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THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 287, NO. 34, pp. 28840 –28851, August 17, 2012
Published in the U.S.A.

Down-regulation of NF-␬B Transcriptional Activity in

HIV-associated Kidney Disease by BRD4 Inhibition*□ S

Received for publication, March 6, 2012, and in revised form, April 20, 2012 Published, JBC Papers in Press, May 29, 2012, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M112.359505
Guangtao Zhang‡1, Ruijie Liu§¶1, Yifei Zhong储1, Alexander N. Plotnikov‡, Weijia Zhang§, Lei Zeng‡, Elena Rusinova‡,
Guillermo Gerona-Nevarro‡, Natasha Moshkina‡, Jennifer Joshua‡, Peter Y. Chuang§, Michael Ohlmeyer‡,
John Cijiang He§¶2, and Ming-Ming Zhou‡3
From the ‡Department of Structural and Chemical Biology and §Department of Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New
York, New York 10029, the ¶Department of Medicine, James J. Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Bronx, New York 10486, and
the 储Department of Nephrology, Longhua Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 201203 Shanghai, China
Background: NF-␬B and BRD4 control proinflammatory gene activation in HIV-associated kidney disease.
Results: Small molecule inhibition of BRD4 binding to NF-␬B blocks target gene activation.
Conclusion: Targeting the proinflammatory activity of NF-␬B may be a new therapeutic approach.

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Significance: This study has broad implications as NF-␬B-mediated inflammation represents the major pathology in chronic
kidney and non-kidney diseases.

NF-␬B-mediated inflammation is the major pathology in remains high due to aging of HIV-seropositive patients (1, 2).
chronic kidney diseases, including HIV-associated nephrop- Many patients with HIVAN ultimately progress to end stage
athy (HIVAN) that ultimately progresses to end stage renal dis- renal disease despite the antiretroviral therapy treatment (3).
ease. HIV infection in the kidney induces NF-␬B activation, Other forms of renal disease are also increased in HIV-seropos-
leading to the production of proinflammatory chemokines, itive patients (4). Although it remains unclear how HIV induces
cytokines, and adhesion molecules. In this study, we explored a variety of kidney diseases, inflammation is the major pathol-
selective inhibition of NF-␬B transcriptional activity by small ogy seen in HIVAN. Tubulointerstitial inflammation, tubular
molecule blocking NF-␬B binding to the transcriptional cofac- dilatation with formation of microcysts, and apoptosis of renal
tor BRD4, which is required for the assembly of the productive tubular epithelial cells (RTECs) are prominent findings in the
transcriptional complex comprising positive transcription elon- kidney of HIVAN (5).
gation factor b and RNA polymerase II. We showed that our BET Infection of RTECs by HIV induces inflammatory response
(Bromodomain and Extra-Terminal domain)-specific bro- (6, 7). Using gene expression analysis, Ross et al. (8) identified
modomain inhibitor MS417, designed to block BRD4 binding to differentially expressed genes in RTECs isolated from a HIVAN
the acetylated NF-␬B, effectively attenuates NF-␬B transcrip- patient after infection with vesicular stomatitis virus-pseu-
tional activation of proinflammatory genes in kidney cells dotyped gag/pol-deleted HIV-1. The most prominent response
treated with TNF␣ or infected by HIV. MS417 ameliorates of these cells to HIV-1 infection was the production of proin-
inflammation and kidney injury in HIV-1 transgenic mice, an flammatory mediators, including chemokines, cytokines, and
animal model for HIVAN. Our study suggests that BET bro- adhesion molecules. Many of these genes, as suggested by path-
modomain inhibition, targeting at the proinflammatory activity way analysis of the microarray data, are mediated by transcrip-
of NF-␬B, represents a new therapeutic approach for treating tional activation of nuclear factor ␬B (NF-␬B).
NF-␬B-mediated inflammation and kidney injury in HIVAN. As a master transcription factor, NF-␬B regulates expression
of a host of cellular genes in immune response to infection (9,
10). Its proinflammatory activity contributes to the etiology and
Despite the decreased incidence of HIV-associated nephrop- progression of many human diseases, including cancer, inflam-
athy (HIVAN)4 in the antiretroviral therapy era, the prevalence matory and autoimmune diseases, and viral infection (11, 12).
NF-␬B-mediated proinflammatory response has been shown to
* This work was supported, in whole or in part, by National Institutes of Health play a key role in the pathogenesis of kidney disease, including
Grants HG004508 (to M.-M. Z.) and DK088541 (to J. C. H.). This work was diabetic nephropathy (13, 14) as well as in HIV-induced kidney
also supported by Veterans Affairs Merit Award 1I01BX000345 (to J. C. H.).
The atomic coordinates and structure factors (codes 2LSP and 4F3I) have been cell injury (15–17). NF-␬B also interacts with HIV-1 long ter-
deposited in the Protein Data Bank, Research Collaboratory for Structural minal repeat (LTR) in the kidney (18). Thus, inhibition of the
Bioinformatics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ ( proinflammatory activity of NF-␬B may attenuate HIV-in-
The chemical shifts were deposited in BioMagResBank under code 18439.
This article contains supplemental Materials and Methods, Tables 1– 4,
Figs. 1– 6, and Schemes 1 and 2. domain; BrD, bromodomain; BrDi, bromodomain inhibitor; p-TEFb, posi-
These authors contributed equally to this work. tive transcription elongation factor b; CBP, CREB-binding protein; CREB,
To whom correspondence may be addressed: 1425 Madison Ave., Box 1677, cAMP-response element-binding protein; RMA, robust multiarray analysis;
New York, NY 10029. Fax: 212-831-0114; E-mail: ITC, isothermal titration calorimetry; ISRE, interferon-sensitive response
To whom correspondence may be addressed: 1425 Madison Ave., Box 1677, element; PCAF, p300/CBP-associated factor; K310ac, lysine 310-acetylated;
New York, NY 10029. Fax: 212-849-2456; E-mail: H3K9ac and H3K18ac, acetylation at histone H3 lysine 9 and 18, respec-
The abbreviations used are: HIVAN, HIV-associated nephropathy; RTEC, tively; H3K4me3 and H3K27me3, trimethylation at H3 lysine 4 and 27,
renal tubular epithelial cell; BET, Bromodomain and Extra-Terminal respectively.

Transcriptional Inhibition of NF-␬B in HIVAN
duced inflammation and kidney injury. Given its protective role formed with manually assigned NOE-derived distance re-
in cell immune response to infection, however, a complete inhi- straints. Hydrogen bond distance restraints, generated from the
bition of NF-␬B might lead to adverse effects. A selective and hydrogen/deuterium exchange data, were added at a later stage
temporal inhibition of NF-␬B activity would maximize its ben- of structure calculations for residues with characteristic NOEs.
eficial effects. The converged structures were used for iterative automated
It has been shown that NF-␬B transcriptional activity is NOE assignment by ARIA for refinement (23). Structure qual-
dependent upon its acetylation at lysine 310 and that Lys-310- ity was assessed by Procheck-NMR (24). The structure of the
acetylated NF-␬B recruits the BET protein BRD4 in complex protein䡠ligand complex was determined using intermolecular
with positive transcription elongation factor b (p-TEFb) (con- NOE-derived distance restraints.
sisting of CDK9 and cyclin T1) and RNA polymerase II that Isothermal Titration Calorimetry—Experiments were car-
together form a productive transcriptional machinery complex ried out on a GE MicroCal auto-ITC200 instrument at 15 °C
(9). A recent study has reported that pharmacological treat- while stirring at 1,000 rpm in the isothermal titration calorim-
ment of bone marrow-derived macrophages with a BET bro- etry (ITC) buffer, pH 7.4, consisting of 50 mM sodium phos-
modomain inhibitor (BrDi) blocks the innate immune response phate and 150 mM sodium chloride. Compound concentration
gene expression induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (19). In was determined by NMR, and protein concentrations were
this study, we sought to determine how a BET-specific BrD determined by A280 measurements. The compound sample

