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SC-8: Let Them Pass (Charisma) .............................

SC-9: Dangerous Urn Delivery (Athletics) .............. 11
Random Encounters ........................................................ 2
SC-10: Gather the Herd (Animal Handling) ............ 11
Wilderness Combats .................................................... 2
SC-11: Escaped Wounded Game (Survival)............ 11
WC-1: Nighttime Spider Kidnapping ........................ 2
SC-12: Hidden Spirit Garden (Nature) .................... 12
WC-2: Family Shrine Protection ............................... 2
Tool Challenges .......................................................... 13
WC-3: Discrete Children Rescue .............................. 2
TC-1: Child’s Mask Repair (Disguise Kit)................. 13
WC-4: Rescued From a Candle’s Flame ................... 3
TC-2: Innocent Merchant (Glassblower) ................ 13
WC-5: Novice Clan Leader Rescue ........................... 3
TC-3: Campsite Cookoff (Cook’s Utensils) .............. 14
WC-6: Crabby River Toll Collector ............................ 3
TC-4: A Few Fake Jewels (Jeweler’s Tools)............. 14
WC-7: Lightning Storm Battleground ....................... 4
TC-5: Apprenctice Emergency (Alchemist) ............ 14
WC-8: Tornado Battleground................................... 4
TC-6: Ancestor’s Urn (Potter’s Tools) ..................... 15
WC-9: Oxygen Pipe Pocket Bombs .......................... 4
TC-7: Worked Half to Death (Herbalism Kit) .......... 15
WC-10: The Spider Puppeteer ................................. 4
TC-8: Warthog Wagon Race (Land Vehicles) ......... 15
WC-11: The Childrens’ Revenge............................... 4
TC-9: Torn Tapestry (Weaver’s Tools) .................... 16
WC-12: Beastmother’s Plight ................................... 5
TC-10: Novice Hunter (Leatherworker’s) ............... 16
Urban Combats ............................................................ 5
TC-11: Bridge Repair (Mason’s Tools) .................... 17
UC-1: Enraged Ancestors ......................................... 5
TC-12: Lost Shrine (Cartographer’s Tools) ............. 17
UC-2: Half-Baked Dinner Assassination ................... 5
Events ........................................................................ 18
UC-3: Starving Mushroom Crazed Beasts ................ 6
E-1: Wild Warthog Stampede ................................ 18
UC-4: Clan Security .................................................. 6
E-2: Toxic Oxygen Tunnel Trap............................... 18
UC-5: Swarming Plague Prevention ......................... 6
E-3: Beast Murdering Merchant ............................ 18
UC-6: Lost Caravan Treasure Recovery .................... 6
E-4: Dangerously Stupid Young Ones..................... 19
UC-7: Hunting Expedition ........................................ 7
E-5: Escape from Webs .......................................... 19
UC-8: Bestial Spirit Discovery ................................... 7
E-6: A Matter of Honor .......................................... 20
Skill Challenges ............................................................ 8
SC-1: Sick Juvenile Warthog (Medicine) .................. 8
SC-2: Sleeping Mother Beast (Stealth) ..................... 8
SC-3: Child Musician (Performance) ........................ 8
SC-4: Drinking Spirits (Constitution) ........................ 9
SC-5: Deadly Cave Collapse (Acrobatics).................. 9
SC-6: Eldath Shrine Cleansing (Religion) .................. 9
SC-7: Storm Charged Amulet (Arcana) ................... 10

Random encounters are divided into five types. Combat The party is approached by a desperate stranger while
encounters are those that almost always result in rolling venturing through the wilderness. The stranger is part of
initiative at some point and begin in a wilderness or a small clan friendly to the party, their homes attacked
urban setting. Skill challenges are encounters that focus by enemy warriors while their own are away for war.
primarily on checks related to a specific skill. Tool The clan managed to get their people out, but their last
challenges are encounters that focus primarily on checks few aged defenders too old to go with the rest of the
related a specific tool. Skill and tool challenges consist warriors are barely holding out defending their ancestral
primarily of two types. The first type has multiple shrine. The spirits that reside within provide both
checks, with success and rewards dependent on the wisdom and power to the clan, and so destroying them
number of successes. The second type has a single check is the attackers’ ultimate objective. The stranger begs
that is easy to pass at a basic level with rewards the party to help defend the shrine.
increasing for passing by five or ten. Events are When the party arrives there is only one elderly
encounters that that utilize a variety of checks and warrior that stands at the entrance of a small wooden
combat risks. Many encounters require improvisation structure with the enemies afore them, the bodies of a
and on-the-fly adjudicating by the DM so make sure to handful of other littering the ground. Some of the
read the full text of an encounter before beginning. enemies carry torches which they use to try and light the
building ablaze. The party must prevent any enemies
WILDERNESS COMBATS from entering the shrine or setting the shrine on fire,
saving the remaining defender if possible.
If the party successfully defends the shrine, the
WC-1: NIGHTTIME SPIDER KIDNAPPING clan members reward the party with a sack of gold or
The party’s sentry is ambushed while taking a long rest other valuable items. If the defender also survives, they
at night. A giant spider has built a burrow near the give the party a pouch of ground mushrooms that they
campsite, having picked out a popular clearing utilized had taken before the fight to steel themselves. The
by travelers in the past. Passing a hard Wisdom pouch contains 1d4+2 doses. When consumed, the
(Survival) check finds old signs of a struggle, blood or powder provides 15 temporary hit points for 1 hour. The
plants cut by sharp weapons and the like. A player that benefited player has advantage on all strength based
surveys the area discovers the camouflaged burrow by attack rolls until these hit points are removed by time or
passing a hard Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom damage.
(Perception) check.
At the darkest hour, the spider attempts to WC-3: DISCRETE CHILDREN RESCUE
grapple the current sentry. The sentry is surprised if
The party is traveling through the wilderness when they
they fail a contest between the spider’s Dexterity
come across a group of warriors from a tribe hostile to
(Stealth) check and their Wisdom (Perception) check. If
the party. The warriors guard a dozen chained children
the spider succeeds in both the surprise and grapple
to be slaves to the warriors’ tribe, having been captured
contests, the player is kidnapped without waking the
in recent raids. If the party tries a direct frontal assault,
rest of the party. They are restrained by thick webbing in
the warriors will threaten to kill the children or do so
the burrow and rendered unconscious by venom that
outright. If the party wants the children to survive, they
slowly ticks down their health, rate at DM’s discretion.
must use stealth and deception to catch the warriors
The next to wake finds the player missing. The spider will
unawares or somehow make the children safe and out
not attempt to consume the player until they have died,
of harm’s way before combat breaks out.
giving the party time to find and rescue them.
If the party successfully frees the children, they WC-5: NOVICE CLAN LEADER RESCUE
return to what remains of their families. They can
The party is travelling through the wilderness when an
provide no reward at this time, but the party will be
arrow lands at their feet, a message tied to its shaft. The
contacted later on by a representative of their tribe with
message beckons the party to come into the tall grass
a reward that increases for each child saved. The
off the path where an ally needs their help. In the grass
warriors also guard a small chest filled with looted
waits the survivor of a clan destroyed in the war, the
valuables that the party will be permitted to keep if they
clan’s leader promoted by the death of their family. The
defeat the warriors no matter the children’s’ fate.
survivor, barely a teenager, explains that they are still
being hunted as they carry with them a relic that holds
WC-4: RESCUED FROM A CANDLE’S FLAME the most revered and powerful spirits of their tribe. The
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they leader asks the party to escort them to a nearby clan
hear screams off the side of the path. A player that from the same tribe, the spirits telling them that they
approaches discovers warriors from a hostile tribe can be found a day’s journey off the path.
enjoying some bloody entertainment. The warriors have If the party agrees, they are attacked during the
erected a makeshift wood and earth arena with the last night while taking a long rest. The attacking party
two survivors of a clan held within, a female warrior and attempts to engage as much of the party while one of
her child. The child is tied over a pit filled with sharp them goes for the surviving clan leader and the relic they
spikes, the thick rope that holds them slowly fraying carry with them. If the party is successful in bringing the
from the heat of a single candle flame. The mother is leader to the other clan, the leader gives the party their
prevented from reaching their child by beasts that are blessing using the power of the spirits in the relic. The
gradually let into the arena while she franticly tries to next time the party fails a passive or active Wisdom
fight past them. (Perception) check to notice danger, the source of
The mother screams for help from the gods and danger is outlined in an easy to notice ghostly blue light.
