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Static Failure

Question 1: A steel machine part is statically loaded and has a yield strength of 320 MPa. For
each of the following stress states find the factor of safety using each of the three static failure
a) σx = 60 MPa σy = -30 MPa σz = -20 MPa τxy = 40 MPa
b) σx = 70 MPa τxy = 30 MPa

 −40 30 0 
c) σ( MPa) :=  30 −60 0 
 
 0 0 −10 
Steel is a ductile material so we will use the ductile static failure theories. First the principal
stresses for the given stress state should be calculated. (refer to Tutorial 2 - Question 1)

( ) (
σ3 − σ x + σ y + σ z ⋅ σ 2 + σ x σ y + σ x σ z + +σ y σ z − τ 2xy − τ 2yz − τ 2zx ⋅ σ )
− (σ xσ yσz )
+ 2τ xy τ yz τ zx − σ x τ 2yz − σ y τ 2zx − σ z τ 2xy = 0

σ 3 − I 1σ 2 + I 2 σ − I 3 = 0

a) Inserting the known stresses to the given eqn.

I1 = 10 I2 = -4000 I3 = 68000

σ 3 − 10 ⋅ σ 2 − 4000 ⋅ σ − 68000 = 0

Recall the roots of the equation provides the principal stresses. Solving and arranging;

σ1 = 75.21 MPa σ2 = - 20 MPa σ3 = - 45.21 MPa

Factor of safety for each failure theories :

i) Maximum Normal Stress Theory:

(Theory states that failure occurs if any of the principal stresses exceeds the yield strength of the
Sy 320
σ max = => n= => n = 4.26
n 75.21

ii) Maximum Shear Stress Theory:

(Theory states that yielding starts whenever the maximum shear stress at any point becomes equal
to the maximum shear stress in a tension test specimen of the same material when that specimen
starts yielding)
Sy σ1 − σ 3 75.21 − (−45.21)
τ max = τ max = = = 60.21 MPa
2n 2 2
n= => n = 2.66 (minimum)
2 ⋅ 60.21

iii) Distortion Energy Theory:

(Theory states that yielding occurs whenever the distortion energy in a unit volume reaches the
distortion energy in the same volume corresponding to the yield strength in tension or
1/ 2
 ( σ − σ 2 ) 2 + (σ 2 − σ 3 ) 2 + ( σ 1 − σ 3 ) 2  Sy
the von Mises stress σ′ =  1  = =>
 2  n

n= 1/ 2
=> n = 2.91
 (75.21 + 20) 2 + (−20 + 45.21) 2 + (75.21 + 45.21) 2 
 
 2 

b) For the given stress state

I1 = 70 I2 = -900 I3 = 0

σ 3 − 70 ⋅ σ 2 − 900 ⋅ σ = 0

Solving and arranging;

σ1 = 81.1 MPa σ2 = 0 MPa σ3 = -11.1 MPa

Factor of safety for each failure theories :

i) Maximum Normal Stress Theory:

Sy 320
σ max = => n= => n = 3.95
n 81.1

ii) Maximum Shear Stress Theory:

Sy σ 1 − σ 3 81.1 − (−11.1)
τ max = τ max = = = 46.1 MPa
2n 2 2

n= => n = 3.47 (minimum)
2 ⋅ 46.1

iii) Distortion Energy Theory:

1/ 2
 ( σ − σ 2 ) 2 + (σ 2 − σ 3 ) 2 + ( σ 1 − σ 3 ) 2  Sy
σ′ =  1  =
 2  n
n= 1/ 2
=> n = 3.67
 (81.1 − 0) 2 + (0 + 11.1) 2 + (81.1 + 11.1) 2 
 
 2 

MNST 81.1 σA
-11.1 Sy=320


Note: The result according to Maximum Normal Stress Theory is a misleading result as the stress
state falls into the 4th quadrant in the σ A − σ B graph. The result according to Maximum Shear
Stress Theory can be interpreted as the most conservative one whereas the one obtained by
Distortion Energy Theory is slightly greater and a more realistic one when compared with
experimental results.

 σxx τxy τxz 

 
c) σ :=  τyx σyy τyz  is the matrix representation of the stress state of an element.
τ 
τzy σzz
 zx 

For the given stress state,

I1 = -110 I2 = 2500 I3 = -15000

σ 3 − 110 ⋅ σ 2 + 2500 ⋅ σ − 15000 = 0

Solving and arranging;

σ1 = -10 MPa σ2 = -18.4 MPa σ3 = - 81.6 MPa

Factor of safety for each failure theories :

i) Maximum Normal Stress Theory:

S y (= S yc ) − 320
(max. in compression) σ max = => n= => n = 3.92 (minimum)
n − 81.6

ii) Maximum Shear Stress Theory:

Sy σ 1 − σ 3 − 10 − (−81.6)
τ max = τ max = = = 35.8 MPa
2n 2 2

n= => n = 4.47
2 ⋅ 35.8

iii) Distortion Energy Theory:

