond in H-F and weak bond in H-I].
96. Explain Halogens are strong oxidising agent.
[Hint : Ready acceptance of electron.]
97. Why is Bi(V) a stronger oxidant than Sb(V)?
[Hint : +3 oxidation state is more stable than +5 ox. state in Bi].

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98. Why SF4 is easily hydrolysed, whereas SF6 is not easily hydrolysed?

[Hint : Water molecule can not attack due to steric hinderance in case of SF6 molecule.]

99. Bond dissociation energy of F2 is less than that of Cl2. Why?

100. Write the reaction of PCl5 with heavy water.

[Hint : PCl5 + D2O  POCl3 + 2DCl]

101. How many P  O  P bonds are there in cyclotrimetaphosphoric acid?

[Hint : 3 bonds]

102. In group 16, the stability of +6 oxidations state decreases and that of +4 oxidation state increases down the
group. Why?

[Hint : Inert pair effect]

103. Why we can not prepare HBr by heating KBr with sulphuric acid.

[Hint : As HBr is reducing agent and H2SO4 is oxidising agent.]

104. Explain sulphur disappears when boiled with aqueous solution of sodium sulphite.

[Hint : Sulphur combines with Na2SO3, forming soluble sodium thiosulphate.]

105. Write the equation for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of finely divided metal and
MnO2 as catalyst.

106. Fluorine exhibit only -1 oxidation state whereas other halogens exhibit +ve oxidation states also. Explain.

107. Arrange the following oxoacids of chlorine in increasing order of acidic strength.


108. The majority of known noble gas compounds are those of Xenon. Why?

109. “Hypophosphorus acid is a good reducing agent.” Justify with an example.

[Hint : 4AgNO3 + H3PO2 + 2H2O  4Ag + HNO3 + H3PO4.

110. Draw the structure of H4P2O7 and find out its basicity?

[Hint : Tetrabasic]

111. Arrange the following triatomic species in the order of increasing bond angle. NO2 , NO2 , NO2

[Hint :

NO2 has one non-bonding electron, NO2 has 2 non-bonding e-, NO2+ has no non-bonding e- on N atom.

Bond angle of NO2 is maximum but NO2 is minimum].

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112. With what neutral molecule ClO is isoelectronic.

113. Draw the structure of H2S2O8 and find the number of S  S bond if any.

114. What is cause of bleaching nature of Chlorine water? Explain it with chemical equation?

[Hint : Evolution of Nascent Oxygen]

115. The negative value of electron gain enthalpy of fluorine is less than that of chlorine.

[Hint. : Due to small size of F atom, there are strong inter electronic repulsions in the relatively smaller 2p
orbitals of fluorine. So the incoming electron does not experience attraction.]

116. Which one of the following is not oxidised by O3. State the reason. Kl. FeSO4, K2MnO4, KMnO4

[Hint. : KMnO4 since Mn is showing maximum oxidation state of +7.]

117. Complete the reaction Ca3P2 + H2O 

Each Question carries 2 Marks

118. PCl5 is known but Pl5 is not known Why?

[Hint: 5 Cl atom can be accommodated around P atom, I being larger cannot be accommodated.]

119. Why is red phosphorous denser and less chemically reactive than white phosphorous.

120. Give chemical reaction in support of the statement that all the bonds in PCl5 molecule are not equivalent.

121. Account for the following :

(a) XeF2 has a straight line structure and not a bent angular structure.

(b) Phosphorous show marked tendency of Catenation.

122. Draw the structure of BrF3, XeOF4, XeO3, N2O3.

123. Write the conditions that favour the formation of ammonia gas along with the reactions involved in
Haber‟s Process.

124. Write the chemical equations of the following reactions

(a) Glucose in heated with cone. H2SO4.

(b) Sodium Nitrate is heated with cone. H2SO4.

