What Is A Concept Paper

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What is a Concept Paper?

The concept paper is about a particular project with its purpose and outcomes, which is usually created to get the
funding from potential sponsors. The main goal of writing a concept paper is to explain why this project matters and
who will benefit from it.

If you’re stuck and don’t know how to write a concept paper, here is a nice guide on creating a wonderful piece of
writing. Components of a Winning Concept Paper Start with writing a title page. Right after – describe the problem your
project addresses. Show on examples that it truly exists and needs an immediate solution.

Your task here is to hook the reader’s attention. If your concept paper topic is “How to Deal with a Bad Habit”, you can
start with a shocking fact, like “Every year, in USA 480,000 people die because of cigarette smoking”. Pretty
impressive,isn’t it?

Statistics, personal stories, narratives and other catchy data can make a difference, so do a preliminary literature review
and find out everything about the case. Then, impress the audience and make them support your project.

The next part is stating your goal. Use powerful words and positive language here, be confident and don’t let your
readers think that you have any doubts about the success of your project. How can they sponsor those who’re not sure
about the positive outcome?

Keep in mind that sponsors are considering multiple requests for funding. So, the number one task for you is to
persuade yours is successful and outstanding. Ask yourself: “What so unique am I offering in this project that no one has
everdone before?”

Then, come up with research questions: your mission here is to formulate concrete, clear, and measurable statements
on which your topic is focused. Be as concise as possible: you don’t want to bore the sponsors, doyou?

Next component is an abridged methodology. You need to explain audience how you’re going to solve or investigate this
issue. Include here participants, needed instruments, procedures, results as well as possible limitations.

Timeline. No way will donors fund a completely open-ended project! They need to know how much time it will take to
implement all of your ideas. So, be as concrete as possible.

Wrap your concept paper with a brief paragraph restating your project’s goal, the basic plan of actions, and needs to
complete it successfully. Include here only crucial details which you want to stick in the donor’s mind.

Don’t forget to include a reference list with all citations you’ve used in your text. Make sure it’s written in a proper style
(APA, Chicago, etc.). This concept paper format example should help you out.

Think you’ve got everything on how to write a concept paper for research? Check these crucial things you should keep in
mind when choosing a concept paper topic: Newness. Avoid topics which are overused. Come up with something
original that hasn’t been researched in details, and offer a unique angle of study

Personal interest and passion. Research usually takes a while, and often even more time than you expect. So, don’t
select a topic in which not interested because it won’t end up well. An absence of your interest will definitely influence
the quality of the whole project!

Importance and contribution to the field. Ask yourself: can your work advance knowledge and contribute something to
practice? If yes, keep working!

Feasibility. Choose the topic which can be actually researched. Take into account the following things: ◦ time constraints:
can you devote enough time for thorough research of your problem?

◦ economic factors: how much this project will cost? Do you have enough resources for investigation? ◦ organizational
support: do you have an access to what you’re going to research as well as needed resources, instruments, and skills?
◦ organizational support: do you have an access to what you’re going to research as well as needed resources,
instruments, and skills?

Pay a close attention to budget categories in your concept paper

Here are some great concept paper topics to get you inspired! How to Lose Extra Pounds in a Healthy Way How to
Deal with Constant Insomnia How to Boost your Self Confidence What is Found in Space? The Process of Aging
How Gravity Works? The Process of Crystallization Check more information in this Google book.


Define what a Concept Paper is; Determine the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication
and clarification; Identify situations in which a concept paper may be effectively used to improve the society; Present
a novel concept for a project with a short rational.

Catriona: I work a lot in the slums of Tondo, Manila, and the life there is very poor and very sad. I’ve always taught
myself to look for the beauty in it, to look for the beauty in the faces of the children, and to be grateful. I would bring
this aspect as a Miss Universe to see situations with a silver lining, and to assess where I could give something, where I
could provide something as a spokesperson. If I could teach also people to be grateful, we could have an amazing world
where negativity could not grow and foster, and children would have a smile on their face. Thank you.

I am…an Environmental Activist a Human Rights Advocate a member of an Anti-Poverty Group an Education
Champion a Quality Health Care promoter.

In groups, choose a social issue from those they have been given and complete a spider diagram including: a. Who is
involved / affected? b. Where does it happen? c. What is it? d. An example

Possible solution You have 10 mins to do this.

Dissect and brainstorm on the concept of a specific social problem and propose a solution.

What is a concept paper? Another way to evaluate your idea is to write a concept paper: a 2- to 5page overview of the
problem you want to address, the solution you are proposing, and the rationale for choosing both the problem and

The paper can be used as a starting point for discussions about the topic, serve as the basis for a source search of
potential funding agencies, or be included in a query letter to a foundation to create interest in your proposal.

Concept paper is only four or five pages long and focuses on the visualization and expression of the basic ideas that
should drive the project. It serves as a prelude to a full paper. The full paper may be a thesis, a program, a project, or
anything that will require a longer time to prepare. It is an embodiment of your ideas on a certain topic or item of

Elements of a concept Paper:

1. A Rationale What prompted you to prepare the concept paper? Why is the issue of such importance? What
should you be able to produce out of your intended study?

2. A Conceptual Framework

It is simply your guide in working on your idea. It is like a map that you need to follow to arrive at your destination. A
mind map is simply a list of keywords that you can connect to make clear an individual issue. It is our subconscious way
of analyzing things. This relates to how we recall past experiences. Mind mapping have to come up with a word, for
example, that will help you start off. You can begin with an issue on computers and from there, generate other ideas
that connect with the previous one.

3. Your Hypothesis A hypothesis is just your expected output in the course of conducting your study. it arises from the
conceptual framework that you have prepared. Ask the following questions: ◦ How are the variables related? ◦ Does
one variable affect another? ◦ Are they related at all? A quick review of relevant and updated literature will help you
identify which variables really matter.

Considerations in selecting a topic:

Personal interest/ passion

Importance/ contribution to the field

Newness/ relevance

Feasibility: time constraints, availability of subject, ethical constraints, organizational support

Instruction for writing concept paper:

1.Write a clear and succinct purpose statement. Your purpose statement should be direct, clear and detailed. What
problem you are attempting to solve and what benefits you expect.

2.Show your knowledge of the funding organization in the introduction. Let the agency know that you understand the
types of project they fund and their overall mission. Then tell them why your particular project is a good match with
their vision.

3.Illustrate the need for solving this problem. In this section of your paper, provide information about what has been
done in the past to try to correct the problem or address the issue.

4.Describe exactly your procedures for accomplishing the task. If your project is a study, include methods of research
and gathering data.

5. Explain what you need from the organization and why. Including anticipated budgets, estimated costs of operation
and upstart, equipment, supplies and training will demonstrate that you are knowledgeable in all aspects of the
potential project and its implementation.

6. Link your theory to practice. Relate to your audience the connections between your ideas, your plans and your
expected outcomes.

7.Emphasize the benefits of the project. End your proposal by revisiting the benefits to the organization.

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