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inhibitor might influence NF-␬B transcriptional activity in con- (40 –50 ␮M) was placed in the cell, whereas the microsyringe
trol of the expression of proinflammatory genes in HIV-in- (130 ␮l) was loaded with a solution of the correspondent pro-
fected kidney cells and whether and how BrDi might attenuate tein sample (0.6 ␮M) in the ITC buffer. Injections were per-
kidney injury in HIV-1 transgenic mice (Tg26), which is an formed using protein in the syringe rather than the compound
established animal model for HIVAN. Our study shows that to overcome limitations of compound solubility. All titrations
BET bromodomain inhibition could represent an attractive were conducted using 20 identical injections of 2 ␮l with a dura-
therapeutic strategy for treating patients with HIVAN. tion of 4 s/injection and a spacing of 150 s between injections.
The heat of dilution was determined by independent titrations
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES (protein into buffer) and was subtracted from the experimental
Sample Preparation—Expression and purification of the data. The collected data were implicated in the MicroCalTM
recombinant bromodomains from ASH1L, ATAD2, BAZ1B, Origin software supplied with the instrument to yield enthalp-
BAZ2B, BPTF, BRD3, BRD4, BRD7, CBP, PCAF, PHIP-1, ies of binding (⌬H) and binding constants (KB). Thermody-
TAF1, TAF1L, and SMARCA4 in poly-His tag form were per- namic parameters were calculated (⌬G ⫽ ⌬H ⫺ T⌬S ⫽
formed using a procedure described previously (20). Isotope- ⫺RTlnKB, where ⌬G, ⌬H, and ⌬S are the changes in free
labeled protein samples of the BrDs were prepared from cells energy, enthalpy, and entropy of binding, respectively). In all
grown on a minimal medium containing 15NH4Cl with or with- cases, a single binding site model was employed.
out 13C6-glucose in either H2O or 75% 2H2O. The protein was Fluorescence Anisotropy Binding Assay—The dissociation
purified by affinity chromatography on a nickel-IDA column constant, Kd, for various BrD proteins to a fluorescein isothio-
(Invitrogen), followed by the removal of poly-His tag by throm- cyanate (FITC)-labeled MS417 (named as MS574, or com-
bin cleavage. pound 9; see Schemes 1 and 2 in supplemental Materials and
Protein Structure Determination by NMR—The NMR data Methods) was measured in direct binding experiments using
collection, analysis, and structure determination of the BRD4- fluorescence anisotropy as a readout. The fluorescence anisot-
BD2䡠NF-␬B-K310ac peptide complex were performed using ropy assay was carried out in polypropylene 96-well plates
the procedures previously reported (20). Briefly, NMR samples (Costar) with 80 nM FITC-MS417 and varying concentrations
contained a protein䡠ligand complex of 0.5 mM in a 100 mM of a BrD protein in a PBS buffer (pH 7.4) in a total volume of 80
phosphate buffer, pH 6.5, that contains 5 mM perdeuterated ␮l. Measurements were obtained after a 1-h incubation of the
DTT and 0.5 mM EDTA in H2O/2H2O (9:1) or 2H2O. All NMR fluorescent ligand and the protein at 25 °C with a Safire 2
spectra were collected at 30 °C on NMR spectrometers of 800, microplate reader (Tecan). The dissociation constant was
600, or 500 MHz. The 1H, 13C, and 15N resonances of a protein determined by using the following one-site model equation
of the complex were assigned by triple-resonance NMR spectra using Prism software,
collected with a 13C/15N-labeled and 75% deuterated protein
bound to an unlabeled ligand (21). The distance restraints were 共 K d ⫹ P T ⫹ L T 兲 ⫺ 冑共 K d ⫹ P T ⫹ L T 兲 2 ⫺ 4P T L T
Fb ⫽
obtained in three-dimensional 13C or 15N NOESY spectra. 2L T
Slowly exchanging amides, identified in two-dimensional 15N (Eq. 1)
HSQC spectra recorded after an H2O buffer was changed to a
H2O buffer, were used with structures calculated with only where Fb represents the fraction of bound labeled ligand, Kd is
NOE distance restraints to generate hydrogen bond restraints the dissociation constant, PT is total protein concentration, and
for final structure calculations. The intermolecular NOEs were LT is total fluorescent ligand concentration. Competition
detected in the 13C-edited (F1), 13C/15N-filtered (F3) three-di- experiments were performed with a BrD protein (0.25–1 ␮M)
mensional NOESY spectrum. Protein structures were calcu- and the fluorescent probe (80 nM) and increasing concentra-
lated with a distance geometry-simulated annealing protocol tions of unlabeled competing ligand. In a competition-binding
with X-PLOR (22). Initial structure calculations were per- assay, fluorescent ligand concentration was ⱕ2Kd, and protein

Transcriptional Inhibition of NF-␬B in HIVAN
concentration was set at which 50 – 80% of fluorescent ligand is Reporter Gene Assay—The PGL-2 reporter vector containing
bound. Dissociation constant of a competing ligand was calcu- the promoter of NF-␬B or ISRE (gifts from Dr. Huabao Xiong)
lated with the correction to the Cheng-Prussoff equation intro- was used. 293T cells were transfected with luciferase expression
duced by Nicolovska-Coleska et al. (25). Assuming a one-site plasmids (1 ␮g) using Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen). 48 h
competitive binding model, the following equation was used to after transfection, the cells were rinsed and cultured in serum-
calculate Ki values from IC50 values recovered from fitting data free medium containing TNF␣ (10 ng/ml) for 24 h. The cells
using Prism, were then lysed in luciferase assay buffer (Promega luciferase
assay system). Luciferase was measured in a luminometer, and
关 I 50 兴 the data were analyzed after normalization for protein amount.

冉 冊
Ki ⫽ (Eq. 2) PCR Array and Microarray Studies—The PCR array for the
关 L 50 兴 关 P 0 兴
⫹ ⫹1 Inflammatory Cytokines & Receptors PCR Array (PAHS-011,
Kd Kd
Qiagen) was used to examine the expression of NF-␬B target
genes. Human RETCs were treated with MS417 at the indicated
where [I50] represents the concentration of free inhibitor at 50% concentrations for 24 h, and total RNA was extracted. PCR
inhibition, [L50] is the concentration of free labeled ligand at arrays were performed according to the manufacturer’s
50% inhibition, and [P0] is the concentration of free protein at instructions. -Fold changes for each gene were calculated by the

Downloaded from at NYU School of Medicine Library, on August 17, 2012
0% inhibition. Note that Kd for each protein-probe pair is the 2⫺⌬⌬CT method compared with GADPH. Human RTECs were
limit of resolvable Ki in a competition assay. infected with HIV pseudotyped virus or control vector with
Protein Crystallization and X-ray Diffraction Data Collection— GFP for 4 days and then treated with either DMSO or MS417 at
Purified BRD4-BD1 protein (16 mg/ml) was mixed with MS417 1.0 ␮M for an additional 24 h. Total RNA was extracted from
at a 1:10 molar ratio of protein/ligand. The complex was crys- cells using the RNeasy minikit (Qiagen). Affymetrix gene
tallized using the sitting drop vapor diffusion method at 20 °C expression microarrays were performed at the Mount Sinai
by mixing 1 ␮l of protein solution with 1 ␮l of the reservoir Microarray Core Facility. Data were analyzed by t test con-
solution that contains 25% PEG 3350, 0.2 M Li2SO4, and 0.1 M trolled with false discovery rate, n ⫽ 3. Data were expressed as
Tris-HCl, pH 8.5. Crystals were soaked in the corresponding mean ⫾ S.D. The unpaired t test was used to analyze data
mother liquor supplemented with 20% ethylene glycerol as between two groups. Statistical significance was considered to
cryoprotectant before freezing in liquid nitrogen. X-ray diffrac- be when p was ⬍0.05.
tion data were collected at 100 K at beamline X6A of the Bioinformatics Analysis of Microarray Data—The raw inten-
National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven National sity data were normalized across the chips by the log scale
Laboratory. Data were processed using the HKL-2000 suite robust multiarray analysis (RMA) method (30, 31), and the
(26). The BRD4-BD1 structure was solved by molecular quality control of each chip data was performed by investigat-
replacement using the program MOLREP (27), and the struc- ing overall intensity values for all probes and negative and pos-
ture refinement was done using the program Refmac (28). The itive controls. The probe sets with low intensity values or out-
graphics program COOT (29) was used for model building and liers due to poor RNA quality or hybridization were excluded
visualization. Crystal diffraction data and refinement statistics for further analysis. Significance Analysis of Microarray (SAM,
for the structure are displayed in supplemental Table 2. version 2.1) (32) was used to identify significantly differentially
Cell Cultures—Primary human RTECs were obtained from expressed genes between groups (i.e. untreated versus BrD
Promocell and cultured according to the manufacturer’s proto- inhibitor-treated groups). SAM, a widely used microarray dif-
col. RTECs were incubated with either MS417 or DMSO (0.1%) ferential analysis tool, correlates gene expression data to a wide
as the control. Cells were also stimulated with TNF␣ (10 ng/ml) variety of clinical parameters and uses permutation to estimate
to determine NF-␬B activation. Cells were also infected with the false discovery rate for multiple testing. The cut-off of
HIV or control vector as described below. the false discovery rate q value of 0.05 was applied to determine
HIV Infection—For HIV infection, pNL4 –3⌬G/P-EGFP, a differentially expressed genes. The differentially expressed
gag/pol-deleted HIV-1 construct that contains EGFP in the gag genes were queried against a well curated and experimentally
open reading frame (HIV vector), and pHR⬘-IRES-EGFP (GFP verified NF-␬B target database (see the Boston University Biol-
control vector) were used to generate vesicular stomatitis virus- ogy Web site) to identify NF-␬B targets whose transcriptional
G-pseudotyped virus for infection of RTECs as described pre- expression was altered by HIV infection or the BrD inhibitor.
viously (8). The enrichment significance of NF-␬B targets was calculated
Western Blot—RTECs or kidney tissues were lysed with a by comparing the percentage of NF-␬B targets in differentially
buffer containing 1% Nonidet P-40, a protease inhibitor mix- expressed gene with that of NF-␬B targets in the whole gene list
ture (Fisher 78443), and acetylation inhibitors of 10 ␮M tricho- using Fisher’s exact test. To understand how other genes were
statin A (Sigma T1952) and 5 mM nicotinamide (Sigma 72340). regulated by NF-␬B targets upon HIV infection and BrDi, the
After protein concentration determination, protein lysates genes that were up-regulated by HIV and subsequently down-
were subjected to Western blot analysis using specific antibod- regulated by BrDi or vice versa were identified and then sub-
ies for acetylated p65 or total p65 (Cell Signaling 3045). ␤-Actin jected to association network analysis with the NF-␬B target by
(Sigma) was used as the control. Western blot was also per- the Ingenuity System (available on the World Wide Web). The
formed for HIV Nef (Abcam 42355) in RTECs and kidney tis- significant biological functions of these genes were also deter-
sues of mice. mined by DAVID (33).

