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Strengths Weaknesses

Leadership Adaptability

Communication Self-motivation

Curiosity Risk-taking

Faith Focas

Innovation Strategic thinking

Through this next couple years of my life, especially this finale of my high-school career,
I want to have those weaknesses be my strengths side, so adaptability, self-motivation,
risk-taking, focus, and strategic thinking should be attributes that are positive about me. I have
much determination to better myself not only for my sake for for my future self as well. Just to
have such determination, I think, will be a game changer in this whole process as long as I keep
up on it. Here are the ways I make them a struggle for me and ways to fix them to help my
journey extend past prior potential.

I want to be able to better adapt to my surroundings which for the past year I have had a
lot of experience with. To be able to walk into an entirely different condition that im used to and
use my strengths to the fullest. I strongly believe in repetition, and for this matter just having
more experience and situations where that is prevenant like going to college, getting a new job,
and so on. This has to be one of the most important skills that will help my career as I change
and grow.

Being self-motivated has always been an issue only for the fact that I am a motivator
rather than motivated. For this the best option would just be easier on myself and literally
motivate myself outloud. Which I'll have you know I do often, in situations that are very
stressful, It definitely needs some work as I transition it to an everyday thing. I can do this
simply by writing inspiration quotes or thoughts in my head.

Although I'd like to think that I am a risk-taker, my brain thinks otherwise sometimes. I
am very open-minded and love seeing all the opportunities around me so, just taking them might
be hard but it is something I improve everyday as I step out of my comfort zones like when I
read my poems out-loud in my writing class or presenting a new idea to my Manager.

Another weakness that I want to change is my overall focus. The strength and weakness
test told me that I am usually found completing small minute tasks rather than fulfilling bigger
challenges, and I totally agree, I know that my focus can be all over the place. I can usually find
myself in my own head and not really giving my current task my full undivided attention this
will, with humongous work, be a goal on my dashboard to fix and make a strength for myself.

Lastly, strategic thinking can be difficult only for that fact that me, and many others, use
the same ideas and concepts to solve problems rather than thinking outside the box. This can be
combated with just giving a second to think in a deeper fashion instead of old solution as in old

In conclusion, I have my work cut out for me but this challenge is very much accevable
and Although I have high expectations for myself, I know that I can do it. These weaknesses is
important in any career and though some have gotten better and some worse. I am very confident
in myself and will carry that determination with me for the home stretch.

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