the spirits of their tribe while managing to take down
beast after beast, but without the party’s intervention WC-6: CRABBY RIVER TOLL CO LLECTOR
she will assuredly fail and both will perish. To save them
The party is travelling through the wilderness when their
the party must defeat the warriors and the beasts within
path comes to a river cutting through the plains. The
and outside the arena. But they cannot wait too long as
river has a shallow crossing with a lone warrior blocking
the rope will snap and the mother will fall to beasts in a
the party’s path. The brash, dismissive warrior asks the
number of rounds at the DM’s discretion. It is likely one
party to pay a toll before being allowed to pass, specific
member will have to get past the warriors before the
amount at DM’s discretion. Unbeknownst to the party,
fight ends to assure the captives’ survival.
many of the large lichen-covered rocks nearby in the
If the party successfully saves the warrior
river are giant hermit crabs allied with the warrior. If the
mother they tell the party they know where treasure
party tries to cross without paying or initiates combat,
was buried by the clan before the attack. Keeping some
the crabs will come to the warrior’s aid.
for their own survival, the party is rewarded most of the
The crabs have the False Appearance special
valuables. If the child is also saved, they give the party a
ability rendering them indistinguishable from large rocks
necklace that belonged their grandparent who was the
while they remain motionless unless inspected up close.
clan’s leader before the attack. The necklace marks the
A player can determine which is a rock and which a crab
wearer as an ally of the clan making those they meet
by passing a hard Intelligence (Investigation) check. One
from the same tribe more likely to trust and respect the
of the rocks is an empty crab shell with a small chest
party in the future.
hidden underneath with the previously collected tolls.
The party is travelling through the wilderness when a The party is travelling underground when they are
powerful storm comes over the horizon right when they ambushed by beasts and warriors from the pangolin
are attacked by beasts or clan warriors. The storm is tribe. The tribe has dug small pipe-sized tunnels
affected by the natural magic of the plains causing throughout the area allowing fresh air or pure oxygen to
lightning to strike more frequently. If the party enters be pumped through. This keeps the air breathable
into combat while in the storm, use a 20x20 sized underground and serves as a defensive measure.
battlemap for the encounter. At the start of each round, Choose any number of squares along the floor
or at the DM’s discretion, roll two d20s to determine or walls. If fire touches a square where oxygen is being
which square is struck by lightning, using one die for the expelled, the air around it ignites in a ball of fire. All
horizontal and the other for the vertical tile selection. creatures within 5 feet of the square must make a
A creature in the target square must make a moderate Dexterity saving throw taking 7 (2d6) fire
hard Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the damage on a failed save, and half as much on a success.
creature takes 11 (2d10) lightning damage, and half as
much damage on a success. All creatures within 15 feet WC-10: THE SPIDER PUPPETEER
of the target square must make a moderate Constitution
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is blinded
come upon a lone traveler wearing threadbare clothes
until the end of their next turn.
and thin with starvation. The traveler tells the party how
they have recently escape the nest of a monstrous
spider. They were among a dozen poor souls enslaved by
The party is travelling through the wilderness when a the beast to maintain their silver-webbed burrow and
powerful tornado is seen streaking towards them right the occasional snack.
when they are attacked by beasts or clan warriors. The The traveler begs the party to go to the burrow
plains region’s natural magic causes tornados to be and defeat the beast, freeing the others still trapped.
common, often a handful visible far in the distance in The stranger is earnest in their plea, a Wisdom (Insight)
different directions. The tornado covers a 15x15 feet check finding no deception, though a player that casts
square and enters the battlefield at the edge. At the detect magic senses an enchantment has been placed
start of each round, or at the DM’s discretion, roll a d8 over the individual. The spider has dominated the
to determine which direction the tornado. This is done person, removing their free will so they may act as bait.
by using the 8 squares around a center square, choosing If the party accepts, the traveler leads them to the
one as the direction for a 1 on the die then moving burrow where the spider lays in ambush.
around in a circle. If the roll results in a direction that
would move the tornado off the battlemap, use the WC-11: THE CHILDRENS’ REVEN GE
opposite or reroll.
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
If the tornado moves over a space that contains
come to a kinder execution. The children have
a creature, the creature must make a Strength saving
surrounded a warrior that had captured the children to
throw. On a failed save, the powerful winds throw the
sell them into slavery as part of a raiding band. The
creature 15 feet and deal 6 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
children managed to escape when the warrior was left
Roll a d8 to determine the direction. The creature lands
alone to watch the children while the rest of this party
prone. Movement within 15 feet of the tornado counts
went off raiding. The children, according to the custom
as moving through rough terrain, and ranged weapon
of their tribe, convened a court of sorts and are in the
attacks targeting a creature within 15 feet of the
tornado are made with disadvantage.
midst of sentencing the warrior to be executed when URBAN COMBATS
the party arrives.
The party may choose to intervene in the
execution, though the children may risk combat to see UC-1: ENRAGED ANCESTORS
their justice done. The warrior tells the party that their The party is visiting a clan’s village when they hear
band will soon return, and will reward the party with screams coming from the center of town. Someone has
wealth if they free them. If the party does not intervene, activated an evil artifact at the clan’s ancestral shrine,
the warrior’s companions return moments after they are enraging the spirits of their ancestors and causing them
executed. Seeing their companion fallen, they attack the to emerge and attack any nearby creatures.
party and attempt to recapture the children. If the The party must fight past an initial cluster of
children are saved, the party receives a reward from specters (MM 279) to get to the shrine where a ghost
their tribe in the future at DM’s discretion. (MM 147) blocks the way inside. A round into combat
with the ghost, additional specters begin to emerge
WC-12: BEASTMOTHER’S PLIGHT from the shrine, rate and number at the DM’s discretion.
The party must destroy the artifact during combat to
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
stop the materialization of additional specters, artifact
hear the cries of a beast off the path. If the party
AC and hit points at DM’s discretion. Any remaining
investigates, they find a juvenile wild beast surrounded
enemies disappear after the artifact is destroyed.
by a pack of wild beasts toying with their meal, the
If the party successfully destroys the artifact, an
juvenile’s mother watching nearby nursing wounds. The
ancestral spirit presents themselves to apologize for
number and type of beasts at DM’s discretion, dire wolf
their behavior and to give thanks to the party. The spirit
suggested (MM 321).
rewards the party with a blessing to aid in a fight against
The party must defeat the attacking beasts
evil. The next time the party is up against an evil aligned
before they grow bored and begin their meal in earnest.
creature in a combat that is hard or deadly difficulty, the
The juvenile beast becomes increasingly aggressive,
party’s weapons glow with a spectral blue light for 1
attacking one of the beasts in earnest 1d4+2 rounds
minute. A glowing weapon makes attacks against an evil
after the party arrives. Once the juvenile attacks, they
aligned creature with advantage.
are in combat and will be targeted by the pack.