Transcriptional Inhibition of NF-␬B in HIVAN
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)—Human RTECs Quantitative Histopathology—Mice were perfused with PBS
were infected with HIV or GFP control vector for 72 h. The cells containing 4% paraformaldehyde, and kidneys were further
were then starved for 6 h and treated with DMSO or MS417 at fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 2 h. Kidney tissue was embed-
1 ␮M for 24 h in serum-free medium. Genomic DNA was ded into paraffin by American Histolabs, Inc. (Gaithersburg,
precipitated, and ChIP was performed according to the man- MD). Kidney histology was examined after periodic acid-Schiff
ufacturer’s protocol (Millipore). The following antibodies staining. Glomerulosclerosis was scored as described previ-
from Cell Signaling were used: anti-H3K9ac, anti-H3K18ac, ously by Dr. D’Agati (36). Briefly, each specimen received a
anti-H3K4me3, and anti-H3K27me3 antibodies. Immuno- score for three parameters: percentage of collapsing glomerular
precipitated DNA was quantified by real-time PCR using the sclerosis, percentage of tubular cysts or casts, and podocyte
following primer sequences: CCL2-F, 5⬘-CCGGCCAA- hypertrophy. The percentage of collapsing glomerulosclerosis
AGCTTGAGAGCTCC-3⬘; CCL2-R, 5⬘-GTCAGGCTCGCT- was obtained by identifying the total number of glomeruli with
GCCAGCTTAC-3⬘; CCL20-F, 5⬘-CCCCATGTGGCAACAC- any sclerosis and dividing this number by the total number of
GCCTT-3⬘; CCL20-R, 5⬘-GTACACAGAAGGCGTGTTGCC- glomeruli seen. The percentage of tubular cysts or casts score
ACAT-3⬘; CXCL5-F, 5⬘-CACCCTCCCCACCAGTTCCCA- was obtained by the number of tubules with either microcystic
3⬘; CXCL5-R, 5⬘-CTCATCTCTCCCCACTGACAGGAA-3⬘; dilatation or filled with casts divided by the total number of
TGM2-F, 5⬘-GCCGCCGTCCCTCCCTCGGG-3⬘; TGM2-R, tubular cross-sections in a representative area. Finally, the

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5⬘-AGCCCGCTTTGGGGCGG-3⬘. degree of podocyte hypertrophy was scored as 0 (absent), 1⫹
All experiments were repeated three times. -Fold changes to (podocyte hypertrophy observed in ⬍25% of all glomeruli), 2⫹
the control are shown. (podocyte hypertrophy observed in 25–50% of all glomeruli),
In Vivo Animal Model Study—As a well established trans- and 3⫹ (podocyte hypertrophy in ⬎50% of all glomeruli).
genic model of HIV-associated nephropathy, the HIV-1 trans- Real-time PCR—Total RNA was isolated from human
genic mouse (Tg26) bears a replication-defective form of the RTECs or kidney cortex of mice using TRIzol (Invitrogen).
HIV-1 provirus lacking 3 kilobases of sequence overlapping Real-time PCR was performed with a Roche Applied
the gag and pol sequences. The transgene is under the control Science Lightcycler and Qiagen QuantiTect One Step RT-
of the viral LTR promoter and is expressed in most tissues (34). PCR SYBR Green kit (Qiagen) according to the manufactur-
The Tg26 line is maintained as a heterozygous line as homozy- er’s instructions. Predesigned primer sets were obtained
gous mice die prior to the age of breeding. Heterozygous mice from Qiagen (GeneGlobe). The sequences of RT-PCR primers
appeared normal at birth but then develop wasting, heavy pro- were as follows: HsFAS-F, 5⬘-TATCACCACTATTGC-
teinuria, edema, hypoalbuminemia, and hypercholesterolemia TGGAGTCA-3⬘; HsFAS-R, 5⬘-GCTGTGTCTTGGACATTG-
between 4 and 8 months of age based on different penetration. TCA-3⬘; HsTRAF1-F, 5⬘-CCGGCCCCTGATGAGAATG-
Blood urea nitrogen is significantly elevated in these mice, and 3⬘; HsTRAF1-R, 5⬘-TTCCTGGGCTTATAGACTGGAG-
mice die probably from uremia (35). Pathologically, kidneys 3⬘; MmCcl2-F, 5⬘-TTAAAAACCTGGATCGGAACCAA-
from animals with renal failure demonstrate diffuse segmental 3⬘; MmCcl2-R, 5⬘-GCATTAGCTTCAGATTTACG-
and global glomerulosclerosis, microcystic tubular dilatation GGT-3⬘; MmCcl5-F, 5⬘-GCTGCTTTGCCTACCTC-
with a monocytic interstitial infiltrate, and minimal interstitial TCC-3⬘; MmCcl5-R, 5⬘-TCGAGTGACAAACACGAC-
fibrosis remarkably similar to HIVAN (35). Apart from kidney TGC-3⬘; MmCcl20-F, 5⬘-GCCTCTCGTACATACAGA-
disease, these animals develop significant skin edema and cat- CGC-3⬘; MmCcl20-R, 5⬘-CCAGTTCTGCTTTGGATC-
aract. However, these animals do not exhibit any other organ AGC-3⬘; MmTlr2-F, 5⬘-GCAAACGCTGTTCTGCT-
damage. For the in vivo animal model study, Tg26 mice and CAG-3⬘; MmTlr2-R, 5⬘-AGGCGTCTCCCTCTATTGT-
their corresponding littermates (n ⫽ 6/group, including three ATT-3⬘; MmTlr9-F, 5⬘-ATGGTTCTCCGTCGAAGG-
male and three female mice in each group) were fed with either ACT-3⬘; MnTlr9-R, 5⬘-GAGGCTTCAGCTCACAGGG-
control vehicle (DMSO) or MS417 by daily gavage at a concen- 3⬘; HsGADPH-F, 5⬘-AATTGAGCCCCGCAGCCT-
tration of 0.08 mg/kg. The mice were fed with this compound CCC-3⬘; HsGADPH-R, 5⬘-CCAGGCGCCCAATACGACCA-
daily from the age of 4 weeks to 8 weeks. Unrestricted food and 3⬘; MmGadph-F, 5⬘-GCCATCCAACGAACCCCTT-
water were provided throughout the duration of the experi- CAT-3⬘; MmGadph-R, 5⬘-ATGATGACCCGTTTGG-
ment. The mice were euthanized at 8 weeks of age for blood, CTCC-3⬘.
urine, and tissue collection by exposure to carbon monoxide. Light cycler analysis software was used to determine crossing
Body weight was recorded. All animal studies were performed points using the second derivative method. Data were normal-
according to the protocols approved by the Institutional Ani- ized to housekeeping genes (tubulin) and presented as -fold
mal Care and Use Committee at the Mount Sinai School of increase compared with RNA isolated from WT animals using
Medicine. the 2⫺⌬⌬CT method.
Measurement of Urine Protein and Creatinine—Urine albu-
min was quantified by ELISA using a kit from Bethyl Laboratory RESULTS
Inc. (Houston, TX). Urine creatinine levels were measured in Molecular Basis of BRD4 Binding to Lysine 310-acetylated
the same samples using the urinary Creatinine Assay Kit (Cay- NF-␬B—To determine the molecular basis of lysine acetyla-
man Chemical, Ann Arbor MI) according to the manufacturer’s tion-dependent NF-␬B association with BRD4, we first charac-
instructions. The urine albumin excretion rate was expressed as terized binding of the two bromodomains of BRD4 to a Lys-
the ratio of albumin to creatinine. 310-acetylated NF-␬B peptide (NF-␬B-K310ac) by NMR

Transcriptional Inhibition of NF-␬B in HIVAN

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FIGURE 1. Structural basis of K310ac NF-␬B recognition by BRD4. A, two-dimensional 1H-15N HSQC spectra of BrDs of BRD4, CBP, and PCAF in the free form
(black) and in the presence of a K310ac NF-␬B peptide (red). Shown are ribbon (B) and surface-filled representations (C) of the three-dimensional solution
structure of the BRD4-BD2 bound to the NF-␬B-K310ac peptide. Side chains of key residues involved in intermolecular interactions are highlighted and
color-coded by atom types.

titration. As shown in two-dimensional 1H-15N HSQC spectra In addition, Tyr-306 of NF-␬B establishes aromatic and hydro-
(Fig. 1A), the second bromodomain of BRD4 (BRD4-BD2) phobic interactions with side-chain methyl groups of Ile-393,
exhibited much more extended chemical shift perturbations whereas Phe-309 binds to His-437, and Ile-312 is sandwiched
upon binding to the NF-␬B-K310ac peptide than that by the between His-437 and Trp-374. Notably, in the conserved acetyl-
BRD4-BD1 or the BrDs of transcriptional co-activators CBP lysine binding pocket, His-437 in BRD4-BD2 is unique, which cor-
and PCAF, indicating a stronger interaction with the former. responds to Asp-144 in BRD4-BD1. The latter cannot favorably
The differential NF-␬B-K310ac binding by the bromodomains interact with Phe-309 or Ile-312 of the NF-␬B peptide, explaining
of BRD4 was further confirmed in a fluorescence anisotropy markedly reduced binding of BRD4-BD1 to the K310ac site. The
competition binding study using a fluorescein-labeled bro- observation of direct recognition of Phe-309 (Kac⫺1) and Ile-312
modomain inhibitor as an assay probe (see below), yielding a Ki (Kac⫹2) by the BRD4-BD2 explains why the K310ac site is
of 274 ␮M and ⬎2,000 ␮M for BRD4-BD2 and BRD4-BD1, selected over the other acetylation sites in NF-␬B.
respectively. We further observed that BRD4-BD1 or BD2 Blocking BRD4/NF-␬B Association by a BET-specific BrD
binds only very weakly if at all to other reported acetylation sites Inhibitor—To characterize the functional importance of acety-
in NF-␬B, including Lys-314, Lys-315, Lys-122, Lys-123, Lys- lation-mediated BRD4/NF-␬B binding in cells, we synthesized
218, and Lys-221 in RelA-p65 and Lys-431, Lys-440, and Lys- a small molecule bromodomain inhibitor MS417 (see supple-
441 in p50. mental Materials and Methods), which belongs to a group of
We next solved the three-dimensional structure of BRD4- thienodiazepine-based compounds that was first reported for
BD2 bound to the NF-␬B-K310ac peptide by using NMR spec- their binding activity for BRD4 by the Mitsubishi Tanabe
troscopy (supplemental Fig. 1 and Table 1), which explains the Pharma Corporation (37). MS417 shares the same thieno-tria-
molecular basis of this selective interaction (Fig. 1, B and C). As zolo-1,4-diazepine scaffold as a recently reported BET BrDi
shown in the structure of the BRD4-BD2䡠NF-␬B-K310ac com- (⫹)-JQ1 (38) and is structurally related to I-BET (19, 39). The
plex, the NF-␬B-K310ac peptide is bound in the protein across main difference between MS417 and (⫹)-JQ1 is that the former
an elongated cavity formed between the ZA and BC loops of this consists of a methyl ester, whereas the latter is substituted with
left-handed four-helical bundle structure. Specifically, the a t-butyl ester moiety. Our 1.4 Å resolution crystal structure of
acetylated Lys-310 forms a hydrogen bond between its carbonyl the BRD4-BD1䡠MS417 complex (Fig. 2A and supplemental Fig.
oxygen and the side-chain nitrogen of the conserved Asn-433. 2A and Table 2) reveals that MS417 is embedded in the acetyl-

