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Universidad Abierta Para


Escuela de educación
Mención Lengua y Literatura

Jhon Manuel Lagares Victoriano




Ada Francisco

Ingles l
Fecha de entrega


Saludos participantes.

Bienvenidos a nuestra primera semana de trabajo, donde abordaremos

temas como: diferentes formas de saludar, acciones que realizamos en el
aula, el verbo ser o estar etc.

Primero, se sugiere realizar lo siguiente:

1. Estudiar la pre-unidad y unidad 1 de su libro de texto.

2. Abrir y descargar el programa del curso y otras informaciones

en Orientations of the Course / Orientaciones del curso.

3. Abrir y repasar las lecciones Grammar and vocabulary unit 0/ pre-unit1.

Segundo, realizar los ejercicios correspondientes a la tarea de este


Finalmente enviar el archivo en Word con la tarea y hoja de

presentación en el espacio correspondiente en la plataforma.

TASK 1 {tarea 1}

Exercise 1

Verb to be
Write the correct answer

1. Where ___are___ you from?

a. am
b. is
c. are
2. How old __are___ you? How old __are____ your brother?
a. am
b. is
c. are
3. What __are___ your aunt's name?
a. am
b. is
c. are
4. I _am___ glad to see you! How __are___ you?
a. am
b. is
c. are
5. The dog __is____ in the garden.
a. am
b. is
c. are
6. Tom's parents ___is___ travel agents.
a. am
b. is
c. are
7. __are___ your father a teacher? - No, he __is___ a doctor.
a. am
b. is
c. are
8. John __is___ a nice boy. I like him!
a. am
b. is
c. are
9. That book ___is____ very interesting. Take this one!
a. am
b. is
c. are
10. The best seats __is___ $10.00
a. am
b. is
c. are
Exercise 2

Contration Form

Rewrite the sentences in the Contraction Form.

Example: I am very happy. I´m very happy.

1. She is my sister.
she` s my sister. _________________________
2. He is fifteen years old.
__He’ s fifteen years old.______________________
3. That is an extra slice of pizza.
_That’ s an extra slice of pizza.__________________
4. Is not this a friendly dog?
__isnt’ this a friendly._____________________
5. Do not knock the glass over!
_ Don’t knock the glass over._____________________
6. Jenny cannot drive yet.
_ Jenny can’t drive yet._________________________
7. It did not rain last night.
_ It d’_not rain last night._______________________
8. I will go with you to the park.
__l’ ll go with you to the park._____________________
9. He will like this present.
__ _He’ll like this present.________________________
10. She will need a winter coat.
__She’ll need a winter coat._____________________
Exercise 3

Personal Pronouns

Write the correct Personal Pronoun

I – You – He – She – It – They - We

1. Sister she
2. Boy ___he____
3. School __it____
4. Cars ___it____
5. Emily and Jack ____they____
6. Bike ___it_____
7. Sophia and I ___we____
8. Dad ___you____
9. Parents ___they____
10. Grandfather ___he___


Querida maestra le marque la respuesta en negrito para que le sea más fácil de
identificar espero me entienda gracias

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