If the party successfully saves the juvenile
beast, the beast returns to their mother who slowly UC-2: HALF-BAKED DINNER ASSASSINATION
approaches the party showing no signs of hostility. If the The party is visiting a clan’s village when they are invited
party allows the mother to approach, the mother’s eyes to partake in a meal with the clan’s leader and their
glow with ghostly blue light from a bestial spirit residing family. Moving past guards at the entrance, the party
within. The spirit grants a minor blessing to the party joins the family in a tent made with elaborately woven
inspired by the type of beast. Suggested bear mother thick fabric walls enchanted to keep in heat.
and cub, the blessing granting the party +10 temporary As the first course is served, a warrior in the
hit points the next time the party rolls initiative for a enters the tent. The leader challenges them, first politely
combat where they are outnumbered. then ordering them out. Instead, the warrior draws their
weapon and attacks the leader. The tent is set aflame
from other assassins outside the tent and the party must
fight their way out while trying to save the leader and
their family. The heat increases each round as the
magically enhanced fire intensifies dealing 3 (1d6) fire
damage to creatures within 5 feet of the walls, the at DM’s discretion, single entity hard or deadly XP
damaging area moving inward at the DM’s discretion. difficulty suggested. The party must defeat the beast or
If the party successfully saves the leader and scare it away through whatever means they can. If
their family, they are rewarded with a sack of gold or successful, the clan and the merchant each reward the
other valuables and a blessing from the clan’s ancestral party with wealth at the DM’s discretion.
spirits. The blessing aids the party in perceiving deceit
and trickery in the future. The next time the party fails a UC-5: SWARMING PLAGUE PREVENTION
Wisdom (Insight) check to detect a lie from one that
The party is visiting a clan’s village when the leader
means to kill the party, a disembodied voice whispers a
greeting the party is suddenly thrust into a vision, their
warning into their ears.
eyes glowing with ghostly blue light as they crumple to
the ground in front of the party. Waking moments later,
UC-3: STARVING MUSHROOM CRAZED BEAS TS the clan leader tells the party of a warning vision sent to
The party is visiting a clan’s village when they hear them by the spirits of their clan. The vision told of a
sounds of screams nearby. At the edge of the village, a massive swarm of creatures coming towards the clan,
group of wild beasts have ran into and begun ransacking specific type of swarm at DM’s discretion. The leader
the surrounding area threatening clan members. The asks the clan to come with them immediately to meet
wild beasts, not usually brave enough to attack the clan, the swarm. They will cast a ritual that will turn the
have gone mad driven by hunger to eat mushrooms swarm aside, but will need the party to defend them
poisonous to the mind. until it completes.
The party must defend the clan members from If the party agrees, the leader brings the party a
the beasts who attack randomly regardless of proximity few minutes from the village’s borders where the swarm
or attacks, just as likely to go after innocents as warriors. can be seen quickly approaching. The leader needs a
If the party successfully scares away, pacifies, or defeats certain number of rounds to complete the ritual, specific
the beasts the clan rewards the party with wealth at the count at DM’s discretion, 5 suggested. At the start of
DM’s discretion. The reward is suggested to begun each round, more and more swarms will approach and
unusually large for a random encounter, decreasing for attack the party and the clan leader. The swarms do not
each civilian killed in the attack. focus the leader until the final two rounds, at which
point all present attempt to bring them down. The
UC-4: CLAN SECURITY leader has 14 AC and 25 hit points. The ritual counter
stops if the leader is brought to 0 hit points, but
The party is visiting a clan’s village when a scout returns.
continues from where it left off if they are healed. If
The scout tells the party how they encountered a vicious
successful, the spirits of the clan give the party a minor
beast in the wilderness nearby heading towards the
blessing allowing one of the player’s a single use of the
clan. Taking serious wounds after taking on the beast,
wall of force spell without components.
the scout escaped to their clan to seek assistance in
taking care of the beast before it risks the clan’s security.
To that end, they ask the party to kill or scare away the UC-6: LOST CARAVAN TREASURE RECOVERY
beast, offering to guide the party to the beast after The party is visiting a clan’s village when the sole
taking a moment to bind their wounds. survivor of a trade caravan arrives in the village from
If the party accepts, the scout leads the party land, tunnel, or river. The survivor tells a tale of how
towards where they encountered the beast. Sure they were attacked by a pack of wild beasts and forced
enough, the beast is still headed towards the clan and is to leave behind the valuables they were carrying with
less than an hour away. When the party finds the beast, them. The survivor asks the party if they will recover the
it is about to attack a travelling merchant. Specific beast goods, offering a portion of the treasure as a reward.
If the party accepts, they are given instructions force damage as their claws, hooves, or other means of
to find the abandoned caravan a few hours away from attack are surrounded with spectral energy.
the village. The beasts remain nearby, be it in caves, Once the beasts have been defeated, the party
underwater, or hidden in the tall grass. They attack the must hold the clay vessel at the base of the tree or stone
party when they approach the abandoned wagon or while chanting a verse provided by the clan leader for 10
boat floating aimlessly in the middle of a small lake. If minutes. On its completion, the ghostly blue light
the party successfully recovers the chest(s) of items, the leeches out of its vessel and into the clay jar. The jar
merchant gives the party wealth and a non-rechargeable becomes crisscrossed with pale blue light, the visage of
magic item at the DM’s discretion. the spirit’s living form displayed surrounded by intricate
patterns that denote the spirit’s strength. Upon
UC-7: HUNTING EXPEDITION returning the spirit to the clan, the leader demonstrates
the spirit’s power by using it to impart a minor blessing
The party is visiting a clan’s village that is running low on
on the party inspired by the beast whose spirit is within.
food. With most their warriors off to battle, none that
Suggested giant eagle spirit, the blessing giving one
remain can be spared to go hunting. A young clan
party member a one-time 30 ft. fly speed for 1 hour.
member volunteers, asking the party to assist them. If
the party agrees, the young hunter tracks down a herd
of wild beasts at DM’s discretion, a handful of giant elk
suggested (MM 324).
The beasts will attempt to flee if they can, the
party needing to crowd control as many as possible until
they can be brought down. Upon returning to the village
with the yield of the hunt they are rewarded a flat
amount for each beast felled, amount at DM’s


The party is visiting a clan’s village when the leader
receives a vision from the spirits of their ancestors. The
vision tells of a nearby bestial spirit of great power that
inhabits a tree or stone sacred to a nature or earth deity.
The spirit attracts a variety of wild beasts that would not
usually coexist peacefully. The leader asks the party to
go to this spirit’s location with a vessel that will capture
the spirit and bring it back to the clan to strengthen their
own pool of spirits.
If the party accepts, they are given instructions
on where to find the spirit’s location. A variety of beasts
surround the stone or tree that glows with a ghostly
blue light. The beasts attack the party if they approach.
In combat, the spirit flits from beast to beast changing
once or twice per round. When the spirit inhabits a
beast it gains a 30 ft. fly speed from spectral wings and
their melee weapon attacks deal an additional 7 (2d6)
SKILL CHALLENGES the DM’s discretion to avoid the younglings while using
Commented [PK1]: Strength (Athletics)
an action per acquisition to collect as much as they can. Constitution
The mother beast awakens after 2 rounds if the player is Dexterity (Acrobatics)
SC-1: SICK JUVENILE WARTHOG (MEDI CINE) detected or if their younglings become overly excited for Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
Dexterity (Stealth)
The party comes across a juvenile warthog in the other reasons, but will not pursue if none are found Intelligence (Arcana)
wilderness barely able to move. A player that passes a after they fully awaken. Intelligence (History)
moderate Wisdom (Medicine) check discerns that the Upon returning and giving over half of what Intelligence (Investigation)
Intelligence (Nature)
creature has consumed poison. The warthog can be was collected, the ranger gives the party the recipe. A
Intelligence (Religion)
cured by passing three Wisdom (Medicine) checks with player that passes a medium Intelligence check with Wisdom (Animal Handling)
medicinal plants from the surrounding area or Alchemist’s Supplies turns one use of lichen into a Wisdom (Insight)
immediately through magic or other means that cure potion that acts as a potion of healing while also Wisdom (Medicine)
Wisdom (Perception)
the poison condition. The warthog dies if three checks providing bonus hit points equal to 10% of the user’s Wisdom (Survival)
are failed across the identification and treatment checks. max hp for 1 hour. An NPC may craft them as well. Charisma (Deception)
On a success, the warthog attempts to lead the Charisma (Intimidation)
Charisma (Performance)
party to the cluster of mushrooms that made them ill. SC-3: CHILD MUSICIAN (PERFORMANCE) Charisma (Persuasion)
Passing an Intelligence (Nature) check finds them to be
The party is approached in the wilderness by a frantic
poisonous mushrooms. A player with alchemist’s
parent. Their child wandered off while playing with their
supplies or poisoner’s tools proficiency can use the
musical instrument and was set upon by a host of
mushrooms to craft a poison, amount produced and
dangerous beasts. The parent explains that the child has
effect at DM’s discretion. The party can also find the
for the moment kept the beasts docile as they seem to
mushrooms by passing a medium Wisdom (Survival)
enjoy the child’s music. But the beasts will not let the
check to follow the warthog’s trail.