Transcriptional Inhibition of NF-␬B in HIVAN

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FIGURE 2. Molecular basis of MS417 binding to the BRD4 bromodomains. A, x-ray crystal structure of MS417 bound to BRD4-BD1, depicted in a stereo view
(left) and surface-filled representation (right). Side chains of key protein residues involved in ligand recognition are color-coded by atom types. The chemical
structures of MS417 and its enantiomer MS566 are shown. B, ITC measurement of BRD4-BD1 binding MS417. C, two-dimensional 1H-15N HSQC spectra of
BRD4-BD1 in the free form (black) and in the presence of the BrDi MS417 with a protein/ligand molar ratio of 1:0.5 (green) and 1:1 (red). D, affinity measurements
of MS417 or its enantiomer MS566 binding to the BrDs of BRD4, BRD3, and CBP, as assessed in a fluorescence anisotropy competition assay using an
FITC-labeled MS417 (i.e. MS574) as an assay probe.

lysine binding pocket, forming a hydrogen bond between the explains that the BRD4-BD1 prefers MS417 over its enantiomer
triazole ring and the conserved Asn-140 in BRD4-BD1. Nota- (i.e. MS566, with R-configuration of the methyl ester as sup-
bly, the methyl ester interacts with Leu-95, Tyr-97, and Tyr-139 posed to S-configuration in MS417) (Fig. 2D and supplemental
in a small hydrophobic cavity formed between the ZA and BC Fig. 6 and Table 4) because the methyl ester moiety in the latter
loops. The corresponding t-butyl group in (⫹)-JQ1 is too big to would have steric clash with the protein residues, such as Leu-
fit in this cavity such that it is rotated 180° with respect to the 92, Leu-95, and Tyr-139. Finally, we demonstrated in a fluores-
methyl ester in MS417, projecting outward on the protein sur- cence anisotropy binding assay using a fluorescein-conjugated-
face (supplemental Fig. 2B). Similar to (⫹)-JQ1, MS417 is not in MS417 as an assay probe that MS417 is highly specific for the
contact with Asp-144, which is unique in BRD4-BD1 (corre- BET bromodomains, and it binds to CBP, BRD7, or BPTF with
sponding to His-437 in BRD4-BD2). This explains why MS417 a 100 –200-fold weaker affinity or does not bind at all to many
binds BRD4-BD1 and BRD4-BD2 with similar affinity of Kd ⫽ other bromodomains tested, including BAZ1B, BAZ2B,
36.1 ⫾ 7.8 and 25.4 ⫾ 3.4 nM, respectively, as determined by ATAD2, ASH1L, SMARCA4, PCAF, PHIP-1, TAF1L, and
isothermal titration calorimetry measurement (Fig. 2B). Nota- TAF1 (Fig. 2D and supplemental Fig. 3).
bly, the tight binding of MS417 by the BRD4 bromodomains We next evaluated the ability of MS417 to modulate NF-␬B
was confirmed by simultaneous observation of both the free transcription activity in cells. Using a luciferase reporter gene
and MS417-bound NMR resonances of the protein in the pres- assay, we found that MS417 suppressed TNF␣-induced NF-␬B
ence of substoichiometry concentrations of the ligand as those transcription activation in human embryonic kidney 293T cells
illustrated in two-dimensional 1H-15N HSQC spectra of 15N- in a dose-dependent manner, and a nearly complete suppres-
labeled BRD4-BD1 (Fig. 2C). This is due to slow exchange of the sion of the NF-␬B activation was observed at 1.0 ␮M MS417
protein conformations between the free and ligand-bound (Fig. 3A). Little effect was seen on ISRE as a negative control.
states on the NMR time scale, which is characteristic of submi- The inhibitory effect of MS417 on NF-␬B activity correlates
cromolar affinity of the binding ligand. Further, the structure with a dose-dependent reduction of NF-␬B acetylation (Fig.

Transcriptional Inhibition of NF-␬B in HIVAN

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FIGURE 3. Modulation of BRD4 binding to K310ac NF-␬B. A, effects of MS417 on TNF␣-induced NF-␬B activation in 293T cells, as measured by a NF-␬B
luciferase reporter assay. 293T cells were transfected with a NF-␬B luciferase reporter vector for 2 days and then incubated with MS417 at the indicated doses
in serum-free medium with or without TNF␣ for 24 h. As a negative control, the cells were also transfected with an ISRE luciferase reporter vector and treated
with MS417 and TNF␣ in the same condition as above. The cells were harvested for determination of luciferase activity (n ⫽ 5; **, p ⬍ 0.01). B, Western blot
analysis assessing effects of MS417 on acetylated p65 in 293T cells. Representative Western blots of three independent experiments are shown. C, effects of
MS417 on NF-␬B activation by HIV pseudovirus infection in human RTECs. RTECs were infected with HIV pseudovirus or control GFP vector for 3 days and then
incubated with MS417 at the indicated doses in serum-free medium for 24 h. The cells were harvested for determination of acetylated p65 (p65-Kac), p65, and
␤-actin as well as HIV Nef protein by Western blot. Representative Western blots of four independent experiments are shown. The densitometric analysis of the
Western blots in B and C was performed and the ratio of acetylated p65 to total p65 was calculated, *, p ⬍ 0.05; n ⫽ 4 (lower panels of Fig. 3, B and C).

3B). We next evaluated the NF-␬B-inhibitory effects of MS417 Ingenuity pathway analysis, which revealed several gene net-
in human primary RTECs that were infected with HIV pseudo- works enriched in MS417-treated RTECs with or without HIV
virus or control GFP vector for 3 days followed by stimulation infection (Fig. 4A). In particular, genes related to inflammation,
with MS417 in a serum-free medium for an additional 24 h. The oxidative stress, and IL-17 proinflammatory pathways were
Western blot analysis showed a similar inhibitory effect of among those highly influenced by MS417. Notably, of a set of
MS417 on reducing NF-␬B p65 acetylation in the HIV-infected 134 genes that were up-regulated by HIV infection and then
RTECs as compared with TNF␣-treated RTECs (Fig. 3C). down-regulated by MS417 are 11 NF-␬B target genes, which
These results suggest that MS417 can effectively suppress the were significantly enriched in this differentially expressed gene
NF-␬B function through inhibition of its acetylation and tran- set over those in the whole gene list (see below; Fig. 4B).
scriptional activation. To understand how MS417 modulates NF-␬B transcrip-
MS417 Down-regulates Genes That Were Up-regulated in tional activity in the RTECs, we analyzed these NF-␬B target
HIV-infected RTECs—To gain mechanistic insights into the genes. As shown in supplemental Fig. 4A, NF-␬B target genes
role of NF-␬B/BRD4 binding in HIV-induced chronic inflam- were significantly enriched among MS417 down-regulated
mation in the kidney cells, we infected human RTECs with HIV genes in GFP or HIV-infected RTECs and HIV-up-regulated
pseudovirus for 4 days and then treated the cells with MS417 genes. As illustrated by Venn diagram (supplemental Fig. 4A),
(1.0 ␮M) or DMSO for an additional 24 h. We then performed MS417 down-regulated 49 NF-␬B target genes in the HIV-in-
Affymatrix microarrays to characterize the effects of MS417 on fected RTECs and 69 in the control, of which 38 are common.
genome-wide gene expression profiles of RTECs. Of 33,298 Most notably, MS417 down-regulated 11 of the 30 NF-␬B genes
probe sets on the Human Gene 1.0 ST Array chip, gene expres- in RTECs that were up-regulated by HIV infection. On the
sion significance analysis between groups by SAM showed that other hand, of the 14 and 15 genes up-regulated by MS417 in
MS417 treatment significantly altered the transcriptional the RTECs infected with or without HIV, respectively, 13 are
expression of 326 and 537 genes in the RTECs that were common, and none of the 18 HIV down-regulated NF-␬B tar-
infected with either HIV or control GFP vector, respectively gets was up-regulated by MS417 in the HIV-infected RTECs.
(with 2-fold cut-off, q ⬍ 0.05). To understand the functional Given the low enrichment fold of these latter gene sets, we
relevance of these differentially expressed genes, we performed focused our study on these 11 NF-␬B target genes, which were

Transcriptional Inhibition of NF-␬B in HIVAN

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FIGURE 4. MS417 Modulation of gene transcription in HIV-infected human primary renal tubular epithelial cells. A, Ingenuity pathway analysis revealing
the top gene networks enriched in the down-regulated genes by MS417 treatment in the HIV-infected human RTECs. The RTECs were infected with control GFP
vector or HIV vector for 4 days and then treated with DMSO or MS417 (1.0 ␮M) for an additional 24 h. RNA was isolated from these cells for microarray studies.
B, gene heat-map of 11 NF-␬B targets that were both up-regulated by HIV infection and down-regulated by the MS417 treatment. C, MS417 inhibits NF-␬B
target gene activation by HIV infection in human RTECs. RTECs were infected with GFP or HIV for 72 h, and then the cells were starved for 6 h and treated with
DMSO control or MS417 (1.0 ␮M) for an additional 24 h. The cells were harvested for real-time PCR analysis of cytokine and chemokine (n ⫽ 3; *, p ⬍ 0.01 when
compared between HIV-infected cells treated with DMSO and MS417). D, some of the NF-␬B target genes by HIV infection in the RTECs were not inhibited by
MS417. E, chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis of the MS417-sensitive and non-sensitive genes probing changes of the corresponding histone modifica-
tions, such as H3K9ac, H3K18ac, H3K4me3, and H3K27me3, at the promoter sites of these genes (n ⫽ 3; *, p ⬍ 0.01 when compared between HIV-infected cells
treated with DMSO and MS417).

