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REMEDIAL ACTIVITY: The following data represents the highway gas consumption (in miles per gallon) of

80 different variants of passenger cars.

32 25 35 30 20 55 20 32
34 21 32 25 35 14 25 36
33 28 30 30 35 28 24 31
52 51 31 35 27 29 25 25
24 26 24 23 26 24 49 45
24 27 22 45 31 37 46 23
29 32 28 24 27 30 20 24
18 53 22 22 44 55 49 19
25 24 27 17 28 23 30 24
14 22 27 33 15 29 24 33
1. In a MS Excel file type the following data in one sheet.
2. On another sheet, construct a frequency distribution table for the given data.
3. Below you frequency distribution table, write a short narrative describing the data in the
frequency distribution table.
4. On another sheet, solve for the mean, median, mode, variance and standard deviation using the
frequency distribution table you created. Write a short interpretation on how these measures
describe your data. Follow the format as shown below:


Standard Deviation

5. On another sheet, solve for the 4 quartiles and the 10 deciles using the using the frequency
distribution table you created. Write a short interpretation on how these measures describe
your data. Follow the format as shown below:


1st Quartile
2nd Quartile
3rd Quartile
4th Quartile
1st Decile
And so on…

6. Email to me your MS Excel file on or before December 18, 2018 using the file name:

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