parent approach or the child depart from their midst,
and the child’s fingers grow sore from the constant
SC-2: SLEEPING MOTHER BEAST (STEALTH ) playing. If they stop, the beasts may revert to their
The party is approached by a wounded ranger in the natural tendencies and consume the child for a sort of
wilderness asking for their assistance. The ranger asks dinner with a show.
the party to help them acquire magic lichen that grows The party follows the parent a few minutes off
slowly on the bark of a circular grove of trees an hour off their path to find the child red-eyed from tears but
the party’s path. The grove is the home of a massive playing beautifully on their stringed instrument. As long
beast and a dozen of their younglings that are hostile as the party stays away, the beasts will remain docile but
towards any that venture too close. The ranger the parent begs the party not to start a fight that will risk
attempted to gather the lichen themselves, but failed their child’s life.
and were injured in their escape. The ranger asks the Moments after the party arrives, one of the
party to stealthily acquire as much of the lichen as they strings on the child’s instrument breaks and their playing
can without harming the creatures as doing so would stops as they are paralyzed with fear. A player has one
violate their beliefs, and in return they will teach the round to pass an easy Charisma (Performance) check
party how to turn the lichen into a fortifying potion. with a musical instrument or voice or havoc breaks loose
A player that approaches the grove finds the at the DM’s discretion. On a success, the performing
mother beast fast asleep and their younglings skittering player may approach the child and trade places amongst
about. 1d4+2 of the trees that ring the mother have the beasts. The beasts will follow the performing player
lichen sufficient for use. The mother sleeps against a for as long as they continue. Once the child has been
large stone in the center covered thickly enough for 4 safely removed from the situation, the party may deal
uses. A player must perform Dexterity (Stealth) checks at with the beasts as they see fit. After, the parent thanks
the party profusely and their child offers to teach the party asking for one of them to go into the perilous
player that saved them a local favorite tune. The player tunnel and save those trapped within. A player that
gains advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks that accepts must reach each of the three residences in the
utilize the tune while in the region. tunnel, each deeper than the last, and give the families a
magical item that will transport them to safety.
SC-4: DRINKING SPIRITS (CONSTITUTION) If a player agrees, the leader uses magic to blast
open the entrance allowing them to enter but further
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
destabilizing the tunnel. The player must then pass
come across a group of tribe members partaking in
moderate Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to reach each
raucous drinking by the side of the path. The drinkers
residence past a variety of hazards that then block the
are spirits of the tribes ancestors come to life and seem
way they came. Wide chasms opening in the ground,
like living people in every way. The group has a small
giant boulders falling from the ceiling, and walls
wooden cask filled with a bubbling brew that they are
suddenly collapsing around the player are among the
drinking from continuously and ask the party to join
options the DM might consider to flavor the checks.
them. The liquid is incredibly potent.
Each successful check brings the player to a household
The tribe members ask the party to drink three
where they may give the cowering family one of the
drinks, one for their newfound friends, one for their
items, the family then teleporting to safety as the player
clan, and one for their tribe. Each drank requires the
continues to the next. The third and final family tells the
drinker to pass Constitution saving throw that elevates
player that one of their children had been playing still
from easy, to moderate, to hard with each success. On a
deeper in the caves and begs them to save them rather
failed save a player passes out for 1 hour but is
than departing with the family as planned. This last
otherwise unharmed. If any in the party pass all three,
check requires passing a hard Dexterity (Acrobatics)
the drinkers sing praises for the player’s constitution and
check to reach the child, the tunnel collapsing above
push on them the remainder of the brew for future
them both moments before they and the player teleport
enjoyment before suddenly departing. As soon as they
to safety.
are out of the party’s line of sight they vanish.
If the player fails three Dexterity (Acrobatics)
The small barrel contains a magical brew with
checks during the challenge, the time spent recovering
10 drinks remaining. A player that drinks must pass an
from the delays of failure causes the player to be cut off
easy Constitution saving throw. On a success, the player
from any remaining clan members in the tunnel,
gains advantage on Constitution saving throws to resist
eminent collapse forcing the player to themselves use an
poison for 8 hours. A second drink requires passing a
item to return to safety or be buried alive. On their
moderate Constitution saving throw, providing
return, the leader rewards the party for each of the
additional resistance to poison damage for the duration
families saved by giving them up to three of the magic
on a success. A third drink requires passing a hard
items. When activated underground, the item transports
Constitution saving throw, providing immunity to poison
anyone touching it to the nearest sufficiently open place
damage for the duration on a success. On a failure, the
where sunlight touches an entrance to below ground. If
player passes out unconscious for 1 hour and retains
the child was also saved, the child’s family gives their
none of the effects after waking.
savior a monetary or other reward at DM’s discretion.


While the party is visiting or passing by an underground
While travelling through the wilderness, the party hears
dwelling clan, one of the residential tunnels suddenly
a high pitched tone piercing through the air. If the party
begins to collapse. The entrance to the tunnel has been
investigates they come to a small glade, a circle of trees
blocked by debris and the clan’s leader approaches the
surrounding a pool of water. In the center of the pool at SC-7: STORM CHARGED AMULET (ARCANA)
end of a walkway of stones is a tree stump bearing the
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
symbol of Eldath the goddess of peace. The stump is
see a tall mesa off in the distance with clouds spinning
surrounded by brown wilting ferns, the pool dark and
quickly around the stone. Every few seconds, lightning
thick with muck. Any plant that is submerged in the pool
strikes the top of the mesa causing thunder to rumble
turns black, and a creature that touches the water takes
across the plains. If the party approaches they find a
1d6 necrotic damage. The piercing tone grows louder as
staircase carved into the side that circles around and up
the party approaches, the party needing to shout to be
to the top. At the mesa’s summit is a clan member
heard over the peel.
working to enchant a magical item. The enchanter has
A player that passes a very easy Intelligence
placed a circle of amulets on a plane of metal in the
(Religion) check recognizes the symbol as Eldath’s and
middle of the summit, complex runes and patterns
can surmise without difficulty that something has
carved into the metal’s surface. However, the enchanter
spoiled this holy glade. If a creature approaches the
has not been able to complete their task and they are in
stump in the center, the pool forms into a massive mud
the middle of expressing their frustrations to the sky
monster that raises upwards and swats at creatures that
when the party comes upon them.
come near, pushing them into, out, and away from the
The enchanter asks the party if they can assist
pool’s center. Weapon attacks and spells against the
with completing the protective enchantment, offering
creature are as ineffective as they would be against a
one of the amulets should they succeed. They suspect
muddy pool. If the creature is simply observed it groans
that something is wrong with the runes and sigils on the
in apparent pain, clawing at something in its chest.
metal plane and hope that fresh eyes may find the error.
A player that passes an easy Intelligence
A player that offers to help is shown three different
(Religion) check recalls a ritual to Eldath. Performing the
parts of the designs, and each hold an error that can be
ritual requires passing a moderate Intelligence
discerned by passing an Intelligence (Arcana) check of
(Religion). On a success, the player that performs the
easy, moderate, and hard difficulties. Each problem
ritual begins to glow with a golden light and experiences
found is soon rectified by the enchanter who then
a sensation of calm, their focus drawn to a blackness
carries out the ritual causing lightning to strike the metal
within the muddy creature. If this player slowly
plane in a violent, blinding flurry.
approaches the creature it does not push them away. If
If the player found at least one mistake the
the player reaches into the creature they take 1d6
process is a success and the party is given one of the
necrotic damage and feel a spiky ball within. Pulling the
amulets. The amulet holds 2 (1d4) charges for each error
item forth deals an additional 1d6 piercing damage to
found. When the wearer is hit by a melee attack, the
the player, but as soon as they remove the item the mud
amulet expends one charge and lets out a burst of
monster shivers with a sigh of pleasure. The creature
blinding lightning dealing 3 (1d6) lightning damage to
sinks slowly back into the pool while turning to crystal
the attacker and forcing them to make a DC 15
clear water. The piercing tone ends, replaced by a the
Constitution saving throw, blinding them until the end of
quiet of a now peaceful glade.
their next turn on a failure. The wearer may use an
The spiky ball looks like a dark rotten fruit, but
action to speak a command word releasing all the
while held in the player’s hands the spikes retreat and its
remaining charges at once. When released, all other
pallor color changes until it resembles a grapefruit sized
creatures in a 15-foot radius sphere around the wearer
golden melon. This blessed fruit can be cracked open
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
and is filled with a silver-blue liquid. A player that drinks
save a creature takes 3 (1d6) lightning damage for each
this liquid gains +10 on all Charisma (Persuasion) checks
charge released and is blinded until the start of the
that promote peace and harmony for 24 hours.
wearer’s next turn. On a success a creature takes half as
much damage and is not blinded. The enchanter may strength of the party, they ask if one of the players will
provide a recipe to make more amulets or a means of help them make the climb, carrying both them and the
recharging the amulet at the DM’s discretion. urn to the top of the mesa with only their strength and
skill. No material assistance such as ropes may be used.
