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NAME: Vilma Ordoñez DATE: 15/10/2019

TEACHER: Byron Astudillo 8 “B”
1. Make a list of 20 verbs in: Present – Past.
Present Past Traducción
Be was/were ser o estar
beat beat golpear
become became convertir
begin began comenzar
bend bent doblar
bet bet apostar
bite bit morder
blow blew soplar
break broke romper
bring brought traer
broadcast broadcast retransmitir
build built construir
burst burst reventar
buy bought comprar
catch caught agarrar, coger
choose chose escoger, elegir
come came venir
cost cost costar
creep crept reptar,arrastrarse
cut cut cortar
2. Write 5 sentences with the present simple.

1. She reads the newspaper every day.

2. We come to school by bus.
3. You work very hard.
4. She likes to sit in the sun.
5. We play in the park every day.


1. She does not read the newspaper every day.

2. We do not come to school by bus.
3. You do not work very hard.
4. She does not like to sit in the sun.
5. We do not play in the park every day.

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