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2019-2020 Iowa Assessment/FAST PLC Protocol Reminders: PLC Guiding Questions

Goal & Action Plan -Conversation should be grounded in student data (mostly formative) 1. What is it we want students to know?
measuring achievement of priority standards 2. How will we know when they get it?
-Every member brings data to each meeting 3. What do we do when they don't get it?
-Interventions/extensions are determined based on data 4. What do we do when they already know it?
-Revisit the Goal & Action Plan periodically to ensure PLC work supports your
goal and action plan

Date Names of Members Present Summarize the formative assessment data your group discussed today. Any other thoughts/concerns moving forward at this time?
1) what assessment(s) you considered,
2) what does the data tell you, and
3) what are your next steps because of this data.
1) We looked at formative and summative assessments we were all giving and
compared what we were all doing. My most recent assessment was a
summative assessment given for my 7th graders. They were working on a
smashbook that included the elements of art within the pages of the book.
They were to include the 7 elements, each included on a single page in a
Morgan Howie, Anne Flathman, Deb creative way, along with refining their artistic skills, such as craftsmanship and
9/25/19 Faugstad, Amy Hanson, effort.
The feedback I gave included what they could improve to bring their grade up,
along with what they could improve upon for the next assignment. Like stated
earlier, they are graded on the artistic standard as well as refining their
craftsmanship/effort and ability, which is a standard on every project, because
it's something we work on all year.
One question I have is if I have a standard that contiously
repeats throughout each project we complete, is there a better
way to show that in the gradebook rather than the same
standard being listed 4 times per semester? -For
example, my HS classes all have the standard 'Refine and
1)I am looking back on my 7th graders again at 2 formative assessments I complete artistic work' and when broken down, is about showing
gave them within the past week. They had to complete a watercolor worksheet, good craftsmanship, effort and creativity. In the gradebook it
as well as 2 planning sketches for their final watercolor project. Most completed doesn't let me list is again without changing the phrasing or
both activities at a 3 or 4. Once they completed these and showed me, they got added in parenthesis (Microscopic drawing) so they know they
to move on to their final watercolor project. Because of these steps, I'm hoping received a 3 on 'Refine and complete artistic work" for that
10/9/19 Morgan Howie for a better outcome on the project. specific drawing.
2) They are just now beginning their final work for the watercolor desserts
inspired by Wayne Thiebaud, so from what I gathered looking at their squash
book watercolor skills and their first few planning sketches, they really have
improved on their watercolor painting skills and have come to find why it is
important to plan and practice their artworks before hopping into a final piece.
3) Because I've tried adding more steps into planning and practicing a final
project before starting, I find that I have less questions being asked, as well as
a better outcome and a more productive class environment. I want to slowly
start adding more technical practice/planning assignments within my other
classes where it would be helpful and necessary
Morgan Howie, Rachel Symonds, Jeff We talked about the number of students who are failing and how the end of the quarter
1022/19 Ferstein will look like and how the study tables will look like
Assessment wise, I talked about how my gradebook looks for yearbook and that I have
a few formative assessment and no summative assessments. Because pages are what
I grade and none are completed yet, I asked if that's alright and we all agreed that it's
okay. I also talked about how the feedback I'm currently giving to students, whether it's
feedback on a 4 or a 1 isn't being looked at or the kid could care less on improving
upon. It's hard to continue giving feedback to students. I'm trying to figure out how to get
students to read feedback and want to do something with it. Often times, kids attitudes
are, oh well I got a 2, I don't care. *tosses rubric in trash* To me, requiring them to
adjust a certain part of their artwork based upon feedback is something I don't want to
do, so I'm not sure what else to do.

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