Complete the following reactions :

125. (i) (NH4)2 Cr2O7 

(ii) NH4Cl (aq) + NaNO2 (aq) 

126. (i) NH2CONH2 + H2O 

(ii) FeCl3 (aq) + NH4OH 

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127. (i) Ca3P2 + H2O (l) 

(ii) I2 + HNO3 (conc.) 

128. (i) Ba(N3)2 

(ii) 4H3PO3 

129. (i) PH4I + KOH 

(ii) HgCl2 + PH3 

130. (i) PCl3 + 3H2O 

(ii) S + H2SO4 (conc.) 

131. (i) Al2O3(s) + NaOH (aq) + H2O(l) 

(ii) HCl + O2  


132. (i) Ca(OH)2 + Cl2 

(ii) XeF4 + H2O 

133. (i) Na2SO3 + Cl2 + H2O 

(ii) NaHCO3 + HCl 

134. (i) XeF6 + H2O 


(ii) XeF6 + H2O 


135. (i) What is the covalency of N in N2O3?

(ii) Explain why phosphorus forms pentahalide whereas nitrogen and bismuth do not?

136. (i) The acidic character increases from H2O to H2Te. Why?

(ii) Dioxygen is a gas while sulphur (S8) is a solid. Why?

137. (i) Interhalogen compounds are more reactive than halogens. Why?

(ii) Give one important use of ClF3.

138. (i) Write the composition of bleaching powder.

(ii) What happens when NaCl is heated with cone. H2SO4 in the presence of MnO2.

Write the chemical equation.

139. Arrange the following in the decreasing order of their basicity. Assign the reason :

PH3, NH3, SbH3, AsH3, BiH3.

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Chemistry Revision Sheet
140. A colourless and a pungent smelling gas which easily liquifies to a colourless liquid and freezes to a white
crystalline solid gives dense white fumes with ammonia. Identify the gas and write the chemical equation
for its laboratory preparation.
[Hint : HCl]
141. Why are the following reactions regarded as disproportionation reactions?

(a) P4 + NaOH + H2O 

(b) HNO2 

142. Suggest reason why only known binary compounds of noble gases are fluorides and oxides of Krypton,
Xenon and Radon.
[Hint : F and O are most electronegative elements]
143. Which fluorinating agent are often used instead of F2? Write two chemical equations showing their use as
fluorinating agents.

[Hint : BrF5 + 3H2O 

 HBrO3 + 5HF

2IF7 + SiO2 
 2IOF5 + SiF4]
144. (a) Hydrolysis of XeF6 is not regarded as a redox reaction. Why?
(b) Write a chemical equation to represent the oxidising nature of XeF4.

[Hint : (ii) XeF4 + 2H2 

 Xe + 4HF)]
145. Write Chemical equation :
(a) Cl2 reacts with hot cone, solution of NaOH.
(b) PtF6 and Xenon are mixed together.

Each Question carries 3 Marks

146. (i) How is HNO3 prepared commercially. Name the process.
(ii) Write chemical equations of the reactions involved.
(iii) What concentration by mass of HNO3 is obtained.
147. (i) How does O3 react with Lead sulphide, Write Chemical equation.
(ii) What happens when SO2 is passed in acidified KMnO4 solution.
(iii) Explain : behaviour of SO2 is similar to CO2.
148. Assign reason for the following :
(i) Sulphur in vapour state exhibits paramagnetism.
(ii) F2 is strongest oxidising agent among halogens.
(iii) Inspite of same electronegativity oxygen forms hydrogen bond while chlorine does not.

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Chemistry Revision Sheet
149. Give appropriate reason for each of the following :
(i) Metal fluorides are more ionic than metal chlorides.
(ii) Perchloric acid is stronger than Sulphuric acid.
(iii) Addition of chlorine to Kl solution gives it a brown colour but excess of Cl 2 makes it colourless.
Hint :
(i) According to Fajan‟s Rule bigger ions more polarised than the smaller ion by a particular cation.
(ii) Oxidation state of Cl in HClO4 is +7 white oxidation state of S in H2SO4 is +6, Hence OH bond easily
breaks in the HClO4 molecule.

