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WARNINGS Read Belore Using Your Sega Dreamcast Video Game Systom camion Pap frp areca aldol pa cle sear ta ™ ouse ofthe begat 2 HEALTH AND EPLEPSY WARMING aay neat cee neg on uth the Dresmeasi con lo ata thorough befor you ae ea DEE ee Hiei Career tr rte : eet eee s “Soe eg rerepgg tenement Sa a NC ica : Pret OMe Ss meen ans co a Srmtroweett reid i PROAECTION TELEVISION WARNING SEGA DREAMCAST DEO GAME USE pers ney eso CLV OL Ol CHARACTER INTRODUCTIONS pees Gary Stewart See ‘There was nothing else that could have been done to Herc ere soles ed . Lae Sean \ sree eee nanny, : . a onal Ne wae Painter tit ve Le Titra enters Pre na chee ee eens poineren neo Ear picpthretiaeaay Saree STARTING UP Make sure tat you nen he ump Pack (ol sparta into Expansion Socket 2 Fine Sonitoy the surp Bas does nackte laos wnen messing a9, Expansion Socket andy fal Out during game lay, cavang prs ith A For futher dtl, lo read he Jump Pack nsucion Manoa GAME CONTROLS This one ox wo player game, Fox a ong player game, use ther Contl Port A or, andlor 8 two playa lave une bah Gontel Pots A and Bou can cae Sonivter wih inserted viS0 i any of ho Pons save the "THE DREAMGAST CONTROLLER, ‘ame, Tage ee ll “Aco netic ha vy Tun Pa. SST ERIS PPNEWISEECTON | oanannoa THUMB PAD | _AMBIG.CONTROLS EATER TATETTON SARTPRISE— TaN, = RELOAD ANEVENT NA CENTER THe HASET NA TRIGGER LOAD 2g 5 a ES oN ng he me eratarcos pss de GAME CONTROLS ego ir rn thar Pa Pa yi we show wa ese aye "THE ARCADE STICK (oto seranarewn) MENU SELECTION worsen ‘ene CONTROLS: ENTER ‘ewrToW TE im ‘eaurTor SPEEDUP AHING Wk ‘ eurron ——|cewrentTe TaRET Ap ge tee Sesag gay ponte gee, smatneosy pes ard he oes. Sratns Se Si SUBPLOTS “This gare is uke mest gama, bacause he path your character takes I based ‘ni acions using "Sub'Piis You can ply aga and again and dscover new For Example \ THE GAME SCREEN, @GUNSIGHT ‘hiss shawn unen using the Contr or theres Su @ REMAINING ROUNDS ‘Tha numberof lets lan your gun. ood tora the bute out @Lives ere reduced # you are hacked at. ‘ugeened gouged. oma. oF YoU ray shoot one of the hve Ocreons ‘his sows th nunber of ersingcontruse. Ifyouluse em all re game is over (© BOSS LIFE GAUGE This dcreases as you damage te toss Clare stage oy fac ts age 2a, OTIME “This lplayodauring BOSS MODE (Seo Pas) Ident the ie akan to detoy the boss, BEGINNING PLAY When the Tike Sixeonsppeas, poss Start to ply the main pon Uae 9 oso cand pee Ota wen IN'Secandpisyer cana by pressing Sarton another Gerber ets) daring same play. ARCADE MODE (see) BOSS MODE see is) “The arcace version hasbeen athtily TWsyea me aac mode wiere ported io Dreamcast. m4 ean cont te besten ct oA nat bad ane? OPP ORIGINAL MODE (se: Pa) RANKINGS (eee r9) Tiss a Oreameast ORIGINALNODE Here you can see te top 10 rarkoa ‘hers you san use aoe tors player foreach mode, TRAINING MODE (ox 10) ‘OPTIONS (see re Tiss nae wtereyoucanacice Tig sie youcan mesh vous the gumel bea lachcues Eetngs of he gama auch a: eealy o cake siguaton aa mies 40 ARCADE MODE ‘Te aac verion has boon fatfuly pote to Dreamcast, ‘STARTING THE GAME ‘Sled “ARCADE MODE trom te main menu and press @(Sia The game saris ‘Mirna opening sequence CONTINUE/GAME OVER THE COURSE SCREEN (Gros your charactr loses Nis Wt fe Wien te game ends, fu Gouin Seren ie deplayes. th couse at you Pres Sat Beta tho courier Feaches ‘Slowed data the bore to caer However yoshi ‘anes dspsyed on ‘han the game over eCourse Seton ‘Ta Name Enty Soon a doped you dear al he chaps wih you sear n tha toy 10, Sel hee letersbalre the courte reachos 20, Usa the previous ler Your rame wi e forded whon you sleet "END Re Wan you cata chaptar, he Sear Seren (pled; and you san check he felowtg Figen Fuermote ana wen you ‘aral fhe copter, yu wl Se uogsd On eur over potarance RESCUED: Te numberof people you saved Seon vou cuort sore es ACCURACY Yoursczuracyporcontage SU ASCOFESCHEEN ORIGINAL MODE ‘This s @Dreamoas! ORIGINAL NODE where you can use soxuted ems, | TEM COMBINATIONS ‘Sect Hams that you thot use Yu can tak Wg fe “Thao are an enero numberof eflecive it omtinaiona, Thee ae SS fee oi tee en pose Te [tm that ear et be combined (ts eaaa, "You cannot maka fs