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I understand you've been hypnotized, and you're interested.

So I think the best thing to do is get

down to work. And you're willing to learn deeper hypnosis, aren't you?And all you have to do is to let
things happen, and they will happen and I'm going to take hold of your hand in a moment.

(Erickson placed her hands on her things.)

Now, as you watch your hands, they're simply resting there. And do you know about the feelings you
have when you are feeding a baby and you want baby to open its mouth, and you open yours instead
of the baby?

And did you ever close the door of a car when you get in to a car?

Well, I want that same kind of automatic movement. Now, look at my hands. You see very, very
slowly, without it being a voluntary thing. My right hand can lift up and it can lower. And the left
hand can lift up and lower.

(Erickson models slow lifting and lowering with his hands.)

Now, what I'd like you to understand is this:you have a conscious mind, and you know that and I
know that, and you have an unconscious mind. You know what I mean by that, do you now?

(As she nods, Erickson leans forward toward her and makes intense eye contact.)

Now, you could lift your right hand, or your left hand consciously, but your unconscious mind can lift
one of the other of your hands. And now, I'd like you to look at your hands, and I'm going to ask you
a question, and you do not know the answer to that question, but your unconscious mind does. So
you'll just have to wait and see what the answer is. I'm going to ask you which hand is your
unconscious mind going to lift up first?The right hand or the left hand, and you really don't know. But
your unconscious knows.


That's right. It's beginning to lift one of your hands. Lifting, lifting, lifting, lifting up. And now that
hand begins lifting up.

(Subject's right hand begins to slowly move.)

That's right. Watch it lifting, lifting, lifting, up it comes, lifting higher and higher. And as you keep
watching your hand, you'll notice that you can just close your eyes and feel it lifting higher and

And it's lifting, lifting, lifting. That's right. lifting, lifting up.

(Erickson lightly touches her right hand to assume a catalepsy position.)

That's right. I mentioned before that the hand could lift up and it could go down. And now I wonder if
you know which hand is going to go down first. One of the other is going to go down. Down it comes.

(Her right hand begins to lower.)

That's right. Down it comes. And it's coming down more and more. And as it comes down, I want you
to go deeper and deeper into the trance. I'd like to have you enjoy going deeper and deeper. And
when your hand reaches your lap, you'll take a deep breath and go even deeper into trance, because
you're beginning to know how now. That's right, coming to rest there. Now, take a deep breath.
That's right. And now let it seem as if many minutes had passed. Now, I'd like for you to slowly
arouse and look at me and talk to me. Now, slowly rouse up now.

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