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1. What is an emergence?
 Is a situation that threatened life and require immediate action
2. What is emergence planning?
 Is a process of preparing an airport to cope with an emergency during at airport or
in its vicinity.
3. What is the objective of emergency planning?
 Is to minimize the effect of an emergence by saving life’s and maintaining airport
4. In emergency planning there are three C’S list them?
 Command
 Coordination
 Communication
5. List five organizations that are involved in airport emergence plan.
 Police / security
 Rescue and fire fighting
 Medical service
 Low enforcement
 Hospitals / Airport Maintenance Staff
6. Briefly explain the difficult conditions in emergence planning and give example?
 Are places which render the use of fire engines and other movable equipment’s
which are intended to be used in an emergency to be impossible to be carried or
 Examples: Difficult terrain such as bodies of water, Marsh, roads, montains,
depressions and other problem areas.
7. In case of bomb threat what steps should one take?
 When the bomb is going to explode?
 What does it look like?
 What kind of bomb is it?
 What will cause it to explode?
 Did you place the bomb?

8. What is fire?
 Is a chain chemical reaction
9. For fire to start there are three elements that must be there. List them.
 Oxygen
 Heat
 Fuel
10. List three elements used to eliminate the three elements you have listed above?
 Smothering and blanketing
 Cooling
 Starvation
11. Fire is divided into classes. list the classes and indicate what is involved?
 Class A free burning materials i.e. paper and wood
 Class B flammable liquids i.e. petrol and solvents
 Class C flammable gases i.e. methane and hydrogen
 Class D metals i.e. magnesium and sodium
 Class F cooking fat
12. All extinguishers, their color and class to be used.
Water Red A
Carbon dioxide Black B and C
Dry powder Blue B
foam Cream A and B
Wet powder Yellow F
Fire blanket Red or White Any type

13. Electric fire belongs to which fire?

 Electric fire can be any class of fire
14. What is the consequences of fire?
 Loss of life

 Loss of family and friends

 Loss of home, workplace, income and job
 Loss of irreplaceable belongings
15. List sources of ignition?
 Smoking
 Heaters
 Arson
 Electrical equipment
 Naked flames
16. List sources of fuel?
 Flammable gasses
 Flammable liquids
 Carbonaceous materials
 Metals such as sodium and magnesium
17. Basic Fire Prevention.
 Be mindful of Fire Safety
 Don’t block fire exits, call points or extinguishers, know your exits
 No smoking policy
 Take care with any hot process, follow manufacturer’s instructions

 Maintain any machinery

 Observe good security
 Don’t wedge Fire Doors
18. On Hearing the Alarm what you suppose to do.
 Walk quickly but don’t run, closing doors behind you
 Leave the building immediately by the nearest exit
 Do not delay your exit to collect your belongings
 Do not use lifts
 Attend the Fire Assembly Point and report to the Fire Warden or
Responsible Person

 Do not return until told to do so

19. Do Not Fight a Fire if.
 It is bigger than a waste paper bin
 One extinguisher is not enough
 Smoke is affecting your breathing
 You cannot see the way out
 Gas cylinders or chemicals are involved
 Your efforts are not reducing the size of the fire
 There is any risk to yourself
20. Key Points for use of Fire Extinguishers.
 Know how they operate
 Always leave yourself an exit and ensure it is clear
 Know the colour coding
 Never attempt to fight a fire Unless it is Safe to do so
 Remember it can be dangerous to use the wrong extinguisher
 Do Not Use if you have not be Trained
21. How to Use an Extinguisher?
 Pull the pin
 Aim at the base of the fire
 Squeeze the top handle
 Sweep from side-to-side until the fire is completely out
22. Briefly explain how foam is prepared.
 Chemical + water + oxygen = finished foam
23. Describe the steps involved in fighting electric fire.
 First limit the supply of current
 Fight the fire according to the class of fire
24. List three sources of pressure in fire extinguishers.
 Stored pressure

 Cat ridge
 Chemical reaction
25. How we determine the extinguisher.
 Color coding
 The content which is inside it (the extinguisher)
 The nozzle or horn
26. Why we normally use carbon dioxide cat ridge extinguisher.
 Carbon dioxide is heavier than oxygen by covering the lower part of the fire
 Carbon dioxide does not support burning
27. Why the bottom of the extinguisher is plastic?
 To protect when it falls down
 Not to harm in case it falls the user
 To prevent rusting
28. Portable fire extinguisher components.
 Most hand-held extinguishers have six basic parts:
 Cylinder or container
 Carrying handle
 Locking mechanism
 Nozzle or horn
 Trigger
 Pressure indicator

29. Names of this fire extinguisher.


 Airport Emergency Exercise (AEE)
 Rescue and Fire Fighting (RFF)

NB: Please read more not only this summarized questions.



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