1/ 2
 ( σ − σ 2 ) 2 + (σ 2 − σ 3 ) 2 + ( σ 1 − σ 3 ) 2  Sy
the von Mises stress σ′ =  1  = =>
 2  n

n= 1/ 2
=> n = 4.72
 (−10 + 18.4) 2 + (−18.4 + 81.6) 2 + (−81.6 + 10) 2 
 
 2 

Question 2: A steel LPG tank is shown in the figure. The wall thickness of the tank is 15 mm and
has a yield strength of 340 MPa. The full weight of the tank is 6500 kg and the internal pressure is
3 MPa. Calculate the factor of safety of the tank according to the distortion energy theory.
t 15 1 1
(checking = = < the tank can be treated as thin-walled pressure vessel)
r 750 50 20

1.5 m


First the principal stresses should be calculated for both cylindrical and spherical sections.

For cylindrical vessel:

For point A:
Pr 3 ⋅ 750
tangential stress σ t = = = 150 MPa radial stress σ r.A = − p = − 3 MPa
t 15

Pr 3 ⋅ 750
longitudinal stress σ = = = 75 MPa
2t 2 ⋅ 15

bending stress due to weight of the tank: (consider weight as a concentrated force which is a
conservative assumption compared with the distributed weight assumption)
π 4
D o − D i4 =)π
( )
1500 4 − 1470 4 = 1.929 ⋅ 1010 mm4

Mc 63 . 766 ⋅ 10 6 ⋅ ( 750 − 15 )
σ b,A = = ≅ 2 . 4 MPa
I 1 . 929 ⋅ 10 10

At the bottom of the tank the tensile stresses will be larger, so the bottom mid-point is critical.
Recalling there will be no traverse shear stress due to weight at the bottom fiber, the axial stresses
are to be taken as principal stresses. Arranging as σ1 > σ 2 > σ 3 ;

σ1 = σ t = 150 MPa σ 2 = σ  + σ b = 77.5 MPa σ 3 = σ r = −3 MPa

After calculating the stress state we can find the factor of safety using the distortion energy

6500 kg 6500 ⋅ 9.81

F= = 31883 N
4000 mm 4000
F F M = 31883 ⋅ = 63.766 ⋅ 10 6 Nmm
1/ 2
 ( σ − σ 2 ) 2 + (σ 2 − σ 3 ) 2 + ( σ 1 − σ 3 ) 2  Sy
σ′ =  1  =
 2  n
n= 1/ 2
=> n = 2.56
 (150 − 77.5) 2 + (77.5 + 3) 2 + (150 + 3) 2 
 
 2 

For point B:
tangential stress σ t = 150 MPa radial stress σ r .B =0

longitudinal stress σ  = 75 MPa

Mc 63 . 766 ⋅ 10 6 ⋅ 750
σ b,B = = ≅ 2 . 5 Mpa
I 1 . 929 ⋅ 10 10
Comment: Since a thin walled cylinder is used, as it can be seen in above equations, bending
moments at point A and B can be considered to be equal. Also, pressure in the tank is small which
results in small radial stress at point A compared to longitudinal and tangential stresses. Therefore
checking safety factor according to stress element at point A is sufficient for this problem.

For the spherical cap:

on spherical shells stresses in orthogonal directions are same:

Pr 3 ⋅ 750
σl = σ2 = σ t = = = 75 MPa
2t 2 ⋅ 15

σ1 = σ 2 = 75 MPa σ 3 = σ r = p = −3 MPa

n= 1/ 2
n = 4.36
 (75 − 75) 2 + (75 + 3) 2 + (75 + 3) 2 
 
 2 

Factor of safety used for the production of the tank is 2.56 (the smaller of the two factors
calculated above).

Question 3: A cast iron structure is loaded as shown in the figure. The material has Sut = 325
MPa and Suc = 912 MPa. Find the factor safety of the structure using brittle failure theories
at the points A and B (Coulomb-Mohr and Modified Mohr).
100 For machine elements made of brittle materials
stress concentrations should be considered. The
neck for this case is critical.

F = 1.5 i – k kN
Mx = Fz . 100 = 100000
Fx My = Fx . 200 = 300000
φ30 A
T = Fx . 100 = 150000
z Mx
R6 y Fz = 1000 N
y φ45 B Fx = 1500 N
x T

The maximum bending moment on the shoulder is to be calculated using My (in N.m).
The transverse shear due to Fx at points A and B is zero.