(iii) 2Kl + Cl2 

 2KCl + I2
Excess 5Cl2 + I2 + 6H2O 
 2HlO3 + 10 HCl Colourless.
150. Explain that :
(i) No chemical compound of Helium is knwon.
(ii) Bond dissociation energy of fluorine is less than that of chlorine.
(iii) Two S  O bonds in SO2 are identical.
151. (i) How O2 can be converted to O3
(ii) How Cl2 is manufactured by Deacon‟s process.
(iii) How Cl2 reacts with hot and cone. NaOH.
152. Out of the following hydrides of Group 16 elements which will have :
(i) H2S (ii) H2O (iii) H2Te
(a) Lowest boiling point
(b) highest bond angle
(c) highest electropositive hydroden.
153. (i) How is XeO3 prepared from XeF6. Write the chemical equation for the reaction.
(ii) Draw the structure of XeF2, XeF4.
154. (i) Thermal stability of hydrides of group 16 elements decreases down the group. Why?
(ii) Compare the oxidising powers of F2 and Cl2 on the basis of bond dissociation enthalpy.
(iii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction of copper metal with cone. HNO3.
155. An unknown salt X reacts with hot cone. H2SO4 to produce a brown coloured gas which intensifies on
addition on copper turnings. On adding dilute ferrous sulphate solution to an aqueous solution of X and then
carefully adding cone. H2SO4 along the sides of the test tube, a brown complex Y is formed at the interface
between the solution and H2SO4 . Identify X and Y and write the chemical equation involved in the reaction.

[Hint : X is NO 3 salt].

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156. Assign reason for the following :

(i) Noble gases have large positive value of electron gain enthalpy.

(ii) Helium has the lowest boiling point than any known substance.

157. Arrange the following in the order of the property indicated for each set -

(a) F2, Cl2, Br2, I2- (Increasing bond dissociation energy).

(b) HF, HCl, HBr, HI (Increasing acid strength).

(c) NH3, PH3, ASH3, SbH3, BiH3 (Increasing base strength).

Hint :

(a) F2 has exceptionally small bond dissociation enthalpy. F atom is very small, three lone pair of
electrons repel the bond pair holding the F atoms in F2 molecule.

(b) Depends upon H  X bond dissociation enthalpy as the size of atom increases, acid strength also
increases from HF  HI.

(c) Lonepair of electrons occupies a large volume in bigger atoms. As a result basicity decreases.

158. A transluscent while waxy solid (A) on heating in an inert atmosphere is converted to its allotropic form
(B), Allotrope (A) on reaction with very dilute aqueous NaOH/KOH liberates a highly poisonous gas (C)
having a rotten fish smell, with excess of chlorine forms D which hydrolyses to form compound (E)
identify the compounds (A) to (E).

159. Write balanced equation for the following reactions :

(a) Zn is treated with dilute HNO3.

(b) NaCl is heated with H2SO4 in the presence of MnO2.

(c) Iodine is treated with cone. HNO3.

160. X2 is a greenish yellow gas with pungent offensive smell used in purification of water. It partially dissolves
in H2O to give a solution which turns blue letmus red, When X2 is passed through NaBr Solution, Br2 is

(a) Identify X2, Name the group to which it belongs.

(b) What are the products obtained when X2 reacts with H2O? Write chemical equation.

(c) What happens when X2 reacts with cone. NaOH. Give equation.

161. Assign the appropriate reason for the following:

(a) Nitrogen exist as diatonic molecule and phorphorous as P4, Why?

(b) Why does R3P = 0, exist but R3N = 0 does not (R = alkyl group).

(c) Explain why fluorine forms only one oxoacid, HOF?

