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Second Quarter
Lesson 1A
August 14, 2019

A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding of the parts and function of the compound microscope
B. Performance Standards
The learners should be able to employ appropriate techniques using the compound microscope to
gather data about very small objects.
C. Learning Competency
Identify the parts of the microscope and their function.
Sub competencies
1. Identify the different types of microscope
2. Differentiate the types of microscope
Types of Microscope
III. Learning Resources

A. Preliminary Activities
ELICIT- How did the history on the invention and development of the microscope came about?
Who invented the first microscope? Zacharias Jansen
Who was the first man to see microscopic organisms through crude microscope?
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
What is a microscope? Is a device that enable us to see and observe the details of tiny objects.

ENGAGE- 1,2,3 GO Flash each name of the object and its approximate size. Ask students to c hoose the

observation tools needed to see each object Move to their respective choice.
1-eye, 2- hand , 3-lens, 4- compound light 5- electron microscope.

Object Approximate Size Observation Tools

Human Hair 0.00006 m
Red Blood Cell 0.00001 m
Virus 0.00000001 m
Flea’s Leg 0.0001 m
Mitochondrion (length) 0.000003 m
Ribosome 0.00000001m
Frog’s egg 0.002 m
Chloroplast 0.000006 m
Part of a fly’s compound eye 0.0001 m
Cell memebrane (thickness) 0.000000001 m
Hen’s egg 0.07 m
E. coli bactrerium 0.000002 m

B. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills

EXPLORE- Gallery Walk- Gather as much information about each of the types of microscope form the
posted information on the walls of the classroom.
How different are microscope from each other?
When can each of the microscope be used?
C. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
EXPLAIN- Ask the students to present the information they were able to gather and compare them
with that of their classmates. Using the information gathered and presented by each group make a
summary of information describing the parts and function of each microscope type.

ELABORATE- Provide detailed images of each type of Microscope .Describe each type of microscope.
Who do you think they work? What makes them up?
1. Magnifying glass- a simple microscope consists of a single lens
2. Optical Microscope-uses light to produce enlarged images. Depends on the fact that light rays
change direction when pass from transparent medium to another.
3. Compound microscope- a commonly used microscope it uses two lenses. One lens (eyepiece)
produces an enlarged image that is further magnified by the second lens (objective).
4. Electron Microscope- it provides magnification of more than 300 000x. It uses beams of electrons
and electromagnetic lenses instead of light to magnify and enlarge an object.
5. Stereoscopic Microscope- also called binoculars. Specimens being viewed through this may be
three dimensional images. Its magnifying power varies form 6x to 50x. Used for studying external
structure of tiny plants and animals.
Why are stereoscopic microscope called binocular microscope?
6. Phase Contrast Microscope- it gives a view of the structures found in living cells which are nearly
transparent to light.

D. Evaluating Learning:
EVALUATE- Complete the missing information on the chart below.
Picture (Microscope) Name Description

E. Additional Activities for Remediation:

EXTEND- Assignment:
1. Why are stereoscopic microscope called binocular microscope?
2. A researcher went to the study the mitochondria of liver cells of a mouse which microscope is
best to be used? Why?
3. How is a scanning electron microscope different form a transmission electron microscope?

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