As stated before, the stress concentrations should be considered on brittle elements. Certain fillets,
notches, holes, grooves on the element should be checked as critical sections, as the stress
concentrates around these sections.
D 45 r 6
For = = 1.5 and = = 0.2 => Kt.axial = 1.57 (Fig E-1, Norton, pp.994)
d 30 d 30

Kts.torsion = 1.25 (Fig E-3) Kt.bending = 1.4 (Fig. E-2)

Stresses at the maximum tension (point A) and compression (point B) points on the critical
section, respectively:

Mc F Mc F
σ A = K t .bend ⋅ − K t .axial ⋅ z (tens.+comp.) σ B = −K t .bend ⋅ − K t .axial ⋅ z (comp+comp)

τ 0 = K ts.torsion ⋅ (same for all points)

π 4 π 4 . 4 4 π 2
I= D = 30 = 3.976 10 mm J = 2.I = 7.952.104 mm4 A= D = 706.86 mm
64 64 4

300 ⋅ 10 3 ⋅ 15 1000
At point A: σ A = 1 .4 ⋅ 4
− 1.57 ⋅ = 156.2 MPa
3.976 ⋅ 10 706.86

300 ⋅ 10 3 ⋅ 15 1000
At point B: σ B = −1.4 ⋅ 4
− 1.57 ⋅ = -160.7 MPa
3.976 ⋅ 10 706.86

150 ⋅ 10 3 ⋅ 15
shear stress τ 0 = 1.25 ⋅ = 35.37 MPa (show the direction on the cube below !)
7.952 ⋅ 10 4
σ x +σ y  σ x −σ y 
Recall in 2D stress analysis; σ1,3 = ±   + τ 2zy
 σA
2  2 

156.2+ 0  156.2− 0  2
σy= 0
Point A: σ1,3 = ±   + (35.37)
2  2 
σ1 = 163.84 MPa σ2 = 0 MPa σ3 = -7.64 MPa
− 160.7+ 0  − 160.7 − 0  2
Point B: σ1,3 = ±   + (35.37)
2  2 
σy= 0

σ1 = 7.4 MPa σ2 = 0 MPa σ3 = -168.1 MPa

Coulomb-Mohr Theory:

σ1 σ 3 1
− = (note Suc is treated as positive)
S ut S uc n

163.84 − 7.64 1
for point A: − = => n = 1.95 (minimum)
325 912 n

. − 168.1 1
for point B: − = => n = 4.65
325 912 n
7.4 163.84 Sut
-7.64 A

-168.1 B


Modified Mohr Theory:

σ3 σ3
163.84 Sut 7.4 S1 Sut
σ1 σ1


-Sut -Sut E

S3 G H

Suc Suc

Point A Point B
S ut 325
Point A: n= = = 1.98 (minimum)
σ1 163.84

S1 S 3 S1 S
Point B: n= = (S1 and S3 is to be found) => = 3
σ1 σ 3 7.4 168.1

S ut S uc − S ut 325 912 − 325

using similarity of triangles DEF and FGH. = => =
S1 S uc − S 3 S1 912 − S 3

solving the equations : S1 = 37.2 MPa S3 = 844.8 MPa (= -844.8 MPa)

S1 37.2 S 3 844.8
n= = => n = 5.03 or n= = ⇒ n = 5.03
σ1 7.4 σ3 168.1

You can also use the equations 12.c, 12.d, 12.e in pp. 274 of Norton to obtain the same result.

Question 4. The steel crankshaft is loaded statically as shown in figure. The steady force is
counterbalanced by a twisting torque T and by reactions at A and B. The yield strength of the
material is 420 MPa. If the factor of safety according to maximum shear stress theory is to be 2.0,
what should be the minimum diameter of the crankshaft? (Note: In practice such problems are
dealt with dynamic considerations. Here it is taken as a static example.)

At point C, there is normal stress in axial directiondue to bending (max. moment). At point D,
both axial stress due to bending and shear stress due to torsion exist.

90 90
A FA = FB = 2500 / 2 = 1250 N
T = 2500 . 45 = 1.125 . 105
48 Sections at points C and D should be
C checked.
45 F = 2.5 kN

At point C:
d π 4
M = 1250 . 90 = 1.125 . 105 c= I= d
2 64
1.125 ⋅ 10 5 ⋅ 6
σb =
= 2 = 1.146 ⋅ 10 MPa σ1 = σ b σ 2 = σ3 = 0
I π 4 d3
Sy 420
Recall , for max shear stress theory: τ all = = = 105 MPa and τall = τmax
2n 2⋅2
1.146 ⋅ 10 6
σ1 − σ 3 d 3
τ max = = = 105 MPa => d3 = 5457 mm3
2 2

which gives d = 17.6 mm

At point D:

d π 4
M = 1250 . 48 = 6 . 104 c= I= d J=2.I
2 64

d d
6 ⋅ 10 4 ⋅ 5 1.125 ⋅ 10 5 ⋅ 5
σ bending =
= 2 = 6.112 ⋅ 10 MPa τ tortion =
= 2 = 5.73 ⋅ 10
I π 4 d3 J π 4 d3
d d
64 32

 σ x −σ y  Sy 420
τ max =   + τ 2xy
 τ all = = = 105 MPa τall = τmax
 2  2n 2⋅2

2 2
 6.112 ⋅ 10 5   5.73 ⋅ 10 5  6.494 ⋅ 10 5
τ max =   +
 
 =
 = 105 MPa => d3 = 6185 mm3
 2d 3   d3  d3

which gives, d = 18.36 mm

Checking both points, point D found to be more critical. The minimum diameter of the shaft
should be 18.36 mm. But it should be better to get used to accept preferred numbers in machine
elements design, so it can be set as d = 20 mm.

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