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Hint :
(a) Due to its small size and high electronegativity N forms P  P multiple bond (N  N). whereas P
does not form P  P bonds instead forms P - P single bond.
(b) Due to absence of d-orbital, N cannot expand its covalence beyond four.
In R3N = 0, N should have a covalence 5 so the compound R3N = 0 does not exist.
(c) Due to high electronegativity and small size, F does not form oxoacids in which the oxidation state of
F would be +3, +5, +7, it forms one oxoacid having +1 oxidation state of F.

Each Question carries 5 Marks

162. How is PH3 prepared in the laboratory? How is it purified? How does the solution of PH 3 in water react on
irradiation with light and on absorption in CuSO4? How can you prove that PH3 is basic in nature?

Write the chemical equations for all the reactions involved.

163. Assign a possible reason for the following :

(a) Stability of +5 oxidation state decreases and that of +3 oxidation state increases down the group 15
(b) H2O is less acidic than H2S.
(c) SF6 is inert while SF4 is highly reactive.
(d) H3PO2 and H3PO3 act as good reducing agents while H3PO4 does not.
(e) Noble gases have comparatively large size in their respective period.
164. (a) How is XeF6 prepared from the XeF4? Write the chemical equation for the reaction.

(b) Deduce the structure of XeF6 from VSEPR theory.

(c) How does XeF2 reacts with PF5?

(d) Give one use each of helium and Neon.

(e) Write the chemical equation for the hydrolysis of XeF4.

165. (a) Why does nitrogen show anomalous behaviour? Discuss the trend of chemical reactivity of group 15
elements with.

(a) Oxygen (b) 'Halogens (c) Metals

(b) H3PO2 is a dibasic acid. Why?
166. (a) Arrange the following in the order of their increasing acid strength.
(b) Cl2O7, SO2, P4O10
(c) How in N2O gas prepared.

(d) Give one chemical reaction to show O3 is an oxidising agent.

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167. Identify A, B, C, D and E in the following sequence of reactions

Complete the reactions of the above mentioned sequence.

[Hint : A is P4].
168. A white waxy, translucent solid, M, insoluble in water but soluble in CS2, glows in dark. M dissolves in NaOH
in an inert atmosphere giving a poisonous gas (N). Also M catches fire to give dense white fumes of O:
(a) Identify M, N and O and write the chemical equations of the reactions involved.
(b) M exist in the form of discrete tetrahedral molecule. Draw its structure.
(c) M on heating at 573 K is changed into other less reactive form, Q, which is non-poisonous, insoluble
in water as well as in CS2 and does not glow in dark, Identify Q and draw its structure.
169. Write the structure of A, B, C, D and E in the following sequence of reactions :

NH3 + O2 
 A + H2O
A  O2 
 B (Brown fumes)
B  H2O 
 C + A (C is an oxoacid)
C  I 
 D (Violet vapours)
Complete reactions of the above mentioned sequence and name the process.
[Hint. : A is NO].
170. Give reason for each of the following :
(a) Molten alumina is a poor conductor of electricity. (b) Ammonia is a good complexing agent.
(c) Bleaching by SO2 is temporary. (d) PCl5 is ionic in solid state.
(e) Sulphur in vapour form exhibits paramagnetism.
171. Knowing the electrons gain enthalpy value for O  O- and O-  O2- as -141 and 720 kJ mol-1 respectively,
how can you account for the formation of large number of oxides having O2 species and not O-?
[Hint: Consider lattice energy factor in the formation of compound. The reaction of divalent metal (M)
with oxygen to form M2O and MO involves following reaction steps.
i H1 i H2
M(g),  M (g)   M2 (g)
 H  H
O(g) 
eg 1
 O (g) 
eg 2
 O2 (g)
2M+ (g) + O (g) 
Lattice Energy
 M2O (s)
M2 (g)  O2 (g) 
Lattice Energy
 MO (s)

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Chemistry Revision Sheet

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