SC-8: LET THEM PASS (CHARISMA) If a player accepts, they must pass a moderate
Strength (Athletics) check with disadvantage. Once they
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
reach the top, the child leads the player to a small
come to a river crossing with a raised drawbridge on the
wooden structure with rows upon rows of rows inside.
opposite side. A large crowd of clan members friendly to
Bringing the player to the back of the building, the child
the party have gathered waiting to cross, their leader
gestures for the player to place the urn on a high ledge
standing near the bridge shouting at the guards on the
with an empty space. When the urn is in place ghostly
other side. As the party approaches, they hear the end
blue light crisscrosses the dark clay in elaborate patterns
of the argument, the guards on the other side refusing
surrounding the visage of the young child’s face drawn
to let the clan members cross the river. The clan is
in pale light. When the player turns around, the child has
fleeing the war torn region for safety, but the guards do
not trust the refugees won’t become the pillagers.
The player receives a minor blessing from the
Seeing the newcomers, the leader asks the party to
child’s spirit. The next time the player would take fall
speak to the guards on their behalf hoping there is
damage, pale blue light surrounds the player slowing
something they can do to convince the guards of their
their descent and preventing the damage.
honest need and promise to do no harm.
If the party accepts, they must speak with the
guards and pass a relevant hard Charisma check. The DM SC-10: GATHER THE HERD (ANIMAL HANDLING)
may choose to reduce the difficulty if the party makes a The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
particularly persuasive argument, and elevate it if the come across a young clan member chasing after a dozen
party attempts intimidation. Alternatively, the party may escaped domesticated animals. These are not the
attempt subterfuge or violence to lower the bridge and intelligent beasts that live among the tribes, but the
let the clan pass against the guards’ wishes. The clan simple stock found around the world. The clan member
leader gives the party a pouch of gold coins or other asks the party to help them collect the beasts before
valuables in thanks. they escape without harming them, gesturing towards a
pile of lassos hanging over a nearby wooden fence.
SC-9: DANGEROUS URN DELIVERY (ATHLETICS) If the party agrees, a player must pass a
moderate Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
successfully approach a beast. On a failure, the beast
come across a young child at the foot of a mesa. The
flees from the player and escapes unless their
child stands staring up to the top of the mesa. They carry
movement is stopped by other means. The clan member
a large urn strapped to their back, nearly as large as they
catches one each time the party attempts a check so
are. If the party approaches the child they eagerly greet
that the party need catch at most half the beasts.
them in a hurry, tripping over their feet and nearly
Thanking the party, the clan member gives the party a
damaging the urn. They remove it from their back,
reward for each animal captured at the DM’s discretion.
checking it intently for any sign of damage.
The child tells the party that the shrine that
houses their clan’s ancestors is at the top of the mesa, SC-11: ESCAPED WOUNDED GAME (SURVIVAL)
but the only way to reach the top is to climb. The child The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
wants to bring their parent and lay them to rest, but lack come across a party of wounded clan hunters. The
the strength to make the climb themselves. Seeing the hunters are tending to their wounds in a scarred clearing
that shows signs of a vicious fight. The hunters tell the slowly away, looking back at the party periodically. If the
party how they were tracking a gargantuan scorpion for party follows the stag for a few minutes off the path,
days before attempting to take it down. Though they they suddenly pass through an invisible protective veil
believe they have mortally wounded the beast, it would and into a hidden magical garden.
take a few hours for the beast to bleed out and collapse. The garden is resplendent with a wide variety
Though they would prefer to chase the scorpion and of plants that surround a central pool of silver water.
capture their prize, they must first tend to their wounds. Motes of silver light hang in the air, some having
The hunters ask the party to track down the beast and droplets of silver water clinging to their sides. It is night
ward off any scavengers that may ruin it while making it time in the garden no matter the time of day beyond the
a meal before it can be recovered. veil, a full moon shining a hazy column of light onto the
If the party agrees, they must pass a set of pool. The grass is a pale ghostly blue and transparent as
three Wisdom (Survival) checks to track down the beast. if it were glass, though plush and soft underfoot. The
The first check is an easy DC as the party first finds the plants all have silver stems and stalks, their leaves and
beasts trail, the blood and torn plants simple to find. The petals hues of blues, purples, white, silver, and black.
second check is a moderate DC as the party comes to a The silver water never runs dry and can be drank while
river. The scorpion burrowed down and under the river, inside the garden restoring any missing hit points and
the tunnel entrance masked by tall grass. Following the curing any but the most potent harmful status effects at
tunnel to the other side of the river, they emerge at the DM’s discretion. If the water brought from the veil
edge of a vast field of tall grass. Quickly finding the dead vanishes upon exiting.
scorpion within requires passing a hard DC check. On While the plants in the garden are all magical,
any failure, the party is delayed before finding the trail only a handful of them can provide magical benefits to
or the remains and many small animals are feasting on the players. A player can identify which plants provide
the remains when they arrive. benefits by making a single Intelligence (Nature) check.
After a few hours, the hunters arrive at the There are at least three such plants that can be
party’s location. The hunters thank the party and reward identified, more being recognized the higher the roll.
them with wealth at the DM’s discretion. The hunter’s The following are suggested effects, number of each
provide additional reward from the scorpion’s carcass available at the DM’s discretion:
for each tracking success on the way up to three. With
one success they give the party a small vial of the 1. Reeds. A cluster of reeds grow along the edge
scorpion’s venom. When applied to a weapon, a struck of the pool. A player that passes an easy Intelligence
creature must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw (Nature) check recall their effect. The reeds are hallow
being paralyzed for 1 minute on a failed save. With two and if breathed through cleanses the air and protects
successes, they give the party a piece of its innards that the user from any harmful effects in the air such as
when consumed acts as a powerful antidote to curse poisonous gas.
poisons. With three successes, they give the party the
2. Bark. One of the trees has bark that peels
scorpion’s stinger that can be crafted into a unique
away in strips similar to a birch tree. The strips are thin
piercing weapon, effects at the DM’s discretion such as
as paper and flexible like cloth. A player that passes a
additional poison damage or harmful status effects.
the check by five or more recalls their effect. A player
that holds the strip of bark across their mouth is able to
SC-12: HIDDEN SPIRIT GARDEN (NATURE) breathe through it while underwater.