earownaton” items wil move toe Take Gut window IS dopayed} co ty ee many varaione as pose, Geer cnneraere aera incicate "END". To change an item, use ## to select the ACQUIRING ITEMS: tac sininnemansmnr Sar eee ereleecescnede anrert O eae eraeten cae pene ‘Reade tems Epnaton on page 18 Te SE ST CNEL “Apa worn gre en am nese ters to pros ga ime ‘Wee re me pay, ean ae can on ae oe Sree ene ae! Baer ee ie meee nas eee a erecuarar arctan eae ge ve tame ren Take Ou wind cx ) SUD sa ang A ee ‘en you re else, select END” ard press Stat The ‘neo ep wnohased eescon te Seow tate afer ot pare re noe ‘once you take an item, isappears tem fe turk — you can ony ‘et Snew Thnk vy carta soot wal bring, 2 B TRAINING MODE BOSSMODE | “Tia ea me atack mode whore you can canton the bossos of evory chapter. Hom qu can you oppo tose baa guys? es THE TRAINING SELECTION SCREEN Faq CHAPTER SELECTION MENU. Use this mode to improve your game sls ‘Sele ranng session sing James wil en oxlan ‘Selec oss Uning @m. Fhe boss ht. muaiple sar maka, igo @ 0 saat a haiodo fe Sasca tang staan wih muti ss ‘marc ie mora sar mere, tre mor dito colon Prove @iSar to beg 8 Iara, ure to soles mak Press vStor fo beg the oss tort ranma ‘mul uy AANNNG HOE, you wt on aan "a CLEARING A TRAINING SESSION/CONTINUE. Borer 0055 | - Tae ee ie "Succes wl be dapleyed # you suocassuly cara a Tt darn eee or Cog le esson Pross © to rum tothe Tang Sector a Ferorslanlen a ar rate ow BT ios. youre te screen wil changa ote Continue ‘Mena, Ue‘ io seit an fam er he Contre Mora INCREASING TRAINING SESSIONS [M__ INCREASING STAR MARKS ‘Onoe you cea the euret ra 1 yu Sl a ring ses9on 0c Steal you ean vanes the” | | Ros, gsr marti sopea at he xt eosin, Iaido hing een fpeeasno smicuy ‘The gana ends when your characerrne out of nas You can nt corrus NAME ENTRY, “The Nana En Screen wl be spayed # you can defeat a bose watun ane ole top 10 AANKINGS. Selec! freer boats the cuntor eachoe foro. Press @ {otra to tne prev tartan you are nt select END a Yur fare 4 RANKINGS “There are top 10 ranking iss for he ARCADE, ORIGINAL. ana BOSS modes, Uso @w to sciect s rode. Press BStat 16 rl tothe tain ene ‘hte mos are Healers fai a aoa OPTIONS “Ths where you can most various satin of th game, such as aiietyselings, carer configurations an coura ees USbe'a'8 snc sn tom, and at moi the satin (__“orncuny —) (—__auo___*) TRSERT We Ives of oN ‘Change hater yeu wants Fear lary EasyeaeyRiomalvidMery Had Seun Soo or Mone LIFE (comers ganas sound acc oy Seiequmbe clive taryoavant — pessng 8 fia tha gue mis The on or the ARCADE end BOSS MODES” ‘SOUND TEST MUSIC ‘een fete game bacharound msic serait (Gea) by pressing @ ‘Thanpe Ps number of creda CONFIGURATIONS (see 7) ‘ARCADE NODE (Grange he buon setings SIGHT GRAPHIC ‘SMH ie due Pack ON GOFF DEFAULT Foam oe orga deta Senge SIGHT SPEED e217) Seo espeed cite ainng ee © Cex) Stow! by he ConvoieeBvense Sick Raum o he Wan Menu fi £ : i ‘Change me airing arp ahaa the Conroternvonde Sk 16 ‘SIGHT SPEED SCREEN ‘Selec Sight Speed" to epay the Sgnt Speed Seren. e ota oie Te wl ton oun the tg tts il speedup Be aiming spend. You ca Ted ne sped usr he Sra Thunb Pad Pad trib ete When you re ted pose Sta trem worms. ‘CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION SCREEN Pe naa eceeureet tae” w ITEMS “The aye various ts the ORIGINAL and ARCADE modes. Hero is BrinradoSion ome ol the Sams (= Bug E spread ot a wider GOLD COIN target aba Sore am = = = ee sae gen gun Sr oteyatete iS pa = GEM POWER UP 1.2 SEM pons POWER Ue CRT ECS ES a = dit Bie bulet dp apaersauane, roe] Sasa es ES {GOLDEN FROG ac cneor 42 Get wo mate cea 1s MONSTER FILE EBITAN “ond seoetaly vat Pome Aesordegy, ne av Saeaee ‘sacs RANDY ony be foced alee erhree eae ruepaene MICKEY was ru'cemnge at Se Seacrest ae Serine Eethul, URI | eect rasaeo ven 08 ax eer gear oops ve tie Een ee een eels meen face eee Semin aa Sfareratrely hat kk ark Sir an ses SRS eau JOHNNY Jotony ig zero des! ache ova tet Ueto bhi ore anes cantina ai scoring en oa lo trying speed, sl he xs ‘ntl secrecy trom asaia detanee Bewemed PETER ioerer siuay mas ee leave Paters cage Sess fos ansaony nar aa Felecia ne uses Ne sword

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