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ABST 100 (Thursday class) – Assignments 2, 3, & 4

Part 1 – Interview (10% of final mark)

You are to choose an individual to interview about their knowledge of residential school. The interview questions will be provided to
you. Once the interview is complete, you will write up a summary of the interview and the information you were able to gather. You
do not need to reveal the identity of the interviewee but you do need to provide demographic information:
age [i.e. 20s, 40s, no need to provide precise age]
heritage [European, Middle Eastern, mixture, etc]
profession [student, teacher, architect, etc])
This summary should also include your response to conducting this interview. Were you surprised at the answers? Did you learn new
things while conducting the interview? Discuss any response you had to the interview.
Summary should be at least 600-800 words, double spaced and handed in during class on October 11th.

Part 2 – postcard asking a question about residential school (10% of final mark)

From your questionnaire, I want you to identify one question that came to you from the interview. When reviewing the results of
the interview, what major question appears to need answering? This question must be asked on a postcard. Please see for ideas about what this postcard may look like (please be aware that has some material that might
be a trigger for some people. If you suspect you may be triggered by material dealing with sensitive issues, violence, suicide, or abuse,
please see me for alternative sources).
This assignment will be graded based on the relationship of the question and the images used to support the question and its
relationship to the interview summary.

p. 1/3
Postcards should be at least 15cm X 10cm and made of stiff poster board or card stock. You can choose to cover both sides but at
least one side must be covered. It must be handed in during class on October 18th.

Part 3 – poster supplying answer to the question raised on the postcard (20% of final mark)

In this assignment, you will undertake research to answer the question posed on your postcard. You are required to undertake
research using published sources (i.e. not Wikipedia or similar websites) to provide an answer or answers to your question. The
poster must be appealing to look at and provide cohesive information. Please see rubric below for grading information.

Posters must be at least 61cm X 91cm (standard poster paper size available at stationary stores) and on poster paper or cardboard.
Put your name and student number on the back of the poster as well as a list of citations for sources used. Poster to be handed in
during class on November 22nd.
With the permission of students, we will display the posters around campus once the assignment is complete.

Grading Rubric – Poster


A  Extensive independent research  Good understanding of link between  Material is easy to read  Colour and imagery demonstrate
undertaken on the subject research question and research materials  Images and text support one another sensitivity to the subject
 Research sources published articles or  Research is well represented in the but do not replicate one another  Text stands out and is easy to read
books materials prepared and presented  Audience has an easy grasp of the  Overall design catches people’s
 Research clearly linked to research  New information is provided that supports subject matter attention
question research question  Material is presented in a sensitive  Innovative use of poster format
and thought-provoking manner
 No grammar and/or spelling errors
 Language is clear and scholarly

p. 2/3
B  Reasonable amount of independent  General understanding of the link between Material is easy to read but images  Project has met technical
research undertaken research question and research materials and text do not all support one requirements
 Sources are mainly from published  Research is paraphrased rather than another  Text stands out and is easy to read
articles or books integrated into research  Audience has a good grasp of the  Design is imaginative
 Research is sound but predictable  Information provided to research question subject matter
is predictable  Material is presented with limited
 attention given to sensitive or
thought-provoking matters
 Language is clear but lacks scholarly
 Few grammar and/ or spelling errors
C  Minimum amount of independent  Research and research question are  Material is easy to read but no clear  Project has barely met technical
research undertaken presented as descriptions or dependent on relationship between text and images requirements
 One source is from a published book or vague judgements (good/bad, right/wrong) Audience does not easily discover the Text is easy to read but does not
article  Research is presented as quotes or subject matter stand out
 Research is weak and unoriginal paraphrasing  Material is presented with no effort to Design lacks imagination or
  Information provided to research question create thought or insight relationship to subject matter
is vague and/or predictable  Language is clear but simple
 Several spelling and /or grammatical
D  Less than minimum amount of  Research and research question are  Material is difficult to read and there Project has not met technical
independent research undertaken presented as descriptions or dependent on is no clear relationship between text requirements
 No use of published books or articles vague judgements (good/bad, right/wrong) and images  Text is readable but does not stand
 Research is weak and unoriginal  Information provided to research question Subject matter is not apparent to the out
is not clear audience  Design lacks imagination or
  Language is simple relationship to the subject matter
 Several spelling and/or grammatical
F  Little or no research done  Research and research question are not  Material is difficult to read and there project has not met technical
presented in a coherent manner is no clear relationship between requirements
 Information has flaws or not factual images and text  text does not stand out
  Subject matter not evident  design demonstrates little or no
 Language is simple relationship to the subject matter
 several spelling and/or grammatical

p. 3/3

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