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A pleasant morning to all of us, especially to our panels Mr./Mrs./Engr. ___________.

To start our
presentation of our thesis title proposal, may I first introduce myself, I’m __________ from BSCE – 5D and
I will be discussing the research we have done about MODELLING AND INSTALLATION FOR

It is fair to wonder why we have chosen to deal with this topic, (INSERT PIC). Water is universally one of
the most valuable natural resources. However, (INSERT PIC) it is undeniable that for years, insufficiency
of potable water is a main concern of people living in remote areas. In fact, (INSERT PIC) according to, more than 2 billion of earth’s population lack drinking water at home, which makes I out
of 9 people in the world lack access to safe drinking water. This study aims to explore the potential of
domestic rainwater harvesting and stream water processing as the best source to fulfill the potable water
demand of the population.

Next, let’s proceed to the STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM. These are the following questions that we
sought to answer. (Read SLIDE NO. 5).

The objectives, goals or expected outcome of this study are the following (Read SLIDE NO. 6)

This study will be beneficial to the following. (Read SLIDE NO. 7 and 8).

For the conceptual framework, it will sought to work on these lines; the water treatment process will be
composing of 3 parts, the coagulation, filtration, and disinfection. After that, we will proceed to
determining the quality of water through testing procedures, its domestic use for the population, and
finally the cost economics of collecting and processing rain and stream water. (READ SLIDE NO.9)

This study will focus on (Read SLIDE NO. 10)

As for the Related Literature following are the related studies conducted way before our current thesis
study. We have gathered and collected data that are most allied with our topic for us to come up with
new and improved idea that we can use for the sake of our own study. (Read and compare SLIDES NO.
12 ).

To be honest, there are variety of commercially available equipments to choose from that which can
produce potable water in an instant but the problem is they are way more expensive not to mention that
at a higher amount or cost, it can only supply the household who is using it compared to our project study
that can accommodate a large number of people with a high demand supply of potable water. Additional
to this, it is a lot more affordable and cost reasonable. The following are some of the available products
in the commercial market (Read SLIDE NO. 13).

Next is methodology, we will first be discussing the design evaluation or the comparison of the materials.

(FOR ACTUAL) (FIRST PIC) this will be the proposal design for the actual project which will be composing
of three polyvinyl chloride or PVC tank, two of them are of the same size with diameter of 1800mm and a
height of 1820mm. And one with diameter of 2222mm and a height of 3009mm. The tanks, having volume
capacity of 4000 and 10000 liters. The first part of the procedure is the collection of water from two
sources, first is from the stream (INSERT PIC) which is 300m away, to be pumped straight to the tank. And
the rainfall coming from the catchment area which 48 square meters, going to roof gutter (INSERT PIC),
going straight to the pipe which is connected to the tank. (INSERT PIC). This picture shows the pipe
connection from roof gutter to the first tank. (INSERT PIC). And the water will then start to be processed
in three different procedures in three different connected tanks. The procedure will later be elaborated
in testing procedures.

(PROTOTYPE) (INSERT PIC) This will be the prototype’s design. The prototype will be a wooden stair-like
model, 1.27 meters in height, that will contain four different levels. The uppermost will serve as the
catchment where the water will drain in a small gutter. Then it will flow in a small tube that will made in
PVC pipe directed to the next level. The third level will contain a small plastic jar 10 inch in height and
having a volume of 5 liters where the water will coagulate using aluminum sulfate. The process of
coagulation will take up to 20 minutes. Then it will proceed to the next level where the filtration will takes
place. It will also have small jar with the same dimension, containing a small cylindrical filter that will be
divided into four parts such as, coarse aggregate, fine sand, activated charcoal and filter cloth. After the
filtration it will proceed to the next jar where the disinfection will occur. To perfrom the disinfection we
will use liquid chlorine. Then the water taken from the last jar will be brought to the nearest water testing
laboratory to determine its potability.

Next is the breakdown of the cost of material that will be use for the prototype and actual design. (READ

Then in experimental design, we focus on giving description to the variables to be used, which are the
independent, dependent and controlled variables and the possible sources of errors. The first frame
presents the independent variables which covers sources of water, the water treatment, and the tank
capacity. While the second frame presents the dependent variables which covers the effect of the
independent variable to quality of water, contaminants, water demand, and intensity of rainfall. For the
last frame, presenting the controlled variables categorized as the materials to be used, the projects cost,
and the roof area. The possible sources of error are the poor quality of water, low chance of precipitation
during dry seasons, water contamination, determination of collection efficiency.

Last is the testing procedure. In this part of the presentation, all of you will know how the treatment
process is done. First, water will be pump from the stream and harvested from through the roof gutter. It
will undergo coagulation using aluminum sulfate to subside large particles that are not visible to the naked
eyes at the bottom. Water will then undergo filtration. Filtration will takes place on a cylinder inside the
second tank, there will be three layers for the coarse aggregates, sand, activated charcoal and cloth
ordered respectively. This process will separate even smaller particles from the water. After that it will
proceed to the last part which is disinfection. In this process, chlorine will be added to sterile the water.
Water can finally undergo potability test to safely conclude the process.

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