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
3. Petals. A handful of flowers grow petals of
run across a silver stag with massive pure white antlers.
such deep black they seem to drink in the light around
The stag briefly examines the party before walking
them. A player that passes a the check by ten or more
recalls their effect. If brewed into a tea, the petals make TOOL CHALLENGES Commented [PK2]: Alchemist’s Supplies
the drinker invisible as if they had cast greater invisibility Brewer’s Supplies
on themselves but it lasts for 1 hour. If squeezed above Calligrapher’s Supplies
a player’s eye, the petals produce a drop of liquid that TC-1: CHILD’S MASK REPAIR (DISGUISE KIT) Carpenter’s Tools
Cartographer’s Tools
when it falls onto the eye gives the player 120 ft. of The party comes across group of children playing. As the Cobbler’s Tools
truesight for 24 hours. party approaches, all but one of the children run and Cook’s Utensils
hide, the remaining approaching the party with a spooky Disguise Kit
4. Pollen. One of the flowers has a large hanging Forgery Kit
mask in need of serious restoration. The child is a
purple bell with long yellow stalks inside carrying pollen. Gaming Set
trickery deity in an illusory disguise that can be seen Glassblower’s Tools
A player that passes the check by 15 or more recalls its through by a player that passes a near impossible Herbalism Kit
effect. If the pollen is collected and turned into a paste, Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) Jeweler’s Tools
the paste can be applied to a stump or place where a Land and Water Vehicles
check. The child asks the party if there is anything they Leatherworker’s Tools
body part is missing. The paste causes the missing part can do to restore their mask. A player can repaint and Mason’s Tools
to regenerate over the next 24 hours. mend the tattered thing by passing a medium Musical Instruments
Navigator’s Tools
Intelligence check with a Disguise Kit.
5. Root. There is a root plant that grows at the Painter’s Supplies
On a success, the player secretly receives a Poisoner’s Kit
bottom of the silver pool. A player that passes the check
minor boon. The next time the player fails a Dexterity Potter’s Tools
by 20 or more recalls details about this magical garden
(Stealth) check that would cause them to be discovered, Smith’s Tools
and that such a thing exists in the pool. If the root is Weaver’s Tools
the enemies are distracted by the sound of children
collected and consumed, it grants its consumer a single Woodcarver’s Tools
laughing and taunting from nowhere or a child wearing
wish at the DM’s discretion.
the repaired mask runs past then disappears causing the
player to remain undetected. If a player sees through
the illusion and calls out the child, they vanish in a puff
of smoke leaving the mask on the ground. A player can
wear the mask to gain +10 on all Dexterity (Stealth)
checks for 1 hour, after which the mask vanishes.


After winning a fight in an urban area, a glass merchant
in a nearby store or stall tells the party that while glad
they took care of the problem, the fight destroyed much
of their fragile merchandise. Their usual assistant is
away on a family errand and they are unable to renew
their inventory without them. They ask the party to
compensate them for part of their losses so that they
can survive till their return, amount at DM’s discretion,
or help them renew their stock through labor.
A player that passes an easy Dexterity check
with Glassblower’s Tools succeeds in helping the
merchant after a few hours work. On a success, the
merchant is more than pleased with their work and
offers a magic glass vial in thanks. The merchant offers
two vials if the player succeeded by 5 or more, and three
if by 10 or more. The magic vials are empty but can hold DM’s discretion. A captured pixie offers to bring the
up to 10 times the usual amount without extra weight. party to their companions and return the jewels should
the party pass an relevant easy Charisma check, as long
TC-3: CAMPSITE COOKOFF (CO OK’S UTENSILS) as they are freed unharmed. The pixie is being honest
and after bringing the party to a small glade a few
The party is joined by another group of adventurers
minutes away they provide a bag of jewels. However, a
when making camp for a night’s long rest. The group
player that passes a medium Intelligence check with
boasts of their member skilled at cooking and asks the
Jeweler’s Tools recognizes that many of the jewels are
party to join them for a meal. If the party accepts, they
glass fakes. Note this before leaving and the pixies will
ask whether any in the party would also claim skill at the
return the remainder of the stolen items, otherwise the
outdoor culinary arts, challenging such a player to a
merchant finds out on their own when the party’s
three course cooking competition. Confident in their
return, the pixies now long departed.
abilities, they offer a rare spice blend from their far-off
The merchant rewards the party with a small
homeland should the player win, asking nothing but the
bag of gems for their assistance if successful in returning
joy of good food with new friends in return.
any of their goods, value at the DM’s discretion. If the
The player makes three Intelligence checks with
party returns all their stolen goods, the owner includes a
Cook’s Utensils contesting those of their opponent
magic gem that when smashed and sprinkled on a
corresponding to each course. The player may gain
creature grants the creature a 30 ft. fly speed for 10
advantage or modifier bonuses through materials on
hand or foraged from near the campsite at the DM’s
discretion. The player succeeds if they win a majority of
the contests. On a success, the player receives a bag of TC-5: APPRENCTICE EMERGENCY (ALCHEMIST)
rare spices sufficient for flavoring 1d4+3 meals. Cooking The party is walking past an alchemist hut or store when
during a long rest gives a minor benefit at the DM’s they hear the crash of glass and shouts of panic from
discretion to each that partake in the meal such as inside. A moment later, a young apprentice covered in
temporary hit points or bonuses to a particular saving soot with small flames at the ends of their hair comes
throw for 8 hours. running out. The apprentice hurriedly explains that they
were attempting to create a new substance while their
TC-4: A FEW FAKE JEWELS (J EWELER’S TOOLS) master was out on errands, but the thing exploded and
the resulting mess spread across the room. The liquid is
The party comes across a dismayed travelling merchant
burning through the wood furniture and the stone floor.
just outside a settlement chasing after small flying fey
If it gets all the way through to the basement, the
that flee when the party approaches. The jewel
potential reactions with the alchemical storage could be
merchant had just discovered they were in the midst of
catastrophic beyond the loss of their apprenticeship. The
being robbed by a mob of pixies when they went to
apprentice begs the party to aid them, promising to do
inspect their goods, slamming the chest closed on a
something for the party if they do.
handful of the things that remained inside while the rest
A player that goes into the store finds the place
fled with as many gems wares as they could carry. The
filled with vile smelling smoke of an unnatural color.
merchant asks the party to catch one of the things when
Unless a player does something to not inhale the air
they reopen the chest and convince it to return their
directly, they must make a moderate Constitution saving
stolen items, warning them not to kill any of them lest
throw each time they perform an action for time spent
they refuse to reveal anything out of spite.
in the gas. A player takes damage on a failed save,
The trapped pixies try to escape with gems of
amount at the DM’s discretion. In order to neutralize the
their own the moment the chest is opened and avoid
liquid, a player must first make an easy Intelligence
combat at all costs, having spells at the ready at the
check with Alchemist’s Supplies to identify the type of herbalist. When disease recently struck the clan, the
substance. On a success they recognize it as some sort of herbalist worked tirelessly to provide comfort and cures
acid. A player may then make a moderate Intelligence to the sick while neglecting their own health. Though the
check with Alchemist’s Supplies to neutralize the disease that plagued the clan has passed, a few days ago
substance. the herbalist did not wake up, their breath slowing each
On a success, the apprentice thanks the party day as their body succumbs to their own disease. The
profusely though they suspect they will still lose their cleric in the tribe did what they could, but the disease
apprenticeship due to all the damage. Hurrying the party seems resistant to a magical cure.
out before their master returns, the apprentice gives the The child asks the party to cure their guardian,
player that assisted a recipe for a magic potion their giving a book of local medicinal plants to aid in the
master had been working on, ingredients and effect at attempt. To find a cure a player must first pass three
the DM’s discretion. checks. First a moderate Intelligence check with
Herbalism Kit proficiency to interpret the text and find
TC-6: ANCESTOR’S URN (POTTER’S TOOLS) the right plant, comparing the symptoms that afflict the
old herbalist and those in the text. Second, a player must
The party comes upon a young tribe member working at
pass a moderate Wisdom check with an Herbalism Kit to
a potter’s wheel outside their residence. The teenager is
find the appropriate plant in the surrounding wilderness.
trying to craft a funeral urn for their last parent who
Third, a player must pass a moderate Intelligence check
died in battle to house their spirit in the afterlife.
with an Herbalism Kit to prepare and administer the
However, the tribe member has little skill at the task and
herbal medicine. Each check takes an hour to complete,
is becoming visibly frustrated as they throw their work
and a success on all three begins to cure the herbalist
at the party’s feet as they pass.
and brings them back to wakefulness. Failing three times
A player that offers to assist may succeed by
across the checks causes too much time to pass and the
passing an easy Dexterity check with Potter’s Tools. On a
herbalist dies.
success, the player crafts a suitable urn for the lost
If the herbalist is cured, they take a small locket
parent’s spirit. After handing the urn to the teenager,
from around their neck and gives it to the player that
they speak a ritual chant while clutching a religious
saved them, whispering what it contains. The locket
symbol around their neck causing tattoos on their right
holds a very rare plant that grows under specific magical
arm to glow with ghostly blue light. The urn also glows
circumstances. When put under the tongue of one
as elaborate patterns appear crisscrossing the clay.
recently dead, it restores them to life.
