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DPWH participated to the 3rd Quarter Joint PPOC, PDC, PADAC, & E-CLIP Meeting

The Provincial Government of Eastern Samar, under the helm of Governor Ben P. Evardone,
spearheaded the 3rd Quarter Joint Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC), Provincial
Development Council (PDC), Provincial Anti-Drug Abuse Council (PADAC) and Enhanced
Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) Meeting on August 14, 2019 at the Provincial
Governor’s Office Conference Hall, Provincial Capitol Building, Borongan City, Eastern Samar.
Department of Public Works and Highways – Eastern Samar District Engineering Office (DPWH-
ESDEO) representative Engr. Arturo C. Apura, Chief of the Planning and Design Section together
with the different local government Mayors, national government agencies and concerned
stakeholders of Eastern Samar participated to the said meeting.
“The support of national government agencies is really needed for the local government units to
be able to end the local communist armed conflict and thereby have peace in our province.” Gov.
Evardone said.
The agenda was to ensure convergence and coherence in the implementation of Executive Order
(EO) No. 97, series of 2018, “Institutionalizing the Whole-of-Nation Approach in Attaining
Inclusive and Sustainable Peace, Creating a National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed
Conflict, and Directing the Adoption of National Peace Framework.”
Major General Pio Diñoso III, Commander of the 8th Infantry Division presented the insurgency
updates in the province. He showed that the presence of rebel NPA members is still felt due to
poor road networks and thick forest cover.
Moreover, DPWH is tasked to co-lead with Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) to provide adequate just, equitable, and sustainable infrastructure development and
resource management programs in order to accelerate the delivery of basic services and
contribute to the attainment of peace, rural development, and national industrialization.
In closing, Governor Evardone, expressed his appreciation and gratitude to each member of the
Councils for all their support in the promotion and maintenance of peace and order.
“On behalf of the people of Eastern Samar, I’d like to extend my gratitude to all of you for this
whole day activity and it’s a good start. I just hope that the other government agencies and
mayors will participate the same time around because we need your full support and
propagation.” Gov. Evardone exclaimed.

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