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 What are sales? Choose the proper Merriam Webster definition (1)

 Activities involved in selling goods or services.

 Operations involved in promoting services.

 Operations and activities involved in promoting and selling goods or services.

 Give 5 visible traits of sales people (5)

 They are good Listeners

 They are confident

 They are friendly

 They are not persistent

 They are optimistic

 They know their Product

 They do not Know the Process

 Describe 3 qualities of outstanding sales peoples (3)

 They are not ambitious

 They are courageous

 They are committed

 They do not see themselves more as consultants than salespeople

 They are prepared

 Before you ask questions to get the buyer to open up or talk about how you can help, you have
to build rapport. The question is why? (1)

 The answer is that people buy from people they like.

 The answer is that people buy from people they do not like.

 The answer is that people buy from people they are ok with
 Balance advocacy and inquiry. The question is why? (1)

 Sales conversations require give and take.

 Sales conversations are one sided

 Sales conversations are absolutely unnecessary

 Build on the foundation of trust. The question is why? (1)

 You will not win the sale if they don't trust you.

 You do not need the buyers trust

 The buyer will trust you automatically

 What are thought provoking questions? (1)

 Thought-provoking questions reveal nothing new hence the clients world view remains
the same

 Effective thought-provoking questions reveal new information and ideas to the

prospect, potentially re-framing the clients worldview

 Thought-provoking questions are not required in sales

 Describe the role of listening in sales? (1)

 People do not care if you’re not listening to them

 Listening is really not a part of sales etiquette

 People can usually tell if you’re really listening to them

 How would you manage your time in sales? (1)

 Concentrate on the most promising ones, and not waste too much time on a deal that
isn’t going anywhere

 Spend as much time necessary to convince the customer even it takes more than an half
an hour

 Forget it, this whole convincing the customer is a waste of time

 Pick three characteristics of sales call etiquette (1)

 Be courteous

 No need to be professional

 Respect is not a consideration

 Be honest at all times

 Be trustworthy
 Preparation Prior to Sales Call (1)

 No need to prepare beforehand

 Should I know the goal of the call?

 Will worry about it once the call is over

 Handling objections, please choose four correct behaviors (4)

 Listen to the entire objection?

 Pause for three seconds before responding?

 Be aggressive in dealing with objections

 No need to ask questions

 Restate the objection to make sure we agreed (communication)?

 Answer the objection?

 Closing the call, pick one correct behaviour (1)

 Customer is under no obligation to identify any or all possible problems that might be
solved by my product or service

 Customer does not have to identify the value of solving the identified problems

 No need for agreement that the proposed solution provides the values identified

 Ask for the order ("Why don't we go ahead with this?")?

 Note down any observations you may have. It will help you eventually (1)

 True

 False

 Not sure

 It is OK to beg or plead the customer for a sale (1)

 True

 False

 Not sure

 The customer should not ask who you are or where are you calling from (1)

 Its ok if they don’t understand the first time

 A second time. The first time should be correct

 A third time

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