When the light stops, the urn has been decorated with a
pattern that the youth tells the party was their parent’s
signature pattern. TC-8: WARTHOG WAGON RACE ( LAND VEHICLES)
The youth can provide no reward to the party, The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
but the parent’s spirit can. The next time the player that see clouds of dust a mile off the path. If they choose to
crafted the urn is hit by an attack that would bring them investigate, they hear the sound of rumbling earth and
to 0 hit points, a spectral presence appears before them creaking cart wheels that grow louder as they approach.
that absorbs all damage the player would take from A group of clans people and their giant warthogs are
other creatures till the start of their next turn. holding races, the hogs pulling large wagons behind
them. The riders carry thin sacks filled with sticky,
TC-7: WORKED HALF TO DEATH (HERBALISM KIT) smelly, and slippery substances intended to disrupt
wagon, hog, and ground, or other means of non-violent
The party is approached by a young child who asks their
attacks at the DM’s discretion. When the player’s
assistance while near a local clan. The child lost their
parents in the war and were taken in by the clan’s
approach, they are invited by the racers to join in the have skills in weaving to help mend the tapestry. A
challenge. player that agrees to assist must pass an easy Dexterity
A player that accepts is put on a wagon with check with Weaver’s Tools to mend the tear, the
three different sacks in a race against another wagon. A caretaker hurrying them along lest the creature inside
second player may join as a designated attacker. The break free and attack the party.
race is narrated as a series of three contests with the If the player succeeds in repairing the tear, the
player and their opponent throwing disruptive sacks at elder fades in ghostly blue light becoming transparent
each other while trying to steer their warthogs. The then disappearing entirely, leaving behind a small blue
attacks are made as ranged weapon attacks contested light that moves slowly towards then into the player.
by a Dexterity check with Land Vehicles as the drivers The spirit gives the player a minor blessing, more
attempt to dodge or skirt around the various hazards. powerful the better the repair. The next time the player
Each time a driver succeeds in a contest, they add 1 to would be damaged by a creature with evil alignment,
their score up to a maximum of 3. The winning driver is spectral blue tapestry appears and absorbs the attack. If
the one with the highest score. If tied after three the player succeeded by five or more, the spectral
contests, a final check is made with each contesting the tapestry shatters explosively dealing 16 (3d10) force
other’s Dexterity check with Land Vehicles to decide damage to the enemy. If the player succeeded by ten or
who edges out first to reach the finish line. more, the spectral tapestry expands and surrounds the
If the party’s wagon wins the race, the racers enemy restraining them for 1 minute (escape DC 20). If
give the party a bag of 1d4+2 beast strengthening the creature is a fiend from another plane, the tapestry
mushrooms. When consumed, a beast has a +4 bonus to tightens around them squeezing them out of the
Strength and can lift, drag, push, and carry weight as if material plane and returning them to their own plane.
they were one size larger for 24 hours. After wearing off,
the beast has -2 Strength until they complete a long rest. TC-10: NOVICE HUNTER (LEATH ERWORKER’S)
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
TC-9: TORN TAPESTRY (WEAVER’S TOOLS) come across a young hunter from a nearby clan. The
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they hunter has, through incredible good fortune, slain a
come across a cavern entrance completely covered by a beast far beyond their capabilities. The hunter has
thick, elaborately woven tapestry spiked into the stone attempted to harvest the beast’s pelt, but has stalled to
and ground at the edges. The tapestry is covered in think it through lest they ruin the pelt in the attempt.
patches and stiches from decades of mending. If the Seeing the party, the hunter asks if any have skills in
party approaches the tapestry, a clan member cries out working with leathers that would assist them.
for them to stop! The elderly clan member explains they If a player agrees, they must make an easy
are the caretaker of this tapestry, the tapestry Dexterity check with Leatherworker’s Tools. If the player
enchanted to keep trapped inside the cave a powerful succeeds, the hunter thanks them, giving them a portion
evil creature, something appropriately deadly for the of the hide. The hide has a chameleon effect, giving one
party’s level at the DM’s discretion. who wears armor made from it advantage on Dexterity
The caretaker quickly approaches the tapestry, (Stealth) checks while in a terrain type(s) of the DM’s
warding the party away from it. They closely examine a choosing. If the player succeeds by five or more, the hide
place near the center where the tapestry is beginning to is collected with little damage done to it causing armor
tear, pulling out a sowing kit. However, when they begin crafted from it to provide +1 AC. If the player succeeds
to try and repair the tear their hands fumble and cause by ten or more, the hide is perfectly collected causing
the tear to grow, dexterity lost from their advanced age. armor crafted from it to provide +2 AC.
The caretaker shouts in panic, asking if any in the party
TC-11: BRIDGE REPAIR (MASON’S TOOLS) shrine with what clues they have. Weeks later, they send
a reward to the party in thanks for their assistance as
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
they discovered the ruined in the midst of slowly
come across a merchant caravan with three wagons
flooding. The faster they arrived, the more they were
stalled at the edge of a river. One wagon carries potions,
able to carry out, and the greater reward they provide
a second scrolls, and a third general items. The
the party. The reward increases from wealth typical for a
merchant’s want to move across, but the bridge is visibly
random encounter up to a more significant reward with
deteriorated and they do not trust it to support the
non-rechargeable magic items at the DM’s discretion.
weight of their wagons. Seeing the party approach, the
merchant’s ask if any in the party know how to reinforce
or repair the bridge, even a temporary fix will do.
If a player agrees, they must make a an easy
Intelligence check with Mason’s Tools. If the player
succeeds, the bridge holds long enough for the first
wagon to cross before crumbling. If the player succeeds
by five or more, the second wagon crosses before it
crumbles. If the player succeeds by ten or more, all three
wagons cross before it crumbles. The party is rewarded
for each wagon to cross gaining a potion, scroll, or
wealth from each wagon’s merchant at the DM’s


The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
come across a group of clan members arguing over the
remnants of a map. If the party approaches, the clan
members tell the party that one of them, the culprit yet
to come forward, was looking at the map during their
watch when it apparently slipped out of their hands and
blew into the campfire burning holes in various places.
The group explains they were tracking down a shrine of
their clan long though lost before the map was
discovered in a sealed urn that shattered a week ago for
unknown reasons. The group asks if any in the party are
skilled with mapmaking and interpreting, perhaps they
could make more sense of what remains and even fill in
some of the holes using clues from what is around them.
If a player agrees, they must make an easy
Intelligence check with Cartographer’s Tools. If the
player succeeds, they help the clan members identify
the first of three landmarks leading to the lost shrine.
Succeeding on the check by five or more reveals the
second landmark, and by ten or more the third. After the
check, the clan members go off in search of the lost
EVENTS them each round. A creature with two levels of toxicity
begins to twitch uncontrollably and feel nauseous. Their
first attack each round is made with disadvantage. A
E-1: WILD WARTHOG STAMPED E creature with three levels of toxicity is effected as if
A massive herd of wild warthogs are moving through the under the confusion spell. A creature with four levels of
wilderness and the party finds themselves in the path of toxicity falls asleep at the end of each of their turns. A
the half a mile wide deadly stampede. A party member creature with five levels of toxicity takes damage to their
notices shaking in the ground or the rumbling sounds lungs making breathing difficult. Their speed is reduced
according to their passive Perception. The DC begins at by 10 and spells with a verbal component have a chance
20 and lowers by 1 each minute as the herd approaches to fail at DM’s discretion. A creature with six levels of
allowing for up to 10 minutes warning. A player that toxicity begins to lose hit points every round at the DM’s
passes a moderate Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom discretion. Oxygen toxicity can be removed by lesser
(Survival) check understands what threat is coming. restoration or a spell or other effect that cures disease
The party must take immediate action to avoid or poison at the DM’s discretion.
