FNCP Prioritization Sheet

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Prioritization Sheet


1. Nature of the Problem (3/3) x 1 1 The problem is a wellness state.

The problem is greatly affected by the primary
caretakers’ knowledge on the right quantity
and quality of complementary foods for C. The
problem is easily modifiable since
2. Modification of the
(2/2) x 2 2 interventions are feasible in helping the
primary caretakers obtain the necessary
knowledge and skill in providing
complementary food that has the right
quantity and quality.
This is a wellness statement, thus, the family
has a current management regime for this
particular health problem. Interventions are
3. Preventive Potential (3/3) x 1 1 needed to further enhance the caretakers’
ability (in both the knowledge and skill aspect)
to provide adequate nutrition in the form of
appropriate complementary foods.
The family recognizes the problem and is well
aware of the health risk associated (i.e.
inadequate nutrition) if this particular problem
4. Salience of the Problem (1/2) x 1 0.5 is not taken care of. However, since the family
is already practicing complementary feeding
with C, they see it as a condition not needing
immediate attention.


2. Readiness for enhanced quality of food intake of Klein Faller


1. Nature of the Problem (3/3) x 1 1 The problem is a wellness state.

The problem is greatly affected by the primary
caretakers’ knowledge on the appropriate
nutrition a toddler must achieve (specifically
2. Modification of the the right quality of food). The problem is easily
(2/2) x 2 2
Problem modifiable since interventions are feasible in
helping the primary caretakers obtain the
necessary knowledge and skill in providing
adequate nutrition to Klein.
This is a wellness statement, thus, the family
has a current management regime for this
particular health problem. Interventions are
3. Preventive Potential (3/3) x 1 1
needed to further enhance the caretakers’
ability (in both the knowledge and skill aspect)
to provide adequate nutrition to K.
The family recognizes the problem and is well
aware of the health risk associated (i.e.
inadequate nutrition) if this particular problem
4. Salience of the Problem (1/2) x 1 0.5 is not taken care of. However, since Klein eats
table food together with the family, they see it
as a condition not needing immediate


3. Readiness for enhanced family planning specifically in the use of Implanon


1. Nature of the Problem (3/3) x 1 1 The problem is a wellness state.

The problem is greatly affected by the
vulnerable member of the family (K)
knowledge and skill in providing the proper
care/maintenance of a hormonal implant
(Implanon). However, interventions such as
2. Modification of the health teachings can provide a solution to this
(2/2) x 2 2
Problem particular problem. Moreover, there are
accessible community resources (Ortoll
Primary Reproductive Health Care Center UP-
PGH, Likhaan Center for Women’s Health,
Kahilum 1 Health Center to name a few)
where the client can avail healthcare services.
With adequate knowledge and skill in
providing the proper care/maintenance of a
3. Preventive Potential (3/3) x 1 1 hormonal implant, the family can avoid having
an unexpected pregnancy, which can be a
possible stress point for the family.
- The family recognizes the problem and is
proactive in seeking health care and
performing interventions that will alleviate the
- Vulnerable member of the family (K)
4. Salience of the Problem (2/2) x 1 1
verbalized that whenever she feels hormonal
implant-related symptoms with unusual
severity/intensity/duration, she immediately
goes to the Ortoll Primary Reproductive
Health Care Center at UP-PGH.


4. Risk for bottle-feeding related conditions


1. Nature of the Problem (2/3) x 1 0.66 The problem is a health threat.

The problem is greatly affected by the primary
caretakers’ knowledge on the various health
risks associated with bottle-feeding. Feasible
2. Modification of the interventions (such as health teachings) can
(2/2) x 2 2
Problem be done to provide a solution to this problem.
Moreover, interventions that aim to eliminate
and/or prevent these bottle-feeding health
related conditions has little to no cost.
With the newly acquired adequate knowledge
and skills of the primary caretakers, the risk of
bottle-feeding related conditions such as
3. Preventive Potential (3/3) x 1 1
diarrheal diseases, early childhood caries and
even obesity can be eliminated and/or

4. Salience of the Problem (0/2) x 1 0 The family does not recognize the problem.

5. Risk for recurrent respiratory tract infections


1. Nature of the Problem (2/3) x 1 0.66 The problem is a health threat.

The problem is partially modifiable since there
is an inadequacy in family resources both
physically and financially. However, there are
still feasible interventions that can be done
that will provide the primary caretakers with
2. Modification of the the adequate knowledge in skills in preventing
(1/2) x 2 1
Problem the recurrence of respiratory tract infections of
K and C. Moreover, accessible community
resources are also available for the family to
avail of; these include health care services
provided by the health centers the family goes
to (Kahilum 1 Health Center) and OPD-PGH.
With the newly acquired adequate knowledge
and skills of the primary caretakers, recurrent
3. Preventive Potential (3/3) x 1 1
respiratory tract infections and its
complications can be prevented.
The family recognizes the problem but does
4. Salience of the Problem (1/2) x 1 0.5 not comprehend the magnitude of the


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