Transcriptional Inhibition of NF-␬B in HIVAN
up-regulated by HIV and down-regulated by MS417 treatment, NF-␬B, we postulated that BET BrD inhibition may represent a
as illustrated in a gene expression heat map (Fig. 4B). Among therapeutic strategy for HIVAN treatment. To test this hypoth-
these genes are well known NF-␬B-dependent cytokine and esis, we carried out an in vivo study to evaluate anti-inflamma-
chemokine genes, such as CCL2, CCL20, and IL-8, which are tory effects of MS417 in HIV-1 transgenic mice, an established
known to be up-regulated in RTECs by HIV infection as shown mouse model of human HIVAN with kidney tubulointerstitial
previously (8). These genes are at the core of a well interlinked inflammation and RTEC apoptosis (43). The Tg26 mice are
expression network of genes centered on NF-␬B that were known to develop proteinuria starting at the age of 4 weeks and
mostly up-regulated upon HIV infection and reversely affected peaking at the age of 8 weeks associated with glomerular and
by subsequent MS417 treatment (supplemental Fig. 4B). Col- tubular injuries (44). Accordingly, we treated a group of the
lectively, we concluded from our microarray data that MS417 Tg26 mice with MS417 or vehicle (0.1% DMSO) and compared
inhibits the expression of the inflammation-related genes in them with their age- and sex-matched littermates in a control
human RTECs, induced by HIV infection. group starting at the age of 4 weeks for a total of 4 weeks. No
MS417 Suppresses NF-␬B-targeted Cytokines and Che- significant side effects were noticed in these mice treated with
mokines—We confirmed with RT-PCR analysis that MS417 MS417 at a dose of 0.08 mg/kg daily. Instead, we found that
suppressed the HIV-induced transcriptional activation of MS417 markedly improved renal function in the Tg26 mice as
NF-␬B-targeted proinflammatory chemokine genes, such as assessed by the measurement of blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

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CCL2 and CCL20, in human RTECs (Fig. 4C). Notably, several without substantial changes of liver function and body weight
genes, such as CXCL5 and TGM2, that underwent HIV-in- (Fig. 5A and supplemental Table 3). MS417 treatment also
duced transcriptional activation were not affected significantly resulted in reduced proteinuria in the Tg26 mice as compared
by the MS417 treatment in the RTECs (Fig. 4D). We further with the DMSO-treated mice (Fig. 5B), and histology analysis
performed a ChIP study to determine effects of MS417 on chro- showed significantly reduced glomerular and tubular injury
matin modifications at the promoter site of these cytokine and (supplemental Table 3). The infiltration of inflammatory cells
chemokine genes. For the MS417-sensitive genes (i.e. CCL2 and was also drastically reduced in the kidney of the Tg26 mice
CCL20), we observed a markedly increase of acetylation at his- treated with MS417 as compared with the Tg26 mice treated
tone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9ac) and lysine 18 (H3K18ac) and trim- with DMSO (Fig. 5C). NF-␬B acetylation level (Fig. 5D) as well
ethylation at H3 lysine 4 (H3K4me3) and a concomitant as the expression of NF-␬B target genes, including CCL2, CCL5,
decrease in trimethylation at H3 lysine 27 (H3K27me3) at their CCL20, TLR-2, and TLR-9 (Fig. 5E) were reduced in kidney
promoter site due to HIV infection and then a dramatic cortices of the MS417-treated Tg26 mice as compared with the
decrease of H3K9ac, H3K18ac, and H3K4me3 as well as an control group. Finally, it appears that both mRNA and protein
increase of H3K27me3 upon the MS417 treatment (Fig. 4E). On levels of HIV Nef in the MS417-treated mice were reduced by
the other hand, for the MS417-insensitive genes CXCL5 and over 20% as compared with the control group, but this did not
TGM2, we detected similar histone modification changes upon reach statistical significance (Fig. 5, D and F). Taken together,
HIV infection (i.e. an increase of activation marks (i.e. H3K9ac, these data indicate that MS417 is capable of attenuating kidney
H3K18ac, and H3K4me3) and a decrease of repression marks injury in the Tg26 mice, probably through inhibition of NF-␬B-
(H3K27me3). However, very small changes if any, particularly mediated inflammation.
for H3K4me3 and H3K27me3, were observed upon the MS417
treatment. These results are consistent with the effects of DISCUSSION
MS417 on transcriptional activation of these genes. In addition, Several lines of evidence suggest that HIV directly infects
by PCR array, we observed that MS417 suppressed TNF␣-in- renal tubular epithelial cells, leading to the development of
duced transcriptional activation of proinflammatory cytokines HIV-associated nephropathy. The effect of HIV expression on
and chemokines in human RTECs, including IL1A, IL1B, LTA, the development of HIVAN was first revealed by kidney trans-
LTB, CCL2, CCL3, CCL20, CXCL3, and CXCL11 (supplemental plantation between normal and HIV transgenic mice. This
Fig. 5A). Interestingly, several genes, including CXCL5 and study demonstrated that HIVAN was developed in HIV trans-
CXCL6, were not affected significantly by the MS417 treatment genic kidneys when transplanted into nontransgenic litter-
(supplemental Fig. 5B). Furthermore, we found that MS417 mates, whereas normal kidneys remained disease-free when
inhibited expression of proapoptotic genes targeted by NF-␬B transplanted into HIV transgenic littermates, suggesting that
in the RTECs, such as BCL2 (Fig. 4B) and FAS and TRAF1 the renal disease in the HIV transgenic murine model is intrin-
(supplemental Fig. 5C). Because RTEC apoptosis and inflam- sic to the kidney (45). HIV can also infect directly kidney glo-
mation are the major pathogenic mechanisms in HIVAN as merular and tubular epithelial cells, as shown by in situ PCR or
well as in other kidney disease (16, 40 – 42), our findings suggest hybridization or by PCR of laser capture microdissected kidney
that the BRD4 BrD inhibitor may function as an anti-inflamma- biopsy samples from HIV-positive patients (6, 46, 47). Recently,
tory agent to reduce inflammation and/or RTEC apoptosis in the mechanisms of HIV entry into kidney epithelial cells have
kidney disease. been described (48, 49). Taken together, these studies suggest
MS417 Attenuates Proteinuria and Kidney Injury in HIV-1 that HIV infection probably occurs locally in kidney cells, lead-
Transgenic Mice (Tg26)—Given that MS417 can block the ing to the development of HIVAN.
expression of both primary response genes (i.e. CCL2 and In this study, we have shown that the BET bromodomain-
CCL3) and secondary response genes (i.e. CXCL11, IL1A, and specific inhibitor MS417 down-regulates HIV infection-in-
IL1B), which are proinflammatory genes that are regulated by duced and NF-␬B-mediated transcriptional activation of pro-

Transcriptional Inhibition of NF-␬B in HIVAN

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FIGURE 5. In vivo study of MS417 effects in HIV-1 transgenic mice (Tg26). A, MS417 improves renal function in Tg26 mice as measured by blood urea
nitrogen (BUN) (n ⫽ 6; *, p ⬍ 0.05 as compared with DMSO-treated Tg26 mice). B, MS417 reduces proteinuria in the Tg26 mice as determined by urinary
albuminuria/creatinine ratio (n ⫽ 6; *, p ⬍ 0.05 as compared with DMSO-treated Tg26 mice). C, MS417 reduces glomerulosclerosis, tubular injury, and
infiltration of inflammatory cells in the kidney of Tg26 mice. Tg26 mice were treated with vehicle (0.1% DMSO) or MS417 at 0.08 mg/kg from the age of 4 weeks
for a total duration of 4 weeks. The mice were sacrificed at the age of 8 weeks. The kidney sections from these mice were stained for periodic acid-Schiff, and
the representative pictures from six mice in each group are shown here. D, MS417 inhibits acetylation of p65 in the kidney of the Tg26 mice. The kidney cortices
from these mice were used for Western blot analysis of acetylated and total p65. The expression of HIV Nef and ␤-actin was also assessed by Western blot. The
densitometric analysis of these Western blots is shown in the lower panels (n ⫽ 6; *, p ⬍ 0.05 as compared with DMSO-treated Tg26 mice). E, NF-␬B target genes
were suppressed in kidneys of the Tg26 mice treated with MS417. The kidney cortices from these mice were used for total RNA isolation and real-time PCR
analysis for NF-␬B target genes (n ⫽ 6; *, p ⬍ 0.05 as compared with DMSO-treated Tg26 mice). F, effects of MS417 on the expression of HIV Nef in the kidneys
of Tg26 mice. All mRNA levels of the testing genes were normalized to that of GAPDH, a housekeeping gene.

inflammatory cytokine and chemokine genes in human renal I␬B␣, leading to nuclear translocation and activation of NF-␬B.
tubular epithelial cells. MS417 reduces proteinuria, improves Transcriptional activity of NF-␬B requires its association with
renal function, and attenuates NF-␬B acetylation and expres- the lysine acetyltransferase p300/CBP and PCAF and transcrip-
sion of its target genes in the kidney of the Tg26 mouse, a model tional protein BRD4. The cofactor binding results in phosphor-
for HIVAN. Our findings, therefore, strongly suggest that BET ylation and acetylation of NF-␬B, promoting the formation of
bromodomain inhibition, targeting NF-␬B proinflammatory the transcriptional complexes that bridges the sequence-spe-
activity in the pathogenesis of HIVAN, represents a new thera- cific activators to the basal transcription machinery, thereby
peutic strategy for treating patients with HIVAN. This is the facilitating its target gene activation.
first study that demonstrates BET bromodomain inhibitors as BRD4 belongs to the BET protein family, which consists of
potentially new therapeutic agents in a kidney disease model. four members, BRD2, BRD3, BRD4, and BRDT, each of which
Transcription factor NF-␬B/Rel proteins govern cellular contains two bromodomains in tandem (50). Recent studies
immune and inflammatory responses in the form of cell apo- show that BET proteins play an important role in coordinating
ptosis, proliferation, or differentiation through regulation of gene transcriptional activation in a highly ordered fashion in
gene expression (9, 10). The prototypical NF-␬B is a het- chromatin through their ability to facilitate chromatin target-
erodimer of p50 and RelA and is sequestered in the cytoplasm ing and assembly of a productive transcriptional machinery
when bound to inhibitor I␬B␣ in resting cells. Stimulation of complex at a target gene transcriptional start site in an acetyla-
the cells activates IKKs, phosphorylation, and degradation of tion-sensitive manner. In the case of NF-␬B, BRD4 recruitment

