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The abortion is the easiest method to end a pregnancy. The abortion is very polemic topic in the past
years. This is because it is a problem which society has an opinion about. Abortion refers to the
interruption and premature termination of pregnancy, this problem on many occasions has as
consequences among many things. There are mothers who abandon their children in an orphanage or
even on the same street, the other and the most dangerous is a clandestine abortion and finally you could
say the legalization of abortion is for a social good.

Unfortunately, abandoned children are not only those who live on the streets, but also many who have a
home and go to schools whose situation is a product of the insensitivity, carefreeness and selfishness of
parents or caregivers. Abandonment is not exclusively what the media report when newborns or children
appear on the streets. According to figures from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), there are
1.6 million children in orphanage in Mexico, Senator Jorge Luis Lavalle Maury said [1]. Many people say
that practicing abortion is like killing a person that you have inside your body but, they don't think that on
the one hand it is much better to have more than one million children in street situations or in an
orphanage in which as soon as they reach the age of majority they will send them to the street, it is a
situation of thinking and analyzing a lot in a certain way. Also, data from non-governmental organizations
indicate that in Mexico City there are more than 20 thousand children in situations of abandonment or
helplessness [2]. It is curious why we as citizens when we see children in the street, either selling gum or
asking for money to eat we think that behind them there is an adult supervising him or even forcing him
to work but we don't think about whether or not You need the money to eat. Our society is a very selfish
society and always think the worst of people without even putting ourselves in their shoes. We should
start thinking before criticizing those people since yes, I want to, they are only in the street asking for
money, but they are not given the opportunity to work because of their age and that is something we do
not notice either.

In Mexico, legal termination of pregnancy is only allowed in Mexico City, until 12 weeks of gestation. While
in two states it is allowed for economic reasons, in 16 states it is allowed when the product presents
genetic alterations, in 14 in cases where the mother is affected in her health, in 25 due to danger of death
and throughout the country it is allowed by rape. But the fact that it is allowed in some states for specific
reasons does not mean that it is safe or that there are safe and free clinics, because currently those who
benefit from legal restrictions are private clinics, to which all the services cannot go women. According to
a study led by the World Health Organization published in 'The Lancet', of the 55.7 million abortions that
were requested approximately every year between 2010 and 2014, about 25 million were unsafe
abortions. The unsafe abortion has medical consequences that in many cases are irreversible and can
cause the death of the pregnant woman [3]. All this is very important given that many deaths are occurring
thanks to this problem, unsafe or clandestine abortion is something very delicate that causes death in
many of our Mexican women and in case the abortion is legalized for any situation As a country we would
be avoiding and reducing the mortality rate of women in Mexico. Even when demonstrating in the
Chamber and Deputies in the framework of the commemoration of International Women's Day, the
activist of the Asilegal organization, Clara Santos, indicated that according to data from the Observatory
of Maternal Death the unsafe abortion is within the First five causes of maternal death [4]. Looking at the

statistics, as a country we should start thinking about what we are doing wrong as a country, or the
solutions that we would put into practice in order to avoid so many deaths and even get off the list of this
cause of women's mortality in our country .

The New York State Senate debated and passed a law last January, which legalizes abortion up to nine
months and, in addition, in fact, for any reason [5]. Such decriminalization in that state would bring in
their favor fewer deaths of women caused by abortion it is very important to take that solution into
account as a country, because thanks to that we could be a country with a better quality of life with
respect to health and we would take more care of the integrity of the life of our Mexican women. In fact,
the increase in abortion in our country or any other that is in the same dilemma as ours would bring three
main consequences, the first decreases the birth rate of women, the second would increase the aging
population in some way and decrease the economically active population, so we can take them as
consequences that favors our country. "The important thing is that the decision of interruption in a
criminalization scenario requires that it be carried out in hiding, in social anomie and with public health
behind it," said Mario Sebastiani, Doctor of Medicine - obstetrician [6]. The doctor's opinion is very
important because as in the case of drugs if it is decriminalized it could be less attractive to society because
when something is illegal on the one hand it is attractive to society, it does not mean that if it is
decriminalized we would have fewer abortion numbers but if we would have safer abortions and as I
already mentioned we would have fewer deaths of our Mexican women.

In conclusion it is important to take into account the fact of decriminalizing abortion, to avoid first and
foremost the deaths of women and secondly we could prevent many of the children from being in street
quality or even living with their parents while carrying a very bad quality of life, mistreated, many of them
without studies, perhaps it is a very “cruel” solution but we could avoid being one of the countries with
the highest birth rate of deaths in women caused by an abortion besides that we could stop having
statistics very great related to children in street quality or in orphanages.

[1] Senado de la República. (2017, April 8). En México existen 1.6 millones de menores en orfandad:
UNICEF. Retrieved October 17, 2019, from

[2] UNICEF. (2018, December 4). UNICEF presenta análisis sobre la situación de la infancia en México,
avances y retos para la garantía de sus derechos. Retrieved October 17, 2019, from

[3] La izquierda diario. (2018, June 28). La realidad tras el aborto clandestino en México. Retrieved October
17, 2019, from

[4] Molina, H. (2019 a, March 7). Attention Required! | Cloudflare. Retrieved October 17, 2019, from

[5] Revista de bioética y derecho. (w.d.). SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online. Retrieved October
17, 2019, from

[6] Ramos, M. (2019, February 14). El aborto: ¿Un bien social? Retrieved October 17, 2019, from

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