danger. The Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) The players can attempt to clear the rubble at
check DC for running out the way begins at 10 and either of the tunnels by passing a moderate Strength
increases by 1 each minute that passes the party (Athletics) check for each 5 ft. of the tunnel’s width. The
unawares. Each creature caught in the stampede must warriors and beasts waiting on the other side attack the
make a series of Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks, Dexterity party as soon as a space is cleared.
saving throws, or other relevant checks at the DM’s
discretion to avoid taking damage. E-3: BEAST MURDERING MERCHANT
The herd flattens plants and turns up the
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they
ground as they pass by potentially revealing treasure
come across a travelling merchant with a mule pulling a
that had been partially buried or covered by vegetation.
covered cart. The mule is in poor condition and visibly
A player that passes an easy Wisdom (Perception) check
abused. The merchant greets the party warmly and asks
notices the glint off metal bands of a small chest
if they might be interested in any of their wares. The
presumably fallen off a long-departed caravan. The chest
merchant has most commonly purchasable items, but a
is locked and is opened by passing a hard Dexterity
player that passes a moderate Wisdom (Perception)
check with Thieves’ tools, contents at DM’s discretion.
check recognizes that there are likely more exclusive
offerings hidden inside the cart. A player must pass a
E-2: TOXIC OXYGEN TUNNEL TRAP moderate Charisma (Persuasion) check to convince the
When the players are resting in an underground area, merchant to show their other wares, or the merchant
the area is sealed off by warriors hostile to the party offers of their own accord if the party is known for being
using silence spells to discretely collapse the two tunnels neutral or evil in action.
around and outside the party’s line of sight. As the ratio The merchant carries a number of rare items
of oxygen in the air increases, the party is at risk of sourced from the various beasts from the region’s tribes.
suffering from oxygen toxicity. Every ten minutes, the However, these beasts are intelligent and were likely
DM should roll a secret moderate Constitution saving killed by the merchant rather than found already dead
throw for each player, switching to player rolled once making the acquisitions ethically dubious. If a player
symptoms begin. On a failed save, a player gains one passes a relevant hard Charisma check, the merchant
level of oxygen toxicity. Symptoms are cumulative. reveals that they use poisoned food left out to aid in the
A creature with one level of toxicity is lightly gathering of ‘raw materials’. If the party purchase any of
dazed, granting advantage to the first attack against these items, members of the associated tribe may
question how they acquired them. Additionally, the The first has fallen into deep pit filled with
players may choose to capture the merchant and bring spikes left from hunters long past. Luckily, the young
them to a tribe to stand trial for their crimes. If the party beast landed amidst rather than on top of the spikes but
attacks or tries to arrest the merchant, they pull a gem is unable to move past them to get to the edge. A player
from their tunic that holds elementals to defend them, must get to the bottom of the pit and past the spikes to
type and number at DM’s discretion. bring the young beast back to the surface.
The merchant has the following unique items, The second has stranded themselves on a
price at the DM’s discretion: slippery log lying over a steep drop or a tumultuous
river. The beast frozen in fear, a player must pass a
1. Spider Venom and Eye. A vial of poison good moderate Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or other means
for 3 (1d4+1) uses. A creature struck with the poisoned to reach the young beast and bring them back to shore.
weapon or that ingests the poison is affected by a The third has somehow triggered a rockslide,
magical tracer for 24 hours. Unless blocked my magic trapping them underneath a pile of heavy stones. A
that prevents magical tracking, looking through the player must pass an easy, moderate, and hard Strength
spider’s eye allows a player to see the trace as a red (Athletics) check to remove the boulders and free the
glow through any substance. young beast without causing a fatal collapse.
If the party saves all three young beasts, the
2. Pangolin Scale Armor. The armor made from
mother beast spends a moment checking they are safe
pangolin scales is lighter than similar armor made from
before leading the party into tall grass. In the grass is the
meta. It provides an AC of 16+Dex modifier (max 2)
skeleton of a long dead humanoid. Among their remains
without disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
is a non-rechargeable magic item at the DM’s discretion.
However, the armor is not well prepared. When hit with
a critical strike, the armor permanently loses 1 AC.
3. Giant Claw Shooter. The claw of an adult
The party is travelling through a forested area when they
giant hermit crab that has maintained some of its ability
are suddenly chased by a swarm of hundreds of giant
to snap shoot a damaging jet of air. A player can use an
spiders from three directions. The spiders stay at a
action make a moderate Strength check to use two
distance refusing engagements while trying to funnel the
hands and pull apart the claws. Letting them snap shut,
party towards a camouflaged pit into a cavern of webs.
the claws send a concussive blast in a 30-foot long, 5-
Most of the spiders are illusory, the illusion recognized
foot wide line. Each creature in that line must make a DC
by passing a very hard Wisdom (Perception) check.
13 Dexterity saving throw taking 11 (2d10) bludgeoning
If the party flees the spiders, they must pass a
damage and is pushed back 10 feet. Each time the claw
very hard Wisdom (Perception) check to notice the pit.
is used in such a manner roll a d20. On a 1 or a 2, the
Otherwise, the party falls down 100 feet and into a
claw damages itself through its own force rendering it
system of burrows and tunnels filled with webs. A layer
of web above the bottom breaks the party’s fall, but
restrains them similar to the web spell (escape DC 13).
E-4: DANGEROUSLY STUPID Y OUNG ONES Spiders lay in wait at the top in case the party attempts
The party is travelling through the wilderness when they to climb out, ready to move onto the walls and force a
are approached by a frantic mother beast. The beast climber back down to the bottom. Otherwise, spiders
does not attack the party, but instead tries to get them will approach the party in small groups after 1 minute of
to follow. The mother beast’s three young ones have all staying in the initial area.
gotten themselves into different dangerous situations. If the party escapes the webbing in the initial
area before 1 minute has passed, they find a single
tunnel leading underground. The tunnel branches off gradually faster, then sporadically changing direction to
periodically towards the burrows of individual or small test the contestants’ balance. The contestants make
groups of spiders that have a 50% chance of being Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks starting at 10 and
occupied. The party must make their way by stealth, increasing similar to the previous contest until one falls
trickery, or combat past twelve such branches and off first, ties decided in the same manner as previous.
groups of spiders that roam the area, the tunnel moving In the test of intelligence, two contestants are
steadily upwards towards the surface. The walls of the trapped in domes of blue light. Each are given a series of
tunnels are covered in webs. A player that is shoved questions, though the party only hears those given to
against the wall is restrained (escape DC 13). A group of their side. The DM comes up with three questions
spiders lay in hiding outside the entrance in related to arcana, history, nature, or religion based on
camouflaged burrows guarding the area. world knowledge the players have been exposed to
Each of the twelve side burrows is filled with previously in the adventure. If the player contestant can
the remains of past meals. A player that enters a side answer three questions before making three mistakes,
tunnel and passes a moderate Wisdom (Perception) or they come out the winner. The players may substitute
Intelligence (Investigation) check finds treasure at the their own knowledge for relevant Intelligence checks at
DM’s discretion. There may even be a survivor wrapped the DM’s discretion.
in webs willing to reward the party for their rescue.


The party is visiting a clan’s village when, accidently or
intentionally, they offend the honor of one of the clan’s
warriors. The warrior demands a test between
themselves and the player that slighted them or the
entire party to satisfy their honor. The warrior
challenges the player or party to three contests of
strength, dexterity, and intelligence. The loser of the
best of three gives the winner a hefty sum of gold.
In the test of strength, the warrior and a player
take turns attempting to, in a sense, hold the weight of
the clan on their shoulders. Each contestant is given a 5-
foot wide ball of metal bands which slowly fills with
ghostly blue light. As the light strengthens, the ball
becomes increasingly heavy. The contestants make
Strength (Athletics) checks starting at 10 and increasing
at the DM’s discretion until they fail, increments of five
suggested. The contestant who successfully holds the
highest weight wins. If both fail at the same time, the
one who had the higher unsuccessful role dropped the
ball first. On an absolute tie, reroll to decide a winner.
In the test of dexterity, the two contestants
balance on 1-foot-wide wooden pegs stuck in the
ground. The pegs then levitate upwards, slowly circling
each other 30 feet in the air. The pegs begin to spin

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