Transcriptional Inhibition of NF-␬B in HIVAN
by the transcription factor to a target gene represents a preini- as well as other non-kidney inflammatory diseases, such as
tiation commitment step in transcriptional activation, which rheumatoid arthritis (52). Because of the protective role of
involves chromatin structure opening through histone lysine NF-␬B in acute inflammatory response, complete inhibition of
acetylation as well as BRD4 interaction with acetylated histone NF-␬B may lead to harmful side effects. Small molecules for
H3 and H4 at the H3K14ac, H4K5ac, H4K8ac, H4K12ac, and selective and transient inhibition of NF-␬B proinflammatory
H4K16ac sites. In the next step of transcriptional initiation/ activity may allow us to maximize their therapeutic index.
postinitiation, BRD4 functions in the recruitment of the initia- Therefore, we believe that BET bromodomain-specific inhibi-
tion factor mediator, which leads to Ser-5 phosphorylation of tors could be developed as more effective and safer treatments
the carboxyl-terminal domain of the RNA polymerase II (9). for many inflammatory diseases.
Subsequently, BRD4 facilitates the recruitment of the elonga-
tion cofactor p-TEFb, consisting of CDK9 and cyclin T1, to Acknowledgments—We acknowledge the staff at the X6A beamline of
paused RNA polymerase II, which results in Ser-2 phosphory- the National Synchrotron Light Source at the Brookhaven National
lation of the carboxyl-terminal domain, thereby enabling Laboratory for facilitating x-ray data collection. We thank the Rock-
polymerase II to resume transcriptional elongation. efeller University High-Throughput Screening Resource Center for the
The mechanism of action of our BET BrDi MS417 probably ITC data collection.
involves its modulation of BRD4 functions in multiple steps

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Supplemental Materials and Methods
Zhang, G.T. et al.

Chemicals and General Procedure

Unless otherwise stated, all commercially available materials were obtained from Acros
Organics, Aldrich, Alfa Aesar, EMD, J. T. Baker, Novabiochem, or TCI, and were used without
any further purification. When necessary, solvents and reagents were dried prior to use, using
standard protocols. All non-aqueous reactions were carried out in oven-dried glassware under
an atmosphere of argon. Automatic chromatography was performed on a Biotage Isolera
system equipped with a variable wavelength detector and a fraction collector, using Biotage
SNAP cartridge KP-Sil 50 g. Analytical thin layer chromatography (TLC) was performed
employing Sigma-Aldrich 250 µm 60F-254 silica plates. The plates were visualized either by
exposure to UV light, staining with iodine impregnated silica gel, or by staining with ceric

Downloaded from at NYU School of Medicine Library, on August 17, 2012
ammonium molybdate (CAM). Preparative TLC was performed employing Silicycle 1000 µm
SiliaPlate Prep silica plates. LC/MS analysis was conducted on an Agilent Technologies high-
resolution ESI-TOF mass spectrometer attached to an Agilent Technologies 1200 HPLC
system. Samples were ionized by electrospray ionization (ESI) in positive mode.
Chromatography was performed on a 2.1 × 150 mm Zorbax 300SB-C18 5 µm column with
water containing 0.1% formic as solvent A and acetonitrile containing 0.1% formic acid as
solvent B at a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min. The gradient program was as follows: 1% B (0-1 min), 1-
99% B (1-4 min), 99% B (4-7 min). The temperature of the column was held at 50 °C for the
entire analysis. HPLC purification was performed on a 9.4 mm × 250 mm Eclipse XDB-C18 5
µm column coupled with an Agilent Technologies 1200 preparative HPLC system. The gradient
program was as follows: 10% B (0-4 min), 10-90% B (4-14 min), 90% B (14-18 min). Chiral
purification was performed on a 4.6 mm × 250 mm (R,R)-Whelk-O1 5100 Kromasil 5 µm chiral
column from Regis Technologies, Inc., which is coupled with an Agilent Technologies 1200
semi-preparative HPLC system. The samples were eluted with 1:1 methanol/ ethanol at a flow
rate of 1.0 mL/min. NMR spectra were acquired on a Bruker DRX-600 spectrometer at 600 MHz
for 1H and 125 MHz for 13C. Chemical shifts are expressed in parts per million downfield from
tetramethylsilane (TMS), using either TMS or the solvent resonance as an internal standard
(TMS, 1H: 0 ppm; chloroform, 13C: 77.0 ppm; DMSO-d6, 1H: 2.50 ppm; 13C: 39.5 ppm; methanol-
d4, 1H: 3.31 ppm; 13C: 49.0 ppm). Data are reported as follows: chemical shift, multiplicity (s =
singlet, d = doublet, t = triplet, q =quartet, m = multiplet, br = broad), integration, and coupling
constant. IR spectra were obtained on a Bruker TENSOR 27 series FT-IR spectrometer
equipped with a Diamond ATR. Finally, for optical activity analysis of enantiomers, optical
rotations were recorded on a Jasco P-2000 multi-option polarimeter that is equipped with a
sodium lamp as radiation source (589 nm).

Chemical Synthesis
The synthesis of stereospecific thioenotriazolodiazepine (5), also named as MS417, was carried
out by following the reaction steps as outlined in Scheme 1.

(2-amino-4,5-dimethylthiophen-3-yl)(4-chlorophenyl)methanone (1). A 100 mL pressure

vessel was charged with 4-chlorobenzoylacetonitrile (2.88 g, 15.71 mmol), 2-butanone (1.14 g,
15.71 mmol, 1.41 mL), and sulfur (0.51 g, 15.71 mmol) sequentially. This mixture was dissolved
in absolute ethanol (35.0 mL) and allowed to stir vigorously. To this solution was added
piperidine (0.90 g, 15.71 mmol, 1.04 mL) dropwise. The solution was heated up to 110˚C for 10
h under argon in an oil bath. The organic solvent was removed in vacuo. Purification by
automatic chromatography (4:1 hexane in ethyl acetate, Rf = 0.36) provided the title product as
a beautiful yellow crystal (2.65 g, 63%). 1H NMR (CDCl3) δ 7.47 (d, J = 7.4, 2H), 7.39 (d, J =

7.4, 2H), 6.53 (br s, 2H), 2.14 (s, 3H), 1.56 (s, 3H); 13C NMR (CDCl3) δ 191.5, 163.1, 140.1,
136.7, 129.4, 128.4, 117.1, 15.5, 12.5. FTIR (neat, cm-1) 3344 (s, NH2), 3242 (s, NH2) 1085 (s,
C-N), 692 (s, C-S). MS calculated for C13H12ClNOS [M+H]+ 266.03, found 266.05. Purity >99%,
tR = 6.3 min.

Downloaded from at NYU School of Medicine Library, on August 17, 2012
Scheme 1. Synthesis of Stereospecific Thioenotriazolodiazepine 5. Conditions: (a) 4-chlorobenzoyl-
acetonitrile (1.0 equiv), 2-butanone (1.0 equiv), sulfur (1.0 equiv), piperidine (1.0 equiv), EtOH, 110 C, 10
h; (b) Fmoc-L-Asp(OMe) (1.0 equiv), PyBOP (0.95 equiv), DIPEA (2.75 eq.), DMF, room temperature, 4
h; (c) 20% piperidine, room temperature, 1h; (d) silica gel, toluene, 90 C, overnight; (e) i) KOtBu (1.1 eq.),
o o o o
THF, -78 C à -10 C , 30 min; ii) PO(OEt)2Cl (1.2 eq), -78 C à -10 C, 45 min; iii) acetic hydrazide (3.0
eq.), BuOH, 90 C, 1h.

(S)-methyl 3-((((9H-fluoren-9-yl)methoxy)carbonyl)amino)-4-((3-(4-chlorobenzoyl)-4,5-
dimethylthiophen-2-yl)amino)-4-oxobutanoate (2). A 4.0 mL vial was charged with Fmoc-L-
aspartic acid methyl ester (369.4 mg, 1.0 mmol) and 1.0 mL DMF, PyBOP (494.4 mg, 0.95
mmol) and DIPEA (355.4 mg, 2.75 mmol) sequentially. After stirring at room temperature for 10
min, 1 (265.8 mg, 1.0 mmol) was added as solid all at once and was allowed to stir vigorously at
ambient temperature for 4 h. The crude sample was concentrated in vacuo to a minimal
possible volume. Purification by automatic chromatography (4:1 hexane in ethyl acetate, Rf =
0.18) provided the title compound as a bright yellow powder (4.53 g, 97%). 1H NMR (CDCl3) δ
11.61 (s, 1H), 7.57 (d, J = 8.4, 2H), 7.43 (d, J = 8.4, 2H), 5.81 (d, 1H), 4.75 (m, 1H), 3.70 (s,
3H), 3.23 (m, 1H), 2.83 (m, 1H), 2.27 (s, 3H), 1.69 (s, 3H), 1.46 (s, 9H); 13C NMR (CDCl3) δ
193.0, 172.0, 168.8, 155.4, 145.3, 138.5, 138.2, 130.2, 128.6, 127.6, 125.3, 123.1, 113.2, 81.1,
52.8, 52.2, 35.4, 28.3, 15.0, 14.2. FTIR (neat, cm-1) 3105 (s, NH), 2975 (s, N-H), 1731 (s, C=O),
1214 (s, C-O), 669 (s, C-S). MS calculated for C23H27ClN2NaO6S [M+Na]+ 517.12, found 517.13.
Purity >99%, tR = 6.8 min.

(S)-methyl 3-amino-4-((3-(4-chlorobenzoyl)-4,5-dimethylthiophen-2-yl)amino)-4-
oxobutanoate (3). A 20 mL scintillation vial was charged with 2 (810 mg, 1.31 mmol) and 20%
piperidine in DMF (6.0 mL). This mixture was allowed to stir vigorously at room temperature for

1h. The reaction was quenched by adding saturated NaCl (aq., 40 mL). The aqueous layer was
extracted three times by ethyl acetate (40 mL × 3). The combined organic layer was washed
with brine and dried on anhydrous Na2SO4. The volatiles were removed in vacuo. The title
compound appeared as yellow oil (300 mg, 58%). 1H NMR (CDCl3) δ 12.18 (br s, 1H), 7.60 (d,
J = 8.4, 2H), 7.43 (d, J = 8.4, 2H), 3.91 (t, J = 3.9, 1H), 3.72 (s, 3H), 3.01 (m, 1H), 2.83 (m, 1H),
2.28 (s, 3H), 1.92 (br s, 2H), 1.73 (s, 3H); 13C NMR (CDCl3) δ 193.4, 171.3, 170.8, 165.4, 142.1,
138.9, 137.5, 130.4, 128.7, 128.1, 127.0, 125.0, 52.9, 50.1, 34.8, 14.6, 14.0. FTIR (neat, cm-1)
1290 (s, C-O), 1210 (d, C-O). MS calculated for C18H19ClN2O4S [M+H]+ 395.08, found 395.08.
Purity >99%, tR = 5.8 min.

(S)-methyl 2-(5-(4-chlorophenyl)-6,7-dimethyl-2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-thieno[2,3-
e][1,4]diazepin-3-yl)acetate (4). A 35 mL sealed tube was charged with compound 3 (300 mg,
0.76 mmol) and toluene (24 mL). The mixture was allowed to heat to 90 °C and refluxed for

Downloaded from at NYU School of Medicine Library, on August 17, 2012
overnight. The crude sample was first filtered and then concentrated in vacuo. Purification by
automatic chromatography (3:2 hexane in ethyl acetate, Rf = 0.16) provided the title compound
as a bright yellow crystal (265 mg, 90%). 1H NMR (CDCl3) δ 9.49 (s, 1H), 7.41 (d, J = 8.4, 2H),
7.32 (d, J = 8.4, 2H), 4.25 (m, 1H), 3.73 (s, 3H), 3.43 (m, 1H), 3.17 (m, 1H), 2.27 (s, 3H), 1.58
(s, 3H); 13C NMR (CDCl3) δ 172.4, 169.4, 165.3, 141.5, 136.8, 136.3, 130.2, 129.5, 128.5,
127.5, 126.7, 113.3, 61.2, 51.8, 36.3, 14.4, 12.9. FTIR (neat, cm-1) 1290 (s, C-O), 1210 (d, C-
O). MS calculated for C18H17ClN2O3S [M+H]+ 377.06, found 377.07. Purity >99%, tR = 6.4 min.

Methyl 2-((6S)-4-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,3,9-trimethyl-6H-thieno[3,2-f][1,2,4] triazolo[4,3-

a][1,4]diazepin-6-yl)acetate (5). A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with compound 4
(125 mg, 0.3 mmol) and THF (1.6 mL). The solution was cooled to -78 °C and potassium tert-
butoxide (37.0 mg, 0.33 mmol, 1.1 eq.). This mixture was warmed up to -10 °C and sustained
for 30 min. The mixture was cooled again to -78 °C and diethyl chlorophosphate (62.1 mg, 0.36
mmol) was added drop wise. The solution was warmed to -10 °C and sustained for 45 min.
After reaction was complete, n-butanol (1.8 mL) and acetic hydrazide (66.7 mg, 900 mmol) were
added sequentially. This mixture was stirred at room temperature for 1 h and heated up to 90 °C
for 1 h. The crude sample was filtered and the residual concentrated in vacuo. Purification by
automatic chromatography (0-100% ethyl acetate in hexane, Rf = 0.3) provided the title
compound. The pure product appeared as a pale yellow crystal (55.0 mg, 40%). 1H NMR
(CDCl3) δ 7.42 (d, J = 7.8, 2H), 7.35 (d, J = 7.8, 2H), 4.62 (m, 1H), 3.79 (s, 3H), 3.65 (m, 2H),
2.69 (s, 3H), 2.43 (s, 3H), 1.70 (s, 3H); 13C NMR (CDCl3) δ 172.1, 163.9, 155.3, 150.0, 136.8,
136.6, 132.3, 130.9, 130.8, 130.4, 129.9, 129.8, 128.7, 116.8, 53.8, 51.9, 36.7, 14.4, 13.1, 11.9.
FTIR (neat, cm-1) 1290 (s, C-O), 1210 (d, C-O). MS calculated for C20H19ClN4O2S [M+H]+
415.09, found 415.09. Purity >99%, tR = 6.6 min. Chiral resolution: t6R = 8.2 min, t6S = 11.5 min
(See Figure S6). Specific rotation activities (αD20) of 5 (also named as MS417) and its
enantiomer (i.e. MS566) were measured to be 19.9 and -20.1, respectively (see Table S4).

Synthesis of FITC-labeled chemical probe. A fluorescein-conjugated thioenotriazolodiazepine

compound (9), also named as MS574, was synthesized by using the synthetic scheme as
described in Scheme 2.

-6-yl)acetic acid (6). A 4 mL vial was charged with compound 5 (2.6 mg, 6.3 µmol) and THF
(0.4 mL). The solution was stirred vigorously at room temperature for 5 min. To this solution was
added lithium hydroxide monohydrate (2.7 mg, 63 µmol) and deionized water (0.1 mL). The
mixture was stirred at room temperature for 2 h and the reaction was quenched. The organic
content was removed in vacuo and the residual material was dissolved in H2O. The solution was

adjusted to pH 14 with 1.0 M NaOH (aq.) and the aqueous layer was washed with diethyl ether.
The pH was then carefully adjusted to pH 1 with 1.0 M HCl (aq.), and the solution was extracted
by diethyl ether. The organic phase was dried over MgSO4 and concentrated to provide the title
compound. The pure product appeared as a pale yellow oil (2.6 mg, ~100%). 1H NMR (CDCl3) δ
7.42 (d, J = 7.8, 2H), 7.35 (d, J = 7.8, 2H), 4.62 (m, 1H), 3.65 (m, 2H), 2.69 (s, 3H), 2.43 (s, 3H),
1.70 (s, 3H). MS calculated for C19H17ClN4O2S [M+H]+ 401.08, found 401.08. Purity >99%, tR =
5.2 min.

Downloaded from at NYU School of Medicine Library, on August 17, 2012
tert-butyl (2-(2-((6S)-4-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,3,9-trimethyl-6H-thieno[3,2-f][1,2,4] triazolo[4,3-
a][1,4]diazepin-6-yl)acetamido)ethyl)carbamate (7). A 4 mL vial was charged with compound
6 (20.0 mg, 49.9 µmol) and DMF (0.5 mL). To this solution was added PyBOP (24.7 mg, 47.4
µmol) and DIPEA (32.2 mg, 250 µmol). The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 10 min
before N-Boc-ethylenediamine (8.0 mg, 50.0 µmol) was added. The reaction was allowed for
overnight. The reaction was quenched with 1:1 (v/v) ratio of ethyl acetate and brine. The
aqueous layer was extracted with ethyl acetate (2×1 mL). The combined organic layer was
washed with brine and dried over sodium sulfate. The organic solvents were removed under
reduced pressure and purification by automatic chromatography (0-10% methanol in
dichloromethane, Rf = 0.1) provided the title compound. The pure product appeared as a
colorless oil (5.2 mg, 20%). 1H NMR (CDCl3) δ 7.41 (d, J = 8.4, 2H), 7.33 (d, J = 8.4, 2H), 6.98
(br s, 1H), 5.19 (br s, 1H), 4.64 (t, J = 6.6, 1H), 3.44-3.34 (m, 2H), 3.33-3.20 (m, 2H), 2.67 (s,
3H), 2.40 (s, 3H), 1.68 (s, 3H), 1.43 (s, 9H). MS calculated for C26H31ClN6O3S [M+H]+ 543.19,
found 543.21. Purity > 95%, tR = 5.2 min.

[4,3-a][1,4]diazepin-6-yl)acetamide (8). A 4 mL vial was charged with compound 7 (4.0 mg,
7.4 µmol). To this solution was added 1:1 (v/v) ratio of DCM and TFA. The mixture was stirred
at room temperature for 2 h until completion as indicated by TLC. The organic content was

removed in vacuo and the residual was put on high vacuum for overnight. The product
appeared as pale yellow oil and was used for the next step without further purification. MS
calculated for C21H23ClN6OS [M+H]+ 443.14, found 443.15. Purity > 99%, tR = 4.8 min.

-6-yl)acetic amide - a Fluorescein-5-EX conjugate (9) (also named as MS574). A 4 mL vial
was charged with compound 8 (3.3 mg, 7.4 µmol). DMF (300 µL), Fluorescein-5-EX (4.4 mg,
7.4 µmol), and DIPEA (9.5 mg, 73.6 µmol) were added sequentially. The mixture was allowed to
stir at room temperature for overnight. At the time, the reaction was stopped and the solvent
removed by air stream. Purification by HPLC provided the title compound (10-90 % ACN in
water, tR = 12.8 min. The pure product appeared as a bright yellow powder (2.9 mg, 45%). MS
calculated for C46H40ClN7O8S2 [M+H]+ 918.21, found 918.22. Purity > 99%, tR = 5.2 min.

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R410 R410
K456 K456

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P379 P379

N P434


Supplementary Figure 1. The NMR solution structure of the BRD4-BD2 bound to an NF-κ
B-K310ac peptide.
Superimposition of the backbone atoms (N, Cα and C’) of the final 20 NMR structures of the
bromodomain in complex with the NF-kB-K310ac peptide (green).

N140 N140

MS417 MS417


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Y139 Y139
Y97 Y97
L95 L95
N140 N140
D144 D144
L92 L92
I146 I146
V87 V87
D145 D145
MS417 MS417
P82 C P82 C
Q85 Q85
F83 F83
M149 M149

W81 W81

Supplemental Figure 2. (A) Stereoview of the crystal structure highlighting the electron density
of MS417 bound in the BRD4-BD1. (B) Comparison of the 3D crystal structures of the BRD4-BD1
bound to MS417 (light blue) and the BRD2-BD2 bound to JQ1 (grey) (PDB ID 3ONI). Side chains
of the key protein residues located at the ligand binding sites in each BrD are shown, color-coded
by atom type. Carbon atoms are shown in orange in BRD4-BD1/MS417 complex, and green in
the BRD2-BD2/JQ1 complex.
Affinity of FITC-MS417 to different BrDs
A C BrD Kd (µM)
8 ˜
BRD2-2 BRD4-BD1 0.085 ± 0.009
˜ BRD4-2 ˜
˜ BRD3-1 1 BRD4-BD2 0.113 ± 0.010
KIAA2026 BRDT-1 BRD3-BD1 0.110 ± 0.010
˜ TAF1-2 TAF1-1 ˜
GCN5L2 BRD3-BD2 0.147 ± 0.012
CBP 18.0 ± 0.9
PB1-2 PB1-1
ASH1L ˜ BRD7 10.8 ± 1.0
BPTF 11.8 ± 0.7
˜ PB1-6 TRIM24
BAZ1B No binding
BAZ2B SP140 BAZ2B No binding
2 ATAD2 No binding

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5 MLL4
ASH1L No binding
BRD8-1 SMARCA4 No binding
˜ ATAD2 ˜
PCAF No binding
PHIP-1 No binding
BRWD1-2 PHIP-2 ˜ 3 TAF1L No binding
TAF1 No binding

Nomralized anisotropy

Nomralized anisotropy

1.0 CBP
1.0 BRD4-BD1

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 0 50 100 150 200 250
[Protein] (μM) [Protein] (μM)

Supplemental Figure 3. Binding affinity of FITC-labeled MS417 (i.e. MS574) to different human
(A) Phyologenetic tree depicting a family of human bromodomains. The BrDs that were evaluated in
binding to FITC-labeled MS417 (also named as MS574) are indicated by a dot. These dots are color-
coded for high affinity (red), modest affinity (blue), or no binding (gray) as shown in C. (B) Represen-
tive fluoescence anisotropy binding curves of FITC-MS417 to different BrDs as a function of protein
concentration. (C) Table listing the affinity (Kd) of the FITC-MS417 binding to the BrDs that represent
different subgroups of the human BrD family as illustrated in the phyologenetic tree.
Gene Total NF-!B Enrichment P value
expression genes targets fold
HIV vs. DMSO in GFP Up-regulation 866 30 1.48 0.028
Down-regulation 685 18 1.12 0.52
MS417 vs. DMSO in HIV Down-regulation 892 49 2.48 1.4e-7
Up-regulation 1192 14 0.51 8.3e-3
MS417 vs. DMSO in GFP Down-regulation 1467 69 2.11 1.7e-7
Up-regulation 1999 15 0.32 5.3e-7
MS417 MS417
down-regulated genes up-regulated genes
in HIV-infected RTECs in HIV-infected RTECs

1 MS417
1 up-regulated
5 0 0 genes in RTECs

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5 26 HIV down-regulated
genes in RTECs
14 5 MS417
genes in RTECs
HIV up-regulated
genes in RTECs

B HIV vs. DMSO in GFP MS417 vs. DMSO in HIV

Supplemental Figure 4. Microarray analysis of MS417 effects on gene transcription in human primary
renal tubular epithelial cells (RTECs).
(A) Venn diagram of the NF-κB targets with transcriptional expression affected by both MS417 and HIV infection.
These genes were identified by Significance Analysis of Microarray program using q value of 0.05. Upper, a table
lists enrichment statistics of these NF-κB targets affected by HIV infection and/or MS417. The enrichment fold is
the ratio of the percentage of NF-κB targets in differentially expressed genes to that of NF-κB targets in the whole
gene list. The p value was calculated using Fisher's exact test. (B) Regulation of the NF-κB network derived from
Ingenuity Knowledge database. The genes are color-coded in red or green indicating their up- or down-regulation
under the specified conditions.


TN (μM

1 7



■ ■ ■
8.0 0.1
mRNA level (fold)

0 10

■ ■ ■
4.0 0.1 10
1 10



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4.5 6.0



5.0 5.0



mRNA level (fold)

mRNA level (fold)

4.0 0 3.0 4.0
■ ■ ■
mRNA level (fold)

0.1 2.5
3.0 1 3.0
2.0 0 10 1.5 2.0
■ ■ ■

0.1 10 1.0 *
1.0 1 10
* * 1.0
* * *
0 0 0
CXCL5 CXCL6 MS417 (μM) 0 0.1 1 0 0.1 1 0 0.1 1 0 0.1 1
TNFα (ng/ml) 0 0 0 10 10 10 0 0 0 10 10 10

Supplemental Figure 5. Modulation of transcription of NF-κB target and non-target genes by MS417.
(A) MS417inhibits TNFα-induced NF-κB target gene expression in RTEC. The RTEC cells were pre-incubated
with or without MS417 at the indicated doses for 30 minutes in serum-free medium and then stimulated with or
without TNFα for additional 6 hours. The cells were harvested for cytokine and chemokine PCR arrays. Repre-
sentative data from three independent experiments are shown. (B) Some of TNFα-induced NF-κB target genes
were not inhibited by MS417. Renal tubular epithelial cells were pre-incubated with or without MS417 at the
indicated doses for 30 minutes in serum-free medium and then stimulated with or without TNFa for additional 6
hours. The cells were then harvested for cytokine and chemokine PCR arrays. Representative data from three
independent experiments are shown. (C) MS417 inhibits the expression of TNFα-induced apoptosis related
genes FAS and TRAF1. The RTEC cells were pre-incubated with or without MS417 at the indicated doses for 30
minutes in serum-free medium and then stimulated with or without TNFα for additional 6 hours. Cells were then
harvested for real-time PCR analysis.
Absobance Time (min)


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Time (min)


Time (min)

Time (min)

Supplemental Figure 6. The chiral purification chromatograms of MS417.

(A) HPLC chromatogram of MS417 after stereospecific synthesis. The ratio of MS417 over its
enantiomer (MS566) is 85:15; (B) HPLC chromatogram of MS417 after chiral purification with
purity of >99%; (C) HPLC chromatogram of an enantiomer (MS566) of MS417 after chiral purifi-
cation with purity of >99%; (D) HPLC chromatogram of MS417 racemic mixture. The ratio of
MS417 to MS566 is 50:50.
Supplemental Table 1. NMR restraints and statistics of the final 20 structures of the BRD4-
BD2 in complex with a NF-κB-K310ac peptide

NMR distance and dihedral constraints

Distance constraints
Total NOE 2,857
Intra-residue 856
Inter-residue 2,001
Sequential (|i - j| = 1) 609
Medium-range (|i - j| < 4) 725
Long-range (|i – j| > 5) 667
Inter-molecular 20

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Hydrogen bonds 58
Total dihedral angle restraints
Φ angle 79
Ψ angle 79
Ramachandran Map Analysis (%)
Most favored regions 97.8
Additional allowed regions 2.2
Generously allowed regions 0.0
Disallowed regions 0.0
Structure statistics
Violations (mean +/- s.d.)
Distance constraints (A) 0.11 ± 0.0085
Dihedral angle constraints (º) 1.07 ± 0.11
Max. dihedral angle violation (º) 1.33
Max. distance constraint violation (A) 0.12
Deviations from idealized geometry
Bond lengths (A) 0.0011 ± 0.00017
Bond angles (º) 1.1 ± 0.015
Impropers (º) 2.3 ± 0.079
Average pairwise r.m.s. Deviation ** (A)
Heavy 0.58 ± 0.093
Backbone 0.28 ± 0.093
**: The residue number ranges used in full molecule RMSD calculations are 352-455.
Pairwise r.m.s. deviation was calculated among 20 refined structures
%: Procheck residue numbers are 349-369, 400-409, 415-430 and 436-456.
Supplemental Table 2. Crystallography data and refinement statistics.
Data collection
Space group P212121
Cell dimensions
a, b, c (Å) 36.84, 44.66, 78.24
α, β, γ (°) 90.0, 90.0, 90.0
Resolution (Å) (highest resolution shell) 39.12-1.40
Measured reflections 152,108
Unique reflections 25,982

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Rmerge 5.5 (33.5)
I/σ 43.7 (4.8)
Completeness (%) 99.3 (98.3)
Redundancy 5.8 (5.5)
Resolution (Å) 39.10-1.40
No. reflections 24,656
Rwork/ Rfree (%) 13.6/18.3
No. atoms
Protein 1,076
MS417 28
Water 187
B-factors (Å2)
Protein 16.8
MS417 11.7
Water 28.3
Bond lengths (Å) 0.025
Bond angles (º) 2.40
Ramachandran plot % residues
Favored 99.2
Additional allowed 0.8
Generously allowed 0
Disallowed 0

Supplemental Table 3. Summary of body weight, renal function and histology changes
Podocyte Tubular
Body weight BUN (mg/dl) AST & ALT GS index
Hypertrophy casts/cysts

WT + DMSO 22.4 ± 1.3 23.5 ± 3.4 93 ± 11 & 47 ± 4 0 0 0

Tg26 + DMSO 21.8 ± 1.5 39.4 ± 4.6 95 ± 10 & 45 ± 3 16.3 ± 7.1 1.5 ± 0.6 10.4 ± 4.8

WT + MS417 22.8 ± 1.7 24.2 ± 2.2 95 ± 11 & 47 ± 2 0 0 0

Tg26 + MS417 21.2 ± 1.6 26.8 ± 3.5* 96 ± 10 & 47 ± 3 3.1 ± 0.9* 0.5 ± 0.5* 2.4 ± 1.0*

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Note: HIV-1 transgenic (Tg26) mice and the wild-type littermates were treated with vehicle (DMSO) or MS417 at 0.08 mg/kg
from age of 4 weeks and the mice were sacrificed at the age of 8 weeks. Body weight of these mice was recorded and blood
urea nitrogen (BUN) was measured as described. The liver function test (AST & ALT) was measured by the Charles River
Research Animal Diagnosis Service (Wilmington, MA). The kidney sections from these mice were stained for PAS and the
glomerular and tubular injuries were scored as described. N=6, *p<0.05 as compared to Tg26 mice treated with DMSO (0.1%).

Supplemental Table 4. Optical Rotation Measurements
Compound αD
Concentration Solvent Path length No. of Measurement
Fmoc-L-Asp(OMe)-OH -25.8 0.01 DMF 10 mm 4
2 18.5 0.01 CHCl3 10 mm 4
3 28.7 0.01 CHCl3 10 mm 4
4 21.1 0.01 CHCl3 10 mm 4
MS417 (5) 19.9 0.01 CHCl3 10 mm 4
MS566 -20.1 0.01 CHCl3 10 mm 4

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